Author Topic: Three weeks in...with a crutch  (Read 7421 times)

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Offline Nolaq

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #76 on: November 01, 2011, 03:42:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: whacko
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disillusional in thinking it's going to be a field of roses from here on out. I just don't think it makes much sense to deflate a quitter's sense of pride, success or accomplishment when he's high on his quit. Being excited about the quit makes the suck bearable and keeps me motivated.

Sometimes sayin' "Way to go on your kick ass quit. If things turn around and you find the suck wrapping it's hands around your neck, remember your KTC training and get your ass in here ASAP. We're all here to help you..." might work better than, "Glad you're having a good quit today, but it WILL wear off and things will suck ass and you'll fail in your quit if you're not prepared with all of the great advice all us experienced quitters have to offer..."

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here or to just argue with you guys, but I'm not always going to be able to turn to this site when shit gets rough. As great as this site is and as helpful as ya'll are, you're more or less a bunch of random, faceless, nameless dudes who have NO idea who I am or what I'm about. I'm going to have to quit whether I have an Internet connection or not, and sayin' that I've got to rely on this website to get me through is just wrong in my case. That ain't going to work. The accountability aspect and the comradery of the group and the roll is fantastic. But it takes a lot more than that. There's a real world that I have to live in with my quit.
Keep bringing the quit and call out if you ever need it. Proud to quit with ya.
Big sky,
you are right that you need to find a way to deal with the addiction without the internet.

However I can tell you that many of the vets do tell the guys that are starting to get proud of themselves to watch out.......and that is a good thing

I am currently 80 days into my quit and on a business trip. Found myself thinking about how good a packed lip would feel last night while I was at a local watering hole. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if it were not for this site i would be fingerbumping a can right now!

the site is the backbone of my quit! I'm glad KTC is here and I'm glad there are som many vets out here to kick some tail every now and then!
Wow. Some really deep quit psychology in this here thread. I'm particularly interested in the notion of how we deal with "quit pride", and excitement.

I tend to side with NOLAQ's point of view, and I think that's because I'm looking at this concept from such a high altitude, (3 1/2 years quit).


Quit pride is great. Revel in it. But know that it will eventually dull. It'll no longer be new or exciting, I can assure you. I've watched many, many quitters wilt when that fresh quit smell wore off. So, proud of the fact that you're quit, you earned that pride...BUT know this:

If your quit is fueled by just pride, that's not a long-term recipe for success.

That's where these boards come in. When being quit is no longer a source of deep emotional pride, the accountability offered here can step in and save you. That's why posting long term has kept me and many like me from relapsing to the most powerful addiction man has ever known.

Hate to say it, but NOLAQ and Theo are spot on. If you won't digest that little nugget, I will. Thanks.

Theo also said, "The only thing nic use does is relieve withdrawal symptoms that come from not using. That's it”. ~ Pure genius.
Man. What a bunch of buzz killers. :wacko:

Oh well. I feel good. I don't see any reason not to enjoy that. Ya'll can have it anyway you want it.

This introduction thread is my quit diary, so I'll document my quit my way. Ya'll are welcome to chime in, and you're even welcome to say "I toldya so" when the crave hits me smack in the temple and I come back here to bitch about it.

But pride isn't the only thing driving my quit so please don't put words in my mouth. All I'm sayin' is ya'll are quick to say "curb your enthusiasm." I don't get why there needs to be all this self loathing and suffering in order for your quit to be successful. If the quit feels good I see no reason why I shouldn't enjoy that. I choose to have a positive attitude about it rather than bitch and whine about how much the suck sucks.

All you vets might be the Brett Favre of the quit, but I'm the fucking Aaron Rodgers of the quit. I'll see you in the HOF.

This is a long, long, long struggle Sky, that's all.

If you get a win today, post it. Celebrate it.

When the suck is thick, and you hate everyone, post it. Embrace it. Remember it.

We will continue to do our best to help you along the path. I'm not a big 'I told you so guy'....awww...who am I kidding.... I LOVE being right! 'na na'

Either way, I'm here to quit. If I can help, I'm all for it. If I'm a distraction to keep you from stuffing your face, fine. If I'm the source and target for your rage that will come...that's ok. I'm a big boy and can take it.

