Author Topic: When shit gets rough  (Read 9451 times)

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #87 on: December 12, 2012, 04:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Bruce
People cave? It can happen to anyone?

Bullshit, not me not today. I hate the nic bitch with a passion and today, i'm feelin frisky and ready to fight. Fuck you nic bitch, fuck you hard.

Nicotine makes exactly zero things better in your life. It takes your time, your money and your life away from you, yet people still CHOOSE to go back to her? I choose to quit today, I choose to HONOR my word to my brothers and sisters to stay quit. I know that if I WANTED to cave all I would need to do is call a bro or sis and that feeling will be gone. People understand that this is an addiction, that this is a fight, that this fight gets easier with time, yet they DECIDE to throw it all away. Stand your ground, each crave is an chance to give the nic bitch a piece of your mind "Fuck off, I have no room for you in my life today!!". Each crave is an opportunity for you to let loose your anger, nicotine has made a fool, a slave of you the past xx amount of years. No more! Take back your life! Stand up, make your DECISION today, shout it out, let everyone I'm quit!!!!!

Next time you wanna dip, ask yourself, what exactly will having a dip make better? What will I benefit from having a pinch?
Right on Bruce! 'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
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Offline SirDerek

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #86 on: December 12, 2012, 03:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Bruce
People cave? It can happen to anyone?

Bullshit, not me not today. I hate the nic bitch with a passion and today, i'm feelin frisky and ready to fight. Fuck you nic bitch, fuck you hard.

Nicotine makes exactly zero things better in your life. It takes your time, your money and your life away from you, yet people still CHOOSE to go back to her? I choose to quit today, I choose to HONOR my word to my brothers and sisters to stay quit. I know that if I WANTED to cave all I would need to do is call a bro or sis and that feeling will be gone. People understand that this is an addiction, that this is a fight, that this fight gets easier with time, yet they DECIDE to throw it all away. Stand your ground, each crave is an chance to give the nic bitch a piece of your mind "Fuck off, I have no room for you in my life today!!". Each crave is an opportunity for you to let loose your anger, nicotine has made a fool, a slave of you the past xx amount of years. No more! Take back your life! Stand up, make your DECISION today, shout it out, let everyone I'm quit!!!!!

Next time you wanna dip, ask yourself, what exactly will having a dip make better? What will I benefit from having a pinch?
We all wish that we can get that frisky feeling. It heightens our senses and when we are quit we can not only enjoy life so much more, but it keeps us keen when we need it in our fight of that nic bitch....

We got to let this sink in and strengthen us, and make us all frisky....

just love that word and this guy......

I quit with you today

Offline Bruce

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #85 on: December 12, 2012, 03:15:00 PM »
People cave? It can happen to anyone?

Bullshit, not me not today. I hate the nic bitch with a passion and today, i'm feelin frisky and ready to fight. Fuck you nic bitch, fuck you hard.

Nicotine makes exactly zero things better in your life. It takes your time, your money and your life away from you, yet people still CHOOSE to go back to her? I choose to quit today, I choose to HONOR my word to my brothers and sisters to stay quit. I know that if I WANTED to cave all I would need to do is call a bro or sis and that feeling will be gone. People understand that this is an addiction, that this is a fight, that this fight gets easier with time, yet they DECIDE to throw it all away. Stand your ground, each crave is an chance to give the nic bitch a piece of your mind "Fuck off, I have no room for you in my life today!!". Each crave is an opportunity for you to let loose your anger, nicotine has made a fool, a slave of you the past xx amount of years. No more! Take back your life! Stand up, make your DECISION today, shout it out, let everyone I'm quit!!!!!

Next time you wanna dip, ask yourself, what exactly will having a dip make better? What will I benefit from having a pinch?
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

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-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #84 on: December 05, 2012, 11:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Bruce
Fast foward it to day 380, or that's what it feels like at least. The past few months have flown by, quitters come and go, drama comes and goes, quit still strong like ox. Recently, I was called selfish and that I put myself first. I couldn't argue this, i'm one selfish motherfucker in my quit. I will help out anyone who wants it, I will reach out to you, I will even try to drag you from the ledge if need be, but you know what? My quit is first. I will always put my quit first, even in front of friendships. Not sayin I ended friendships, but I don't spend half as much time with my dipping/smoking friends. You think for one second that I will put your quit in front of mine, well then fuck you. Do I think this is a bad way of thinking? I'm 380-0. What do you think? What I'm trying to say...and I guess to get through to any of you foggy mother fuckers who have made it this far through my rambling is. You need to make your quit #1, especially at first. Whatever your motivation is for quitting, if it's a child, a wife or husband, you're the one saving your life. They will benefit from you being around more and for longer, but IT IS YOUR LIFE. Take your life back, do what you want to do with it. Stop slaving for the nic bitch, stop doing everything for her, fuck her, be selfish.

