Author Topic: Finally Quit Today  (Read 1946 times)

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Offline rickddd

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2014, 05:10:00 PM »
Quote from: apogeeammo
Quote from: rickddd
Glad you came back to quit for real, Moto. 

Traumag is absolutely right - "Dont have time to post roll" is just an excuse that the "addiction voice" in your head tells you, to keep the door cracked open.  It takes less time to post roll than to drive to the store to buy a can of shiit. So use the time you would have stopped to buy a can, to post roll and/or text a quit buddy.

You have to care for your quit just as much as you used to care for your addiction. You always made sure you had enough shiit in your can to get thru the evening/night, and if you didn't, you ran to the store to get your next can. It was your number 1 priority, always. Right? Thats how you need to treat your quit, always, every single day. It has to be that important to you.
Wow! That is a great perspective rickddd! I have gone out in the pouring cold rain at 11:00pm at night so that I would have a dip available in the morning when I woke up. If I can do that, I can fumble my way through posting roll on my iphone!

Thanks, I quit with you and motoaggie today!
Thanks! Yes, we all did that type of stupid crap when we were users. Its amazing how similar most of our stories are from those days.
My girlfriend (now wife) and I once got semi-lost walking around Huntington Beach CA for about 2 hours trying to find a place that sold copenhagen for me - we were on vacation and I ran out on the last morning we were there. How humiliating! Surprising she didn't tell me to piss off!
It seems I never have time for anything anymore - and that day I found 2 free hours to find a copenhagen. Pathetic.

Quit with you too, bro, and you Moto. (Sorry for the hijack of your intro thread)
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Offline apogeeammo

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2014, 01:18:00 PM »
Quote from: rickddd
Glad you came back to quit for real, Moto.

Traumag is absolutely right - "Dont have time to post roll" is just an excuse that the "addiction voice" in your head tells you, to keep the door cracked open. It takes less time to post roll than to drive to the store to buy a can of shiit. So use the time you would have stopped to buy a can, to post roll and/or text a quit buddy.

You have to care for your quit just as much as you used to care for your addiction. You always made sure you had enough shiit in your can to get thru the evening/night, and if you didn't, you ran to the store to get your next can. It was your number 1 priority, always. Right? Thats how you need to treat your quit, always, every single day. It has to be that important to you.
Wow! That is a great perspective rickddd! I have gone out in the pouring cold rain at 11:00pm at night so that I would have a dip available in the morning when I woke up. If I can do that, I can fumble my way through posting roll on my iphone!

Thanks, I quit with you and motoaggie today!
--Focus on Remedies, Not Faults - Jack Nicklaus
--Do or Do Not, There is NO Try - Yoda
--Recalculating! - The GPS bitch!
--462 Just ahead of me! - Maynard

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Offline rickddd

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2014, 12:26:00 PM »
Glad you came back to quit for real, Moto.

Traumag is absolutely right - "Dont have time to post roll" is just an excuse that the "addiction voice" in your head tells you, to keep the door cracked open. It takes less time to post roll than to drive to the store to buy a can of shiit. So use the time you would have stopped to buy a can, to post roll and/or text a quit buddy.

You have to care for your quit just as much as you used to care for your addiction. You always made sure you had enough shiit in your can to get thru the evening/night, and if you didn't, you ran to the store to get your next can. It was your number 1 priority, always. Right? Thats how you need to treat your quit, always, every single day. It has to be that important to you.
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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2014, 11:50:00 AM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: motoaggie
This site was a huge help in quitting as long as I did. 

The mistakes I made on this site:
1.  was not posting roll every day.  I used the excuse that I was really busy  
     with work and didn't have time to login everyday.  I will have to make this
     a priority this time around.
2.  I didn't really befriend anyone or make any efforts on this site other than
     posting roll.  Several people reached out to me and I am grateful, but I
     didn't take advantage of it.
3.  Once I made it to 100 days I quit posting.  I have learned I need to
     continue posting everyday. 

This time around I will be here everyday to post roll.  I will reach out to my fellow brothers for support.  I am 36 years old. It is time to be the person I know I can be.
You made time to feed your addiction I am sure you have enough time in your day to post roll daily as soon as you roll out of bed. Do it right from your phone blaha blah I don't have a very big data package I don't have good service...don't try it we all have heard it.

You are on to something with the keep in contact. I have a theory as to why you never reached out to anyone its because you wanted to leave the door cracked because your lil addict brain would not let you slam it shut. You have to burn the bridge and the piers too. No fucking around here you want it I/we will help you you show signs of letting up we will kick your ass through the uprights but you have to want it. I can want it all day long for you but if you don't want it please don't take the time away from other quitters who do want it. Its called accountability if you have it you will not want to let your brothers and sisters down with a day 1 post ever again. I cant imagine what it would feel like to post a day one again OMFG that would suck. ODAAT one day at a time get up post roll wake repeat simple.
PM me if you need anything.
Trauma is right about the door cracked. We have been here long enough to see it all...over and over and over.

