Author Topic: Three weeks in...with a crutch  (Read 7424 times)

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #46 on: October 27, 2011, 12:35:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: bigsky406
Three weeks without a chew. Three days without the gum. Feeling good.

So far I really haven't had a serious craving. I've had caving dreams, but each time I wake up from one of those I just all that more motivated to stay quit. Seeds, Smokey Mountain for the times I KNOW I'll have a serious crave, and gum are doing the trick. So far no freak-out moments.

I did find myself struggling to pay attention to my girlfriend last night. She was talking about work and I just didn't want to listen to her at all. I was SUPER annoyed as she talked about drama involving co-workers. I just wanted to say, "I don't want to hear any more..." But that would have be a super dickhead thing to do to her, so I chalked it up to the quit and did my best to indulge her. Then I went to bed as fast as I could after that. I think that little period of impatience and anxiousness was the worst of the symptoms so far. Other than that, I've been sailing right along without any problems. Not to say I don't have withdrawal symptoms, but they're definitely manageable.

Turns out the bartender at my happy-hour joint was inspired by my quit. He killed the can about 12 days ago and ripped off his patch as of yesterday. I told him I was with him. I also gave him the link to this website and told him he should join in on the fun. We'll see if he shows up. I told him what huge assholes all you guys were, so maybe, just maybe we'll see him around here soon.
I don't care what everyone else says about you bigsky... I think your an alright guy.
It just took him a day or two to realize that we are GOOD assholes! 'arse'
EX ninja dipper!
Felt good to come clean on August 12, 2011

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #45 on: October 27, 2011, 12:35:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
I don't care what everyone else says about you bigsky... I think your an alright guy.
Haha. Thanks, DS. Let's just say I might have some personality conflicts with a few folks on this site. All-in-all we're all after the same goal. A common thread binds us...and all that shit.

You're pretty badass yourself DS (I have a hard time actually calling you dippshit, cuz that's what I'd call someone I don't like).

You kickin' ass today? I know you've had a few rough patches. Looking forward to your trip tomorrow?

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #44 on: October 27, 2011, 12:22:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Three weeks without a chew. Three days without the gum. Feeling good.

So far I really haven't had a serious craving. I've had caving dreams, but each time I wake up from one of those I just all that more motivated to stay quit. Seeds, Smokey Mountain for the times I KNOW I'll have a serious crave, and gum are doing the trick. So far no freak-out moments.

I did find myself struggling to pay attention to my girlfriend last night. She was talking about work and I just didn't want to listen to her at all. I was SUPER annoyed as she talked about drama involving co-workers. I just wanted to say, "I don't want to hear any more..." But that would have be a super dickhead thing to do to her, so I chalked it up to the quit and did my best to indulge her. Then I went to bed as fast as I could after that. I think that little period of impatience and anxiousness was the worst of the symptoms so far. Other than that, I've been sailing right along without any problems. Not to say I don't have withdrawal symptoms, but they're definitely manageable.

Turns out the bartender at my happy-hour joint was inspired by my quit. He killed the can about 12 days ago and ripped off his patch as of yesterday. I told him I was with him. I also gave him the link to this website and told him he should join in on the fun. We'll see if he shows up. I told him what huge assholes all you guys were, so maybe, just maybe we'll see him around here soon.
I don't care what everyone else says about you bigsky... I think your an alright guy.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #43 on: October 27, 2011, 12:12:00 PM »
Three weeks without a chew. Three days without the gum. Feeling good.

So far I really haven't had a serious craving. I've had caving dreams, but each time I wake up from one of those I just all that more motivated to stay quit. Seeds, Smokey Mountain for the times I KNOW I'll have a serious crave, and gum are doing the trick. So far no freak-out moments.

I did find myself struggling to pay attention to my girlfriend last night. She was talking about work and I just didn't want to listen to her at all. I was SUPER annoyed as she talked about drama involving co-workers. I just wanted to say, "I don't want to hear any more..." But that would have be a super dickhead thing to do to her, so I chalked it up to the quit and did my best to indulge her. Then I went to bed as fast as I could after that. I think that little period of impatience and anxiousness was the worst of the symptoms so far. Other than that, I've been sailing right along without any problems. Not to say I don't have withdrawal symptoms, but they're definitely manageable.

