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Offline syndrome

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2018, 05:58:30 AM »
02 Jan 2009, 07:50 #18 2009-01-02T12:50
hey you guys. i gotta give some props to my fellow feb dude butchtn. cause you no butch man has his quit goin good when he can spend like 4 ours playin golf with a dude whats dippin and not cave. mosta the times we got it pretty easy man. to cave we gots to git offa our buts and go down to the kwiky mart and by somtehin to cave man. but man that butch man got tested got tested reel tuff man, and he past it to. man theres bin days were if i had someone around me with a tin a coope i migth a caved man. and man i hope them days are far behind me afore i get tested like that man. so like mad props to that butch dude.

hey no waht else man? my wife went to my dentist the other day man an told em i quit like i said i was gonna. well man they was all up set on a count of me usin them fireballs man. kin you beleve it? man i think them dentist people aint gonna be happy til we all die man so we aint screwin up our teeth man. i say screw that man. my fireballs may make yer next fookin boat payment man.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2018, 05:58:10 AM »
20 Dec 2008, 09:26 #11 2008-12-20T14:26
so you gyuys its been a time since old syndrome had much to say man. i aint had no nic dream since turky day so thats cool. reely the quits goin perty good. i was lookin at what i should expect now. i'll say constipashun aint a problme, cause i eat my oatmeal every day and gets lots of extra fiber too. i get some headakes, but maybe thats on acount of i got a new pillow, or may be its not. theys usualy in the back of the head near the neck man. so any of you guys or gals what gets em can you tell old syndrome where you gets em? i ppreciate that. man one thing i do notise that is on the list is that i been crackin em off pretty good for a few weeks now. they aint the smelly kind, which is good, cause i dont wanna smell em all day. but they are the noisy kind and you no how it is when you try to pinch em off when your in church or somethin and dont want eberybody looking at you. its kinda cool at home cause i can play pull my finger wiht the kids, or blame the floor, or start a hunt for them barkin spiders.

so man i gots to tell you bout them atomic fire balls man. like i said afore i started to use them for the oral fixashun, and i was byin like 2 pounds a week at ole mr bulky's place. well man i'm still hooked, sept im down to like 4 or 5 fireballs a day insted of like 15 or 20. thats a good thing cause if i keeped up that pace man i was gonna be makin a couple a payments on my dentists boat man. but no what? if it wasnt for them fireballs, i dont no if i make it past 2 weeks on my quit man. did i say earlier i tried the mint stuff? i tried that and the clover stuff at diffrent times to quit, but it was just to easy to go from mint or clover back to the bitch man. so if your like me and tried to quit with that stuff an it dint work man may be this helps you to man. i aint had a pinch a nuthin between the cheek an gums for 38 days now an with the help of the almighty and my brothers an sisters here i aint never gonna have another.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2018, 05:57:24 AM »
29 Nov 2008, 08:11 #8 2008-11-29T13:11
i gotta tell you guys man that turky day was tuff man. it wasn't the day off work man cause i've had weekends man. but man it was the first time i had real cravings since i quit man. but i held stromg man and that ain't what i came to rite bout today man.

i came to share the dredded dip dream man. now we all nos to spect them man. my brother man was a smoker what quit a few years bakc man. he tells me them smokin dreams still get him ever so offen man. so the nite after turky day i'm sleepin and i had this dream wehre i'm really cravin a dip man. and even in my dream i know i reely don't want it man but i gots to have it ya no? then i takes the dip man, an in my dream i say "shit that was stupid man! now i'm gonna get kicked outta my quit group man! how do you tell the quitters you suck at quittin? man maybe ole syndrome just flotes off in the vapers of the intertubes."

well then man i wakes up all swetty and stuff still thinkin i screwed the pooch on my quit. but then i sees the larm clock man an its like 2 am in the mornin man. hey its the middel of the nite man, an i no i din't by no dip cause i'm still werin my boxers man. but i checked all the usall hidin spaces just in case byut they was all emty man. so i woke up later to day 16 of the quit man more determind than every!

i also gotta say i'm trying to cut back on them atomic fire balls man. i tell you guys i ain't tasted nuthin in over 2 wweeks now cept that cimmonin.

