Author Topic: First day  (Read 11700 times)

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Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #48 on: August 28, 2018, 10:48:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: quitNWinay
Day 40 - I am traveling and will be travelling for the next 4 days. Usually, this would have been 4 odd days of continued dip-bliss. Not this time around... As I sit here and watch outside the train window, I realise that the world is still as beautiful without that bitch inside your mouth. I also realise that I am thinking of dip less frequently. Craves are not too scary these days... Thank you KTC!
Remember brother....
The nick b$#%* is in the hotel parking lot doing push-ups!
I always think about it more when traveling and hunting.
But I also usually have more free time traveling to stay on KTC!
Know your enemy.... Be prepared to fight and say No.
And have plenty of backup.
I quit with you today.
Rawls 1379
Listen to this quit stud ^^^^ he will keep you in the right direction. We canÂ’t get to comfortable she will pounce on any opportunity. Cocky donÂ’t work in this addiction. Staying active here and keeping accountability works! Quit on

Pab 1339
"The nic b$#%* is in the hotel parking lot doing push-ups" I couldn't have said it any better. Rawls is right and those were never blissful days. They were days of self-medicating misery and the biatch had her wrapped around our finger. No more though. Now, she's doing push ups and kissing our feet every rep.
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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #47 on: August 27, 2018, 05:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: quitNWinay
Day 40 - I am traveling and will be travelling for the next 4 days. Usually, this would have been 4 odd days of continued dip-bliss. Not this time around... As I sit here and watch outside the train window, I realise that the world is still as beautiful without that bitch inside your mouth. I also realise that I am thinking of dip less frequently. Craves are not too scary these days... Thank you KTC!
Remember brother....
The nick b$#%* is in the hotel parking lot doing push-ups!
I always think about it more when traveling and hunting.
But I also usually have more free time traveling to stay on KTC!
Know your enemy.... Be prepared to fight and say No.
And have plenty of backup.
I quit with you today.
Rawls 1379
Listen to this quit stud ^^^^ he will keep you in the right direction. We canÂ’t get to comfortable she will pounce on any opportunity. Cocky donÂ’t work in this addiction. Staying active here and keeping accountability works! Quit on

Pab 1339
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2018, 09:54:00 AM »
Quote from: quitNWinay
Day 40 - I am traveling and will be travelling for the next 4 days. Usually, this would have been 4 odd days of continued dip-bliss. Not this time around... As I sit here and watch outside the train window, I realise that the world is still as beautiful without that bitch inside your mouth. I also realise that I am thinking of dip less frequently. Craves are not too scary these days... Thank you KTC!
Remember brother....
The nick b$#%* is in the hotel parking lot doing push-ups!
I always think about it more when traveling and hunting.
But I also usually have more free time traveling to stay on KTC!
Know your enemy.... Be prepared to fight and say No.
And have plenty of backup.
I quit with you today.
Rawls 1379
I believe.....

Offline quitNWinay

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #45 on: August 26, 2018, 11:44:00 PM »
Day 40 - I am traveling and will be travelling for the next 4 days. Usually, this would have been 4 odd days of continued dip-bliss. Not this time around... As I sit here and watch outside the train window, I realise that the world is still as beautiful without that bitch inside your mouth. I also realise that I am thinking of dip less frequently. Craves are not too scary these days... Thank you KTC!
I am a caver...

Can't quit quitting!

Proud member of October 2018 Quit Group

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Offline BubbaM

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #44 on: August 23, 2018, 06:29:00 AM »
Quote from: quitNWinay
Day 37 - The fog and the suck is back. Dealing with it is easier, though... It does *not* lead to anxiety anymore, thankfully! Yessir, it does get easier...

Ok, I was with this friend of mine yesternight. We had started dipping at around the same time, 15 years ago. I told him that I quit... He was happy for me. Cool...

It was raining hard and he had to get outside the car and run in the rain for about 100 yards to get tobacco.

