Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 2203 times)

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2013, 07:06:00 PM »
Welcome. Post roll, keep your promise today. Don't think you are quit forever. Only when it's "today",

Repeat. All the tools, support, and wisdom here is free of cost. The only compensation required is to quit by posting roll and keeping your promise every day that is, "today".

None of us worry about tomorrow. We quit today.
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Offline Finny

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2013, 06:45:00 PM »

You can get through this. You're in the right place, and have a great attitude. Keep it up.
Quit Date - 8/15/2013

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2013, 03:47:00 PM »
Hope,, let's make this quit for real. Let's mean business. 269 days ago i decided the same thing. I was tired of being bound tied and gagged by the poison.

The difference this time was posting roll and being held accountable. Go to the top left welcome center and learn how and why we post roll. Pay particular attention to why.

You can do this hope,, you know how i know?!?! I DID!!!
YOUR worth it hope. Your worth every thing you have to go through to obtain you freedom. Ask your family,, i bet they agree. Glad to be quit with you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2013, 03:40:00 PM »
Way to be Hope. You are part of the FF crew and we are glad you are here.


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2013, 03:35:00 PM »
Keep on quitting hope. Proud to quit with you and the other flying fucks!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline hope

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2013, 03:06:00 PM »
Hello Fellow Quitters,
I'm in the Feb 2014 quit group. I'm on day 9 and have posted every day through today that I will not use nicotine. Why quit now? Well, I'd had enough and just didn't want to dip anymore. I'm a female and you just don't pull out a can after dinner and put a pinch in. haha So, I've been hiding it, or trying to hide it, for almost 6 years.

I have to say that my first couple of days here I really screwed up. I posted when I was still dipping. Boy, you let me know that was just WRONG! Some posted me and kindly told me to go to the Welcome Center and follow the rules. I needed both kinds of correction to get me ready to quit.

I knew it was really time to stop, because I had a sense of calm determination come to me on Friday, Nov. 1. I've tried to quit many times, you know how it is, especially when my husband quit drinking. He said, if I can quit drinking ( and this was huge! had really been a problem) then you can stop dipping. I'd prayed so hard for him to stop drinking. He was a different person when he drank and much worse. So, I said, I'll quit. Didn't work. Before that, people saw me with a dip and I was so humiliated and ashamed. My daughter figured it out on the day we were buying her wedding dress. I didn't say a word.

So, I'm here. I'm sure there's more I could say. But, I will say, the advice to read , post everyday, and go to live chat is great.
I was told about a few women out there. I have posted (is that how you say it when you send someone a message?) Sage and she's wonderful. I've gotten some wonderful messages from lots of you so far. Thank you so much for being there. You're awesome.


Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2013, 01:31:00 PM »
Welcome Hope.

Your an addict. You understand that already I think. You win this battle the same way you fight other addictions. One day at a time.

This isn't about hoping to quit, or praying to quit. This is about choosing to quit. You deserve better. there is nothing wrong in the world that can be solved with chew, it is not a crutch like you believe, it's an anchor.

As for your name....... I have a long post on here about " hope" I'll have to dig it up. ;)

I promise you it is really not as bad as you think. If I can do it I know you can too.

You say you have prayed about quitting....... he led you to the water, will you drink?

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2013, 11:30:00 AM »
ummm... hope, can we talk? yesterday i saw you had 3 posts. today i see 5. i might have missed it, but i didn't see a post in roll. that's where your next post should be.

Offline wmcatty

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2013, 11:18:00 AM »
Quote from: Sage
Quote from: hope
Hello.  My name is Hope (here anyway),
I would like to quit dipping snuff.  If you saw me you would not think I had this addiction, as all addicts might say!  and I have kept it hidden from most people.

I've been an addict for 6 years next month.  We realized our daughter was on drugs and we had to put her in rehab just when I was starting a new teaching position.  I was so filled with desperation and I thought I don't want to smoke but I need something more than alcohol.  I already was drinking too much.  So I thought, my husband and my 2 sons dip and it relaxes them, maybe I should try that.  As I said, I was desperate and was willing to try anything legal, of course.  Well, I just about choked on it but after a bit felt the high and have been hooked ever since.  That was Nov. 17, 2007.  In March 2009 I started going to AA.  I didn't want to drink anymore.  I had gotten sick while dipping and drinking alcohol at the same time a couple of times, and realized I didn't want to feel like that ever again.  My dad is a recovering alcoholic (just got his 20 year chip this past June) and my mom was drinking too much. I quit March 7, 2009 and went to meetings almost every night for a year.  I'm 4 1/2 years sober and I couldn't have done it without the group.  A month later my mom stopped drinking too.  God is amazing.  Be careful what you pray for, you might get it!

