Author Topic: Day 140 and counting  (Read 29614 times)

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Offline Seth

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #223 on: June 30, 2012, 01:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Bruce317
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 975

     This past week I had a chance to sit down and eat dinner and drink a beer or three with some quitters.  This is not the first time I have met quitters but it is the first time in over a year and it got me to thinking. I took a new job a year ago which involved a move, selling a house, finding another one and all the other shit that goes along with uprooting your family and your life.  Well needless to say my involvment on the site and meeting quitters took a backseat to all that. 

      I still posted roll daily but that was it.  I spent no time getting involved in the new groups or passing along information I had learned.  I was in no danger of caving but I did notice as my time here got diminished the thoughts of dip  started to increse.  It was very strange, just little thoughts, my little voice talking to me, a longer look at the cancer selection behind the lady at the C store, noticing more people dipping at work.  Just noticed the thoughts creeped into my mind more than they had been. 

      The stories of people caving after leaving the site fill pages here.  It happens far too often, and there are some recent examples for everyone to see. I am settled again and spending more time on the site and plan to continue.  This place has been the only thing that worked for me and I owe more than I can ever repay.
I will never forget I am an addict and the shit I have gone through to get to where I am today.  Coming here and promising daily not to use reminds me of that and keeps my head on straight.  

       A thank you to all the bad ass quitters that sat with me the other night and shared your stories.  It still amazes me the bonds formed from fighting this shit together.  I can walk in and meet another quitter and it is like we have been friends for life.  This place really is magic!!

First of all, it was a pleasure meetin you brother.

Second, I've been thinkin alot about this lately too. One story strikes too close to home, sitting there staring down the counter behind the Indian dude one of these days will I be weak too? I feel strong right now, but it just takes one weak moment. I don't know, I can't know, but I do know as long as I am here I am quit and I'm not messing with that.

It's good to have you back Greg! FU nic bitch..
I keep waiting for you to make your way out to So Cal. You were one of the most instrumental guys early on in my quit, and even as I close in on two years, I still find myself learning much from your posts.

Keep up the good fight brother. You make a huge difference around here.

Oh yeah. . . THANKS
The product is worth the process.

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #222 on: June 30, 2012, 01:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Bruce317
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 975

     This past week I had a chance to sit down and eat dinner and drink a beer or three with some quitters.  This is not the first time I have met quitters but it is the first time in over a year and it got me to thinking. I took a new job a year ago which involved a move, selling a house, finding another one and all the other shit that goes along with uprooting your family and your life.  Well needless to say my involvment on the site and meeting quitters took a backseat to all that. 

      I still posted roll daily but that was it.  I spent no time getting involved in the new groups or passing along information I had learned.  I was in no danger of caving but I did notice as my time here got diminished the thoughts of dip  started to increse.  It was very strange, just little thoughts, my little voice talking to me, a longer look at the cancer selection behind the lady at the C store, noticing more people dipping at work.  Just noticed the thoughts creeped into my mind more than they had been. 

      The stories of people caving after leaving the site fill pages here.  It happens far too often, and there are some recent examples for everyone to see. I am settled again and spending more time on the site and plan to continue.  This place has been the only thing that worked for me and I owe more than I can ever repay.
I will never forget I am an addict and the shit I have gone through to get to where I am today.  Coming here and promising daily not to use reminds me of that and keeps my head on straight.  

       A thank you to all the bad ass quitters that sat with me the other night and shared your stories.  It still amazes me the bonds formed from fighting this shit together.  I can walk in and meet another quitter and it is like we have been friends for life.  This place really is magic!!

First of all, it was a pleasure meetin you brother.

Second, I've been thinkin alot about this lately too. One story strikes too close to home, sitting there staring down the counter behind the Indian dude one of these days will I be weak too? I feel strong right now, but it just takes one weak moment. I don't know, I can't know, but I do know as long as I am here I am quit and I'm not messing with that.

It's good to have you back Greg! FU nic bitch..
Stay strong !! If you ever need anything sing out...

