Author Topic: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...  (Read 15576 times)

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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #222 on: April 24, 2022, 06:27:18 PM »
and 10 years later.....

I am going to speak my mind a little bit and you can interpret how you want. I caved four days ago, its done, its over, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. You caved Saturday. Posted a day 1 Monday. Today is day 3 not 4

Before that incident I posted every fucking day for 140 days. 100% not a single day missed. There is not a great deal of people who have done that. I have. Tsmith has. Bird has. 30 has. Coach Steve has. 2 mch has. Bruce has. Beast has. Morgan has. Swede has. Eric has. kdip has. J2B has. lbj has. Roam has. Wt has. Nolaq has. keddy has. mthomas has. Roam has. Grizzly has, Suds has. Kana has. Cmark has. Gmann has. Mjollnir has. FLuke has. ALL people you thanked in your HOF. Actually, a great deal have and do everyday Fly. Actually, you had a great deal of 100% posters supporting you. That is...until your absolute betrayal of trust.

In my eyes missing a day of roll should be just as bad as caving and a taking a dip right? Maybe you should have spent a little more time on here last weekend when there was a huge discussion re: Posting Roll Post HOF.

Apparently not. There are no excuses for caving but always excuses for missing roll. We have this thing in the military that we call "double standards". This means that some things are enforced to be done a certain way but those enforcing it can bend the rules. Not a good way to do business. There are HOF'ers out here that are subpar posters but fuck me for taking a single dip in those 140 days.
Fuck ME for thinking you had the nuts to call/text one of the many contacts you had, before "getting soooo drunk that you accidentally stuffed some cancer in your lip".

Just saying. If this is the foundation of the site then maybe we need to spend more time holding people accountable for posting roll.
Accountability is a 2-way street Fly. Im sure you learned that in the military. I'm pretty sure if a grunt under your command straight betrayed his unit, and then lied about his actions to the very people there to support would be very bitter and angry. Maybe that Judas would need a reminder about personal integrity and Team responsibility?

Instead of more than a week of missing roll before getting kicked out how about make it 2 days? Might get some people fired up but if you really want to be here you will do it.
The foundation of the site is posting your promise, and keeping it, daily. Missing roll is a big red flag, but Fly, what should be done to those that lie about their post? Who, not only break their word, but then sequentially lie about it for the next 2 days?

“Children have a lesson adults should learn, to not be ashamed of failing, but to get up and try again. Most of us adults are so afraid, so cautious, so 'safe,' and therefore so shrinking and rigid and afraid that it is why so many humans fail. Most middle-aged adults have resigned themselves to failure.”
Awesome words. Very fitting. I am middle-aged, and I have 4 kids. We discuss the normalcy of fear and what bravery means. We also discuss "what is right". Questions about speaking up for those less fortunate, never being too busy that they can't help someone in need, AND being HONEST. Honest about your abilities, your fears, your actions, and your REactions. I have fear. I am a lying, hypocritical addict. I have demons that swirl in my fucked up head. There are times when my ability to protect my house, my family, and my life seem to be spiraling out of control. BUT - I will always have the choice to choose How I react to Life. Like choosing whether I am going to keep my word.

I find this quote very liberating and it gives me motivation to do better this time around, to brush myself off and get back on the horse. I am not going to lose my cockiness because that helped to get me to the 140 day mark, it was a bad decision that took it all away.
I love pie. All kinds of pie: pumpkin, apple, keylime, chocolate, pineapple; however, HUMBLE PIE is the hardest for me eat. In fact, it tastes like a bucket of ass. Maybe you Fly, should try a little. Cockiness got you 140 days. I would suggest your goal be TODAY.