Wow!!! I didn't have to do it.

Nossir I don't do '*cancer in my face*' anymore!
Win, awesome! Message me whenever brother! ODAAT!

Offline quitNWinay

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #43 on: August 23, 2018, 06:12:00 AM »
Day 37 - The fog and the suck is back. Dealing with it is easier, though... It does *not* lead to anxiety anymore, thankfully! Yessir, it does get easier...

Ok, I was with this friend of mine yesternight. We had started dipping at around the same time, 15 years ago. I told him that I quit... He was happy for me. Cool...

It was raining hard and he had to get outside the car and run in the rain for about 100 yards to get tobacco.

Wow!!! I didn't have to do it.

Nossir I don't do '*cancer in my face*' anymore!
I am a caver...

Can't quit quitting!

Proud member of October 2018 Quit Group

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Offline BubbaM

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #42 on: August 19, 2018, 08:51:00 AM »
Quote from: LeroyB
Day 11 for me, very hard day. Yesterday, day 10, never even thought about it. Very interesting the way it varies from day to day (not comfortable, but interesting). Wish I knew more about physiology and psychology, that might help in dealing with the never disappearing ever unpredictable but slowly receding demon.
Leroy, donÂ’t know if your in a quit group or not but you should post roll on November 2018. Go to quit groups. Then to pre HOF groups. Then click on November 2018. If you need any help my digits or phone number is in your PMs. Top right hand corner of screen.

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2018, 11:31:00 PM »
Day 11 for me, very hard day. Yesterday, day 10, never even thought about it. Very interesting the way it varies from day to day (not comfortable, but interesting). Wish I knew more about physiology and psychology, that might help in dealing with the never disappearing ever unpredictable but slowly receding demon.

Offline Doc2quit4good

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #40 on: August 18, 2018, 06:28:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: quitNWinay
Day 30!

Never knew I had it in me to stay off the bitch for a month! A month of pure freedom, a month of healing, a month of being a better son, husband and father. Can't help but feel proud of myself today, just for now, I pat my back... I deserve a minute to appreciate myself- FUCKIT, this month was *tough*! I couldn't have done this by myself, thank you KTC!

I know complacency won't help any. So, I put my head down again and march on! One step at a time! An army of quitters behind me... The battle is won, but, the war rages on... I got tough days ahead and a million craves to fight as I muscle my way through every day... One day at a time!

I know we will win this war... Love you all!
Use the journals of those who came before you to see what is on the horizon. Knowledge is power. Knowledge with support from those who have walked that road is immeasurable. Remember, you have to ask 3 of the quitters in your group permission to cave before you would ever do so. That is how we protect our quit. Yes, it is your quit and your life; but this is a brotherhood. We fight together, we win together.
Congrats on 1 month quit brother!!
Huge milestone. Huge. One word for you: Badass.

Congrats bud!
The first month is always the hardest... never stop posting roll every damn day. You are killin it sir!!!
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
HOF day: 12/26/2013. 9th Floor 3/5/16
2nd Floor: 4/5/14 Comma Day 6/13/16!!!
3rd Floor 7/14/2014. 3 Years 9/18/6!!!
1 Year 9/17/2014. 11th Floor 9/21/16
4th Floor 10/22/14. 12th Floor 12/30/16
Half Comma 1/30/15. 13th Floor 4/8/17
6th Floor 5/10/15 4 Years 9/18/17!!!
7th Floor 8/18/15. 15th Floor 10/26/17
2 Years 9/17/15 16th Floor 2/3/18
5 Years 9/18/18  17th Floor 5/14/18
18th Floor 08/22/2018  19th Floor 11/30/18

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #39 on: August 17, 2018, 10:00:00 AM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: quitNWinay
Day 30!