Offline Bruce

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #221 on: June 30, 2012, 11:32:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 975

    This past week I had a chance to sit down and eat dinner and drink a beer or three with some quitters.  This is not the first time I have met quitters but it is the first time in over a year and it got me to thinking. I took a new job a year ago which involved a move, selling a house, finding another one and all the other shit that goes along with uprooting your family and your life.  Well needless to say my involvment on the site and meeting quitters took a backseat to all that. 

      I still posted roll daily but that was it.  I spent no time getting involved in the new groups or passing along information I had learned.  I was in no danger of caving but I did notice as my time here got diminished the thoughts of dip  started to increse.  It was very strange, just little thoughts, my little voice talking to me, a longer look at the cancer selection behind the lady at the C store, noticing more people dipping at work.  Just noticed the thoughts creeped into my mind more than they had been. 

      The stories of people caving after leaving the site fill pages here.  It happens far too often, and there are some recent examples for everyone to see. I am settled again and spending more time on the site and plan to continue.  This place has been the only thing that worked for me and I owe more than I can ever repay.
I will never forget I am an addict and the shit I have gone through to get to where I am today.  Coming here and promising daily not to use reminds me of that and keeps my head on straight. 

      A thank you to all the bad ass quitters that sat with me the other night and shared your stories.  It still amazes me the bonds formed from fighting this shit together.  I can walk in and meet another quitter and it is like we have been friends for life.  This place really is magic!!

First of all, it was a pleasure meetin you brother.

Second, I've been thinkin alot about this lately too. One story strikes too close to home, sitting there staring down the counter behind the Indian dude one of these days will I be weak too? I feel strong right now, but it just takes one weak moment. I don't know, I can't know, but I do know as long as I am here I am quit and I'm not messing with that.

It's good to have you back Greg! FU nic bitch..
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #220 on: June 30, 2012, 11:05:00 AM »
Day 975

This past week I had a chance to sit down and eat dinner and drink a beer or three with some quitters. This is not the first time I have met quitters but it is the first time in over a year and it got me to thinking. I took a new job a year ago which involved a move, selling a house, finding another one and all the other shit that goes along with uprooting your family and your life. Well needless to say my involvment on the site and meeting quitters took a backseat to all that.

I still posted roll daily but that was it. I spent no time getting involved in the new groups or passing along information I had learned. I was in no danger of caving but I did notice as my time here got diminished the thoughts of dip started to increse. It was very strange, just little thoughts, my little voice talking to me, a longer look at the cancer selection behind the lady at the C store, noticing more people dipping at work. Just noticed the thoughts creeped into my mind more than they had been.

The stories of people caving after leaving the site fill pages here. It happens far too often, and there are some recent examples for everyone to see. I am settled again and spending more time on the site and plan to continue. This place has been the only thing that worked for me and I owe more than I can ever hope to repay.

I must never forget I am an addict and the shit I have gone through to get to where I am today. Coming here and promising daily not to use reminds me of that and keeps my head on straight.

Finally, a huge thank you to all the bad ass quitters that sat with me the other night and shared your stories. It still amazes me the bonds that are formed from fighting this shit together. I can walk in and meet another quitter and it is like we have been friends for life. This place really is magic!! Thank you all for keeing me quit !!


Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #219 on: May 03, 2012, 02:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280

Found some more information today.  Amazing how far these people will go to keep you addicted. Make sure you look at the dates on some of the quotes.  They have been killing people with full knowledge of their actions for decades. 

Without any doubt, the tobacco scientists knew that nicotine
was addictive; that the main reason people smoked and had
a hard time quitting was because of addiction; and that the
impact of nicotine could be boosted by getting it to the brain
more quickly through additions of certain chemicals to the
cigarette. The documents also reveal the tobacco industryÂ’s
strategy of denying to the public that nicotine was addictive.
The most famous instance of denial came when seven chief
executive offi cers of US tobacco companies each swore, in
1994, to a committee of the US Congress that they did not
believe nicotine was addictive.

Sample quotations from the documents on nicotine and
Think of the cigarette pack as a storage container
for a dayÂ’s supply of nicotine. ... Think of the
cigarette as a dispenser for a dose unit of nicotine.
Philip Morris chemist, 1972
Bates no. 2046787966/7982

Smokers are nicotine addicts.
Senior British American Tobacco scientist, 1961
Bates no. 3010833862/3865

Very few consumers are aware of the effects of
nicotine, i.e., its addictive nature and that nicotine
is a poison.
Brown  Williamson, 1978
Bates no. 665043966

[T]he entire matter of addiction is the most potent
weapon a prosecuting attorney can have in a lung
cancer/cigarette case. We canÂ’t defend continued
smoking as “free choice” if the person was
Tobacco Institute executive, 1980
Bates no. TIMN0097164
I love the Truth!!!!! Thanks for posting.

So why can't victims of tobacco sue tobacco companies anymore? Hell Mcdonald's knowingly refused to lower the temperature of their coffee and paid 5 mil. To one victim!

The government really didn't want the industry to die. So like a mobster, they make the tobacco companies pay them for protection.

Does anyone know of a victim of tobacco that received compensation from the state. I would assume that does happen but I wonder how much of the money goes to the victims?

If you are stupid enough to chew, not only are you paying terrorist but you pay more taxes. You are getting double dipped by your politicians and your tobacco company.

The Master Tobacco Settlement

The Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) is an agreement originally negotiated between the four largest tobacco companies and 46 U.S. States and 6 U.S. Territories reached in 1998.

The negotiations addressed the potential liability of the tobacco industry for an alleged cover-up of tobacco-related health problems and ultimately exempted the companies from tort liability from state governments in exchange for a combination of yearly payments to the states and voluntary restrictions on advertising and marketing of tobacco products.

The agreement was meant to provide state governments with compensation for smoking related medical costs and to help reduce smoking in the United States.

The MSA was originally signed in November, 1998 by the four largest tobacco companies, Philip Morris USA, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Brown  Williamson Tobacco Corp., and Lorillard Tobacco Company.

The agreement was later joined by over 40 other tobacco companies. Every U.S. State and 6 U.S. Territories signed the agreement. Florida, Minnesota, Texas and Mississippi had already reached individual agreements with the tobacco industry.

The $368.5 Billion MSA was the largest civil settlement in United States history.

No more lawsuits but tobacco is still available and killing people. The only way to shut these fuckers down is to abstain and educate. Cut of the blood flow. Teach the children to run away from it.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #218 on: May 03, 2012, 01:57:00 PM »

Found some more information today. Amazing how far these people will go to keep you addicted. Make sure you look at the dates on some of the quotes. They have been killing people with full knowledge of their actions for decades.

Without any doubt, the tobacco scientists knew that nicotine
was addictive; that the main reason people smoked and had
a hard time quitting was because of addiction; and that the
impact of nicotine could be boosted by getting it to the brain
more quickly through additions of certain chemicals to the
cigarette. The documents also reveal the tobacco industryÂ’s
strategy of denying to the public that nicotine was addictive.
The most famous instance of denial came when seven chief
executive offi cers of US tobacco companies each swore, in
1994, to a committee of the US Congress that they did not
believe nicotine was addictive.

Sample quotations from the documents on nicotine and
Think of the cigarette pack as a storage container
for a dayÂ’s supply of nicotine. ... Think of the
cigarette as a dispenser for a dose unit of nicotine.
Philip Morris chemist, 1972
Bates no. 2046787966/7982

Smokers are nicotine addicts.
Senior British American Tobacco scientist, 1961
Bates no. 3010833862/3865

Very few consumers are aware of the effects of
nicotine, i.e., its addictive nature and that nicotine
is a poison.
Brown  Williamson, 1978
Bates no. 665043966

[T]he entire matter of addiction is the most potent
weapon a prosecuting attorney can have in a lung
cancer/cigarette case. We canÂ’t defend continued
smoking as “free choice” if the person was
Tobacco Institute executive, 1980
Bates no. TIMN0097164

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #217 on: May 03, 2012, 01:32:00 PM »
The Skinny On Why Nicotine Curbs Appetite
by Jon Hamilton
June 9,2011

Scientists say they have finally figured out how nicotine helps people keep off extra pounds. It turns out that nicotine activates a pathway in the brain that suppresses appetite, according to a study in the journal Science. The finding comes after decades of research showing that tobacco users tend to be a bit thinner than non-users, and that people who quit using tend to put on weight.

The clue turned up during experiments looking for chemicals to treat depression, Picciotto says. A scientist at Yale named Yann Mineur was giving mice a chemical that's a lot like nicotine, she says. "He was watching these mice and he said, 'You know what, they don't eat as much as the mice that didn't get this medication,' " she says. "And so he decided to follow that up. It was a window into how nicotine might be decreasing appetite."

The scientists knew that nicotine must be triggering a response in certain brain cells. So they started looking at cells in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain known to regulate appetite. And they focused on a type of nerve cell, called POMC cells, known to be involved in eating behavior. Sure enough, nicotine made these POMC cells more active. But the researchers still needed to figure out how nicotine was communicating with these cells. To find out, the team took a closer look at the different types of receptors on the surface of the cells, Picciotto says.
"And we actually thought that maybe the same nicotine receptors that make you want to smoke or dip, that make you rewarded when you smoke or dip, would be the ones that also control appetite," she says. "But we were wrong."
So the team looked at another type of receptor. These receptors don't make you feel good — they're involved in the so-called fight-or-flight response that occurs when animals or people encounter a threat.

It turned out these fight-or-flight receptors responded to nicotine in a way that reduced hunger. That would make sense from an evolutionary perspective, Picciotto says. "The fight-or-flight response is one where you actually want to preserve your energy to do something very important," she says. "So maybe you don't want to be out there eating while you're supposed to be running away from a tiger."

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #216 on: April 16, 2012, 10:16:00 PM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 900

I was driving back from a great weekend with my son and family yesterday and it hit me that I was at 899 days, a milestone day tomorrw.  As I drove for the next two hours I kept trying to remember what it was I had enjoyed about dipping and thinking to myself how much better things are without it.  When I see people dipping now it makes me sick.  What a fucking disgusting habit. Spit bottles, nasty teeth, shit breath.. WOW. 

Truth is there is not one single thing that I liked or enjoyed about it, I was merely taking my daily nic fix, how sad.  I cannot ever express how much I appreciate this site and the people who showed me the way.  I had given up hope of ever getting free from dipping but now I cannot for the life of me imagine what the hell I was thinking. 

Freedom is a wonderful thing and worth fighting for daily!  I am not as active in other groups as I was earlly on, hopefully now that I am getting settled into the job and the new house I can fix that.  I still stop in and post roll with the Fucknuts daily....

Thanks again to everyone !!  Next milestone day will be the COMMA !!
Humbled in the presence of your quit Greg.

You helped me early and still do.

Congrats brother.

oh, and Go Raiders!
Thanks my friend! The support from bad ass quitters like you keep my quit strong!


Offline Nolaq

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #215 on: April 16, 2012, 10:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 900

I was driving back from a great weekend with my son and family yesterday and it hit me that I was at 899 days, a milestone day tomorrw. As I drove for the next two hours I kept trying to remember what it was I had enjoyed about dipping and thinking to myself how much better things are without it. When I see people dipping now it makes me sick. What a fucking disgusting habit. Spit bottles, nasty teeth, shit breath.. WOW.

Truth is there is not one single thing that I liked or enjoyed about it, I was merely taking my daily nic fix, how sad. I cannot ever express how much I appreciate this site and the people who showed me the way. I had given up hope of ever getting free from dipping but now I cannot for the life of me imagine what the hell I was thinking.

Freedom is a wonderful thing and worth fighting for daily! I am not as active in other groups as I was earlly on, hopefully now that I am getting settled into the job and the new house I can fix that. I still stop in and post roll with the Fucknuts daily....

Thanks again to everyone !! Next milestone day will be the COMMA !!
Humbled in the presence of your quit Greg.

You helped me early and still do.

Congrats brother.

oh, and Go Raiders!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #214 on: April 16, 2012, 06:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 900

I was driving back from a great weekend with my son and family yesterday and it hit me that I was at 899 days, a milestone day tomorrw.  As I drove for the next two hours I kept trying to remember what it was I had enjoyed about dipping and thinking to myself how much better things are without it.  When I see people dipping now it makes me sick.  What a fucking disgusting habit. Spit bottles, nasty teeth, shit breath.. WOW. 