For those who gave me a second chance and decided to support me in March I owe it to you to be even more bad ass than the last time.
Fly, you owe it to yourself to quit TODAY. I love the fire in you. Be careful that you don't extinguish yourself. No one is asking you to be cocky or gregarious or witty, we expect you to place your name on roll and KEEP your word. Period

For those that just want to make yourself feel better because you haven't caved yet, keep living outside of reality because all it takes is one and I am proof. I still have a long road ahead of me but it is day 4 today and I am QLAFM.
I think it is safe to say that NOONE who has responded to you regarding your cave "feels better" because we haven't caved "yet". Although, I do feel good that I have not caved today. If I wake up tomorrow I will strap on the boots and get to quitting again. We KNOW it just takes one. I remind myself of that everyday when I post roll. YOU knew that as well. YOU decided to betray your brothers. YOU decided to LIE about it.

Last suggestion, You should apologize to Waste and beg him for any insight about the retread process. Your prior quit brother Per, would also benefit you. However, that would take require QLSWNRTTIFR (Quitting like someone who now realizes that this is for real).

Vadge. Disappointed and betrayed, still quit, feeling good, and "haven't caved yet"

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Offline kstampfly

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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #221 on: May 20, 2016, 03:49:00 PM »
Holy its been a really long time since I have been on this site and not sure even how to go about it. Where has the time gone??? Well I have had two kids since 2013 and along with my oldest they are what keeps me going. I have picked up smoking which is a very costly habit though which my wife is not to happy about....smoking meat that is. This hobby has my backyard looking like a BBQ shack without the customers. So in the last 2-1/2 years I have moved from Missouri to Washington and I am now back in the great state of Missouri once again. It seems that being in the military and my job doesn't take me very far from this place. I wish I wouldn't have just left this site but I still maintained contact with quite a few quitters from here. Needless to say chewing tobacco is not a part of my life anymore and I have to credit this site even though I had my ups and downs. Hopefully I am still welcome here but if not just say so.
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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #220 on: December 28, 2013, 02:13:00 PM »
Glad you are doing well Stampy. It all comes down to one thing.

"All is well that ends well"

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #219 on: December 28, 2013, 09:04:00 AM »
Sporkify! Great to see you back! We started out about the same time and had some laughs with GFer and the rest. You are a warrior whose battle plan sucks. I remember your cave well, it bothered me a lot but you never posted roll that day. You planned it, you got shit faced and you dipped. I felt like you spit directly in my face but fuck it, at least you're a man of your word and did what you set out to do. It just doesn't seem like you learned anything. This is a battle we need to fight every day and going awol will get you killed. There are absolutely many tactics that can be deployed to achieve the same objective but this method is fail safe. Yours allows for the possibility and increased the probability of failure. Just by taking it off the table every morning, we win. I think deep down you know this and came back because you want to stay in the fight. Scratch that, you need to. You understand the tools here work but are too proud to acknowledge your own weaknesses and make adjustments. Maybe you should dig in with the quitters behind the line in the sand instead of running around the minefield all willy nilly in your tighty whities.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #218 on: December 27, 2013, 11:54:00 PM »
Ummm. Why did you just decide to disappear for 8 months? Then you come back half singing the praaises of ktc and half saying it's not needed and the people here have a tendency to run people olff?

I'm glad your still quit but confused by your decision to leave...and then come back.

Are you here to stay, provide support, post role and help others? Or, are you just dropping by to tell us how ktc is not the only way to quit?

Do tell, please...
Quit 06/04/12
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21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline kstampfly

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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #217 on: December 27, 2013, 07:40:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Well brother, I hope you are not surprised at some of the responses you are going to get with your post, as you were here and did see what happened.

I am glad you have kept quit, but do caution you on straying too far. I know before was a close if not 100% poster before that first bad decision which took you out of our immediate group, but you came back and instead of the high energy burn out, you kept that fire inside for quit simmering along making this marathon a win so far.

So just watch yourself my brother (as we all are here). You can and have been doing it, just don't make too many dumb decisions moving forward.