Bruce out
That was a great fucking read! Congrats to you Bruce!
Mr. Skoal, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #83 on: December 05, 2012, 09:57:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Bruce
Fast foward it to day 380, or that's what it feels like at least. The past few months have flown by, quitters come and go, drama comes and goes, quit still strong like ox. Recently, I was called selfish and that I put myself first. I couldn't argue this, i'm one selfish motherfucker in my quit. I will help out anyone who wants it, I will reach out to you, I will even try to drag you from the ledge if need be, but you know what? My quit is first. I will always put my quit first, even in front of friendships. Not sayin I ended friendships, but I don't spend half as much time with my dipping/smoking friends. You think for one second that I will put your quit in front of mine, well then fuck you. Do I think this is a bad way of thinking? I'm 380-0. What do you think? What I'm trying to say...and I guess to get through to any of you foggy mother fuckers who have made it this far through my rambling is. You need to make your quit #1, especially at first. Whatever your motivation is for quitting, if it's a child, a wife or husband, you're the one saving your life. They will benefit from you being around more and for longer, but IT IS YOUR LIFE. Take your life back, do what you want to do with it. Stop slaving for the nic bitch, stop doing everything for her, fuck her, be selfish.

Bruce out
Bruce I mean't to congratulate your year! Thanks for setting a fine example! Proud to be quit with you brother...
So that's why you never give reach arounds you selfish bastard! :angry:
Make Your Decision

Offline kana

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #82 on: December 05, 2012, 09:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Bruce
Fast foward it to day 380, or that's what it feels like at least. The past few months have flown by, quitters come and go, drama comes and goes, quit still strong like ox. Recently, I was called selfish and that I put myself first. I couldn't argue this, i'm one selfish motherfucker in my quit. I will help out anyone who wants it, I will reach out to you, I will even try to drag you from the ledge if need be, but you know what? My quit is first. I will always put my quit first, even in front of friendships. Not sayin I ended friendships, but I don't spend half as much time with my dipping/smoking friends. You think for one second that I will put your quit in front of mine, well then fuck you. Do I think this is a bad way of thinking? I'm 380-0. What do you think? What I'm trying to say...and I guess to get through to any of you foggy mother fuckers who have made it this far through my rambling is. You need to make your quit #1, especially at first. Whatever your motivation is for quitting, if it's a child, a wife or husband, you're the one saving your life. They will benefit from you being around more and for longer, but IT IS YOUR LIFE. Take your life back, do what you want to do with it. Stop slaving for the nic bitch, stop doing everything for her, fuck her, be selfish.

Bruce out
Bruce I mean't to congratulate your year! Thanks for setting a fine example! Proud to be quit with you brother...
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline Bruce

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #81 on: December 05, 2012, 12:40:00 AM »
Fast foward it to day 380, or that's what it feels like at least. The past few months have flown by, quitters come and go, drama comes and goes, quit still strong like ox. Recently, I was called selfish and that I put myself first. I couldn't argue this, i'm one selfish motherfucker in my quit. I will help out anyone who wants it, I will reach out to you, I will even try to drag you from the ledge if need be, but you know what? My quit is first. I will always put my quit first, even in front of friendships. Not sayin I ended friendships, but I don't spend half as much time with my dipping/smoking friends. You think for one second that I will put your quit in front of mine, well then fuck you. Do I think this is a bad way of thinking? I'm 380-0. What do you think? What I'm trying to say...and I guess to get through to any of you foggy mother fuckers who have made it this far through my rambling is. You need to make your quit #1, especially at first. Whatever your motivation is for quitting, if it's a child, a wife or husband, you're the one saving your life. They will benefit from you being around more and for longer, but IT IS YOUR LIFE. Take your life back, do what you want to do with it. Stop slaving for the nic bitch, stop doing everything for her, fuck her, be selfish.

Bruce out
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline Bruce

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #80 on: November 20, 2012, 09:55:00 AM »
A year, breath in deep...1 year, exhale. More then the HoF, more then each 'floor', I've looked forward to the year mark. Today is 366, and according to the calendar it is my 1 year, but my quit date is 11.21 and tomorrow is when I'm offically celebrating.

