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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #124 on: January 13, 2013, 07:58:00 PM »
The only call LOOT would make would be to the supplier. "If my nephew show up with dip in his mouth, LOOT gonna assume you supplied it whether you did or not. LOOT will call you just prior to departure so you have time to get the cops there. Maybe they can stop the ass whoopin thas about to befall you"

Then, all you can do is try and reason with the kid. Too overbearing and he tunes you out and goes underground. Too easy and he takes it as approval. But let him know if the little guys tell you hes been dipping you will break him for exposing them to it. Delicate situation for sure.

Offline ERDVM

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #123 on: January 13, 2013, 07:40:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: lospenguinos
Quote from: kana
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: kana
I'm fucking pissed  My nephew (JOHN) 18 yr old (the oldest of all of them) Just picked up his little brother from my house. little brother jacob is the same age as my son (6), and they have sleep overs every week. anyway jacob went outside and was getting in JOHNS car, and I noticed JOHN had a swollen lip. I know that fuckin look. he was hiding his face cause he saw me looking at him through the window. I went outside and he wouldn't roll down the window. When he finally did he had a huge fuckin dip in. MY FUCKING 18 YR OLD NEPHEW. I was there when he was born. I taught this kid to swim in the ocean, I taught him lot's of things. Did I teach him to dip? I fucking hope not? I tried to talk to him calmly.. What the FUCK are you doing with that shit in your lip I said.. I told him I don't dip anymore. 162 days.. I said how long? almost 2 years he said.         I told him briefly how fucked up my life was while the bitch was driving. I'm still in shock but he's definitely a ninja.. He said it's ok my parents know. I said It's not fucking ok, It will kill you. He looked very scared by now, and knew I was pissed  serious.. Then he said please don't tell my mom.. obviously they don't know. I sure as hell don't want him to go through the same shit I did. 34 years of nic lies? Man I'm at a fucking crossroads.. help him quietly myself or tell his mom (my wife's sister) tell my wife? They're both gonna shit. He's leaving for college in the fall. need to fix this before he goes...FUCK
Go Nuclear, but tactical.

Print up the Sean Marsee story- pics and all. Print up the KERN story, and better yet, make him read the guestbook at their caring bridge site.

Tell his parents - give him the chance to tell them first.

I've read 1,000 posts that said I wished my parents kicked my ass when they caught me. Including mine. You can change this kids life for the better, if you don't try you'll always wonder.

When he goes to college you lose your shot.

Just my opinion
SM I always admire your words, (just so you know) I will talk to him first, I don't want to lose his trust. I told him this is between you and me. Great idea about the stories. I'm gonna print a couple. I'm still dealing with my quit, thank god this didn't happen early in my quit, but just mad at the bitch in general. No one else in the family dips, so I'm hoping it wasn't me that started this thing, but I'll be dammed if I don't finish it.
Just had the talk.. didn't want to waste any time.. He took it rather well, but my heart was freakin racing.. I hope I didn't start to ramble but we talked for 30 minutes. I gave him ultimatum to quit with my undivided help, or the parents get involved. He promised me he'd quit, but I'm gonna need strength on this one. I'll have no idea if he's dipping or not.. I told him to text me if he had problems. He said all his friends dip, and his friends dad buys them chew. I hope I don't end up in jail, cause I'm ready to drive to that fuckers house and give him a effin facial.. 'bangin'
I want to tell kids those ages that if they start chewing/smoking, the day will come when they will want to quit but can't. They will be worried about getting sick from it, spending too much money, being bad role model for younger kids. But they just won't be able to quit. Cuz the product is designed to make it hard to quit. It's a deal with the devil.

Might be worth showing him some of the introductions forums too. Less shocking than the other stories. But to kids that age the shocking things seem too far fetched. The volume of intros every day might have an effect on him.

Good luck with it. Don't take it personal if he don't listen. I didn't listen to anyone at that age either but I wish I did. If he don't quit just tell him to cry uncle when he eventually tries to quit but can't.
Wish you the strength as well. And don't forget to have him check out the site here himself.

Also don't forget you have other options too. In your group I know there are a couple of others that are closer to his age, so that maybe instead of a parent figure, he could have someone his own age, a friend, maybe say a word or two.

