Author Topic: KTC against ME  (Read 3689 times)

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Offline justkeepdancing

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #41 on: October 31, 2009, 07:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: Trapper
Quote from: O.D.
Quote from: Smokeyg

I was asked about the inconsistency between my quit date and the date I joined KTC. They don't line up.

I joined a live quit smoking group through a local hospital. My quit date was April 25th, 2007. I was the only chewer in the class and the only chewer that the instructor had had in the class in over ten years. We met once a week to talk about our experiences and we did lessons aimed at uncovering why we abused nicotine to start with and why we were quitting. It actually was very helpful to listen to others and reflect on how chew was controlling my life. What I didn't like (and I didn't realize it at the time) was that most of the people caved at one time  or another during the course of the class. There was NO anger at all expressed. I stated months ago that it was a very accepting environment of failure. I never made any real close connections with these folks and once the class was over, I just went my own way.

It wasn't until over 40 or so days into my quit that I stumbled upon this site. My class had officially ended and I was looking for other means of support. I created an account so I could check out the community forum section. Ironically, I never posted anything because there was so much shit talking going on. I did not understand it. Why would I want to be a part of all these internet losers? GAYEST THING EVER!

I made it to my own personal HOF and two hundred days. Somewhere in there I logged back on to this site and posted in the 2007 HOF page that I was 100+ days quit and that I was doing it for myself or some such shit. I never bothered with joining a group or posting roll. I'm not sure if I made it to three hundred days because I wasn't really concerned with my quit anymore at that point. I was quit. I had beat it. One wouldn't hurt. I planned on putting in a chew and throwing the can away. Once I put it in, I couldn't throw the can away. One more won't hurt later. I'll throw it away before I go to bed tonight. You know the rest of the story.

So...moral of the story - and the main reason why I am still strongly involved with this site - is that you can never take your quit for granted. This community will provide support and accountability long into the future if you allow it. Many of the August 08 quitters have stopped posting, but they ALL still have our phone numbers and great support systems set up in their physical lives. I will never completely beat this addiction. It will always be with me. I can not afford to pretend like it doesn't exist.

I will not chew tobacco today.

Been curious about smoking quit groups, and never joined one. I always had the impression that quitting smokless is a different animal, but I never liked the smoke myself so I don't have an objective or real comparison. Did you find much similarities/differences in the coping stratagies, withdrawls, etcetera? I guess I am not really asking for a complete compare and contrast essay, but thought you might shed some light on my conseptions or misconseptions.
I quit smoking in 1975, I dont recall the withdrawels, cravings or what ever you want to call them being anywhere near as intense as smokeless. now let me clarify, I started smoking in 1967, I quit in 75, i stayed tobacco free till 1978, a friend offered a dip i took it and the rest is history. Retarded move on my part. Just let it be a lesson, you can never, ever let your guard down not after a 100 days, 1000 days or what ever.
Any way i have talked to a lot of smokers who have quit and have not experienced any thing like the chew, and thats what i recall also.
Looking back, all I remember is that I truly respected a couple of people for their determination, and I was disgusted by some people's inability to stay quit for two days straight. If I could do it over again, I would have walked out and come back only after communicating my disgust with the program. That probably wouldn't have helped though. The biggest difference that I recall is that smoking was a huge social thing for people where my chewing was solitary. I also think it is much more socially acceptable to seek help to quit smoking. There's fricking ads everywhere and everyone says quitting smoking is one of the hardest things a person can do. No one says shit about chewing. I was labeled as a non-smoker by my doctor for 10 straight years while I was chewing. I never lied to him. He asked me if I smoked and I said, "no".

What the fuck? That makes ZERO sense.
This is from my intro page.
THANK YOU Smokeyg!

I shouldn't do this, but I do a lot of things I shouldn't do.

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Offline justkeepdancing

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #40 on: October 31, 2009, 07:01:00 PM »
Quote from: coolcop
Is this an attack on Smokers in general or an attack on an Individual?...just askin'
How did my opinion become an attack? Wow, someone is edgy.

Did I say I don't like smokers? I smoked for 6 years before becoming a chewer for 19. Some of my best friends are smokers, my eldest son is a smoker. Don't EVER accuse me of disliking smokers. I'd say I'd fuck you up, but I'm a girl and you would know better anyways.

