Author Topic: I quit, or have I?  (Read 3420 times)

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #50 on: October 17, 2014, 08:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: twballgame9
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: twballgame9
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this
The fact that you would associate neurochemistry with a straw man argument reveals your deep ignorance as well as irreverence of the work that scientific researchers do on a daily basis to keep people like us away from nicotine and ultimately save lives.
Its a straw man because no matter where you fall on the discussion it is fucking irrelevant to whether you can dip and use this website at the same time. But keep promoting your false intellectual bullshit, it is very compelling and interesting.
Is this what happens on these threads? Arrogant assfuckers debate the merits of nicotine and disparage the way we quit here? I wish I had never seen this thread, but now I have. I won't rest until these fucking idiots either shut the fuck up or get lost.
Moderation idiot, neurochemist dork, and anyone else, (I had to skip ahead because your arguments are mindnumbingly stupid) GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. 'Finger'
Fuck you, fuck off.
Shit, when I said I wasn't going to rest until you were gone, I meant I won't rest until after I go out for happy hour, get hammered, then continue this later.
And to the guy who sent me a link, to this huge fucking waste of time that makes my eyes bleed, but now I have to come back because I know it exists, see here
Edit- I honestly thought this was a philosophical thread "I quit or have I".
I didn't realize I was in the intros.
Is this guy the worst fucking :scowick: ever?
Time to pack it up snowflake. Take your horseshit elsewhere. We don't need a part time user who talks shit to quitters.
I think we've found some demand for some new community websites:,,,,,,
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #49 on: October 17, 2014, 07:35:00 PM »
Quote from: twballgame9
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: twballgame9
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this
The fact that you would associate neurochemistry with a straw man argument reveals your deep ignorance as well as irreverence of the work that scientific researchers do on a daily basis to keep people like us away from nicotine and ultimately save lives.
Its a straw man because no matter where you fall on the discussion it is fucking irrelevant to whether you can dip and use this website at the same time. But keep promoting your false intellectual bullshit, it is very compelling and interesting.
Is this what happens on these threads? Arrogant assfuckers debate the merits of nicotine and disparage the way we quit here? I wish I had never seen this thread, but now I have. I won't rest until these fucking idiots either shut the fuck up or get lost.
Moderation idiot, neurochemist dork, and anyone else, (I had to skip ahead because your arguments are mindnumbingly stupid) GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. 'Finger'
Fuck you, fuck off.
Shit, when I said I wasn't going to rest until you were gone, I meant I won't rest until after I go out for happy hour, get hammered, then continue this later.
And to the guy who sent me a link, to this huge fucking waste of time that makes my eyes bleed, but now I have to come back because I know it exists, see here
Edit- I honestly thought this was a philosophical thread "I quit or have I".
I didn't realize I was in the intros.
Is this guy the worst fucking :scowick: ever?
Time to pack it up snowflake. Take your horseshit elsewhere. We don't need a part time user who talks shit to quitters.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #48 on: October 17, 2014, 06:14:00 PM »
Let me break it down for you R3, based on MY EXPERIENCES.

You are becoming addicted to nicotine. Plain and simple.

I started in moderation as well. A can a month, just when I golfed, only when I played poker, just to relax, after a good meal...and the reasons kept on growing. But I never thought of myself as an addict, just a moderate you.

15 years layer I was banging through two cans a day and it was unfortunately a part of who I was. I was a nicotine addict.

In my humble opinion, you're headed down a similar path and you would be wise to QUIT not STOP. There is a difference.

If you're serious about quitting, stay and we can help. If you want to go on thinking you can continue using in moderation, then I wish you the best of luck as this site is not built for that.

You're either quit or you're not. You're either a 1 or a zero. We'd love to add another 1 to our collection.

Up to you, Bub...
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
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19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #47 on: October 17, 2014, 05:13:00 PM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: AppleJack
Benjo... Your own vocabulary screams your ignorance.

We don't aim for "stopped". It's not acceptable. For you to use that term as a defense of this guy means you need to be quiet and pay attention.

Quit is a mindset that this cat, and you apparently, need to learn.
Don't even bother, Benjo.