Gonna be tough with it being family, but just keep being honest with him, and lets see if we can have another success story.
All great advice, but, I tend to side with Sir D. I would ask some of the younger dudes to maybe send him a word. I would also consider asking ODT for advice and maybe to contact him as well as he publicly speaks to this age group. This scares us all, and I think it is important that you remain supportive. Even though he is still holds true that he has to want to quit for himself. I know that 23 years ago, I wish I would have had an uncle not let me go off to college and forever get hooked to nicotine; however, I honestly don't know if I would have listened back then......sigh.

Fuck You Nicotine
Fuck You UST

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #122 on: January 13, 2013, 05:44:00 PM »
Quote from: lospenguinos
Quote from: kana
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: kana
I'm fucking pissed  My nephew (JOHN) 18 yr old (the oldest of all of them) Just picked up his little brother from my house. little brother jacob is the same age as my son (6), and they have sleep overs every week. anyway jacob went outside and was getting in JOHNS car, and I noticed JOHN had a swollen lip. I know that fuckin look. he was hiding his face cause he saw me looking at him through the window. I went outside and he wouldn't roll down the window. When he finally did he had a huge fuckin dip in. MY FUCKING 18 YR OLD NEPHEW. I was there when he was born. I taught this kid to swim in the ocean, I taught him lot's of things. Did I teach him to dip? I fucking hope not? I tried to talk to him calmly.. What the FUCK are you doing with that shit in your lip I said.. I told him I don't dip anymore. 162 days.. I said how long? almost 2 years he said.         I told him briefly how fucked up my life was while the bitch was driving. I'm still in shock but he's definitely a ninja.. He said it's ok my parents know. I said It's not fucking ok, It will kill you. He looked very scared by now, and knew I was pissed  serious.. Then he said please don't tell my mom.. obviously they don't know. I sure as hell don't want him to go through the same shit I did. 34 years of nic lies? Man I'm at a fucking crossroads.. help him quietly myself or tell his mom (my wife's sister) tell my wife? They're both gonna shit. He's leaving for college in the fall. need to fix this before he goes...FUCK
Go Nuclear, but tactical.

Print up the Sean Marsee story- pics and all. Print up the KERN story, and better yet, make him read the guestbook at their caring bridge site.

Tell his parents - give him the chance to tell them first.

I've read 1,000 posts that said I wished my parents kicked my ass when they caught me. Including mine. You can change this kids life for the better, if you don't try you'll always wonder.

When he goes to college you lose your shot.

Just my opinion
SM I always admire your words, (just so you know) I will talk to him first, I don't want to lose his trust. I told him this is between you and me. Great idea about the stories. I'm gonna print a couple. I'm still dealing with my quit, thank god this didn't happen early in my quit, but just mad at the bitch in general. No one else in the family dips, so I'm hoping it wasn't me that started this thing, but I'll be dammed if I don't finish it.
Just had the talk.. didn't want to waste any time.. He took it rather well, but my heart was freakin racing.. I hope I didn't start to ramble but we talked for 30 minutes. I gave him ultimatum to quit with my undivided help, or the parents get involved. He promised me he'd quit, but I'm gonna need strength on this one. I'll have no idea if he's dipping or not.. I told him to text me if he had problems. He said all his friends dip, and his friends dad buys them chew. I hope I don't end up in jail, cause I'm ready to drive to that fuckers house and give him a effin facial.. 'bangin'
I want to tell kids those ages that if they start chewing/smoking, the day will come when they will want to quit but can't. They will be worried about getting sick from it, spending too much money, being bad role model for younger kids. But they just won't be able to quit. Cuz the product is designed to make it hard to quit. It's a deal with the devil.

Might be worth showing him some of the introductions forums too. Less shocking than the other stories. But to kids that age the shocking things seem too far fetched. The volume of intros every day might have an effect on him.

Good luck with it. Don't take it personal if he don't listen. I didn't listen to anyone at that age either but I wish I did. If he don't quit just tell him to cry uncle when he eventually tries to quit but can't.
Wish you the strength as well. And don't forget to have him check out the site here himself.

Also don't forget you have other options too. In your group I know there are a couple of others that are closer to his age, so that maybe instead of a parent figure, he could have someone his own age, a friend, maybe say a word or two.