Will be there beside you, and hope you are the same for me and others.
Thanks for the kind words Derek. I appreciate that you are still hanging with me.
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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #216 on: December 27, 2013, 07:31:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: kstampfly
Wow, long time since I have been on here since taking a break from the KTC community. I have continued my quit through various other means, mainly facebooking with a lot of other powerhouse quitters. However, I wanted to make an appearance to let others know, who are in dire need of breaking the chain of addiction, to get your ass on this site, become an avid member and get to quitting. This place is the mecca of all your quitting needs, you just need to be true to yourself, get to know your fellow quitters and keep on that straight and narrow path to freedom. I was a quitter for 140 days who fell into the dreaded cave one night and came back with my head between my legs and the bigger desire to stay quit. We all make mistakes because we are not perfect, but if you can own up to these mistakes you CAN be successful. Its all up to you. If you want to quit you will give up your habits and live a no strings attached lifestyle, if not you will continue to be a slave to the can and keep being its puppet. If you are reading this and you have a dip in your mouth, spit it out, dump that fresh can you just purchased from the gas station into the toilet, and begin your new way of life.  If you fall, pick yourself up, wipe the dirt off and get yourself back here. Listen to what some of these veterans have to say because it just might save your life one day.
So you're telling people to use the site and stay on the site, yet you can't even follow your own advice? It's like when your smoking, drinking parent told you to not do the things they were doing. 'Crazy'
I have been scratching my head about this post too Kubrick. "Fell into a cave"??????? Hmmmm?? 'B.S.'

Yeah, that is how it works, NOT!!!

I knew a guy once that slipped on a jar of mayonnaise at Walmart and landed in the tobacco aisle. Tins of dip went flying, and one can opened. A huge plug of Kodiak landed in his mouth. It was a terrible circumstance, that happened to him.

I believe that caving is a choice. Just like quitting. I have not been around here long, and I am certainly not a vet. But I have been here long enough to figure out a bulletproof plan on how not to, "fall into a cave". I personally do everything that I can each day to stack the deck in my favor. As the old adage says, "no one plans to fail, they just fail to plan".

KStampfly, we have not met, and I wish you no ill will. I actually hope your brand of quitting brings you all the success in the world. But I will say this,

please read this index.php?showtopic=120

then take a look at this index.php?showtopic=50

Now go post roll like the rest of us. It takes all of 30 seconds. If you have something that works better, I suggest you start your own website. If not, please continue to visit this website, but do so more quietly. There are fragile quits here. Quits in the making that need sounds guidance in the principles of this site. Posts like your last one can quickly turn this place into a butterfly breeding ground :scowick: :scowick: :scowick:

Peace, IG2H
So here's the deal. In 2012 I posted for 140 days before I caved. I came back and made amends and today I am sitting on 383 days quit. I posted roll for awhile again after the cave and received nothing more than a bunch of needless drama. I came back because it was the right thing to do at the time but this site also has the tendency to run people off. Not everyone needs this site to remain quit. I have friends who battled with alcohol and to this day have remained sober without the help of a website. With all due respect this site got me started on the right path and helped me changed my thought patterns but It was my decision to remain quit after leaving. I take my motivation from the supporters who have stuck by me and those who left well "two tears in a bucket, fuck it". Procrastinate all you want but its going in one ear and out the other.
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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #215 on: December 26, 2013, 09:00:00 PM »
Well brother, I hope you are not surprised at some of the responses you are going to get with your post, as you were here and did see what happened.

I am glad you have kept quit, but do caution you on straying too far. I know before was a close if not 100% poster before that first bad decision which took you out of our immediate group, but you came back and instead of the high energy burn out, you kept that fire inside for quit simmering along making this marathon a win so far.

So just watch yourself my brother (as we all are here). You can and have been doing it, just don't make too many dumb decisions moving forward.

Will be there beside you, and hope you are the same for me and others.