...and doesn't Aaron Rogers lead the NFL in turnovers? :blink:

Go Raiders!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline dippshit

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #75 on: November 01, 2011, 03:28:00 PM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: whacko
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disillusional in thinking it's going to be a field of roses from here on out. I just don't think it makes much sense to deflate a quitter's sense of pride, success or accomplishment when he's high on his quit. Being excited about the quit makes the suck bearable and keeps me motivated.

Sometimes sayin' "Way to go on your kick ass quit. If things turn around and you find the suck wrapping it's hands around your neck, remember your KTC training and get your ass in here ASAP. We're all here to help you..." might work better than, "Glad you're having a good quit today, but it WILL wear off and things will suck ass and you'll fail in your quit if you're not prepared with all of the great advice all us experienced quitters have to offer..."

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here or to just argue with you guys, but I'm not always going to be able to turn to this site when shit gets rough. As great as this site is and as helpful as ya'll are, you're more or less a bunch of random, faceless, nameless dudes who have NO idea who I am or what I'm about. I'm going to have to quit whether I have an Internet connection or not, and sayin' that I've got to rely on this website to get me through is just wrong in my case. That ain't going to work. The accountability aspect and the comradery of the group and the roll is fantastic. But it takes a lot more than that. There's a real world that I have to live in with my quit.
Keep bringing the quit and call out if you ever need it. Proud to quit with ya.
Big sky,
you are right that you need to find a way to deal with the addiction without the internet.

However I can tell you that many of the vets do tell the guys that are starting to get proud of themselves to watch out.......and that is a good thing

I am currently 80 days into my quit and on a business trip. Found myself thinking about how good a packed lip would feel last night while I was at a local watering hole. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if it were not for this site i would be fingerbumping a can right now!

the site is the backbone of my quit! I'm glad KTC is here and I'm glad there are som many vets out here to kick some tail every now and then!
Wow. Some really deep quit psychology in this here thread. I'm particularly interested in the notion of how we deal with "quit pride", and excitement.

I tend to side with NOLAQ's point of view, and I think that's because I'm looking at this concept from such a high altitude, (3 1/2 years quit).


Quit pride is great. Revel in it. But know that it will eventually dull. It'll no longer be new or exciting, I can assure you. I've watched many, many quitters wilt when that fresh quit smell wore off. So, proud of the fact that you're quit, you earned that pride...BUT know this:

If your quit is fueled by just pride, that's not a long-term recipe for success.

That's where these boards come in. When being quit is no longer a source of deep emotional pride, the accountability offered here can step in and save you. That's why posting long term has kept me and many like me from relapsing to the most powerful addiction man has ever known.

Hate to say it, but NOLAQ and Theo are spot on. If you won't digest that little nugget, I will. Thanks.

Theo also said, "The only thing nic use does is relieve withdrawal symptoms that come from not using. That's it”. ~ Pure genius.
Man. What a bunch of buzz killers. :wacko:

Oh well. I feel good. I don't see any reason not to enjoy that. Ya'll can have it anyway you want it.

This introduction thread is my quit diary, so I'll document my quit my way. Ya'll are welcome to chime in, and you're even welcome to say "I toldya so" when the crave hits me smack in the temple and I come back here to bitch about it.

But pride isn't the only thing driving my quit so please don't put words in my mouth. All I'm sayin' is ya'll are quick to say "curb your enthusiasm." I don't get why there needs to be all this self loathing and suffering in order for your quit to be successful. If the quit feels good I see no reason why I shouldn't enjoy that. I choose to have a positive attitude about it rather than bitch and whine about how much the suck sucks.

All you vets might be the Brett Favre of the quit, but I'm the fucking Aaron Rodgers of the quit. I'll see you in the HOF.

grizzled old men who text pictures of there cocks of quit. I like it.
Were you asking for pics of my junk dippshit? :unsure:
I just reported you for sexually soliciting me nolaq.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #74 on: November 01, 2011, 03:26:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: whacko
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disillusional in thinking it's going to be a field of roses from here on out. I just don't think it makes much sense to deflate a quitter's sense of pride, success or accomplishment when he's high on his quit. Being excited about the quit makes the suck bearable and keeps me motivated.