Gonna be tough with it being family, but just keep being honest with him, and lets see if we can have another success story.

Offline lospenguinos

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #121 on: January 13, 2013, 03:47:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: kana
I'm fucking pissed  My nephew (JOHN) 18 yr old (the oldest of all of them) Just picked up his little brother from my house. little brother jacob is the same age as my son (6), and they have sleep overs every week. anyway jacob went outside and was getting in JOHNS car, and I noticed JOHN had a swollen lip. I know that fuckin look. he was hiding his face cause he saw me looking at him through the window. I went outside and he wouldn't roll down the window. When he finally did he had a huge fuckin dip in. MY FUCKING 18 YR OLD NEPHEW. I was there when he was born. I taught this kid to swim in the ocean, I taught him lot's of things. Did I teach him to dip? I fucking hope not? I tried to talk to him calmly.. What the FUCK are you doing with that shit in your lip I said.. I told him I don't dip anymore. 162 days.. I said how long? almost 2 years he said.         I told him briefly how fucked up my life was while the bitch was driving. I'm still in shock but he's definitely a ninja.. He said it's ok my parents know. I said It's not fucking ok, It will kill you. He looked very scared by now, and knew I was pissed  serious.. Then he said please don't tell my mom.. obviously they don't know. I sure as hell don't want him to go through the same shit I did. 34 years of nic lies? Man I'm at a fucking crossroads.. help him quietly myself or tell his mom (my wife's sister) tell my wife? They're both gonna shit. He's leaving for college in the fall. need to fix this before he goes...FUCK
Go Nuclear, but tactical.

Print up the Sean Marsee story- pics and all. Print up the KERN story, and better yet, make him read the guestbook at their caring bridge site.

Tell his parents - give him the chance to tell them first.

I've read 1,000 posts that said I wished my parents kicked my ass when they caught me. Including mine. You can change this kids life for the better, if you don't try you'll always wonder.

When he goes to college you lose your shot.

Just my opinion
SM I always admire your words, (just so you know) I will talk to him first, I don't want to lose his trust. I told him this is between you and me. Great idea about the stories. I'm gonna print a couple. I'm still dealing with my quit, thank god this didn't happen early in my quit, but just mad at the bitch in general. No one else in the family dips, so I'm hoping it wasn't me that started this thing, but I'll be dammed if I don't finish it.
Just had the talk.. didn't want to waste any time.. He took it rather well, but my heart was freakin racing.. I hope I didn't start to ramble but we talked for 30 minutes. I gave him ultimatum to quit with my undivided help, or the parents get involved. He promised me he'd quit, but I'm gonna need strength on this one. I'll have no idea if he's dipping or not.. I told him to text me if he had problems. He said all his friends dip, and his friends dad buys them chew. I hope I don't end up in jail, cause I'm ready to drive to that fuckers house and give him a effin facial.. 'bangin'
I want to tell kids those ages that if they start chewing/smoking, the day will come when they will want to quit but can't. They will be worried about getting sick from it, spending too much money, being bad role model for younger kids. But they just won't be able to quit. Cuz the product is designed to make it hard to quit. It's a deal with the devil.

Might be worth showing him some of the introductions forums too. Less shocking than the other stories. But to kids that age the shocking things seem too far fetched. The volume of intros every day might have an effect on him.

Good luck with it. Don't take it personal if he don't listen. I didn't listen to anyone at that age either but I wish I did. If he don't quit just tell him to cry uncle when he eventually tries to quit but can't.
Gosh, Mister, my teeth feel cleaner. But what about the hole in the wall?