So, first off, if you are serious, you shall succeed on this site. You have all of the tools you need. You simply need to surrender to get your freedom. Normally the words surrender and freedom don't belong in the same sentence but they do here.

Get involved. Post each day. Help at least one other person everyday. Quit one day at a time. Never quit. Never again for any reason.

PM if you desire personal assistance.
wow motto that's one helluva offer from Sco Daddy and bad ass words. hit him up for the ScoDaddy Theorem it is a very easy theorem but proves itself true time and time again.
the quit Sherpa has opened his hand, I would take it if I were you as the offers don't get much better than that

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2014, 11:40:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: motoaggie
This site was a huge help in quitting as long as I did. 

The mistakes I made on this site:
1.  was not posting roll every day.  I used the excuse that I was really busy  
     with work and didn't have time to login everyday.  I will have to make this
     a priority this time around.
2.  I didn't really befriend anyone or make any efforts on this site other than
     posting roll.  Several people reached out to me and I am grateful, but I
     didn't take advantage of it.
3.  Once I made it to 100 days I quit posting.  I have learned I need to
     continue posting everyday. 

This time around I will be here everyday to post roll.  I will reach out to my fellow brothers for support.  I am 36 years old. It is time to be the person I know I can be.
You made time to feed your addiction I am sure you have enough time in your day to post roll daily as soon as you roll out of bed. Do it right from your phone blaha blah I don't have a very big data package I don't have good service...don't try it we all have heard it.

You are on to something with the keep in contact. I have a theory as to why you never reached out to anyone its because you wanted to leave the door cracked because your lil addict brain would not let you slam it shut. You have to burn the bridge and the piers too. No fucking around here you want it I/we will help you you show signs of letting up we will kick your ass through the uprights but you have to want it. I can want it all day long for you but if you don't want it please don't take the time away from other quitters who do want it. Its called accountability if you have it you will not want to let your brothers and sisters down with a day 1 post ever again. I cant imagine what it would feel like to post a day one again OMFG that would suck. ODAAT one day at a time get up post roll wake repeat simple.
PM me if you need anything.
Trauma is right about the door cracked. We have been here long enough to see it all...over and over and over.

So, first off, if you are serious, you shall succeed on this site. You have all of the tools you need. You simply need to surrender to get your freedom. Normally the words surrender and freedom don't belong in the same sentence but they do here.

Get involved. Post each day. Help at least one other person everyday. Quit one day at a time. Never quit. Never again for any reason.

PM if you desire personal assistance.
wow motto that's one helluva offer from Sco Daddy and bad ass words. hit him up for the ScoDaddy Theorem it is a very easy theorem but proves itself true time and time again.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2014, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: motoaggie
This site was a huge help in quitting as long as I did. 

The mistakes I made on this site:
1.  was not posting roll every day.  I used the excuse that I was really busy  
     with work and didn't have time to login everyday.  I will have to make this
     a priority this time around.
2.  I didn't really befriend anyone or make any efforts on this site other than
     posting roll.  Several people reached out to me and I am grateful, but I
     didn't take advantage of it.
3.  Once I made it to 100 days I quit posting.  I have learned I need to
     continue posting everyday. 

This time around I will be here everyday to post roll.  I will reach out to my fellow brothers for support.  I am 36 years old. It is time to be the person I know I can be.
You made time to feed your addiction I am sure you have enough time in your day to post roll daily as soon as you roll out of bed. Do it right from your phone blaha blah I don't have a very big data package I don't have good service...don't try it we all have heard it.

You are on to something with the keep in contact. I have a theory as to why you never reached out to anyone its because you wanted to leave the door cracked because your lil addict brain would not let you slam it shut. You have to burn the bridge and the piers too. No fucking around here you want it I/we will help you you show signs of letting up we will kick your ass through the uprights but you have to want it. I can want it all day long for you but if you don't want it please don't take the time away from other quitters who do want it. Its called accountability if you have it you will not want to let your brothers and sisters down with a day 1 post ever again. I cant imagine what it would feel like to post a day one again OMFG that would suck. ODAAT one day at a time get up post roll wake repeat simple.
PM me if you need anything.
Trauma is right about the door cracked. We have been here long enough to see it all...over and over and over.

So, first off, if you are serious, you shall succeed on this site. You have all of the tools you need. You simply need to surrender to get your freedom. Normally the words surrender and freedom don't belong in the same sentence but they do here.

Get involved. Post each day. Help at least one other person everyday. Quit one day at a time. Never quit. Never again for any reason.

PM if you desire personal assistance.

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2014, 11:26:00 AM »
Quote from: motoaggie
This site was a huge help in quitting as long as I did.