Sometimes sayin' "Way to go on your kick ass quit. If things turn around and you find the suck wrapping it's hands around your neck, remember your KTC training and get your ass in here ASAP. We're all here to help you..." might work better than, "Glad you're having a good quit today, but it WILL wear off and things will suck ass and you'll fail in your quit if you're not prepared with all of the great advice all us experienced quitters have to offer..."

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here or to just argue with you guys, but I'm not always going to be able to turn to this site when shit gets rough. As great as this site is and as helpful as ya'll are, you're more or less a bunch of random, faceless, nameless dudes who have NO idea who I am or what I'm about. I'm going to have to quit whether I have an Internet connection or not, and sayin' that I've got to rely on this website to get me through is just wrong in my case. That ain't going to work. The accountability aspect and the comradery of the group and the roll is fantastic. But it takes a lot more than that. There's a real world that I have to live in with my quit.
Keep bringing the quit and call out if you ever need it. Proud to quit with ya.
Big sky,
you are right that you need to find a way to deal with the addiction without the internet.

However I can tell you that many of the vets do tell the guys that are starting to get proud of themselves to watch out.......and that is a good thing

I am currently 80 days into my quit and on a business trip. Found myself thinking about how good a packed lip would feel last night while I was at a local watering hole. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if it were not for this site i would be fingerbumping a can right now!

the site is the backbone of my quit! I'm glad KTC is here and I'm glad there are som many vets out here to kick some tail every now and then!
Wow. Some really deep quit psychology in this here thread. I'm particularly interested in the notion of how we deal with "quit pride", and excitement.

I tend to side with NOLAQ's point of view, and I think that's because I'm looking at this concept from such a high altitude, (3 1/2 years quit).


Quit pride is great. Revel in it. But know that it will eventually dull. It'll no longer be new or exciting, I can assure you. I've watched many, many quitters wilt when that fresh quit smell wore off. So, proud of the fact that you're quit, you earned that pride...BUT know this:

If your quit is fueled by just pride, that's not a long-term recipe for success.

That's where these boards come in. When being quit is no longer a source of deep emotional pride, the accountability offered here can step in and save you. That's why posting long term has kept me and many like me from relapsing to the most powerful addiction man has ever known.

Hate to say it, but NOLAQ and Theo are spot on. If you won't digest that little nugget, I will. Thanks.

Theo also said, "The only thing nic use does is relieve withdrawal symptoms that come from not using. That's it”. ~ Pure genius.
Man. What a bunch of buzz killers. :wacko:

Oh well. I feel good. I don't see any reason not to enjoy that. Ya'll can have it anyway you want it.

This introduction thread is my quit diary, so I'll document my quit my way. Ya'll are welcome to chime in, and you're even welcome to say "I toldya so" when the crave hits me smack in the temple and I come back here to bitch about it.

But pride isn't the only thing driving my quit so please don't put words in my mouth. All I'm sayin' is ya'll are quick to say "curb your enthusiasm." I don't get why there needs to be all this self loathing and suffering in order for your quit to be successful. If the quit feels good I see no reason why I shouldn't enjoy that. I choose to have a positive attitude about it rather than bitch and whine about how much the suck sucks.

All you vets might be the Brett Favre of the quit, but I'm the fucking Aaron Rodgers of the quit. I'll see you in the HOF.

grizzled old men who text pictures of there cocks of quit. I like it.
Were you asking for pics of my junk dippshit? :unsure:
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline dippshit

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #73 on: November 01, 2011, 03:16:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: whacko
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disillusional in thinking it's going to be a field of roses from here on out. I just don't think it makes much sense to deflate a quitter's sense of pride, success or accomplishment when he's high on his quit. Being excited about the quit makes the suck bearable and keeps me motivated.

Sometimes sayin' "Way to go on your kick ass quit. If things turn around and you find the suck wrapping it's hands around your neck, remember your KTC training and get your ass in here ASAP. We're all here to help you..." might work better than, "Glad you're having a good quit today, but it WILL wear off and things will suck ass and you'll fail in your quit if you're not prepared with all of the great advice all us experienced quitters have to offer..."