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #120 on: January 13, 2013, 03:40:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: kana
I'm fucking pissed  My nephew (JOHN) 18 yr old (the oldest of all of them) Just picked up his little brother from my house. little brother jacob is the same age as my son (6), and they have sleep overs every week. anyway jacob went outside and was getting in JOHNS car, and I noticed JOHN had a swollen lip. I know that fuckin look. he was hiding his face cause he saw me looking at him through the window. I went outside and he wouldn't roll down the window. When he finally did he had a huge fuckin dip in. MY FUCKING 18 YR OLD NEPHEW. I was there when he was born. I taught this kid to swim in the ocean, I taught him lot's of things. Did I teach him to dip? I fucking hope not? I tried to talk to him calmly.. What the FUCK are you doing with that shit in your lip I said.. I told him I don't dip anymore. 162 days.. I said how long? almost 2 years he said.         I told him briefly how fucked up my life was while the bitch was driving. I'm still in shock but he's definitely a ninja.. He said it's ok my parents know. I said It's not fucking ok, It will kill you. He looked very scared by now, and knew I was pissed  serious.. Then he said please don't tell my mom.. obviously they don't know. I sure as hell don't want him to go through the same shit I did. 34 years of nic lies? Man I'm at a fucking crossroads.. help him quietly myself or tell his mom (my wife's sister) tell my wife? They're both gonna shit. He's leaving for college in the fall. need to fix this before he goes...FUCK
Go Nuclear, but tactical.

Print up the Sean Marsee story- pics and all. Print up the KERN story, and better yet, make him read the guestbook at their caring bridge site.

Tell his parents - give him the chance to tell them first.

I've read 1,000 posts that said I wished my parents kicked my ass when they caught me. Including mine. You can change this kids life for the better, if you don't try you'll always wonder.

When he goes to college you lose your shot.

Just my opinion
SM I always admire your words, (just so you know) I will talk to him first, I don't want to lose his trust. I told him this is between you and me. Great idea about the stories. I'm gonna print a couple. I'm still dealing with my quit, thank god this didn't happen early in my quit, but just mad at the bitch in general. No one else in the family dips, so I'm hoping it wasn't me that started this thing, but I'll be dammed if I don't finish it.
Just had the talk.. didn't want to waste any time.. He took it rather well, but my heart was freakin racing.. I hope I didn't start to ramble but we talked for 30 minutes. I gave him ultimatum to quit with my undivided help, or the parents get involved. He promised me he'd quit, but I'm gonna need strength on this one. I'll have no idea if he's dipping or not.. I told him to text me if he had problems. He said all his friends dip, and his friends dad buys them chew. I hope I don't end up in jail, cause I'm ready to drive to that fuckers house and give him a effin facial.. 'bangin'
Roll reversal. Kana, I feel your dilemma! Asking your nephew to quit, makes me think this is how my wife felt. How do I keep trust but get him to quit?

Wow, my wife had a lot of patience for me to get to a point where I was the one that wanted to quit.

He may slip up until he wants this. However, my wife let me know the behavior was not acceptable but I never thought she was my enemy.

I'm not in your place, just wondering how I would handle it....

Never tolerate or accept anything other than quit but increase you expression of how much your nephew means to you and the love you have is not a conditional thing.

Love me back by never doing this in front of me or my kids! They look up to you and nicotine is a killer!
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #119 on: January 13, 2013, 02:45:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: kana
I'm fucking pissed  My nephew (JOHN) 18 yr old (the oldest of all of them) Just picked up his little brother from my house. little brother jacob is the same age as my son (6), and they have sleep overs every week. anyway jacob went outside and was getting in JOHNS car, and I noticed JOHN had a swollen lip. I know that fuckin look. he was hiding his face cause he saw me looking at him through the window. I went outside and he wouldn't roll down the window. When he finally did he had a huge fuckin dip in. MY FUCKING 18 YR OLD NEPHEW. I was there when he was born. I taught this kid to swim in the ocean, I taught him lot's of things. Did I teach him to dip? I fucking hope not? I tried to talk to him calmly.. What the FUCK are you doing with that shit in your lip I said.. I told him I don't dip anymore. 162 days.. I said how long? almost 2 years he said.         I told him briefly how fucked up my life was while the bitch was driving. I'm still in shock but he's definitely a ninja.. He said it's ok my parents know. I said It's not fucking ok, It will kill you. He looked very scared by now, and knew I was pissed  serious.. Then he said please don't tell my mom.. obviously they don't know. I sure as hell don't want him to go through the same shit I did. 34 years of nic lies? Man I'm at a fucking crossroads.. help him quietly myself or tell his mom (my wife's sister) tell my wife? They're both gonna shit. He's leaving for college in the fall. need to fix this before he goes...FUCK
Go Nuclear, but tactical.

Print up the Sean Marsee story- pics and all. Print up the KERN story, and better yet, make him read the guestbook at their caring bridge site.

