Author Topic: Triggers  (Read 4967 times)

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Offline TheMissingPeace

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2011, 10:39:00 PM »
Chris-you crack me up. I really needed that. I'm on Day 5 and the last few days have sucked. As far as the fake stuff. I just wrote about something similar. After 30 years of dipping I am so used to the physical act of dipping that I'm not looking forward to the time when I will eventually have to quit that as well. But for now I am using Smokey Mountain Wintergreen (I sprinkle cayenne pepper on it) and it's better than I thought it would be. It definitely helps. Sorry I didn't answer your question. I guess I am going to follow grimace's advice and just get through each day without nic for the time being and cross the other bridge when I get there. Quit with you. Peace

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2011, 10:06:00 PM »
I say chew a few cans a day if you need to! If it helps just chew it. I'm 123 days in and I still throw some in every now and then. I have found that the usage just naturally trails off with time. 3 weeks though don't worry about using it just focus on quitting each day no nicotine and that's what you are doing. Sounds to me like you are doing great! I bet you find as time goes on you'll use less and less, it's not addictive so you are good to go!

Offline cjs238

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2011, 08:31:00 PM »
Im trying to figure out what peoples opinions are on using the fake shit. I bought Hooch and have found it to be a huge help during my quit. I am about three weeks in and am doing OK...probably no better or worse than most at three weeks in. I guess im just wondering what peoples thoughts are on the best way to use the fake stuff (from a strategic perspective). I get these major cravings still at three weeks in, and using Hooch really helps...even alleviates the cravings to a certain extent. I guess im really just wondering if my desire to use Hooch will eventually go away or if i will have to "quit" the fake stuff as well. thoughts appreciated. I hope the people at Skoal die. They are all motherfucking cocksuckers.


Offline nkt

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2011, 01:32:00 PM »
My left eyelid twitched constantly for about three weeks; just about drove me insane. The physical symptoms, twitches, fog, cravings and all of that shit will go away eventually... just keep adding days and it will get better.

Offline andrew

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2011, 08:26:00 AM »
I had a few nervous "tics" when I was growing up, as early as age 11 or 12 or so.....things like popping my knuckles over and over...I stopped doing them in recent years, but after I quit I've been noticing myself doing it a lot more. I think most of us are naturally tuned to deal with stress a certain way. For all of us here, that was throwing in a dip. Now our bodies and our brains have to figure out what to do now, whether it be twitch our eye or pop our knuckles or pop our gum loudly (which is what I tend to do most often). I think it's just an outlet that keeps us from exploding from pent up energy or stress.
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Re: Triggers
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2011, 08:21:00 AM »
Quote from: cjs238
thx for the responses. muscle twitches are the least of my effin concerns to be honest with you. what bothers me most is that i will go a few days feeling totally great with no cravings or anything, and then BAM i will get nailed with the fog and cravings that wont go away. Im almost three weeks in hopefully these get farther and farther between.
Perfectly normal...this is just something we have to deal with for awhile. Yes, they all of these occurances get fewer and farther long as you stick with this.

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2011, 10:13:00 PM »
thx for the responses. muscle twitches are the least of my effin concerns to be honest with you. what bothers me most is that i will go a few days feeling totally great with no cravings or anything, and then BAM i will get nailed with the fog and cravings that wont go away. Im almost three weeks in hopefully these get farther and farther between.

Offline TheMissingPeace

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2011, 10:05:00 PM »
No muscle twitches here but am having trouble swallowing food. It gets stuck in my esophagus. ??? Guess our bodies are trying to relearn how to operate without the nic bitch. Peace

Offline redtrain14

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2011, 06:20:00 PM »
Quote from: RagingJew
Sounds like nervous twitches, but I'm no doctor. I had them above my left eye for the longest time in the first half of my quit.
Cool! I had them below my right eye on and off for my first couple hundred days.


Offline jimmy127

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2011, 05:38:00 PM »
Quote from: cjs238
I've been getting muscle twitches somewhat often (never constant though).  Was wondering if anyone else has been getting them since their quit day.  I also feel like i will go a few days with no quit related problems at all, and then all of a sudden i will get intense cravings that last hours sometimes (along with the fog).  sux
My day 6, 7, and so far 8 have been great, but also make me kind of worried. I haven't had much craving at all these days, and it makes me think, "Is it over already? What happened to 100 days?" I'm expecting a battle royal 2 to come along, very reminicent of my day 2 where I almost fell.

Offline RagingJew

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2011, 04:45:00 PM »
Sounds like nervous twitches, but I'm no doctor. I had them above my left eye for the longest time in the first half of my quit.

Offline sas32032

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2011, 03:35:00 PM »
I haven't had muscle twitches per say. My wife says since I quit that I twitch while I sleep. Not sure if that is what you are referring to or not. But sure either way they are both side effects.

Offline cjs238

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2011, 03:08:00 PM »
I've been getting muscle twitches somewhat often (never constant though). Was wondering if anyone else has been getting them since their quit day. I also feel like i will go a few days with no quit related problems at all, and then all of a sudden i will get intense cravings that last hours sometimes (along with the fog). sux

Offline Bean

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2011, 10:41:00 AM »
I'm at Day 216 and driving in traffic and mowing the lawn are still huge triggers. I keep gum and breath mints in the truck. The craves that used to come throughout the day are mostly gone. It definitley will get better.

Stay quit, bro.

Offline Seth

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Re: Triggers
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2011, 10:56:00 AM »
If you're like many of us, you started dipping before your body reached maturity. As such, your body doesn't have any idea what 'normal' is. It will take time before your body rewires itself. The key is to be aware of what is happening and to use the tools you now have to fight it. People use all kinds of things as a substitute: gum, seeds, cinnamon flavored toothpics, mints, etc. Eventually the cravings mostly go away. I still get them from time to time, but for the most part none of my old triggers seem to be an issue anymore. (Well, maybe if I have too much to drink. Avoid that for a while.) How long that will take is anyone's guess. I know you want an easy answer, that after x amount of time everything will be fine, but the reality is that it's different for everyone. Some guys don't seem to have any craves from day one. Others have used a can a day of fake stuff through the first year. Remember that you poisoned your body for 13 years and this is simply the price you must pay to wean yourself from it. It does get better, WAY better. I just can't tell you when bro.
The product is worth the process.