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here or to just argue with you guys, but I'm not always going to be able to turn to this site when shit gets rough. As great as this site is and as helpful as ya'll are, you're more or less a bunch of random, faceless, nameless dudes who have NO idea who I am or what I'm about. I'm going to have to quit whether I have an Internet connection or not, and sayin' that I've got to rely on this website to get me through is just wrong in my case. That ain't going to work. The accountability aspect and the comradery of the group and the roll is fantastic. But it takes a lot more than that. There's a real world that I have to live in with my quit.
Keep bringing the quit and call out if you ever need it. Proud to quit with ya.
Big sky,
you are right that you need to find a way to deal with the addiction without the internet.

However I can tell you that many of the vets do tell the guys that are starting to get proud of themselves to watch out.......and that is a good thing

I am currently 80 days into my quit and on a business trip. Found myself thinking about how good a packed lip would feel last night while I was at a local watering hole. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if it were not for this site i would be fingerbumping a can right now!

the site is the backbone of my quit! I'm glad KTC is here and I'm glad there are som many vets out here to kick some tail every now and then!
Wow. Some really deep quit psychology in this here thread. I'm particularly interested in the notion of how we deal with "quit pride", and excitement.

I tend to side with NOLAQ's point of view, and I think that's because I'm looking at this concept from such a high altitude, (3 1/2 years quit).


Quit pride is great. Revel in it. But know that it will eventually dull. It'll no longer be new or exciting, I can assure you. I've watched many, many quitters wilt when that fresh quit smell wore off. So, proud of the fact that you're quit, you earned that pride...BUT know this:

If your quit is fueled by just pride, that's not a long-term recipe for success.

That's where these boards come in. When being quit is no longer a source of deep emotional pride, the accountability offered here can step in and save you. That's why posting long term has kept me and many like me from relapsing to the most powerful addiction man has ever known.

Hate to say it, but NOLAQ and Theo are spot on. If you won't digest that little nugget, I will. Thanks.

Theo also said, "The only thing nic use does is relieve withdrawal symptoms that come from not using. That's it”. ~ Pure genius.
Man. What a bunch of buzz killers. :wacko:

Oh well. I feel good. I don't see any reason not to enjoy that. Ya'll can have it anyway you want it.

This introduction thread is my quit diary, so I'll document my quit my way. Ya'll are welcome to chime in, and you're even welcome to say "I toldya so" when the crave hits me smack in the temple and I come back here to bitch about it.

But pride isn't the only thing driving my quit so please don't put words in my mouth. All I'm sayin' is ya'll are quick to say "curb your enthusiasm." I don't get why there needs to be all this self loathing and suffering in order for your quit to be successful. If the quit feels good I see no reason why I shouldn't enjoy that. I choose to have a positive attitude about it rather than bitch and whine about how much the suck sucks.

All you vets might be the Brett Favre of the quit, but I'm the fucking Aaron Rodgers of the quit. I'll see you in the HOF.

grizzled old men who text pictures of there cocks of quit. I like it.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline bigsky406

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #72 on: November 01, 2011, 03:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: whacko
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disillusional in thinking it's going to be a field of roses from here on out. I just don't think it makes much sense to deflate a quitter's sense of pride, success or accomplishment when he's high on his quit. Being excited about the quit makes the suck bearable and keeps me motivated.

Sometimes sayin' "Way to go on your kick ass quit. If things turn around and you find the suck wrapping it's hands around your neck, remember your KTC training and get your ass in here ASAP. We're all here to help you..." might work better than, "Glad you're having a good quit today, but it WILL wear off and things will suck ass and you'll fail in your quit if you're not prepared with all of the great advice all us experienced quitters have to offer..."

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here or to just argue with you guys, but I'm not always going to be able to turn to this site when shit gets rough. As great as this site is and as helpful as ya'll are, you're more or less a bunch of random, faceless, nameless dudes who have NO idea who I am or what I'm about. I'm going to have to quit whether I have an Internet connection or not, and sayin' that I've got to rely on this website to get me through is just wrong in my case. That ain't going to work. The accountability aspect and the comradery of the group and the roll is fantastic. But it takes a lot more than that. There's a real world that I have to live in with my quit.
Keep bringing the quit and call out if you ever need it. Proud to quit with ya.
Big sky,
you are right that you need to find a way to deal with the addiction without the internet.