Tell his parents - give him the chance to tell them first.

I've read 1,000 posts that said I wished my parents kicked my ass when they caught me. Including mine. You can change this kids life for the better, if you don't try you'll always wonder.

When he goes to college you lose your shot.

Just my opinion
SM I always admire your words, (just so you know) I will talk to him first, I don't want to lose his trust. I told him this is between you and me. Great idea about the stories. I'm gonna print a couple. I'm still dealing with my quit, thank god this didn't happen early in my quit, but just mad at the bitch in general. No one else in the family dips, so I'm hoping it wasn't me that started this thing, but I'll be dammed if I don't finish it.
Just had the talk.. didn't want to waste any time.. He took it rather well, but my heart was freakin racing.. I hope I didn't start to ramble but we talked for 30 minutes. I gave him ultimatum to quit with my undivided help, or the parents get involved. He promised me he'd quit, but I'm gonna need strength on this one. I'll have no idea if he's dipping or not.. I told him to text me if he had problems. He said all his friends dip, and his friends dad buys them chew. I hope I don't end up in jail, cause I'm ready to drive to that fuckers house and give him a effin facial.. 'bangin'
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #118 on: January 13, 2013, 01:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: kana
I'm fucking pissed  My nephew (JOHN) 18 yr old (the oldest of all of them) Just picked up his little brother from my house. little brother jacob is the same age as my son (6), and they have sleep overs every week. anyway jacob went outside and was getting in JOHNS car, and I noticed JOHN had a swollen lip. I know that fuckin look. he was hiding his face cause he saw me looking at him through the window. I went outside and he wouldn't roll down the window. When he finally did he had a huge fuckin dip in. MY FUCKING 18 YR OLD NEPHEW. I was there when he was born. I taught this kid to swim in the ocean, I taught him lot's of things. Did I teach him to dip? I fucking hope not? I tried to talk to him calmly.. What the FUCK are you doing with that shit in your lip I said.. I told him I don't dip anymore. 162 days.. I said how long? almost 2 years he said.        I told him briefly how fucked up my life was while the bitch was driving. I'm still in shock but he's definitely a ninja.. He said it's ok my parents know. I said It's not fucking ok, It will kill you. He looked very scared by now, and knew I was pissed  serious.. Then he said please don't tell my mom.. obviously they don't know. I sure as hell don't want him to go through the same shit I did. 34 years of nic lies? Man I'm at a fucking crossroads.. help him quietly myself or tell his mom (my wife's sister) tell my wife? They're both gonna shit. He's leaving for college in the fall. need to fix this before he goes...FUCK
Go Nuclear, but tactical.

Print up the Sean Marsee story- pics and all. Print up the KERN story, and better yet, make him read the guestbook at their caring bridge site.

Tell his parents - give him the chance to tell them first.

I've read 1,000 posts that said I wished my parents kicked my ass when they caught me. Including mine. You can change this kids life for the better, if you don't try you'll always wonder.

When he goes to college you lose your shot.

Just my opinion
SM I always admire your words, (just so you know) I will talk to him first, I don't want to lose his trust. I told him this is between you and me. Great idea about the stories. I'm gonna print a couple. I'm still dealing with my quit, thank god this didn't happen early in my quit, but just mad at the bitch in general. No one else in the family dips, so I'm hoping it wasn't me that started this thing, but I'll be dammed if I don't finish it.
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield


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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #117 on: January 13, 2013, 01:41:00 PM »
Share this site with him. Have him read and look at all the surgery pics. He is a smart kid and will soon be on his on alone. This is the time to plant the truth seed about nicotine. Tell him to tell his parents or you will do it for him. This is the best present an uncle can do for him. He will get mad but if you do nothing it might take years for him to realize the same mistakes you and I did. No since in waiting.
Good luck.
Enough is enough. Time to take control back from the nic bitch. My HOF speechGR8WHITEBUFFALO