There are individuals who clearly are not interested in a real discussion in determining the neurochemistry and psychology of addiction and how each person has different coping mechanisms. Instead, he'd rather berate you on terminology from his high 10,000 post horse. smh
I was a young aspiring neuroscientist for a while, but I don't see the point you're trying to make with the neuroscience angle, either. No, we're not wired all the same way, but there's an overarching principle to this site, and it's an effective one at achieving what really should be every tobacco user's goal: to put it in the rearview. It's just not a good habit to have, addict or 'casual'.

Our initial advice was very much the same: "Why take the risk?" I don't see why we're veering so far away from that into science and semantics.
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.

Offline twballgame9

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #46 on: October 17, 2014, 05:08:00 PM »
Quote from: basshaug
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: twballgame9
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this
The fact that you would associate neurochemistry with a straw man argument reveals your deep ignorance as well as irreverence of the work that scientific researchers do on a daily basis to keep people like us away from nicotine and ultimately save lives.
You mean like how big tobacco and big pharmacy have together created a belief that nicotine replacement therapy is the only way to quit and has spent billions of dollars advertising these "products" that ultimately make them profit, and help very few people quit for good? Or how they've generated a belief amongst the commoners that cold turkey isn't possible, when in actuality it is the most successful and effective method, since our brains have forever been modified by the consumption of nicotine? Hows that for neuroscience?

We are all addicted. Our brains are very similar, and our brains react to nicotine in a very similar manner. You are not special. I am not special. I'm just another addict who is free, and who has burned all boats, bridges, hovercraft, etc that lead back to nicotine slavery. You sound like you've got one foot in the boat heading back.
I thought for a minute there you were going with a "FKSkoal is a big tobacco plant" theory. Damn.


Offline basshaug

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #45 on: October 17, 2014, 05:05:00 PM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: twballgame9
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this
The fact that you would associate neurochemistry with a straw man argument reveals your deep ignorance as well as irreverence of the work that scientific researchers do on a daily basis to keep people like us away from nicotine and ultimately save lives.
You mean like how big tobacco and big pharmacy have together created a belief that nicotine replacement therapy is the only way to quit and has spent billions of dollars advertising these "products" that ultimately make them profit, and help very few people quit for good? Or how they've generated a belief amongst the commoners that cold turkey isn't possible, when in actuality it is the most successful and effective method, since our brains have forever been modified by the consumption of nicotine? Hows that for neuroscience?

We are all addicted. Our brains are very similar, and our brains react to nicotine in a very similar manner. You are not special. I am not special. I'm just another addict who is free, and who has burned all boats, bridges, hovercraft, etc that lead back to nicotine slavery. You sound like you've got one foot in the boat heading back.

Offline twballgame9

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #44 on: October 17, 2014, 05:04:00 PM »
Pompous pseudo-intellectuals are my favorite. Fire up the Socratic method Lipi!

Offline twballgame9

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2014, 05:02:00 PM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: twballgame9
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this
The fact that you would associate neurochemistry with a straw man argument reveals your deep ignorance as well as irreverence of the work that scientific researchers do on a daily basis to keep people like us away from nicotine and ultimately save lives.
Its a straw man because no matter where you fall on the discussion it is fucking irrelevant to whether you can dip and use this website at the same time. But keep promoting your false intellectual bullshit, it is very compelling and interesting.

Offline Smeds

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #42 on: October 17, 2014, 05:01:00 PM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: twballgame9
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this
The fact that you would associate neurochemistry with a straw man argument reveals your deep ignorance as well as irreverence of the work that scientific researchers do on a daily basis to keep people like us away from nicotine and ultimately save lives.
I though he was referencing you ...
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #41 on: October 17, 2014, 04:58:00 PM »
Quote from: Benjo
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Benjo
Quote from: AppleJack
I haven't even read all this ongoing stupidity.

I don't need to.

Quit or leave. It's pretty simple. Stop trying to justify your addiction... It won't work here.
We'll stay right beside you if you wanna quit.

If that's not your goal... Buh-Bye.
I guess if you say "not gonna even bother reading this", I can't accuse you of poor reading comprehension, can I.

He is stopped, and he told himself he's quit, as of six months ago, but he's wavering.

The talk about using in moderation, that's not him advocating it, it's the pre-addict part of his dopamine system trying to get him to give up his quit.

