Author Topic: Dippin in Dixie No More  (Read 1669 times)

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Offline bigbamadan

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Re: Dippin in Dixie No More
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 05:20:00 PM »
Day 17 -- Coke or Pepsi

This past weekend I experienced some serious craves. Most were the result of drinking with the guys watching the Final Four. I've seen several recommendations on here not to drink for the first 50 days. I agree that drinking makes it harder, but I'm not going to cave and that's a damn fact...I figure making it through the worse craves will only make stronger. Anyway, I powered through just fine.

However, I decided on Sunday that I would order some of the Hooch to store away for similar crave occasions.

As I do most days, I went home for lunch this afternoon. Check the mail and discover a package. I had forgotten about ordering the Hooch, hadn't thought about it since Sunday. Well I proceed inside and throw down all the mail and head to the refrigerator...still not paying any attention to the Hooch. I fix my lunch and sit down at the computer to check a few posts then head over to msnbc to check the news...still not thinking about the Hooch.

I finish eating and get up to take my plate to the sink...I walk by the table where it's still laying unopened and think to myself you should see what it looks like...what the consistency is like.

I opened the can, the original flavor, and was quite impressed...this looks like dip, far better than any fake I have seen in the past. Well now this has my full interest....I'm not having a crave, hadn't had one all day...sure I thought about dip several times today but never that oh my god oh my god where's my dip, oh yeah I'm quit, moment.

Do I try it or do I store it a way for those bad craves?? Well hell, it's the fake stuff it can't hurt me like the nic filled cancer cookin shit...I ordered it....might as well give it a little try. Pack the can...and throw in a fatty.

Son of a bitch!!! This is some good stuff. It's like I'm dipping again....feels like dip, taste very very similar to cope...more the fine cut than the long, but still. I'm getting pumped. I start to walk around the house taking care of a few little odd chores before heading back to work. This is awesome. I walk into the bathroom and spit in the sink.

This is the one and only thing my wife ever got mad about concerning my dipping...spitting in sinks...bathroom or kitchen, and really who can blame her? That is just disgusting. Bam!! I've done it again...granted she's not home and will never know, but that's not the point. In 10 short minutes with the Hooch, I've gotten sucked back into my old bullshit routine. I immediately pull it out of my mouth....intentionally leave the can on the counter...and walk out the door to head back to work.

Now as I sit here at work, things have changed from only a few hours ago....when I wasn't thinking about the Hooch at all. Now I can't stop thinking about much I liked it....and if I will have another one tonight. Really some crazy shit.

In my short time on KTC I've seen a couple of discussions breaking the oral fixation. I'm guessing it's a long standing discussion. Should breaking the oral part be addressed, or should freeing oneself from the nic bitch be the primary objective? After giving it a fair amount of consideration I've decided there is not right answer. I certainly agree that getting nicotine out of your life is the most important task at hand. However, each person has to decide what the best method is for their quit. Like which soft drink works best for your personal taste...Coke or Pepsi??

Fake stuff or no fake stuff??? Always having something in your mouth or not? Sure, the first week or so I chewed the hell out of different gums, but that has really died down recently. Until putting the Hooch in I don't think I realized the strength of the oral fixation. When I put it in I discovered what I had been looking to replace. And now I have a decision to make. I really thought I knew which way I was leaning...but now I'm not so sure.

But either way...I can promise you one thing...I won't be putting any of that cancer causing shit in my mouth.
Quit: 3/23/10
All good things in all good time.

Offline markr

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Re: Dippin in Dixie No More
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2010, 07:10:00 PM »
Bigbamadan I commend you I used my intro all the way through and still using it after 1 year. It will help you reflect back so that you don't want to go through this again.

Stay strong and stay quit!

Offline bigbamadan

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Dippin in Dixie No More
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:58:00 PM »
I never formally posted an introduction. I joined the site on Day 3 or 4, I think. I posted a little blurb about myself in the July 2010 thread...and recall even remarking to let me know if there was a proper place to do such intro's for new folk.

Point is that detoxing from this shit had me so thick that at that point I really wasn't sure which way was up (not that I'm that far removed at day 15). A few days passed and then my dumb ass realized there are all kinds of other threads on KTC...even one called introductions...imagine that.

Seeing the example from other KTC members and after giving some serious thought to the matter...I've decided to use this intro forum as my quit blog...tracking/commenting upon my progression as the days free from nic start to accumulate. At first I wasn't keen on the idea of doing this, being the intro page is open to whoever may stubble across this site. But then, like I'm sure many of you, I thought well I guess that openness is for the greater good. If somehow reading my account of the quit can convince one single person to lay this shit down...then it's worth it.

Plus, as I've mentioned in the July excessive posting updating my quit has drastically spurred on the effort. So now I'll keep my July posts along the lines of supporting my July 10 brothers....pounding down limp wrist cavers in attempt to bring them back to the side of the right....and keeping the quit strong and committed. That way if you want to follow my inane ramblings on "how I feel" you can come willingly to this thread and not have to be subjected to it in the July thread.

So for that intro...

I started dipping around 18. I smoked off and on since 16 and decided at that point that I needed to quit. I had a few buddies that dipped, so I decided I could use it to wean myself off the was that a horrible decision. I loved that shit more than any cig I'd ever had. I still remember those first few dips from a friend....Cherry Skoal...I don't even think they make that nasty shit after that I switched to Cope Long and never looked back....that gold topped pseudo friend was always remained in arms reach.

So fast fwd 10 years later...I'm now married to a wonderful woman (who never once asked/forced me to quit) and have an amazing 10 month old little girl. I secretly told myself that I would quit by the time she was 1....not sure if I believed it or not but told myself I would "try." Since being on this site I found a quote from someone that I really liked. "Do or Don't...there is no try." That is so true. I "tried" a handful of times before and never made it past 5 days.

A few weeks ago I was sitting in the floor playing with my daughter and it finally hit me..."what if I'm not around to watch her grow up because of this stupid shit I've put in my mouth everyday for the last 10 years." So the next week I said was going to try to drastically cut back....when that amounted to just about a can less for the week I said fuck it....I'm done.
Quit: 3/23/10
All good things in all good time.