However I can tell you that many of the vets do tell the guys that are starting to get proud of themselves to watch out.......and that is a good thing

I am currently 80 days into my quit and on a business trip. Found myself thinking about how good a packed lip would feel last night while I was at a local watering hole. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if it were not for this site i would be fingerbumping a can right now!

the site is the backbone of my quit! I'm glad KTC is here and I'm glad there are som many vets out here to kick some tail every now and then!
Wow. Some really deep quit psychology in this here thread. I'm particularly interested in the notion of how we deal with "quit pride", and excitement.

I tend to side with NOLAQ's point of view, and I think that's because I'm looking at this concept from such a high altitude, (3 1/2 years quit).


Quit pride is great. Revel in it. But know that it will eventually dull. It'll no longer be new or exciting, I can assure you. I've watched many, many quitters wilt when that fresh quit smell wore off. So, proud of the fact that you're quit, you earned that pride...BUT know this:

If your quit is fueled by just pride, that's not a long-term recipe for success.

That's where these boards come in. When being quit is no longer a source of deep emotional pride, the accountability offered here can step in and save you. That's why posting long term has kept me and many like me from relapsing to the most powerful addiction man has ever known.

Hate to say it, but NOLAQ and Theo are spot on. If you won't digest that little nugget, I will. Thanks.

Theo also said, "The only thing nic use does is relieve withdrawal symptoms that come from not using. That's it”. ~ Pure genius.
Man. What a bunch of buzz killers. :wacko:

Oh well. I feel good. I don't see any reason not to enjoy that. Ya'll can have it anyway you want it.

This introduction thread is my quit diary, so I'll document my quit my way. Ya'll are welcome to chime in, and you're even welcome to say "I toldya so" when the crave hits me smack in the temple and I come back here to bitch about it.

But pride isn't the only thing driving my quit so please don't put words in my mouth. All I'm sayin' is ya'll are quick to say "curb your enthusiasm." I don't get why there needs to be all this self loathing and suffering in order for your quit to be successful. If the quit feels good I see no reason why I shouldn't enjoy that. I choose to have a positive attitude about it rather than bitch and whine about how much the suck sucks.

All you vets might be the Brett Favre of the quit, but I'm the fucking Aaron Rodgers of the quit. I'll see you in the HOF.


Offline Scowick65

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #71 on: November 01, 2011, 02:51:00 PM »
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: whacko
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disillusional in thinking it's going to be a field of roses from here on out. I just don't think it makes much sense to deflate a quitter's sense of pride, success or accomplishment when he's high on his quit. Being excited about the quit makes the suck bearable and keeps me motivated.

Sometimes sayin' "Way to go on your kick ass quit. If things turn around and you find the suck wrapping it's hands around your neck, remember your KTC training and get your ass in here ASAP. We're all here to help you..." might work better than, "Glad you're having a good quit today, but it WILL wear off and things will suck ass and you'll fail in your quit if you're not prepared with all of the great advice all us experienced quitters have to offer..."

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here or to just argue with you guys, but I'm not always going to be able to turn to this site when shit gets rough. As great as this site is and as helpful as ya'll are, you're more or less a bunch of random, faceless, nameless dudes who have NO idea who I am or what I'm about. I'm going to have to quit whether I have an Internet connection or not, and sayin' that I've got to rely on this website to get me through is just wrong in my case. That ain't going to work. The accountability aspect and the comradery of the group and the roll is fantastic. But it takes a lot more than that. There's a real world that I have to live in with my quit.
Keep bringing the quit and call out if you ever need it. Proud to quit with ya.
Big sky,
you are right that you need to find a way to deal with the addiction without the internet.

However I can tell you that many of the vets do tell the guys that are starting to get proud of themselves to watch out.......and that is a good thing

I am currently 80 days into my quit and on a business trip. Found myself thinking about how good a packed lip would feel last night while I was at a local watering hole. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if it were not for this site i would be fingerbumping a can right now!

the site is the backbone of my quit! I'm glad KTC is here and I'm glad there are som many vets out here to kick some tail every now and then!
Wow. Some really deep quit psychology in this here thread. I'm particularly interested in the notion of how we deal with "quit pride", and excitement.

I tend to side with NOLAQ's point of view, and I think that's because I'm looking at this concept from such a high altitude, (3 1/2 years quit).