This is entirely too long!  I just know I can't do this by myself.  There's more I could share but I'm not going to bore you.  I'm  Catholic and pray about this all the time.  I know quitting is the right thing to do.  Events in my life have led me to believe this is the time and this is the way.  With your help, I know I can do it.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this.
Hi Hope,

My name is Sage and I am one of the girls here. I also chewed but for a lot longer than you and I thought I was alone until I came here and met other wonderful women who had the same addiction. I am so excited about all your wonderful choices and you won't regret this one. This place and these brothers and sisters have helped keep me Quit and will you, too. I will send you a PM with my info. and phone number. Also, when craves get tough, try going to live chat. You will make friends and get great support.

You can do this Hope, one day at a time.
Hi Hope and welcome to KTC. You have already been given some sound advice and offered support from some of the best quitters KTC has to offer. I noticed you have not posted roll yet. Roll is our daily pledge that we will not use nicotine that day. It is also the price of admission to KTC. There are no dues or other charges...just your promise that you will post roll with your quit group every day. If you quit within the last week, February 2014 will be your quit group. The reason that you will be in that group is that in February you will celebrate your 100th day of being tobacco free...we call that the Hall of Fame date. In the beginning, I suggest you spend as much time as you can reading all the material available to you on the site, as well as following Sage's suggestion to get involved in chat. Read the materials on how to post roll and look at the video if you are a little confused, as it is a little confounding at first. Now look in the upper right hand side of this screen and you will see Inbox (1). Open it and you will find a message from me. It is my telephone number. Call or text me if you have any problems, concerns or just need to vent. Sage will also put you in touch with a few of the other women on board if you want to contact them...ya'll have a small but very tight knit group here on KTC. Welcome aboard Hope and congrats on taking back your life. Wayne
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2013, 12:53:00 AM »
Quote from: hope
Hello. My name is Hope (here anyway),
I would like to quit dipping snuff. If you saw me you would not think I had this addiction, as all addicts might say! and I have kept it hidden from most people.

I've been an addict for 6 years next month. We realized our daughter was on drugs and we had to put her in rehab just when I was starting a new teaching position. I was so filled with desperation and I thought I don't want to smoke but I need something more than alcohol. I already was drinking too much. So I thought, my husband and my 2 sons dip and it relaxes them, maybe I should try that. As I said, I was desperate and was willing to try anything legal, of course. Well, I just about choked on it but after a bit felt the high and have been hooked ever since. That was Nov. 17, 2007. In March 2009 I started going to AA. I didn't want to drink anymore. I had gotten sick while dipping and drinking alcohol at the same time a couple of times, and realized I didn't want to feel like that ever again. My dad is a recovering alcoholic (just got his 20 year chip this past June) and my mom was drinking too much. I quit March 7, 2009 and went to meetings almost every night for a year. I'm 4 1/2 years sober and I couldn't have done it without the group. A month later my mom stopped drinking too. God is amazing. Be careful what you pray for, you might get it!

This is entirely too long! I just know I can't do this by myself. There's more I could share but I'm not going to bore you. I'm Catholic and pray about this all the time. I know quitting is the right thing to do. Events in my life have led me to believe this is the time and this is the way. With your help, I know I can do it.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this.
Hi Hope,

My name is Sage and I am one of the girls here. I also chewed but for a lot longer than you and I thought I was alone until I came here and met other wonderful women who had the same addiction. I am so excited about all your wonderful choices and you won't regret this one. This place and these brothers and sisters have helped keep me Quit and will you, too. I will send you a PM with my info. and phone number. Also, when craves get tough, try going to live chat. You will make friends and get great support.

You can do this Hope, one day at a time.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2013, 12:47:00 AM »
Hope you know what you need to do if you really want to quit feeding your addiction, you've got to stop putting nicotine in your system. Keep reading, "FLUSH" your stash now! Take the advise you've been given about posting roll. It's gonna suck but you don't have to do it alone we all quit every day.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2013, 06:52:00 PM »
hey there hope. now that you've decided to quit, i want you to read up on posting roll. you can find it in that pink 'welcome center' link you see up top. then head over to the feb '14 hof group and post roll, every day, and as early as you can.

see that group of quitters at the top? they're taking this journey with you. chat 'em up. swap numbers. they are your quit lifeline. and yes, you're going to see my name up there. it helps me renew my commitment. and it's therapeutic - kind of like going to the easter vigil.

p.s. francis rocks.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2013, 05:55:00 PM »
Quote from: hope
Hello. My name is Hope (here anyway),
I would like to quit dipping snuff. If you saw me you would not think I had this addiction, as all addicts might say! and I have kept it hidden from most people.