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #116 on: January 13, 2013, 01:30:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
I'm fucking pissed My nephew (JOHN) 18 yr old (the oldest of all of them) Just picked up his little brother from my house. little brother jacob is the same age as my son (6), and they have sleep overs every week. anyway jacob went outside and was getting in JOHNS car, and I noticed JOHN had a swollen lip. I know that fuckin look. he was hiding his face cause he saw me looking at him through the window. I went outside and he wouldn't roll down the window. When he finally did he had a huge fuckin dip in. MY FUCKING 18 YR OLD NEPHEW. I was there when he was born. I taught this kid to swim in the ocean, I taught him lot's of things. Did I teach him to dip? I fucking hope not? I tried to talk to him calmly.. What the FUCK are you doing with that shit in your lip I said.. I told him I don't dip anymore. 162 days.. I said how long? almost 2 years he said. I told him briefly how fucked up my life was while the bitch was driving. I'm still in shock but he's definitely a ninja.. He said it's ok my parents know. I said It's not fucking ok, It will kill you. He looked very scared by now, and knew I was pissed  serious.. Then he said please don't tell my mom.. obviously they don't know. I sure as hell don't want him to go through the same shit I did. 34 years of nic lies? Man I'm at a fucking crossroads.. help him quietly myself or tell his mom (my wife's sister) tell my wife? They're both gonna shit. He's leaving for college in the fall. need to fix this before he goes...FUCK
Go Nuclear, but tactical.

Print up the Sean Marsee story- pics and all. Print up the KERN story, and better yet, make him read the guestbook at their caring bridge site.

Tell his parents - give him the chance to tell them first.

I've read 1,000 posts that said I wished my parents kicked my ass when they caught me. Including mine. You can change this kids life for the better, if you don't try you'll always wonder.

When he goes to college you lose your shot.

Just my opinion
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #115 on: January 13, 2013, 01:22:00 PM »
I'm fucking pissed My nephew (JOHN) 18 yr old (the oldest of all of them) Just picked up his little brother from my house. little brother jacob is the same age as my son (6), and they have sleep overs every week. anyway jacob went outside and was getting in JOHNS car, and I noticed JOHN had a swollen lip. I know that fuckin look. he was hiding his face cause he saw me looking at him through the window. I went outside and he wouldn't roll down the window. When he finally did he had a huge fuckin dip in. MY FUCKING 18 YR OLD NEPHEW. I was there when he was born. I taught this kid to swim in the ocean, I taught him lot's of things. Did I teach him to dip? I fucking hope not? I tried to talk to him calmly.. What the FUCK are you doing with that shit in your lip I said.. I told him I don't dip anymore. 162 days.. I said how long? almost 2 years he said. I told him briefly how fucked up my life was while the bitch was driving. I'm still in shock but he's definitely a ninja.. He said it's ok my parents know. I said It's not fucking ok, It will kill you. He looked very scared by now, and knew I was pissed  serious.. Then he said please don't tell my mom.. obviously they don't know. I sure as hell don't want him to go through the same shit I did. 34 years of nic lies? Man I'm at a fucking crossroads.. help him quietly myself or tell his mom (my wife's sister) tell my wife? They're both gonna shit. He's leaving for college in the fall. need to fix this before he goes...FUCK
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline eric71

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #114 on: December 29, 2012, 12:42:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
I was gonna wait, but I feel like sharing my thoughts early, as I have time. The same thing happened with my quit. I set a date, and ended up quitting a week early, thanks to the elders.. that was the best decision of my life.
Many things are going through my head right now. 9 out of 10 of them positive. Tomorrow is my sons 6th b-day. I know this because he has told me everyday for the last month! lol.. I remember when we found out she was preggy. I said I'd quit when he was born.. ya right.. I'd follow that by trying to quit on each of his last 5 b-days.. This year I AM quit. almost 5 months on his b-day. Can't tell you how good that feels. This time I quit for myself, and my family is now benefitting.
The old grumpy Dan was always holding his spitter at family parties (holidays) bbq's, etc... feeling sorry for himself.. The kids didn't come near me. they called me (the grouch).
What a difference 5 months makes. Now all the kids come to me like a magnet. I'm calm, smiling, looking healthy, and always have gum in my pocket! The kids have caught on and now I get all the attention. I can play with them, tickle them, and smile with ease... I'm fucking free....
KTC and all of you, not only helped me quit, but changed my soul to the core. I feel like Eric, that I'm just a better person now. I take very good care of myself. I eat healthy, and exercise. This year I actually lost weight over the holiday's. I guess there's a first for everything.
At the same time I'm watching my SIL go through chemo, and radiation, 5 day's a week. She's getting very weak now, and I can see the despair in her eyes. The surgery is not too far off, but the dr's seem to think she'll be ok. We're praying for that. She has always taken care of herself, no tobacco, moderate alcohol. This was a wake up call for all of us. It gives me even more purpose, and appreciation for life.
No matter how bad it get's, being quit is alway's the best path. No looking back!
Kind words, great reflection points, and usage of the site and the leaders here who have helped us all. This truly is a season to celebrate. To celebrate where we've come from, where we are, where we will be. It is also a season to truly count our blessings of how fortunate we are the Good Lord has looked kindly upon our addictive selves. He has spared us through a common union that is KTC. Thanks for everything you do here pal. Proud to be quit with you.