Quit pride is great. Revel in it. But know that it will eventually dull. It'll no longer be new or exciting, I can assure you. I've watched many, many quitters wilt when that fresh quit smell wore off. So, proud of the fact that you're quit, you earned that pride...BUT know this:

If your quit is fueled by just pride, that's not a long-term recipe for success.

That's where these boards come in. When being quit is no longer a source of deep emotional pride, the accountability offered here can step in and save you. That's why posting long term has kept me and many like me from relapsing to the most powerful addiction man has ever known.

Hate to say it, but NOLAQ and Theo are spot on. If you won't digest that little nugget, I will. Thanks.

Theo also said, "The only thing nic use does is relieve withdrawal symptoms that come from not using. That's it”. ~ Pure genius.

Offline theo3wood

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #70 on: November 01, 2011, 02:42:00 PM »
Quote from: whacko
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disillusional in thinking it's going to be a field of roses from here on out. I just don't think it makes much sense to deflate a quitter's sense of pride, success or accomplishment when he's high on his quit. Being excited about the quit makes the suck bearable and keeps me motivated.

Sometimes sayin' "Way to go on your kick ass quit. If things turn around and you find the suck wrapping it's hands around your neck, remember your KTC training and get your ass in here ASAP. We're all here to help you..." might work better than, "Glad you're having a good quit today, but it WILL wear off and things will suck ass and you'll fail in your quit if you're not prepared with all of the great advice all us experienced quitters have to offer..."

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here or to just argue with you guys, but I'm not always going to be able to turn to this site when shit gets rough. As great as this site is and as helpful as ya'll are, you're more or less a bunch of random, faceless, nameless dudes who have NO idea who I am or what I'm about. I'm going to have to quit whether I have an Internet connection or not, and sayin' that I've got to rely on this website to get me through is just wrong in my case. That ain't going to work. The accountability aspect and the comradery of the group and the roll is fantastic. But it takes a lot more than that. There's a real world that I have to live in with my quit.
Keep bringing the quit and call out if you ever need it. Proud to quit with ya.
Big sky,
you are right that you need to find a way to deal with the addiction without the internet.

However I can tell you that many of the vets do tell the guys that are starting to get proud of themselves to watch out.......and that is a good thing

I am currently 80 days into my quit and on a business trip. Found myself thinking about how good a packed lip would feel last night while I was at a local watering hole. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if it were not for this site i would be fingerbumping a can right now!

the site is the backbone of my quit! I'm glad KTC is here and I'm glad there are som many vets out here to kick some tail every now and then!
Wow. Some really deep quit psychology in this here thread. I'm particularly interested in the notion of how we deal with "quit pride", and excitement.

I tend to side with NOLAQ's point of view, and I think that's because I'm looking at this concept from such a high altitude, (3 1/2 years quit).


Quit pride is great. Revel in it. But know that it will eventually dull. It'll no longer be new or exciting, I can assure you. I've watched many, many quitters wilt when that fresh quit smell wore off. So, proud of the fact that you're quit, you earned that pride...BUT know this:

If your quit is fueled by just pride, that's not a long-term recipe for success.

That's where these boards come in. When being quit is no longer a source of deep emotional pride, the accountability offered here can step in and save you. That's why posting long term has kept me and many like me from relapsing to the most powerful addiction man has ever known.

"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

Offline bigsky406

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #69 on: November 01, 2011, 01:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Keep bringing the quit and call out if you ever need it. Proud to quit with ya.
Back at ya. Thanks for everything.

Offline whacko

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #68 on: November 01, 2011, 01:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disillusional in thinking it's going to be a field of roses from here on out. I just don't think it makes much sense to deflate a quitter's sense of pride, success or accomplishment when he's high on his quit. Being excited about the quit makes the suck bearable and keeps me motivated.

Sometimes sayin' "Way to go on your kick ass quit. If things turn around and you find the suck wrapping it's hands around your neck, remember your KTC training and get your ass in here ASAP. We're all here to help you..." might work better than, "Glad you're having a good quit today, but it WILL wear off and things will suck ass and you'll fail in your quit if you're not prepared with all of the great advice all us experienced quitters have to offer..."

