Author Topic: It's On  (Read 1297 times)

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Re: It's On
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2012, 09:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Wedge
100 days today and hits the hall.

Nicely done!

Outfuckingstanding. Congratulations bud.

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Re: It's On
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2012, 08:53:00 AM »
100 days today and hits the hall.

Nicely done!


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Re: It's On
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2012, 07:44:00 PM »
Donttread good stuff man and welcome to the site. I have been quit for 36 days and posting roll and the chat room have been a lifesaver for me. i'm glad youre here and if you need anything at all send me a message.

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Re: It's On
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2012, 10:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Donttread
Quote from: Wt57
Don't------- your story is so familiar! Man you do have your shit together now stay quit, post daily and early!!!! Gather support quiters to reach out to.  Read What to expect.
Oh I've done a helluva lot of reading on here and I'm not nearly done yet. I really appreciate your support and I look forward to reading your wise words when I'm staring that cave in the mouth. I have no doubts that it can be done. I have no doubts that I can do it.
You are doing it Dont, you are quit! Post roll early every morning, keep reading, reach out and help others. All of these things will strengthen your quit.
PM me if I can help you in any way. Congrats, you made the right choice by being here and being quit!
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
1 Year 2/10/13
2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

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Re: It's On
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2012, 10:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Don't------- your story is so familiar! Man you do have your shit together now stay quit, post daily and early!!!! Gather support quiters to reach out to.  Read What to expect.
Oh I've done a helluva lot of reading on here and I'm not nearly done yet. I really appreciate your support and I look forward to reading your wise words when I'm staring that cave in the mouth. I have no doubts that it can be done. I have no doubts that I can do it.
Tip - Best way to not dip: Don't buy a can of dip. Literally easier done than said.

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Re: It's On
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2012, 01:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Donttread

I seem to have found a great spot to share Chapter 1 of this awful, awful story.

I started dipping about 6 years ago to the date. Any guesses on my age? ...19. Yep. I took my first pinch in middle school when me and my friends were in the woods. At that time, I just wanted to try it. My "coolest" friend dipped, my "coolest" cousin dipped, my "coolest" uncles dipped, and all the "cool" baseball players dipped. And as I'm sure all of you did, I thought I was going to die. But for some godforesaken reason, the 13 year old child jackass inside me decided that I was going to push my way through to the other side until I "could just dip when I want without being light headed" that way I could look "cool" around my friends and cousin without actually getting hooked. See that's why 13 year olds aren't supposed to have access to tobacco; they are dumbasses.

I had a dip everytime I was around my friends in middle school, then I started sneaking dip into school, then I got good enough to convince some of my teachers to let me dip in class if I didn't make it noticeable to other students.

Then came high school - dip in class, vocational school - dip during welding, baseball - I literally never didn't have a dip in, got my license - the good ol' driving dip.

I told myself as well as my friends that when I turned 18 it wouldn't be as exciting to dip because I could just buy it myself so I would just quit; but then I turned 18...I hit a whole new level.

I got a job - dipped before, on break, and on the drive home. I would leave half a subway sandwich uneaten and wrapped up so I would have time to get a good dip in before I had to go back in. I said I would quit before college but of course I didn't. College and work was "too stressful not to dip".

Weekdays I probably dipped about 3/4 can per day. Weekends (long drives home, parties, poker nights, etc) I would dip a can, can and a half easy.

Notice I said "dipped".

I woke up this morning, got in my car, closed the door, heard the tin lid of my Copenhagen Wintergreen can ting against the door, and for some strange reason, be it choice or devine intervention, I thought to myself, "Nah."

Many a time I've told myself "Alright, I'm quitting today." Only to put a dip in thirty minutes later, or break down and have one at the end of the day, or make the mistake of "rewarding myself" by having one the next day. But this time seems different.

Until today I had no idea how addicted I actually am. Since noon it is the only thing on my mind. So I did some internet search and found this site.

So here I am.

Don't------- your story is so familiar! Man you do have your shit together now stay quit, post daily and early!!!! Gather support quiters to reach out to. Read What to expect.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: It's On
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2012, 09:22:00 PM »
I see you.

Check your (Inbox 1) upper right corner of your screen.

P.S. I added you to roll call.

You have given your word, I have accepted it, now keep it.

Offline Donttread

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Re: It's On
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2012, 09:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Zam
Good call seeking help with the quit. We've all failed the same way you have, MANY times. That was when we were alone. If you are dead serious about quitting, this place will help. Not "I'm gonna try my hardest" serious, but "I'm not gonna put that shit in my mouth again no matter how shitty I feel" serious. You will find support here by the truck load, but you will find little sympathy for half ass "attempts". We do not attempt to quit, we quit. period. If you can live with that, I look forward to you posting roll.
Bless you sir. Bless this site. Thats the kind of attitude I need. Everytime I've tried I get the "I really don't think you can pull it off" or the "Okay have a dip you've earned it" from my buddies and that's why up until literally two minutes ago I still had two cans of that shit readily available to destroy my face.