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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #214 on: December 26, 2013, 08:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: kstampfly
Wow, long time since I have been on here since taking a break from the KTC community. I have continued my quit through various other means, mainly facebooking with a lot of other powerhouse quitters. However, I wanted to make an appearance to let others know, who are in dire need of breaking the chain of addiction, to get your ass on this site, become an avid member and get to quitting. This place is the mecca of all your quitting needs, you just need to be true to yourself, get to know your fellow quitters and keep on that straight and narrow path to freedom. I was a quitter for 140 days who fell into the dreaded cave one night and came back with my head between my legs and the bigger desire to stay quit. We all make mistakes because we are not perfect, but if you can own up to these mistakes you CAN be successful. Its all up to you. If you want to quit you will give up your habits and live a no strings attached lifestyle, if not you will continue to be a slave to the can and keep being its puppet. If you are reading this and you have a dip in your mouth, spit it out, dump that fresh can you just purchased from the gas station into the toilet, and begin your new way of life.  If you fall, pick yourself up, wipe the dirt off and get yourself back here. Listen to what some of these veterans have to say because it just might save your life one day.
So you're telling people to use the site and stay on the site, yet you can't even follow your own advice? It's like when your smoking, drinking parent told you to not do the things they were doing. 'Crazy'
I have been scratching my head about this post too Kubrick. "Fell into a cave"??????? Hmmmm?? 'B.S.'

Yeah, that is how it works, NOT!!!

I knew a guy once that slipped on a jar of mayonnaise at Walmart and landed in the tobacco aisle. Tins of dip went flying, and one can opened. A huge plug of Kodiak landed in his mouth. It was a terrible circumstance, that happened to him.

I believe that caving is a choice. Just like quitting. I have not been around here long, and I am certainly not a vet. But I have been here long enough to figure out a bulletproof plan on how not to, "fall into a cave". I personally do everything that I can each day to stack the deck in my favor. As the old adage says, "no one plans to fail, they just fail to plan".

KStampfly, we have not met, and I wish you no ill will. I actually hope your brand of quitting brings you all the success in the world. But I will say this,

please read this index.php?showtopic=120

then take a look at this index.php?showtopic=50

Now go post roll like the rest of us. It takes all of 30 seconds. If you have something that works better, I suggest you start your own website. If not, please continue to visit this website, but do so more quietly. There are fragile quits here. Quits in the making that need sounds guidance in the principles of this site. Posts like your last one can quickly turn this place into a butterfly breeding ground :scowick: :scowick: :scowick:

Peace, IG2H

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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #213 on: December 26, 2013, 05:28:00 PM »
Quote from: kstampfly
Wow, long time since I have been on here since taking a break from the KTC community. I have continued my quit through various other means, mainly facebooking with a lot of other powerhouse quitters. However, I wanted to make an appearance to let others know, who are in dire need of breaking the chain of addiction, to get your ass on this site, become an avid member and get to quitting. This place is the mecca of all your quitting needs, you just need to be true to yourself, get to know your fellow quitters and keep on that straight and narrow path to freedom. I was a quitter for 140 days who fell into the dreaded cave one night and came back with my head between my legs and the bigger desire to stay quit. We all make mistakes because we are not perfect, but if you can own up to these mistakes you CAN be successful. Its all up to you. If you want to quit you will give up your habits and live a no strings attached lifestyle, if not you will continue to be a slave to the can and keep being its puppet. If you are reading this and you have a dip in your mouth, spit it out, dump that fresh can you just purchased from the gas station into the toilet, and begin your new way of life. If you fall, pick yourself up, wipe the dirt off and get yourself back here. Listen to what some of these veterans have to say because it just might save your life one day.
So you're telling people to use the site and stay on the site, yet you can't even follow your own advice? It's like when your smoking, drinking parent told you to not do the things they were doing. 'Crazy'
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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #212 on: December 26, 2013, 02:16:00 AM »
Wow, long time since I have been on here since taking a break from the KTC community. I have continued my quit through various other means, mainly facebooking with a lot of other powerhouse quitters. However, I wanted to make an appearance to let others know, who are in dire need of breaking the chain of addiction, to get your ass on this site, become an avid member and get to quitting. This place is the mecca of all your quitting needs, you just need to be true to yourself, get to know your fellow quitters and keep on that straight and narrow path to freedom. I was a quitter for 140 days who fell into the dreaded cave one night and came back with my head between my legs and the bigger desire to stay quit. We all make mistakes because we are not perfect, but if you can own up to these mistakes you CAN be successful. Its all up to you. If you want to quit you will give up your habits and live a no strings attached lifestyle, if not you will continue to be a slave to the can and keep being its puppet. If you are reading this and you have a dip in your mouth, spit it out, dump that fresh can you just purchased from the gas station into the toilet, and begin your new way of life. If you fall, pick yourself up, wipe the dirt off and get yourself back here. Listen to what some of these veterans have to say because it just might save your life one day.
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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #211 on: April 23, 2013, 09:25:00 AM »
Let me put something into perspective today. Lets say you used smokeless tobacco for 6 years like I once did. Now we are going to do a little math so stick with me. These are only averages but you will get the picture...