If there is an attack, it is on those who did not have the common courtesy to withhold their retarded opinion, even when asked not to.

I'm wondering if anyone bothered checking out the quit smoking sites before posting their dumb shit opinion on my page?? Did ANYONE do as I suggested? Why am I thinking the answer is going to be "no"? I didn't just suggest it because my fingers so love the feel of a keyboard, but rather because I would like you to see how fucked up KTC could become. My post will be here as an "I told you so", if needed.

I hope that answers your question coolcop. If you can't take the heat, stay away from my flamethrower.
[color=ff6666]"Work like you don't need the money.
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Offline Smokeyg

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #39 on: October 31, 2009, 06:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: Trapper
Quote from: O.D.
Quote from: Smokeyg

I was asked about the inconsistency between my quit date and the date I joined KTC. They don't line up.

I joined a live quit smoking group through a local hospital. My quit date was April 25th, 2007. I was the only chewer in the class and the only chewer that the instructor had had in the class in over ten years. We met once a week to talk about our experiences and we did lessons aimed at uncovering why we abused nicotine to start with and why we were quitting. It actually was very helpful to listen to others and reflect on how chew was controlling my life. What I didn't like (and I didn't realize it at the time) was that most of the people caved at one time  or another during the course of the class. There was NO anger at all expressed. I stated months ago that it was a very accepting environment of failure. I never made any real close connections with these folks and once the class was over, I just went my own way.

It wasn't until over 40 or so days into my quit that I stumbled upon this site. My class had officially ended and I was looking for other means of support. I created an account so I could check out the community forum section. Ironically, I never posted anything because there was so much shit talking going on. I did not understand it. Why would I want to be a part of all these internet losers? GAYEST THING EVER!

I made it to my own personal HOF and two hundred days. Somewhere in there I logged back on to this site and posted in the 2007 HOF page that I was 100+ days quit and that I was doing it for myself or some such shit. I never bothered with joining a group or posting roll. I'm not sure if I made it to three hundred days because I wasn't really concerned with my quit anymore at that point. I was quit. I had beat it. One wouldn't hurt. I planned on putting in a chew and throwing the can away. Once I put it in, I couldn't throw the can away. One more won't hurt later. I'll throw it away before I go to bed tonight. You know the rest of the story.

So...moral of the story - and the main reason why I am still strongly involved with this site - is that you can never take your quit for granted. This community will provide support and accountability long into the future if you allow it. Many of the August 08 quitters have stopped posting, but they ALL still have our phone numbers and great support systems set up in their physical lives. I will never completely beat this addiction. It will always be with me. I can not afford to pretend like it doesn't exist.

I will not chew tobacco today.

Been curious about smoking quit groups, and never joined one. I always had the impression that quitting smokless is a different animal, but I never liked the smoke myself so I don't have an objective or real comparison. Did you find much similarities/differences in the coping stratagies, withdrawls, etcetera? I guess I am not really asking for a complete compare and contrast essay, but thought you might shed some light on my conseptions or misconseptions.
I quit smoking in 1975, I dont recall the withdrawels, cravings or what ever you want to call them being anywhere near as intense as smokeless. now let me clarify, I started smoking in 1967, I quit in 75, i stayed tobacco free till 1978, a friend offered a dip i took it and the rest is history. Retarded move on my part. Just let it be a lesson, you can never, ever let your guard down not after a 100 days, 1000 days or what ever.
Any way i have talked to a lot of smokers who have quit and have not experienced any thing like the chew, and thats what i recall also.
Looking back, all I remember is that I truly respected a couple of people for their determination, and I was disgusted by some people's inability to stay quit for two days straight. If I could do it over again, I would have walked out and come back only after communicating my disgust with the program. That probably wouldn't have helped though. The biggest difference that I recall is that smoking was a huge social thing for people where my chewing was solitary. I also think it is much more socially acceptable to seek help to quit smoking. There's fricking ads everywhere and everyone says quitting smoking is one of the hardest things a person can do. No one says shit about chewing. I was labeled as a non-smoker by my doctor for 10 straight years while I was chewing. I never lied to him. He asked me if I smoked and I said, "no".