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here or to just argue with you guys, but I'm not always going to be able to turn to this site when shit gets rough. As great as this site is and as helpful as ya'll are, you're more or less a bunch of random, faceless, nameless dudes who have NO idea who I am or what I'm about. I'm going to have to quit whether I have an Internet connection or not, and sayin' that I've got to rely on this website to get me through is just wrong in my case. That ain't going to work. The accountability aspect and the comradery of the group and the roll is fantastic. But it takes a lot more than that. There's a real world that I have to live in with my quit.
Keep bringing the quit and call out if you ever need it. Proud to quit with ya.
Big sky,
you are right that you need to find a way to deal with the addiction without the internet.

However I can tell you that many of the vets do tell the guys that are starting to get proud of themselves to watch out.......and that is a good thing

I am currently 80 days into my quit and on a business trip. Found myself thinking about how good a packed lip would feel last night while I was at a local watering hole. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if it were not for this site i would be fingerbumping a can right now!

the site is the backbone of my quit! I'm glad KTC is here and I'm glad there are som many vets out here to kick some tail every now and then!
EX ninja dipper!
Felt good to come clean on August 12, 2011

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #67 on: November 01, 2011, 01:03:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disillusional in thinking it's going to be a field of roses from here on out. I just don't think it makes much sense to deflate a quitter's sense of pride, success or accomplishment when he's high on his quit. Being excited about the quit makes the suck bearable and keeps me motivated.

Sometimes sayin' "Way to go on your kick ass quit. If things turn around and you find the suck wrapping it's hands around your neck, remember your KTC training and get your ass in here ASAP. We're all here to help you..." might work better than, "Glad you're having a good quit today, but it WILL wear off and things will suck ass and you'll fail in your quit if you're not prepared with all of the great advice all us experienced quitters have to offer..."

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here or to just argue with you guys, but I'm not always going to be able to turn to this site when shit gets rough. As great as this site is and as helpful as ya'll are, you're more or less a bunch of random, faceless, nameless dudes who have NO idea who I am or what I'm about. I'm going to have to quit whether I have an Internet connection or not, and sayin' that I've got to rely on this website to get me through is just wrong in my case. That ain't going to work. The accountability aspect and the comradery of the group and the roll is fantastic. But it takes a lot more than that. There's a real world that I have to live in with my quit.
Keep bringing the quit and call out if you ever need it. Proud to quit with ya.

Offline bigsky406

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #66 on: November 01, 2011, 12:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disillusional in thinking it's going to be a field of roses from here on out. I just don't think it makes much sense to deflate a quitter's sense of pride, success or accomplishment when he's high on his quit. Being excited about the quit makes the suck bearable and keeps me motivated.

Sometimes sayin' "Way to go on your kick ass quit. If things turn around and you find the suck wrapping it's hands around your neck, remember your KTC training and get your ass in here ASAP. We're all here to help you..." might work better than, "Glad you're having a good quit today, but it WILL wear off and things will suck ass and you'll fail in your quit if you're not prepared with all of the great advice all us experienced quitters have to offer..."

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here or to just argue with you guys, but I'm not always going to be able to turn to this site when shit gets rough. As great as this site is and as helpful as ya'll are, you're more or less a bunch of random, faceless, nameless dudes who have NO idea who I am or what I'm about. I'm going to have to quit whether I have an Internet connection or not, and sayin' that I've got to rely on this website to get me through is just wrong in my case. That ain't going to work. The accountability aspect and the comradery of the group and the roll is fantastic. But it takes a lot more than that. There's a real world that I have to live in with my quit.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #65 on: November 01, 2011, 11:54:00 AM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now. 

I do want to caution you on something, though;  the other shoe will drop.  You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now.  How proud you are of yourself.  How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me).  While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now. 

One week of freedom.  Awesome.  When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)
NOLAQ is correct. The new quit smell fades just like a the new car smell. I like your attitude. Deal with tomorrow when it comes. In our desire to help, we sometimes use the wrong techniques with the wrong folks. Keep the quit. Reach out to me, NOLAQ or anyone when and if necessary. We are 100% behind you.

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #64 on: November 01, 2011, 11:48:00 AM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter

I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now.

I do want to caution you on something, though; the other shoe will drop. You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now. How proud you are of yourself. How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me). While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now.

One week of freedom. Awesome. When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
I don't think you're a complete tool, NOLAQ.