Reaper, you've given your brain hundreds, maybe thousands of doses of nicotine. Your brain loves that shit, because as far as it can tell, each one of those dopamine rushes was for bringing down a buffalo or bedding the chief's daughter. Your brain remembers. It wants that again.

I think it's an interesting, and open, question whether or not that's a symptom of addiction. You certainly haven't gotten away with using dip without modifying your brain, and I think if you reflect on that, it'll be obviously true to you.

You're not in the immediate hold of nicotine, so just try to be rational when you think about picking up another can. What's the upside? Cheap dopamine rush. What's the potential (probable) downside? A disgusting, expensive, embarrassing addiction. Maybe cancer.

Again, good luck with your decision. If you decide you're really, really, done with it, and want some backup, come join us in the Shell.
Benjo... Your own vocabulary screams your ignorance.

We don't aim for "stopped". It's not acceptable. For you to use that term as a defense of this guy means you need to be quiet and pay attention.

Quit is a mindset that this cat, and you apparently, need to learn.
I get the difference, that's exactly why I used the words I used.

Sorry, Reaper, if having a fight in your thread isn't helpful. I'm trying to back up the part of you that wants to actually be done, quit, finished, instead of just stopped until next time.

That's my point man. Quit is where you wanna be... No more waffling.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline schaef418

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #40 on: October 17, 2014, 04:55:00 PM »
holy shit, I need to put on my nerd glasses just to read these words in here.

Offline FkSkoal

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2014, 04:54:00 PM »
Quote from: twballgame9
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this
The fact that you would associate neurochemistry with a straw man argument reveals your deep ignorance as well as irreverence of the work that scientific researchers do on a daily basis to keep people like us away from nicotine and ultimately save lives.
Habits begin as cobwebs and end up as chains.
"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it." -Jordan Belfort

Offline twballgame9

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2014, 04:46:00 PM »
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this

Offline FkSkoal

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #37 on: October 17, 2014, 04:40:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Benjo... Your own vocabulary screams your ignorance.

We don't aim for "stopped". It's not acceptable. For you to use that term as a defense of this guy means you need to be quiet and pay attention.

Quit is a mindset that this cat, and you apparently, need to learn.
Don't even bother, Benjo.

There are individuals who clearly are not interested in a real discussion in determining the neurochemistry and psychology of addiction and how each person has different coping mechanisms. Instead, he'd rather berate you on terminology from his high 10,000 post horse. smh
Habits begin as cobwebs and end up as chains.
"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it." -Jordan Belfort

Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #36 on: October 17, 2014, 04:40:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Benjo
Quote from: AppleJack
I haven't even read all this ongoing stupidity.

I don't need to.

Quit or leave. It's pretty simple. Stop trying to justify your addiction... It won't work here.
We'll stay right beside you if you wanna quit.

If that's not your goal... Buh-Bye.
I guess if you say "not gonna even bother reading this", I can't accuse you of poor reading comprehension, can I.

He is stopped, and he told himself he's quit, as of six months ago, but he's wavering.

The talk about using in moderation, that's not him advocating it, it's the pre-addict part of his dopamine system trying to get him to give up his quit.

Reaper, you've given your brain hundreds, maybe thousands of doses of nicotine. Your brain loves that shit, because as far as it can tell, each one of those dopamine rushes was for bringing down a buffalo or bedding the chief's daughter. Your brain remembers. It wants that again.

I think it's an interesting, and open, question whether or not that's a symptom of addiction. You certainly haven't gotten away with using dip without modifying your brain, and I think if you reflect on that, it'll be obviously true to you.

You're not in the immediate hold of nicotine, so just try to be rational when you think about picking up another can. What's the upside? Cheap dopamine rush. What's the potential (probable) downside? A disgusting, expensive, embarrassing addiction. Maybe cancer.

Again, good luck with your decision. If you decide you're really, really, done with it, and want some backup, come join us in the Shell.
Benjo... Your own vocabulary screams your ignorance.

We don't aim for "stopped". It's not acceptable. For you to use that term as a defense of this guy means you need to be quiet and pay attention.

Quit is a mindset that this cat, and you apparently, need to learn.
I get the difference, that's exactly why I used the words I used.

Sorry, Reaper, if having a fight in your thread isn't helpful. I'm trying to back up the part of you that wants to actually be done, quit, finished, instead of just stopped until next time.
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.