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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #113 on: December 29, 2012, 12:04:00 PM »
I was gonna wait, but I feel like sharing my thoughts early, as I have time. The same thing happened with my quit. I set a date, and ended up quitting a week early, thanks to the elders.. that was the best decision of my life.
Many things are going through my head right now. 9 out of 10 of them positive. Tomorrow is my sons 6th b-day. I know this because he has told me everyday for the last month! lol.. I remember when we found out she was preggy. I said I'd quit when he was born.. ya right.. I'd follow that by trying to quit on each of his last 5 b-days.. This year I AM quit. almost 5 months on his b-day. Can't tell you how good that feels. This time I quit for myself, and my family is now benefitting.
The old grumpy Dan was always holding his spitter at family parties (holidays) bbq's, etc... feeling sorry for himself.. The kids didn't come near me. they called me (the grouch).
What a difference 5 months makes. Now all the kids come to me like a magnet. I'm calm, smiling, looking healthy, and always have gum in my pocket! The kids have caught on and now I get all the attention. I can play with them, tickle them, and smile with ease... I'm fucking free....
KTC and all of you, not only helped me quit, but changed my soul to the core. I feel like Eric, that I'm just a better person now. I take very good care of myself. I eat healthy, and exercise. This year I actually lost weight over the holiday's. I guess there's a first for everything.
At the same time I'm watching my SIL go through chemo, and radiation, 5 day's a week. She's getting very weak now, and I can see the despair in her eyes. The surgery is not too far off, but the dr's seem to think she'll be ok. We're praying for that. She has always taken care of herself, no tobacco, moderate alcohol. This was a wake up call for all of us. It gives me even more purpose, and appreciation for life.
No matter how bad it get's, being quit is alway's the best path. No looking back!
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #112 on: December 29, 2012, 11:12:00 AM »
Quote from: cdmavs41
Quote from: kana
had another dip dream last night, but this one was awesome. first of all my brother in law has never used nic in his life. In my dream I watched him insert a very large turd, and I was pissed as hell. I was in shock thinking he was a ninja this whole time, but so angry that he was using poison. I was yelling at him something fierce, then I woke up. In a haze I brushed my teeth, looked in the mirror, and had a little smile..
Last night I read about your dream and then proceeded to have my first ever positive dip dream. All the others had me caving, but in this dream I was talking with a buddy about the benefits of being quit and helping him, a smoker, quit. Thanks for that bit of "Inception".
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #111 on: December 29, 2012, 09:58:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
had another dip dream last night, but this one was awesome. first of all my brother in law has never used nic in his life. In my dream I watched him insert a very large turd, and I was pissed as hell. I was in shock thinking he was a ninja this whole time, but so angry that he was using poison. I was yelling at him something fierce, then I woke up. In a haze I brushed my teeth, looked in the mirror, and had a little smile..
Last night I read about your dream and then proceeded to have my first ever positive dip dream. All the others had me caving, but in this dream I was talking with a buddy about the benefits of being quit and helping him, a smoker, quit. Thanks for that bit of "Inception".
Mr. Skoal, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #110 on: December 28, 2012, 09:18:00 AM »
had another dip dream last night, but this one was awesome. first of all my brother in law has never used nic in his life. In my dream I watched him insert a very large turd, and I was pissed as hell. I was in shock thinking he was a ninja this whole time, but so angry that he was using poison. I was yelling at him something fierce, then I woke up. In a haze I brushed my teeth, looked in the mirror, and had a little smile..
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield