Hey bud!
Just like you, I am new to living life again without the use of snuff. I have tried twice now to quit, however I believe that with enough support and willpower you can push through it.
What failed me was lack of support from friends and family. I could only get so far on my own. But don't take that as a sign of weakness; it takes strength to reach out and talk with people, and we're glad that you did!
In fact, I joined this site just two days ago, and my quit day was the 7th. I know it's tough, and I've been there before. Yes, it's gunna feel like pure hell at first, but just remember, like all feelings, it will pass. It's not something you will feel for the rest of your life; and it starts getting much better after a week to 10 days. 14 days is an average for most major hot flashes, sweating, and crave episodes (note, you probably will still feel craves after this period. For them to stop completely depends on the person. I am just saying after this the worst part is over).
Just take it one day at a time; don't see it as you can never do it again. Just one day. Then when that day comes, just one day. Small steps. Don't give in, and KNOW it will pass! You have the strength, I just know it. In fact, I'm going to keep you in mind, because I believe we can both pull through this together man :). People like you, and others give me strength to want to quit.
Feel free to reach out to any of us, contact us, bitch or complain, talk about your experience, ANYTHING. We're a support network here, and we all together in this.