On day 1, 1 year was too far away, I had serious doubts about making to 2 weeks...1 year?! No way. But here I am, just another day in what was the best decision I have ever made. My quit, my brothers and sisters have done more for me then anything. I feel better then I did in high school (unlike alot of you old farts here, I can still remember that), I feel stronger, I feel like I can breath. One day at a time (odaat), I say that a lot lately, but new guys, guys in that post HoF funk, heed those words, because it does get better, craves are weak now, laughable really. I went through some stupid shit in that year, a divorce, and two deaths that I never mentioned here and of course some the bullshit. There were some rocks here that helped me along here, but I took it ONE DAY AT A TIME, I still don't think about forever, instead I think back to day 1. Day 1 sucked, I'm not putting myself through that again. Instead I look at every crave, as weak and pathetic they are now, as a chance to punch the nic bitch in her face.

The support network developed here is amazing. So to KTC and everyone involved, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you (yes, even you looT). I celebrate today (ok, I've been celebrating since Monday, and I will till Wednesday) and I look forward to quitting with each one of you tomorrow. To my daily text list (2mch, Roam, Vadge, Crockett, Morgan, Kstamp, Swede, Bwb (the gheys), Alogan, CBM, Fire, WTQ, Zak, Evil, Prof Quit, Jbedford (the noobs) and Mcarmo and buddy) you guys are awesome and I love each one of you. BBJ, Tsmith, Keddy, Atlas, CBman, TexasJack, Pavetheway, Chewie, Kdip, DW3, Cbird, Divine, Coach Steve, drjones, Wt, Mthomas, , Razd, CWC and everybody else (too many to name!) thank you guys for the constant support and love. I look forward to many more milestones with you.

Rocketman/Mcarmo- you guys have been my rock, I thank each of you for helping me get this far. Rocketman, I tried to play tough during 'that time' but I wasn't, your texts did a lot for me, next time we meet I'm giving you a kiss...or a hug (maybe both?). Same with you Mcarmo, even if you're a Eagles fan.

One Year, I quit with all of you today

Oh and happy birthday KTC, good day all around shocker
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline Bruce

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #79 on: September 14, 2012, 12:30:00 PM »
From Sox2012 from Sept'12-

This is why you need to go to the Dr or the dentist for that check up, don't be afraid to do so, it could save your life. Sox here went a little late, newbies, go within your first 50 days (particularly going to the dentist). They're there to help, you'll be surprised on how helpful they will be with your quit. Just my 2 cents, quittin with Sox today.

To all my quit brothers in September, I had no intention of making this public to KTC but based on the information I found this morning I need to.  I recently began visiting a doctor to start another lifestyle change of getting my health in order after killing the can.  During a routine heart test it was found that I have an enlarged aorta.  A CT scan was ordered to determine the extent of the damage.  During my visit yesterday the Doctor informed me I have a thoracic aortic aneurysm of 4.9 cm.  You might be asking yourself, why am I posting this?  Here are the 2 things I learned yesterday, 1) This is not going to go away or shrink 2) It will be monitored and when it grows to 5.5cm I will need open heart surgery to repair it.  The doctor told me I may Google a thoracic aortic aneurysm and find out more information.  While searching this morning I found some information valuable to this site. Click the links below: ... sk-factors ... e-remedies

I WILL BE FINE, my Doctor has promised to keep a very close eye on it. I am starting to control the other risk factors with diet and exercise.  Next CT scan in 6 months.  As always, I know my brothers and sisters will be praying for me, I thank you in advance and promise to beat this just like I beat nicotine!!!!!

Bill aka sox2012
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline Bruce

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #78 on: September 11, 2012, 11:46:00 AM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: tsmith17
Quote from: Bruce
294- Quitting isn't always easy, but it is always worth it
Spoken like a true quit boss. That being said, I have heard that while quittin' may not always be easy, pimpin' always is. Bruce is pimp quit, all day, full homo.
This or That


sapein or erotic
You know the answer to that...
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline eric71

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #77 on: September 11, 2012, 05:01:00 AM »
Quote from: tsmith17
Quote from: Bruce
294- Quitting isn't always easy, but it is always worth it
Spoken like a true quit boss. That being said, I have heard that while quittin' may not always be easy, pimpin' always is. Bruce is pimp quit, all day, full homo.
This or That


sapein or erotic

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #76 on: September 10, 2012, 08:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Bruce
294- Quitting isn't always easy, but it is always worth it
Spoken like a true quit boss. That being said, I have heard that while quittin' may not always be easy, pimpin' always is. Bruce is pimp quit, all day, full homo.

