Author Topic: Aqua's turn...  (Read 1773 times)

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Re: Aqua's turn...
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2014, 09:54:00 PM »
You've made it through what I think is the hardest part. So, just take it one day at a time now. You quit with me, and I'll quit with you. Get some phone numbers from your October group members. Lean on them when you need it. Congrats on not losing your tongue my friend!

Offline Menace

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Re: Aqua's turn...
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2014, 09:37:00 PM »
Welcome to the Asylum Aqua, you have made a great choice obviously. Follow the KTC plan and you will be successful I can guarantee you that. The plan is foolproof so long as it is followed. The map has been laid in front of you and the path blazed, so now all you need to to is follow it to freedom. Listen to the advice you already got here on this intro, these are some serious quitters in here.

Quit with you today

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Re: Aqua's turn...
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2014, 07:35:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Great job posting roll call. Now settle in and keep reading all you can on this site. Lots of knowledge out there. Remember this: you did NOT enjoy dipping, you just didn't enjoy NOT dipping. It will change your whole frame of mind once you understand and accept that you're an addict and you only have two options...(1) feed your addiction daily and never totally satiate it and live in total slavery to a can of chopped up cat turds; or (2) fight and kick and claw and do whatever it takes to take back your freedom one day at a time. It will get better. I promise. Just keep fighting.

Glad to be here with you choosing option 2 today. See you on roll call bright and early tomorrow.
I choose option 2 with Gmann and you, AquaDipper. You sound ready. You wont regret this. Stick with it. It will be the best thing you've ever done!

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Re: Aqua's turn...
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2014, 06:15:00 PM »
Great job posting roll call. Now settle in and keep reading all you can on this site. Lots of knowledge out there. Remember this: you did NOT enjoy dipping, you just didn't enjoy NOT dipping. It will change your whole frame of mind once you understand and accept that you're an addict and you only have two options...(1) feed your addiction daily and never totally satiate it and live in total slavery to a can of chopped up cat turds; or (2) fight and kick and claw and do whatever it takes to take back your freedom one day at a time. It will get better. I promise. Just keep fighting.

Glad to be here with you choosing option 2 today. See you on roll call bright and early tomorrow.

Offline Raz79

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Re: Aqua's turn...
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2014, 05:34:00 PM »
Day 5 was the worst for me. Just make it through the day. Some days are worst, but over time its getting better  better!

Offline AquaDiggity

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Aqua's turn...
« on: July 07, 2014, 05:25:00 PM »
Been dipping for roughly 18 yrs until six days ago. Stopped here and there for a day or more at a time over the years. Never with any real intention of quitting. Never believed I couldn't just put it down until the last year few years. Having two young boys and a wife really got me to the place where this was my only option. Tired of recent health and dental visits where my anxiety is through the roof. It's been difficult but today has been exceptionally tough. I would say that today was the first day that I wanted to actually go to the store and buy a can. Have not. Will not. But this shit sucks. Glad to have run across this site. Your wisdom is there when I need a reality check. Never been much of a tough love type of person but it's understandable in a case such as this type of behavior and addiction. A therapist once told me "You'll quit when you're ready. No one can push you." Didn't understand it at the time but makes perfect sense now. When I was ready nearly a week back, it was much easier to make the decision than years past when I merely stopped knowing it wasn't a quit. This time, I just knew. This is for real. Quit. Just do it. Wish I would've done this years back but wishing is for wells. Special thanks to y'all and your words, Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff, Spitz brand seeds, antacids, and various hard candies. Cravings will subside eventually and until then I quit each morning, afternoon, and evening loving on my boys, wife, and family. Good day peeps. Keep on quittin...