Turns out the bartender at my happy-hour joint was inspired by my quit. He killed the can about 12 days ago and ripped off his patch as of yesterday. I told him I was with him. I also gave him the link to this website and told him he should join in on the fun. We'll see if he shows up. I told him what huge assholes all you guys were, so maybe, just maybe we'll see him around here soon.

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2011, 03:24:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Quote from: tarpon17
Having a few #'s is crucial, you never know when you need talking off the ledge.  Saved my ass a few times.
I actually talked to an old friend last night. He was the first person I called after work to tell him I'm quit. He and I used to chew and smoke when we were little kids. He quit a long time ago tho. I was always kinda jealous. He asked me why I was quitting. I said I was sick of feeling like an addict and sick of literally orbiting my entire life around a can of fucking chew. We had a good talk about his quit and mine. Made getting through the rest of the day pretty easy.
That's great; but we have found that if you get involved with someone on the board, it makes things a lot better.

Not a demand, by any means. It took me a while to give and get numbers. But the few that I do have have been invaluable.

...just sayin'...
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2011, 01:06:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Are the quit community rooms just for posting roll or should I post random shit about my quit in there?
man you can post random shit bout any wheres. but man a lot a that stuff i want to find i post in my intro thred so i no wheres to look for it. speshully the shitty days man. then you can look back and see how far you came as a quiterer. plus man if you post in roll may be like 10 peeple will look at it afore its way down the page. here man tons a peeple will reed it.

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #40 on: October 26, 2011, 12:54:00 PM »
Quote from: tarpon17
Having a few #'s is crucial, you never know when you need talking off the ledge. Saved my ass a few times.
I actually talked to an old friend last night. He was the first person I called after work to tell him I'm quit. He and I used to chew and smoke when we were little kids. He quit a long time ago tho. I was always kinda jealous. He asked me why I was quitting. I said I was sick of feeling like an addict and sick of literally orbiting my entire life around a can of fucking chew. We had a good talk about his quit and mine. Made getting through the rest of the day pretty easy.

Offline Radman

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2011, 12:45:00 PM »
Quote from: tarpon17
Quote from: bigsky406
Are the quit community rooms just for posting roll or should I post random shit about my quit in there?

So ya'll know, I'm in the Mountain time zone, so I get up later than those of you on the east and Midwest clocks. Second, I usually don't get into work until later in the morning, and I haven't figured out how to post roll from my Droid, so I'll post as soon as I get in. If it's a little later I don't want people to think I've given up. It'll be before noon unless something comes up. I've got an erratic schedule with my job.

On another note...I had a dream that I was at a concert and decided to use the gum to stave off a nic fit. I was so pissed at myself and knew ya'll would let me have it. When I woke up I was VERY relieved that it was just a dream. I didn't want to face the wrath of all my asshole quittin' bros for having to admit I cheated. I think that dream helped, because so far I'm feeling great today. I've got my coffee, a danish, and several packs of CHEWING gum (not the nic shit) at the stand by. Last night was a good test. Had some beers with friends, didn't chew the gum.

Day 2 and feeling good.
welcome to the club sky. Some need a lil push to get in, but glad you are in. You can post anything you want in your group. Definitely post roll, but feel free to post thoughts, rages, questions about stuff, anything. And you can post roll with any other group on here. In fact, we'd like to have you post with us in December 2010, just tell em tarp sent ya.

Need anything else, PM me and I'll give you me cell #. Having a few #'s is crucial, you never know when you need talking off the ledge. Saved my ass a few times.

Ditto every damn word Tarp said.

Well, except you can tell them Rad and Tarp sent you. We're like gods over there, right Tarp? ;)

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #38 on: October 26, 2011, 12:45:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Are the quit community rooms just for posting roll or should I post random shit about my quit in there?

So ya'll know, I'm in the Mountain time zone, so I get up later than those of you on the east and Midwest clocks. Second, I usually don't get into work until later in the morning, and I haven't figured out how to post roll from my Droid, so I'll post as soon as I get in. If it's a little later I don't want people to think I've given up. It'll be before noon unless something comes up. I've got an erratic schedule with my job.

On another note...I had a dream that I was at a concert and decided to use the gum to stave off a nic fit. I was so pissed at myself and knew ya'll would let me have it. When I woke up I was VERY relieved that it was just a dream. I didn't want to face the wrath of all my asshole quittin' bros for having to admit I cheated. I think that dream helped, because so far I'm feeling great today. I've got my coffee, a danish, and several packs of CHEWING gum (not the nic shit) at the stand by. Last night was a good test. Had some beers with friends, didn't chew the gum.