so for all you guys what ain't had the dream don't you worry bout it man. stay strong man. its just another test from the bitch man.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2018, 05:56:54 AM »
22 Nov 2008, 08:59 #5 2008-11-22T13:59
so man like i says in the first post that sometimes i like to rite bout thing that ain't quittin stuff man. tody's one of them days man, cause its big gmae day. the ohio state universe is gonna lay an ass whoopin on michigan today what nocks 'em into next year man. now as i was tellin the stillers fan, i moved to the D-troit from the C-berg area man. but seee i wasn't never reely a buckeyes fan. they was like the nayberhood bully man, so i din't much care for 'em. but let me tell you somethin brothers an sisters, i ain't never seen nothin like michigan fans. first man they call it the harverd of the midwest. what's that mean man? like they got a bunch of spoiled rich snot nose punks what think the world owes 'em everyting? that they'll gtraduate and live off daddy's conections? cause that's what i think of with harverd man. second man they think there teams are the greatess thing since slice dbread man. when's the last time they played in that rose bowl man? like they shooda handed out laminated mapps of orlandao man, cause they been playin that capital one bowl since afore it was the capital one bowl. and man they could use it agin this year to visit disny since they don't need to pay for no bowl trip! and man we don't even need to sya how bad there basketball team is man.

so anyways got buckeyeyes. run up the score like them old nebraska teams use to! make rich rod cry some more.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2018, 05:56:26 AM »
19 Nov 2008, 08:06 #4 2008-11-19T13:06
so man i'm readin what to esspect when you quit and to be real honest man i din't get any big headaches or nothin in the first 3 days. may be cause i drink lots of coffee now (cause i also quit suckin dow 700 calories a day of mt. dew). and then it says til bout 20 days i'll have some of the habit wantin to come back and be nasty and not sleep so good man. well let me tell you what man. its all true. first man i find myself reachin to my pocket wear i used to keep the can. well now man its filled with them atomic fire balls. i just wanna take a minit an say i'm startin to hate them things man. my tung is all red from the color and i can't taste nuthin man.

ok now for beeing mean and nasty and not sleepin so good. yeah it started bout day 4 i was wakin up like evry hour man. the old lady shes pretty hot and the nites are gettin colder and shes all pressed up next to me. i love my old lady and she loves me. i no she'd do most anything to hepl me kick the nic-bitch outta my life but i'm guessin that me hoppin her at 3 am ain't gonna happen. specailly if i'm back for more at 4. so i rolls over and try gettin some sleep. now after a few nights of wakin up wantin some action and not gettin any i can see wear the fusrtation comse in man. but we talked and put together a schedual so i can git some afore we goto bed and she can still sleep all nite. man i mite not even tell her when i can sleep good again.

so anyway you guys thanks for hangin out hear and lettin me do my thing to.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2018, 05:56:01 AM »
18 Nov 2008, 08:10 #3
man i'm as serioujs as the cancer i'm tryin to avoid. i rites this stuff to blow off steem, and may be some guy havin a bad day cna enjoy it to.

hey man, looks like yer a stillers fan. i grew up a brownies guy. man i hated the stillers man. like that guy lambert. you no he din't finish a single game in cleveland man? got kicked out of every darn one. always pickin fights with someone. man, the only game i missed in like 10 years was cause i was playin peewee ball on a sunday. it was that game where turky jones slammed bradshaw man. i had to wait to see it on the hilites man, cause we din't have espn back then.

anywaty, i was pissed when they picked up an left town. so i became a stillers fan for a few years. i like that rothlisbergenheimer man. i don't care bout them brrowns v2.0 a lick. an plus i moved to detroit, whats uglier than cleveland by miles. and man there lions suck big time. but they got them hockey red wings, and man that's a good team. but them pengwins you gots in pixburgh are pretty good to man.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2018, 05:55:28 AM »
15 Nov 2008, 11:28 #1
so hey man you guys. so i been dippin mostly cope for like 23 years, an my dentist is crawlin up my butt bout quittin. and so's my doc, an now my health insurance wants more. well i says enuff is e-nuff! i done tried quittin afore. sometimes cole turky some times with that fake snuff. then i done stumbles cross you guys, and says heres guys whats goin thru the same kinda stuff, so maybe they can helps, and when i quits, i can help other guys. so here i am.

now i heres that we can git irratabel specially in the first days man. so man, i'm gonna try to keeps it lite round heres.

anyhows, i think i read around heres that them atomic fire balls si good to suck on but you know what man? i been threw a coupl dozen in the last days, and theys killin my tast buds man. last nites we wnet to this mexicin place fer dinner man, and i asked em where the salsa was amn, and they tells me that there foods smuthered in it man. well im here to tell ya man, i couldn't taste none ofit. so man, how much longer do ya think i need them fireballs? cause i think theys a beter ider than that facke snuff man. i tried that fake snuff afore abd you no what man? havin that fake stuff in the lip makes it to easy to want the reel stuff man. so im gonna stik to them fireballs mman an if i can't taste nothin for a few weeks man well that ok cause this time im quittin man. an if i can chow on like habenyeros and amaze my frends then tahts a bonis man.

so if theyres a place i should post storys - an maybe some ain't bout quittin - can somone clues me in?

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« on: September 17, 2018, 05:54:33 AM »
so man you guys im gonna be pullin my intro over here but i will prolly leave out some stuff on purpose like replys and such. so man rite now i gess im a 'jr member' here. lolz