What the fuck? That makes ZERO sense.
This is from my intro page.

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #38 on: October 31, 2009, 05:37:00 PM »

Offline coolcop

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #37 on: October 31, 2009, 04:55:00 AM »
Is this an attack on Smokers in general or an attack on an Individual?...just askin'

Offline russjns

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #36 on: October 30, 2009, 08:29:00 PM »
I LOVE JKD! remember in the early days when everybody came after you because you didn't like their offensive was a barage!

Now, it seems like you fired up a flamethrower and are now like that little girl in Firestarter who just fucks everybody up! Take no prisoners! Can I be on your team? I'll go make team uniforms while you slay everybody.

QD 7/22/09
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self.
Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #35 on: October 30, 2009, 07:29:00 PM »
Quote from: russjns
I say we go after those Swisher Sweet smokers.....those nasty ass cigars that leave the entire zip code smelling like shitcakes and applesauce.
Just don't go to places like Compton and Lakewood and El Monte.
QUIT 3/23/15. And Today.

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #34 on: October 30, 2009, 06:15:00 PM »
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
Quote from: Smokeyg
Let's start a war on public displays of affection.

NO MORE 'Kiss'
*kisses your asshole*
*grabs hold of Cunt's tongue with overused yet highly refined anal cavity*

'Kiss' Anyone else wanna try?

Offline justkeepdancing

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2009, 05:17:00 PM »
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
Quote from: justkeepdancing
Mind yourself?  WTF?  That's no fun at all.
No, it definitely isn't...definitely not in the short term. But over the long term? It's goddamn good advice. Focus inward and on things of immediate importance. It's all that matters.

As for your original question re: KTC for smokers...I see this site as a quit-nicotine forum. The binding factor is chewing tobacco, which is definitely unique in some ways. But the nicotine addiction and habit are universal. So, it doesn't bother me if smokers come here.
'puking' 'puking' 'puking' 'puking' 'puking' 'puking' 'puking' 'puking' 'puking'
Well, that's my temper tantrum for the week. If you don't agree with me, then go fuck yourself, and I hope you can't get off. But, don't post your opinion on my page because you are a tardcat.
Dean - Did I ask for YOUR opinion? Go play with the tards in January. I hear Spotty likes you. You're breaking my heart Dean-O.
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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2009, 04:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Let's start a war on public displays of affection.

NO MORE 'Kiss'
*kisses your asshole*

Offline DeanTheCoot

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2009, 04:37:00 PM »
Quote from: justkeepdancing
Mind yourself? WTF? That's no fun at all.
No, it definitely isn't...definitely not in the short term. But over the long term? It's goddamn good advice. Focus inward and on things of immediate importance. It's all that matters.

As for your original question re: KTC for smokers...I see this site as a quit-nicotine forum. The binding factor is chewing tobacco, which is definitely unique in some ways. But the nicotine addiction and habit are universal. So, it doesn't bother me if smokers come here.

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #30 on: October 30, 2009, 04:24:00 PM »
Let's start a war on public displays of affection.

NO MORE 'Kiss'

Offline justkeepdancing

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2009, 04:23:00 PM »
You guys are no fun. Am I the only one that enjoys ranting and raving and throwing a tantrum every so often?

Seriously Dean... Mind yourself? WTF? That's no fun at all. My KTC husband really should understand me better... :(

I'm not feeling a whole lot of support here. The faint scent of tard even entered my page. 'puking' No one that takes my side on this has the balls to post up, huh? There are more pussies on KTC than I thought. I KNOW I'm not the only one that feels this way.

Going to go find some old posts on the matter in case no one steps up...
[color=ff6666]"Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like no one's watching."[/color]

Offline russjns

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2009, 01:16:00 PM »
I say we go after those Swisher Sweet smokers.....those nasty ass cigars that leave the entire zip code smelling like shitcakes and applesauce.
QD 7/22/09
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self.
Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.

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Re: KTC against ME
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2009, 12:59:00 PM »
I geuss we should target the Loose Leaf Redman and Levi Garrett people next ... or maybe re-name the site "Kill the Pouch" :o

No Chew Crue - Cliff's Big Brother Jack

B.ig B.rother J.ack