Day 2 and feeling good.

Try to stay away from the beer right now or situations that lead you astray. Make your QUIT priority #1---nothing is more important--NOTHING.

Great job posting roll----you are the first in the February group. As more start joining that group start helping them-----that will make your Quit rock solid.

Also, read everything on this site and educate yourself.

Pm me if you need anything---You got this!!!!
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #37 on: October 26, 2011, 12:27:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Are the quit community rooms just for posting roll or should I post random shit about my quit in there?

So ya'll know, I'm in the Mountain time zone, so I get up later than those of you on the east and Midwest clocks. Second, I usually don't get into work until later in the morning, and I haven't figured out how to post roll from my Droid, so I'll post as soon as I get in. If it's a little later I don't want people to think I've given up. It'll be before noon unless something comes up. I've got an erratic schedule with my job.

On another note...I had a dream that I was at a concert and decided to use the gum to stave off a nic fit. I was so pissed at myself and knew ya'll would let me have it. When I woke up I was VERY relieved that it was just a dream. I didn't want to face the wrath of all my asshole quittin' bros for having to admit I cheated. I think that dream helped, because so far I'm feeling great today. I've got my coffee, a danish, and several packs of CHEWING gum (not the nic shit) at the stand by. Last night was a good test. Had some beers with friends, didn't chew the gum.

Day 2 and feeling good.
welcome to the club sky. Some need a lil push to get in, but glad you are in. You can post anything you want in your group. Definitely post roll, but feel free to post thoughts, rages, questions about stuff, anything. And you can post roll with any other group on here. In fact, we'd like to have you post with us in December 2010, just tell em tarp sent ya.

Need anything else, PM me and I'll give you me cell #. Having a few #'s is crucial, you never know when you need talking off the ledge. Saved my ass a few times.


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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #36 on: October 26, 2011, 12:24:00 PM »
Are the quit community rooms just for posting roll or should I post random shit about my quit in there?

So ya'll know, I'm in the Mountain time zone, so I get up later than those of you on the east and Midwest clocks. Second, I usually don't get into work until later in the morning, and I haven't figured out how to post roll from my Droid, so I'll post as soon as I get in. If it's a little later I don't want people to think I've given up. It'll be before noon unless something comes up. I've got an erratic schedule with my job.

On another note...I had a dream that I was at a concert and decided to use the gum to stave off a nic fit. I was so pissed at myself and knew ya'll would let me have it. When I woke up I was VERY relieved that it was just a dream. I didn't want to face the wrath of all my asshole quittin' bros for having to admit I cheated. I think that dream helped, because so far I'm feeling great today. I've got my coffee, a danish, and several packs of CHEWING gum (not the nic shit) at the stand by. Last night was a good test. Had some beers with friends, didn't chew the gum.

Day 2 and feeling good.

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #35 on: October 26, 2011, 09:43:00 AM »
Quote from: whacko
Quote from: bigsky406
Jesus you guys are dicks.

I got the message. Your points are valid and it's good advice, even if you are assholes.

I tossed the NRT shit in the dumpster.

I'll see you pricks in the morning for roll...
AWESOME! you are talking like a fucking quitter! You got this! :D
Great to see you made the right choice. You got lots of support waiting for you to post roll today. Let's do this damn thing. Reach out if you need anything.

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #34 on: October 26, 2011, 08:05:00 AM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Jesus you guys are dicks.

I got the message. Your points are valid and it's good advice, even if you are assholes.

I tossed the NRT shit in the dumpster.

I'll see you pricks in the morning for roll...
AWESOME! you are talking like a fucking quitter! You got this! :D
EX ninja dipper!
Felt good to come clean on August 12, 2011

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #33 on: October 26, 2011, 06:23:00 AM »
Quote from: rebeldog
Quote from: Souliman
A lot of dicks and assholes in here...but they're all great dicks and assholes.
Damn you, Souli. No homo, right? :unsure:

Montana, it's Wednesday. Get your ass over to February 2012 and post your day 2.
No homo indeed.

This is not a pleasure zone. This is a quit arena.

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Re: Three weeks in...with a crutch
« Reply #32 on: October 26, 2011, 02:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
A lot of dicks and assholes in here...but they're all great dicks and assholes.
Damn you, Souli. No homo, right? :unsure:

Montana, it's Wednesday. Get your ass over to February 2012 and post your day 2.
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