Truth is there is not one single thing that I liked or enjoyed about it, I was merely taking my daily nic fix, how sad.  I cannot ever express how much I appreciate this site and the people who showed me the way.  I had given up hope of ever getting free from dipping but now I cannot for the life of me imagine what the hell I was thinking. 

Freedom is a wonderful thing and worth fighting for daily!  I am not as active in other groups as I was earlly on, hopefully now that I am getting settled into the job and the new house I can fix that.  I still stop in and post roll with the Fucknuts daily....

Thanks again to everyone !!  Next milestone day will be the COMMA !!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #213 on: April 16, 2012, 06:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Right on Greg. Congrats brother.
Thanks Souli...


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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #212 on: April 16, 2012, 06:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
Congrats. And thank you for 900 days of supporting us, too! You were one of the first to welcome me and tell me how to post...that was 584 days of freedom ago.
ROCK ON !! 584 days.. .seems like yesterday


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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #211 on: April 16, 2012, 06:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 900

I was driving back from a great weekend with my son and family yesterday and it hit me that I was at 899 days, a milestone day tomorrw.  As I drove for the next two hours I kept trying to remember what it was I had enjoyed about dipping and thinking to myself how much better things are without it.  When I see people dipping now it makes me sick.  What a fucking disgusting habit. Spit bottles, nasty teeth, shit breath.. WOW. 

Truth is there is not one single thing that I liked or enjoyed about it, I was merely taking my daily nic fix, how sad.  I cannot ever express how much I appreciate this site and the people who showed me the way.  I had given up hope of ever getting free from dipping but now I cannot for the life of me imagine what the hell I was thinking. 

Freedom is a wonderful thing and worth fighting for daily!  I am not as active in other groups as I was earlly on, hopefully now that I am getting settled into the job and the new house I can fix that.  I still stop in and post roll with the Fucknuts daily....

Thanks again to everyone !!  Next milestone day will be the COMMA !!
Freedom is a wonderful thing and worth fighting for daily!
Damn Straight.

Congrats on the 9th floor.
Thanks Ready !!

Just trying to be like you...

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #210 on: April 16, 2012, 06:05:00 PM »
Quote from: jjprice
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 900

I was driving back from a great weekend with my son and family yesterday and it hit me that I was at 899 days, a milestone day tomorrw.  As I drove for the next two hours I kept trying to remember what it was I had enjoyed about dipping and thinking to myself how much better things are without it.  When I see people dipping now it makes me sick.  What a fucking disgusting habit. Spit bottles, nasty teeth, shit breath.. WOW. 

Truth is there is not one single thing that I liked or enjoyed about it, I was merely taking my daily nic fix, how sad.  I cannot ever express how much I appreciate this site and the people who showed me the way.  I had given up hope of ever getting free from dipping but now I cannot for the life of me imagine what the hell I was thinking. 

Freedom is a wonderful thing and worth fighting for daily!  I am not as active in other groups as I was earlly on, hopefully now that I am getting settled into the job and the new house I can fix that.  I still stop in and post roll with the Fucknuts daily....

Thanks again to everyone !!  Next milestone day will be the COMMA !!
This is awesome. And I needed something awesome today.

Glad it helped out.


Offline Scowick65

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #209 on: April 16, 2012, 04:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 900

I was driving back from a great weekend with my son and family yesterday and it hit me that I was at 899 days, a milestone day tomorrw. As I drove for the next two hours I kept trying to remember what it was I had enjoyed about dipping and thinking to myself how much better things are without it. When I see people dipping now it makes me sick. What a fucking disgusting habit. Spit bottles, nasty teeth, shit breath.. WOW.

Truth is there is not one single thing that I liked or enjoyed about it, I was merely taking my daily nic fix, how sad. I cannot ever express how much I appreciate this site and the people who showed me the way. I had given up hope of ever getting free from dipping but now I cannot for the life of me imagine what the hell I was thinking.

Freedom is a wonderful thing and worth fighting for daily! I am not as active in other groups as I was earlly on, hopefully now that I am getting settled into the job and the new house I can fix that. I still stop in and post roll with the Fucknuts daily....

Thanks again to everyone !! Next milestone day will be the COMMA !!