Never knew I had it in me to stay off the bitch for a month! A month of pure freedom, a month of healing, a month of being a better son, husband and father. Can't help but feel proud of myself today, just for now, I pat my back... I deserve a minute to appreciate myself- FUCKIT, this month was *tough*! I couldn't have done this by myself, thank you KTC!

I know complacency won't help any. So, I put my head down again and march on! One step at a time! An army of quitters behind me... The battle is won, but, the war rages on... I got tough days ahead and a million craves to fight as I muscle my way through every day... One day at a time!

I know we will win this war... Love you all!
Use the journals of those who came before you to see what is on the horizon. Knowledge is power. Knowledge with support from those who have walked that road is immeasurable. Remember, you have to ask 3 of the quitters in your group permission to cave before you would ever do so. That is how we protect our quit. Yes, it is your quit and your life; but this is a brotherhood. We fight together, we win together.
Congrats on 1 month quit brother!!
Huge milestone. Huge. One word for you: Badass.

Congrats bud!
Certified Grade A Badass

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2018, 12:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: quitNWinay
Day 30!

Never knew I had it in me to stay off the bitch for a month! A month of pure freedom, a month of healing, a month of being a better son, husband and father. Can't help but feel proud of myself today, just for now, I pat my back... I deserve a minute to appreciate myself- FUCKIT, this month was *tough*! I couldn't have done this by myself, thank you KTC!

I know complacency won't help any. So, I put my head down again and march on! One step at a time! An army of quitters behind me... The battle is won, but, the war rages on... I got tough days ahead and a million craves to fight as I muscle my way through every day... One day at a time!

I know we will win this war... Love you all!
Use the journals of those who came before you to see what is on the horizon. Knowledge is power. Knowledge with support from those who have walked that road is immeasurable. Remember, you have to ask 3 of the quitters in your group permission to cave before you would ever do so. That is how we protect our quit. Yes, it is your quit and your life; but this is a brotherhood. We fight together, we win together.
Congrats on 1 month quit brother!!
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

Offline eric71

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2018, 05:59:00 AM »
Quote from: quitNWinay
Day 30!

Never knew I had it in me to stay off the bitch for a month! A month of pure freedom, a month of healing, a month of being a better son, husband and father. Can't help but feel proud of myself today, just for now, I pat my back... I deserve a minute to appreciate myself- FUCKIT, this month was *tough*! I couldn't have done this by myself, thank you KTC!

I know complacency won't help any. So, I put my head down again and march on! One step at a time! An army of quitters behind me... The battle is won, but, the war rages on... I got tough days ahead and a million craves to fight as I muscle my way through every day... One day at a time!

I know we will win this war... Love you all!
Use the journals of those who came before you to see what is on the horizon. Knowledge is power. Knowledge with support from those who have walked that road is immeasurable. Remember, you have to ask 3 of the quitters in your group permission to cave before you would ever do so. That is how we protect our quit. Yes, it is your quit and your life; but this is a brotherhood. We fight together, we win together.

Offline quitNWinay

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2018, 05:06:00 AM »
Day 30!

Never knew I had it in me to stay off the bitch for a month! A month of pure freedom, a month of healing, a month of being a better son, husband and father. Can't help but feel proud of myself today, just for now, I pat my back... I deserve a minute to appreciate myself- FUCKIT, this month was *tough*! I couldn't have done this by myself, thank you KTC!

I know complacency won't help any. So, I put my head down again and march on! One step at a time! An army of quitters behind me... The battle is won, but, the war rages on... I got tough days ahead and a million craves to fight as I muscle my way through every day... One day at a time!

I know we will win this war... Love you all!
I am a caver...

Can't quit quitting!

Proud member of October 2018 Quit Group

Best soothing music when anxiety hits you hard -

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2018, 03:03:00 PM »
Quote from: quitNWinay
Quote from: quitNWinay
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: Athan
Quote from: quitNWinay
Quote from: SAM83
Quote from: Steakbomb18
I've seen your name on various rolls, including mine (March 14' Iron men) and wanted to check out this intro. You have a pretty bad ass quit going and seeing your daily victories against the nic bitch ads fuel to my quit fire.