Your opinions are valued. I just take the advice on this site À la carte. Advice that's applicable to me and my situation, I take to heart. Advice that might be more suitable for someone else, I take with a grain of salt.

For instance, advice that says, "You're doing great, but..." and then follows with all the pitfalls, temptations and craves I'll face, etc. doesn't necessarily help me. It doesn't work with my psychology. It just pisses me off. I'm what you might call a positive reinforcement kind-of-guy. I know full well what's coming, and I've prepared myself to deal with it when it comes.

The other shoe may or may not drop. But I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not going to worry about it until it happens...if it happens.

I don't obsesses about my quit. I don't think about it all the time. Nicotine doesn't define me anymore. I'm transitioning my mindset from "quitting" to "quit." The sooner I'm quit, rather than quitting, the sooner I can move on with my life.

But yeah, I appreciate your opinion...sometimes. B)

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #63 on: November 01, 2011, 11:00:00 AM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: dippshit
Bigsky. I am proud to be quit with you today brother. I wanted to tell you that I sat with an old friend tonight, drinking beer, as he was sitting there being a nic slave, I abstained. It tested my quit to the max, but I didn't touch the shit.

Stay quit.

The dippshit
You sadistic as this sounds...I kinda like the superior feeling I have as I tell friends who are addicted to nic "no thanks" when they offer it up. I enjoy the look on their face as they realize I'm serious, that I have actually quit. It's like they've lost a family member or something. That's one less person in their life who helps justify their addiction. That's one more person in their life whose mere existence rubs their addiction in their face.

On the flipside...I've got a another buddy who was inspired by my quit and now he's busting his balls to give up the nic. We talk about it a lot and put a lot of encouragement on one another. And you can bet your first born if I see him dipping I'm going to go all NOLAQ on his ass.

I dunno. A week in and I'm feeling fucking awesome. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I'm loving this quit so much at this point that I really don't have a problem turning my back on the craves. I just LOVE being quit too much to stick that poisonous shit in my mouth. I want to feel proud, not ashamed. One dip and I'll feel like a rotten turd for weeks...maybe months. Just not worth it.

Proud be to quittin with the class of Feb. '12.
You will begin to notice that users will have a new found respect for you. Deep down, all addicts hate being a slave. Some addicts decide to quit, others continue to use. They may not quit, but they are jealous and think you are a bad ass. You are. Keep bringing the quit 1 day at a time. :)

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #62 on: November 01, 2011, 10:59:00 AM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: dippshit
Bigsky. I am proud to be quit with you today brother. I wanted to tell you that I sat with an old friend tonight, drinking beer, as he was sitting there being a nic slave, I abstained. It tested my quit to the max, but I didn't touch the shit.

Stay quit.

The dippshit
You sadistic as this sounds...I kinda like the superior feeling I have as I tell friends who are addicted to nic "no thanks" when they offer it up. I enjoy the look on their face as they realize I'm serious, that I have actually quit. It's like they've lost a family member or something. That's one less person in their life who helps justify their addiction. That's one more person in their life whose mere existence rubs their addiction in their face.

On the flipside...I've got a another buddy who was inspired by my quit and now he's busting his balls to give up the nic. We talk about it a lot and put a lot of encouragement on one another. And you can bet your first born if I see him dipping I'm going to go all NOLAQ on his ass.

I dunno. A week in and I'm feeling fucking awesome. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I'm loving this quit so much at this point that I really don't have a problem turning my back on the craves. I just LOVE being quit too much to stick that poisonous shit in my mouth. I want to feel proud, not ashamed. One dip and I'll feel like a rotten turd for weeks...maybe months. Just not worth it.

Proud be to quittin with the class of Feb. '12.
I realize I'm a complete tool at times, and you may not give two shits about my opinion, but I am gonna drop it here anyway.

I'm very proud of your quit and your attitude right now.

I do want to caution you on something, though; the other shoe will drop. You can bet a paycheck on it. Just remember this feeling you have now. How proud you are of yourself. How awesome life is when you're not chained to a tin can, cuz when she comes knocking...she's gonna knock hard.

Arm yourself with this site, and it's tools (not necessarily me). While it's great to inspire your buddies, remember - YOUR quit is A-Number One right now.

One week of freedom. Awesome. When you were typing your very first post at the bottom...did you think you would ever go a week?

Well done Sky.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!