Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 1101 times)

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Offline Soldat

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2010, 12:06:00 PM »
After spending quite a bit of time looking around this wonderful website, I thought it would be fair for me to put my 2 cents in on the topic of caving. This happened to me countless times over my 40 year association with Cope and I can assure you any excuse was all I needed to fall back into that can and then all was right with my world. There were countless days when I had wondered what it would be like if I had never started, never tried it, wondered if I could give it up, wondered how much longer I could go before I crossed the line of cancer --- all the while playing Russian roulette.
Since joining this site I have put things in a better frame of mind or perspective. These may not work for everyone, but it makes sense to this old soldier.
1. Craving a dip is a passing thought that a substitute can help subside. It's like making a jump from a C-130 at 500 feet with no reserve -- if you can walk away - then it was a good jump.
2. Do I have a problem???????? Gaining weight --- I have, but that is something I can work on ---- it is not a problem -- more of an inconvenience --- having mortar rounds landing inside your perimeter --- that is a problem.

Bottom line is --- I like being free of the can. Thought I could never do it or at least never wanted to try hard enough to do it. But now, I see I can because there are others out there who might be reading this that have already done it. You are my inspiration and I want to get to where you are. Free and clean. I fully believe this website possesses the tools to help me do that. Airborne !!'Remshot'
Gun Wisdom - I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6!

Offline Soldat

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2010, 09:17:00 PM »
I don't make many postings --- seeking publicity is not what keeps me motivated to stay in the game. I must thank Rick for recomending I add this short story and hopefully it will be of help to any of my friends who are in the May Group.
Basically, my post is a very short story from my log in on Friday. We have weathered the storm here in Ft. Worth and back on an even keel now. I just mentioned how my concentration on work has helped me keep my focus off the can and saving me valuable time and resources. The toughest part of the day is the evenings by the tube but getting back on the PT regimine of 3-4 mi. per day is helpful. Not that it will get me back on "jump status" but sure seems to help knock inches off the waist and help with more wind. Not a bad plan for an old soldier. Anyway, just words of encouragement for all my May quit friends. Wishing you the best of health - one day at a time. 'Remshot'
Gun Wisdom - I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6!

Offline Soldat

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2010, 01:04:00 PM »
Most appreciated. The accountability is a most important feature and I truly enjoy the duty of reporting in and making sure I am faithful to the pledge of quitting. I look back over the years and would have given anything to have had this suppor 10-15 years ago. But, now is better than never, so I am thankful for what we have. 'Remshot'
Gun Wisdom - I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6!

Offline jdferguson07

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2010, 03:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Soldat
Day 9 and still going one day at a time. For an old soldier that depended on Cope to be the daily crutch, this is a real achievement to make it this far. Tried quitting 2 times previously but the focus was on the use of Nicorette gum. That stuff was a waste of time and had no impact on me whatsoever. This is a much more workable solution with support and the use of a placebo (mint) that makes the cravings easier to handle. Thank you for your support. 'Remshot'
Congratulations Soldat. Keep it up and stay focused. Do NOT slip into old habits.

I know how you have been feeling these last few days, and I am quit with you today.
Grit your fucking teeth and man up like the fucking stud you are. I'm right there with you, and I promise not to dip today

Quit- 2.10.10, HOF- 5.20.10

My Quit.

Offline Soldat

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2010, 03:14:00 PM »
Day 9 and still going one day at a time. For an old soldier that depended on Cope to be the daily crutch, this is a real achievement to make it this far. Tried quitting 2 times previously but the focus was on the use of Nicorette gum. That stuff was a waste of time and had no impact on me whatsoever. This is a much more workable solution with support and the use of a placebo (mint) that makes the cravings easier to handle. Thank you for your support. 'Remshot'
Gun Wisdom - I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6!

Offline MikeA

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2010, 03:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Soldat
Thank you for the responses. Just so I stay in my lane, what is the proper protocols on signing in for roll call, posting comments, etc. I can see where many members are doing so, but is there a certain area for the May 10 group or just wander at will. Any assistance is certainly appreciated. Many thanks.
Yes, from the front page, go to quit groups, the the May group is in the top 4. Click it and meet your brothers.

Offline Soldat

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2010, 03:09:00 PM »
Thank you for the responses. Just so I stay in my lane, what is the proper protocols on signing in for roll call, posting comments, etc. I can see where many members are doing so, but is there a certain area for the May 10 group or just wander at will. Any assistance is certainly appreciated. Many thanks.
Gun Wisdom - I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6!

Offline jdferguson07

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2010, 01:40:00 AM »
I'm new here too and definitely need some people to be accountable with.

I am just finishing up my 2nd day without nicotine, so while today sucked I know the worst has probably yet to come.

Stay strong bro.
Grit your fucking teeth and man up like the fucking stud you are. I'm right there with you, and I promise not to dip today

Quit- 2.10.10, HOF- 5.20.10

My Quit.

Offline jRock

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2010, 12:59:00 AM »
Quote from: TampaCJ
Quote from: Soldat
Just a short note as a form of introduction.  Made the hard call this past Saturday and after over 40 yrs of Cope use -- I finally got the guts to say enough is enough.  Now working on day #6.  Not the easiest thing but mint substitutes are a great help.
Welcome aboard Soldat. Definitely not the easiest thing you have ever done but it will be the most rewarding! Oh, and it gets easier. Stay strong and stay quit!
What he said. I too quit last weekend although my first day free of dip wasn't until Sunday. If you need anything just holla. Make sure you post roll every day, it seems like such a small thing but when you're getting those cravings it helps to remember you gave your word you'd be nic free that day.
ooM went the dyslexic cow.

Offline SeattleCJ

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2010, 12:44:00 AM »
Quote from: Soldat
Just a short note as a form of introduction. Made the hard call this past Saturday and after over 40 yrs of Cope use -- I finally got the guts to say enough is enough. Now working on day #6. Not the easiest thing but mint substitutes are a great help.
Welcome aboard Soldat. Definitely not the easiest thing you have ever done but it will be the most rewarding! Oh, and it gets easier. Stay strong and stay quit!
Quit: 8/28/09
HOF: 12/05/09

Just because you have something to say, doesn't mean you should say it.

Offline Soldat

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« on: February 12, 2010, 12:15:00 AM »
Just a short note as a form of introduction. Made the hard call this past Saturday and after over 40 yrs of Cope use -- I finally got the guts to say enough is enough. Now working on day #6. Not the easiest thing but mint substitutes are a great help.
Gun Wisdom - I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6!