The mistakes I made on this site:
1. was not posting roll every day. I used the excuse that I was really busy
with work and didn't have time to login everyday. I will have to make this
a priority this time around.
2. I didn't really befriend anyone or make any efforts on this site other than
posting roll. Several people reached out to me and I am grateful, but I
didn't take advantage of it.
3. Once I made it to 100 days I quit posting. I have learned I need to
continue posting everyday.

This time around I will be here everyday to post roll. I will reach out to my fellow brothers for support. I am 36 years old. It is time to be the person I know I can be.
You made time to feed your addiction I am sure you have enough time in your day to post roll daily as soon as you roll out of bed. Do it right from your phone blaha blah I don't have a very big data package I don't have good service...don't try it we all have heard it.

You are on to something with the keep in contact. I have a theory as to why you never reached out to anyone its because you wanted to leave the door cracked because your lil addict brain would not let you slam it shut. You have to burn the bridge and the piers too. No fucking around here you want it I/we will help you you show signs of letting up we will kick your ass through the uprights but you have to want it. I can want it all day long for you but if you don't want it please don't take the time away from other quitters who do want it. Its called accountability if you have it you will not want to let your brothers and sisters down with a day 1 post ever again. I cant imagine what it would feel like to post a day one again OMFG that would suck. ODAAT one day at a time get up post roll wake repeat simple.
PM me if you need anything.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline motoaggie

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2014, 10:52:00 AM »
This site was a huge help in quitting as long as I did.

The mistakes I made on this site:
1. was not posting roll every day. I used the excuse that I was really busy
with work and didn't have time to login everyday. I will have to make this
a priority this time around.
2. I didn't really befriend anyone or make any efforts on this site other than
posting roll. Several people reached out to me and I am grateful, but I
didn't take advantage of it.
3. Once I made it to 100 days I quit posting. I have learned I need to
continue posting everyday.

This time around I will be here everyday to post roll. I will reach out to my fellow brothers for support. I am 36 years old. It is time to be the person I know I can be.

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2014, 10:19:00 AM »
44 posts from 2011 to present hmmm I would go to the welcome center read read read all you can. Obviously your last plan of attack had flaws a mile wide do it the KTC way and you can succeed do it your way see you in 2015 2016... with day 1 posts. Its not rocket science here quit for today only post roll give your word you will not use for today posting roll it tells the others here that you will not use.

You have stopped before you have never quit you quit only once. get active here meet people swap numbers keep close to the site build you a proper foundation or you can keep building your home on sand if you want to. PM me if you need help.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2014, 10:11:00 AM »
Quote from: motoaggie
howdy group.  I quit last year for almost 200 days.  I thought I was strong enough to have a dip on a long road trip.  I was wrong.  I quickly fell back into the "well I may as well finish this can" or "I will quit on Monday" justifications.  I have now been dipping again for several months.  I hate being addicted to anything.  In the back of mine I am always scared that I am going to get cancer.  But at the same time I really enjoy dipping.

I want to quit and I am going to quit!!  I don't think I could do it without this board.

Thank you Gents.
So, I see you joined us back in March 2011 and you have about 40 posts. What group did you post in?

I see you posted in May 2014. Well done.

Please let us know about your history on the site. You have admitted you failed. Why? When? Where? How? What say you? Why are you going to succeed this time?

Offline motoaggie

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2014, 09:57:00 AM »
howdy group. I quit last year for almost 200 days. I thought I was strong enough to have a dip on a long road trip. I was wrong. I quickly fell back into the "well I may as well finish this can" or "I will quit on Monday" justifications. I have now been dipping again for several months. I hate being addicted to anything. In the back of mine I am always scared that I am going to get cancer. But at the same time I really enjoy dipping.

I want to quit and I am going to quit!! I don't think I could do it without this board.

Thank you Gents.

Offline Tanawei

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2012, 11:21:00 AM »
Welcome Jimmy. You got this. Reminds me of a good friend of mine that smoked. Everytime he tried to quit, he would say "I picked a bad lifetime to quit smoking." On the flip side of a quit, I can't believe I let it control me for 30 years. How stupid is that.

We have a great group of people here. Use the resources and post roll everyday. We are all going through or have been through the same issues.

Quitting with you. Stay in the present. Quit now and now and now. Before long, not dipping is your habit.

Offline ShawnB

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2012, 11:15:00 AM »
Welcome Jimmy. Congrats on the twins and for quitting. I have triplets myself so i know what that's like. Good luck on your quit if you need anything PM me. Today, I quit with you.
Why choose to fail when success is an option

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2012, 11:01:00 AM »
Thanks!! I just posted roll for the first time.

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Re: Finally Quit Today
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2012, 10:46:00 AM »
Jimmy we've all had good intentions in the past "kinda"! Go to theJanuary 13 quit group and post roll! That is your promise to stay quit today to your group and yourself.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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TODAY is the day that counts
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