I did not think my brothers of Jan 2010 needed me to fill up our forum with this so I thought I would come back here which this may be a good place. I lost a friend today, 40 year old mother of 2 after a 8 year fight with ovarian cancer. Background: I coach 7th grade basketball and her son was on my team last year. She was diagnosed at 32 with Stage IIIC ovarion cancer, underwent an emergency hystorectoomy and fought for the last 8 years to survive. I consider it an honor to have known this woman and her family, her spirit to fight this was amazing. At this point you are probably wondering what ion the hell this has to do with dipping? Let me tell you what I think.
I posted roll for day 48 this morning. In my roll I said I lost a friend this morning, nothing more. I got lots of support and reminder not to dip. I will tell you this, stopping to get a can never crossed my mind. It won't make this feel any easier, she will still be gone. Her kids will still not have their mother and her husband without his wife, my dipping isn't going to change that. The more I thought about it, let's really think about what it would have done: It would given me a better chance of getting cancer. Here is a woman who never asked for this horrid disease and yet I spent 23 shoving my pie hole with something that could give it to me, and I am doing this voluntarily. WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING?
If you are having a bad day or thinking about quitting but think it might be too hard, well guess what, putting that dip in your mouth did not alter ANY OF IT.
To the everyday roll posters of January 2010 and all the people who have voiced support for me whom you have never met, THANK YOU!!!!