Average cost of a can of DIP$ 3.50/can

1 can a day x 7 days in a week$24.50/ 7 Total cans

7 cans a week x 4 weeks in a month$98.00 a month/28 total cans

28 cans a month x 12 months in a year$1176.00/336 Total cans

336 cans a year x 6 years$7,056.00/2,016 Total cans

What this tells me is that if I would have never dipped a day in a my life and put all that money in a bank account, I would have enough money today to buy the Bass boat I have always wanted. Imagine if you dipped for 20, 30, or 40 years? Heres the numbers.

20 years$23,520.00/6,720 total cans
30 years$35,280.00/10,080 total cans
40 years$47,040.00/13,440 toal cans

Makes you sick to your stomach doesn't it? 'puking'
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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #210 on: April 19, 2013, 03:42:00 PM »
Quote from: kstampfly
To those who still think dipping is cool....

Do you think that lip filled with worm shit makes you a badass? How can you be a badass when you are running around carrying a goddamn coke bottle filled to the brim with the nasty foul smelling by product of a cancer causing agent. Every two seconds you spit into this ever filling bottle thinking " Man , I look so fucking cool doing this". That is definitely not the epitome of being a badass. Its more like being a dumbass is what it is. Not to mention every time you put that shit in your mouth you put your whole life at risk. I have heard people say " Well we are all going to die someday". Well NO FUCKING SHIT!!! If you haven't noticed the death rate today is a whopping 100% that you will die someday. My wife works in the funeral business and she deals with death every single day. So yeah we will all will eventually die someday, but who really wants to die at a young age when you can actually prevent it by NOT BEING STUPID! My point is if you want to get cancer go ahead and keep shoveling that shit in your mouth and leave the living to the rest of us quitters. Keep thinking you are badass every time you spend 6 dollars on a can of dip every single day, and walk around with a fatty in your mouth. You enjoy yourself with your breath smelling like a rotten corpse. If you want to make a difference, take that shit out and get to quitting. Then you will see what being a BADASS is really like.
A great message, one that should be read again.

remember to those, nothing is cool about killing yourself.

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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #209 on: April 11, 2013, 03:23:00 PM »
To those who still think dipping is cool....

Do you think that lip filled with worm shit makes you a badass? How can you be a badass when you are running around carrying a goddamn coke bottle filled to the brim with the nasty foul smelling by product of a cancer causing agent. Every two seconds you spit into this ever filling bottle thinking " Man , I look so fucking cool doing this". That is definitely not the epitome of being a badass. Its more like being a dumbass is what it is. Not to mention every time you put that shit in your mouth you put your whole life at risk. I have heard people say " Well we are all going to die someday". Well NO FUCKING SHIT!!! If you haven't noticed the death rate today is a whopping 100% that you will die someday. My wife works in the funeral business and she deals with death every single day. So yeah we will all will eventually die someday, but who really wants to die at a young age when you can actually prevent it by NOT BEING STUPID! My point is if you want to get cancer go ahead and keep shoveling that shit in your mouth and leave the living to the rest of us quitters. Keep thinking you are badass every time you spend 6 dollars on a can of dip every single day, and walk around with a fatty in your mouth. You enjoy yourself with your breath smelling like a rotten corpse. If you want to make a difference, take that shit out and get to quitting. Then you will see what being a BADASS is really like.
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Re: The dip can is no longer my ball and chain...
« Reply #208 on: March 19, 2013, 02:29:00 PM »
Nice work Stampfly!!!!