Offline Bruce

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #75 on: September 09, 2012, 11:41:00 AM »
294- Quitting isn't always easy, but it is always worth it
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline eric71

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #74 on: August 01, 2012, 05:27:00 AM »
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: Bruce
I'm once again having trouble sleeping because of nicotine. Not because of withdraws nor to my funk, but because my dad is currently sleeping at the hospital do to "shortness of breath". He couldn't walk ten feet without stopping to catch his breath. I have talk to my dad about quitting many times, his doctor told him last year if he didn't quit he'd die from a stroke/heart attack whatever...he kept smoking. I'm angry. I wanna grab nic by the neck and choke her till she's dead. I can't do that for him, I know this, but I won't give up. But today I heard my father say he has smoked his last cigarette, I'm secure enough to admit, I cried. I'm not celebrating by any means, he's currently fighting withdraws in a hospital full of medicine so he doesn't kill himself. To hear my old man say that though, words can't describe how good it felt, and at the very least, its the first step. If you're thinking about quitting, if you're 18 or 65, stop thinking, just quit. Someone out there cares as much about you as I do my father. Someone wants you to save your life as much as I do my father. Someone wants you to be there in 5 years as bad as I do my father. It's not worth it, you'll miss too much.

I'm thankful I quit when I did, and I found you guys. Today I'm quit, with my dad and it feels good to say that
My father was in the hospital having bypass surgery and said he was going to quit because he wanted to live. After not smoking for 2 months while in rehab, he got out and started smoking again.

Keep an eye on your father Bruce, make sure he keeps his promise, remind him of the promise, remind him of his grandchildren if he has some. Make sure he stays quit.

I don't think I ever mentioned it here Bruce but my father died because of tobacco, not due to cancer or heart disease, no my father died in a fire that they believe was started due to him dropping his pipe in a chair cushion. Any time my phone rings after midnight my heart races, who is it now?

I'll quit with you and your Dad today Bruce, keep him quit, as you know his life depends on it!
Hey Bruce. You have been there for me, I am definitely here for you. I quit like a MO FO today for you and your dad. Why? because we are in this shit for the long haul and will not give in. In all seriousness give your dad my best and tell him to hang in there, because hes got one bad ass son.
Proud to be quit with you Bruce and your dad. I think I'll print out this thread and mail it to my dad because you guys have said the things I've told him for years. Maybe him reading it in someone else's words will have an impact.

My family and I will keep you and yours in our prayers as we all seek the strength and resolve to conquer our addictions on a daily basis.

Hang in there, PM if you need anything

Offline kstampfly

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #73 on: July 31, 2012, 10:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: Bruce
I'm once again having trouble sleeping because of nicotine. Not because of withdraws nor to my funk, but because my dad is currently sleeping at the hospital do to "shortness of breath". He couldn't walk ten feet without stopping to catch his breath. I have talk to my dad about quitting many times, his doctor told him last year if he didn't quit he'd die from a stroke/heart attack whatever...he kept smoking. I'm angry. I wanna grab nic by the neck and choke her till she's dead. I can't do that for him, I know this, but I won't give up. But today I heard my father say he has smoked his last cigarette, I'm secure enough to admit, I cried. I'm not celebrating by any means, he's currently fighting withdraws in a hospital full of medicine so he doesn't kill himself. To hear my old man say that though, words can't describe how good it felt, and at the very least, its the first step. If you're thinking about quitting, if you're 18 or 65, stop thinking, just quit. Someone out there cares as much about you as I do my father. Someone wants you to save your life as much as I do my father. Someone wants you to be there in 5 years as bad as I do my father. It's not worth it, you'll miss too much.

I'm thankful I quit when I did, and I found you guys. Today I'm quit, with my dad and it feels good to say that
My father was in the hospital having bypass surgery and said he was going to quit because he wanted to live. After not smoking for 2 months while in rehab, he got out and started smoking again.

Keep an eye on your father Bruce, make sure he keeps his promise, remind him of the promise, remind him of his grandchildren if he has some. Make sure he stays quit.

I don't think I ever mentioned it here Bruce but my father died because of tobacco, not due to cancer or heart disease, no my father died in a fire that they believe was started due to him dropping his pipe in a chair cushion. Any time my phone rings after midnight my heart races, who is it now?

I'll quit with you and your Dad today Bruce, keep him quit, as you know his life depends on it!
Hey Bruce. You have been there for me, I am definitely here for you. I quit like a MO FO today for you and your dad. Why? because we are in this shit for the long haul and will not give in. In all seriousness give your dad my best and tell him to hang in there, because hes got one bad ass son.
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