I've been an addict for 6 years next month. We realized our daughter was on drugs and we had to put her in rehab just when I was starting a new teaching position. I was so filled with desperation and I thought I don't want to smoke but I need something more than alcohol. I already was drinking too much. So I thought, my husband and my 2 sons dip and it relaxes them, maybe I should try that. As I said, I was desperate and was willing to try anything legal, of course. Well, I just about choked on it but after a bit felt the high and have been hooked ever since. That was Nov. 17, 2007. In March 2009 I started going to AA. I didn't want to drink anymore. I had gotten sick while dipping and drinking alcohol at the same time a couple of times, and realized I didn't want to feel like that ever again. My dad is a recovering alcoholic (just got his 20 year chip this past June) and my mom was drinking too much. I quit March 7, 2009 and went to meetings almost every night for a year. I'm 4 1/2 years sober and I couldn't have done it without the group. A month later my mom stopped drinking too. God is amazing. Be careful what you pray for, you might get it!

This is entirely too long! I just know I can't do this by myself. There's more I could share but I'm not going to bore you. I'm Catholic and pray about this all the time. I know quitting is the right thing to do. Events in my life have led me to believe this is the time and this is the way. With your help, I know I can do it.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this.
I was led to this site and have been quit 597 days. On paper, the quit plan is simple. Post roll in the morning, keep your promise all day, and don't worry about Tomorrow. When you wake roll (Repeat)....

Reality is that this is hard, you have to fight and you need us. Welcome.

Have you posted roll and are you 100% nicotine free? If not, flush all your stash, gum or anything nicotine. Then go to your group and post roll, they may start out as strangers but they will hold you accountable to your promise and you them. That is the magic of quitting. You can lie to yourself and let yourself down but letting a quit brother or sister down is what helps get through the battles.
Quit And Be Free

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2013, 05:52:00 PM »
Great CHOICE, Hope. You took the first step, we're here for the rest. But you have to realize that this is about YOU. This is no place for "hope." This is where we "do." We make it happen. We don't HOP we're about to do something great....we do it. And we make NO EXCUSES. You can do it too.

How? Click on the Welcome Center link above and start reading. Read everything. Learn about how to post roll and why we do it. Then, post roll everyday and keep your word.

ONE DAY AT A TIME is your new motto. Today is all that matters. Your father didn't quit for 20 years. He quit for one day. Then, the next day, he woke up and did it again...and again...and again...

If you try to "quit forever" you'll likely be over-whelmed and fail. That's why we don't do it. We just quit for one day at a time.

Does it work? Just click around on the Quit Groups. All of those people are or were exactly where you are today...and they are all living proof that you CAN DO THIS!!!

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« on: October 31, 2013, 05:39:00 PM »
Hello. My name is Hope (here anyway),
I would like to quit dipping snuff. If you saw me you would not think I had this addiction, as all addicts might say! and I have kept it hidden from most people.

I've been an addict for 6 years next month. We realized our daughter was on drugs and we had to put her in rehab just when I was starting a new teaching position. I was so filled with desperation and I thought I don't want to smoke but I need something more than alcohol. I already was drinking too much. So I thought, my husband and my 2 sons dip and it relaxes them, maybe I should try that. As I said, I was desperate and was willing to try anything legal, of course. Well, I just about choked on it but after a bit felt the high and have been hooked ever since. That was Nov. 17, 2007. In March 2009 I started going to AA. I didn't want to drink anymore. I had gotten sick while dipping and drinking alcohol at the same time a couple of times, and realized I didn't want to feel like that ever again. My dad is a recovering alcoholic (just got his 20 year chip this past June) and my mom was drinking too much. I quit March 7, 2009 and went to meetings almost every night for a year. I'm 4 1/2 years sober and I couldn't have done it without the group. A month later my mom stopped drinking too. God is amazing. Be careful what you pray for, you might get it!

This is entirely too long! I just know I can't do this by myself. There's more I could share but I'm not going to bore you. I'm Catholic and pray about this all the time. I know quitting is the right thing to do. Events in my life have led me to believe this is the time and this is the way. With your help, I know I can do it.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this.