I've found the right place.

p.s. The little plastic rings on soda bottles are my savior for oral fixation right now.
Tip - Best way to not dip: Don't buy a can of dip. Literally easier done than said.

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Re: It's On
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2012, 09:02:00 PM »
Good call seeking help with the quit. We've all failed the same way you have, MANY times. That was when we were alone. If you are dead serious about quitting, this place will help. Not "I'm gonna try my hardest" serious, but "I'm not gonna put that shit in my mouth again no matter how shitty I feel" serious. You will find support here by the truck load, but you will find little sympathy for half ass "attempts". We do not attempt to quit, we quit. period. If you can live with that, I look forward to you posting roll.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline Donttread

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Re: It's On
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 08:58:00 PM »
Quote from: brainsore
Welcome aboard Donttread,

The dip stories we can all tell . I wish I read the part where you took your stash and took your cans into the bathroom and flushed them down the toilet .
Maybe that will be the next chapter ? I'm sure you have read the rules and the cold turkey part of this place , you have told us you have already quit ( awesome on that part ) . I saw you posted a hello yall in your quit group but how about " I quit and add me to the group " ? So we know your in for the Win ..
I pop into chat often and maybe we can meet there . Until then as I said Welcome Aboard and the Fog does lift .

I'm glad you said that. I strongly considered tossing the can out of the window this morning but I figured a $500 fine would be a terrible way to start this journey. I have two cans right now. The one in my car and my emergency can in my bathroom closet. I will promise you this: the second I hit "Add Reply" I'm flushing that poison.

Tip - Best way to not dip: Don't buy a can of dip. Literally easier done than said.

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Re: It's On
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2012, 08:47:00 PM »
Welcome aboard Donttread,

The dip stories we can all tell . I wish I read the part where you took your stash and took your cans into the bathroom and flushed them down the toilet .
Maybe that will be the next chapter ? I'm sure you have read the rules and the cold turkey part of this place , you have told us you have already quit ( awesome on that part ) . I saw you posted a hello yall in your quit group but how about " I quit and add me to the group " ? So we know your in for the Win ..
I pop into chat often and maybe we can meet there . Until then as I said Welcome Aboard and the Fog does lift .


Offline Donttread

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It's On
« on: May 08, 2012, 08:16:00 PM »

I seem to have found a great spot to share Chapter 1 of this awful, awful story.

I started dipping about 6 years ago to the date. Any guesses on my age? ...19. Yep. I took my first pinch in middle school when me and my friends were in the woods. At that time, I just wanted to try it. My "coolest" friend dipped, my "coolest" cousin dipped, my "coolest" uncles dipped, and all the "cool" baseball players dipped. And as I'm sure all of you did, I thought I was going to die. But for some godforesaken reason, the 13 year old child jackass inside me decided that I was going to push my way through to the other side until I "could just dip when I want without being light headed" that way I could look "cool" around my friends and cousin without actually getting hooked. See that's why 13 year olds aren't supposed to have access to tobacco; they are dumbasses.

I had a dip everytime I was around my friends in middle school, then I started sneaking dip into school, then I got good enough to convince some of my teachers to let me dip in class if I didn't make it noticeable to other students.

Then came high school - dip in class, vocational school - dip during welding, baseball - I literally never didn't have a dip in, got my license - the good ol' driving dip.

I told myself as well as my friends that when I turned 18 it wouldn't be as exciting to dip because I could just buy it myself so I would just quit; but then I turned 18...I hit a whole new level.

I got a job - dipped before, on break, and on the drive home. I would leave half a subway sandwich uneaten and wrapped up so I would have time to get a good dip in before I had to go back in. I said I would quit before college but of course I didn't. College and work was "too stressful not to dip".

Weekdays I probably dipped about 3/4 can per day. Weekends (long drives home, parties, poker nights, etc) I would dip a can, can and a half easy.

Notice I said "dipped".

I woke up this morning, got in my car, closed the door, heard the tin lid of my Copenhagen Wintergreen can ting against the door, and for some strange reason, be it choice or devine intervention, I thought to myself, "Nah."

Many a time I've told myself "Alright, I'm quitting today." Only to put a dip in thirty minutes later, or break down and have one at the end of the day, or make the mistake of "rewarding myself" by having one the next day. But this time seems different.

Until today I had no idea how addicted I actually am. Since noon it is the only thing on my mind. So I did some internet search and found this site.

So here I am.

Tip - Best way to not dip: Don't buy a can of dip. Literally easier done than said.