One question for you though. ...when you go back to your very first intro post. you note the following,
I always shaved my head when I lost someone important in my life... On 06/27/2018, I woke up and flushed all tobacco in my house down the drain.
I had lost a friend with whom I had spent good times as well as bad!

You still feel like you lost a friend? Was it really "someone important" ...just curious what your view on this is now. Now that you can look back at your addiction through the eyes of a quitter rather than the eyes of an addict.
Well stated Steak. I to popped in here because he popped up in April 2014's roll (Resolute Bastards).....quitNWinay, what say you? Any additional thoughts regarding your comments as you look back a little rewired?
I had my priorities wrong... She was never a friend. She was more like the evil ring that the hobbit obsessed over! She controlled my thoughts, actions and emotions. Now that I am quit and look back, I ask myself what took me so long to realise that I was a slave to a dead plant for 15 years...
Ahhhh the precious! Great analogy man. That's exactly what it is. Only you don't get invisible. I mean the addict thinks their addict ways are invisible but they're not.
Glad to roll with you - glad you're a quitter now!!
Good answer. She is pure evil and it's simple as that. Keep it up brother; you're racking up victories every day and getting a whole bunch of badass quitters jumping aboard your quit train.
I just bought a ticket.....
The Truth is the engine... And feelings are the caboose!
I quit with you today quitNWinay!
Rawls 1366
Thank you for all the warmth and support... Keeps my quit going! Proud to quit with you all fine quitters today!!! ODAAT
So glad to see that response.....What a wake up call to realize the lie that that bitch made anything better and helped in any way....she takes your money, she takes time away from family, she distracts you from your job and ultimately will take your life. She gives nothing in return. Keep it up going! Glad you are quit with us!!!

Offline quitNWinay

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Re: My Intro - quitNWinay
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2018, 12:30:00 PM »
Quote from: quitNWinay
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: Athan
Quote from: quitNWinay
Quote from: SAM83
Quote from: Steakbomb18
I've seen your name on various rolls, including mine (March 14' Iron men) and wanted to check out this intro. You have a pretty bad ass quit going and seeing your daily victories against the nic bitch ads fuel to my quit fire.

One question for you though. ...when you go back to your very first intro post. you note the following,
I always shaved my head when I lost someone important in my life... On 06/27/2018, I woke up and flushed all tobacco in my house down the drain.
I had lost a friend with whom I had spent good times as well as bad!

You still feel like you lost a friend? Was it really "someone important" ...just curious what your view on this is now. Now that you can look back at your addiction through the eyes of a quitter rather than the eyes of an addict.
Well stated Steak. I to popped in here because he popped up in April 2014's roll (Resolute Bastards).....quitNWinay, what say you? Any additional thoughts regarding your comments as you look back a little rewired?
I had my priorities wrong... She was never a friend. She was more like the evil ring that the hobbit obsessed over! She controlled my thoughts, actions and emotions. Now that I am quit and look back, I ask myself what took me so long to realise that I was a slave to a dead plant for 15 years...
Ahhhh the precious! Great analogy man. That's exactly what it is. Only you don't get invisible. I mean the addict thinks their addict ways are invisible but they're not.
Glad to roll with you - glad you're a quitter now!!
Good answer. She is pure evil and it's simple as that. Keep it up brother; you're racking up victories every day and getting a whole bunch of badass quitters jumping aboard your quit train.
I just bought a ticket.....
The Truth is the engine... And feelings are the caboose!
I quit with you today quitNWinay!
Rawls 1366
Thank you for all the warmth and support... Keeps my quit going! Proud to quit with you all fine quitters today!!! ODAAT
I am a caver...

Can't quit quitting!

Proud member of October 2018 Quit Group

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