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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2018, 01:34:49 PM »
1:57 PM - Apr 13, 2013 #16

srans wrote

Quote from: WarE2013
"Be a Bad Ass Ninja Wizard Quitter-sneak up on your cravings, cast a spell, and watch that bitch die."
Your brain may never be wired right war...Tr 'crackup'

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2018, 01:34:01 PM »

 7:15 PM - Apr 16, 2013 #17

Day 14-Feeling a bit fuzzy headed but cravings not too severe. Still trying to take it one day at a time.

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2018, 01:33:41 PM »
11:03 PM - Apr 16, 2013 #18

jbradley wrote

Quote from: WarE2013
Day 14-Feeling a bit fuzzy headed but cravings not too severe.  Still trying to take it one day at a time.
Don't try, just do it.  You got this, use your tools and we will help you.

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2018, 01:32:31 PM »

 1:07 AM - Apr 17, 2013 #19

srans wrote

Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: WarE2013
Day 14-Feeling a bit fuzzy headed but cravings not too severe.  Still trying to take it one day at a time.
Don't try, just do it.  You got this, use your tools and we will help you.
You're a bad ass quitter who makes a promise everyday and keeps it.  Your showing numerous people that they are full of shit.   It can be done..  Your demonstrating qualities that millions wish they had...  Glad to be quit with you war... The reward is so worth it.

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2018, 01:31:46 PM »
5:13 PM - Apr 23, 2013 #20

Day 21-3 Weeks.

Wow, day 5 was still the worse so far. The last 4 or 5 days have not been that bad. I have had the occasional crave, but it usually passes in a few minutes. Still using that smokey mountain stuff like its going out of style (3 cans a day), but whatever it takes right? I used 5 cans a day the first week.

Everything is tolerable right now. I am grateful that it is going better now. However, i am very cautious because i have made it this far before (not on this site) and gone back. Gotta burn the boat this time.

Keep on keeping on.

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2018, 01:31:23 PM »
 5:38 PM - Apr 23, 2013 #21

racetrackcowgirl  wrote

Quote from: WarE2013
Day 21-3 Weeks.

Wow, day 5 was still the worse so far.  The last 4 or 5 days have not been that bad.  I have had the occasional crave, but it usually passes in a few minutes.  Still using that smokey mountain stuff like its going out of style (3 cans a day), but whatever it takes right?  I used 5 cans a day the first week. 

Everything is tolerable right now.  I am grateful that it is going better now.   However, i am very cautious because i have made it this far before (not on this site) and gone back.  Gotta burn the boat this time. 

Keep on keeping on.
Glad to have you in the July group - you stepped up with that worksheet for our group (at least manning it day to day - i'm pretty sure) and for that I am grateful and i'm sure the others are too they are just still lost in their fog - so THANK YOU from all of us.

I'm only a day behind you I think - day 12 was my worst.  I too use smokey mountain and wellbutrin (not sure how well it works but i'm not willing to stop it to see).  Sometimes it feels like i'm on auto-pilot right now almost like it's only the momentum thats keeping me going at times.

I'll keep you going if you keep me going.  See you tomorrow morning at roll call!

Thanks again!

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2018, 01:30:28 PM »
9:21 PM - Apr 25, 2013 #22

Day 24. THe last couple of days have sucked. Quarter of HOF is coming up Saturday.

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2018, 01:30:08 PM »

 10:50 PM - Apr 25, 2013 #23

Steve Mc. wrote

Quote from: WarE2013
Day 24.  THe last couple of days have sucked.  Quarter of HOF is coming up Saturday.
Stay the course ODAAT, it gets better I promise you.  Quitting ain't easy, but it sure is worth it when you get through those sucky days and wake up the next day confident you can do it one more day.

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2018, 01:29:01 PM »

 7:13 PM - May 01, 2013 #24

Tommorrow is Day 30. 30 days without nicotine. Thats a long freaking time. I feel pretty good. I am gonna keep on pushing forward. Cant let up...I know theres a big fight up ahead, just gotta focus on one day at time and be ready when it comes.

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2018, 01:28:34 PM »
8:16 PM - May 02, 2013 #25

Well day 30 was hard.  I had several craves throughout the day.  Fought them off.  I am taking a 5 hour road trip tomorrow, its gonna be hard.  Gonna do it like last time, lots of drink and gum and rest stops.  Anyway, glad i hit 30, i am approaching the longest period without nicotine that I have ever had since 1996.  I went 53 days once about a year ago.  This time gotta be different.  Gotta be.

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2018, 01:27:56 PM »
8:22 PM - May 02, 2013 #26

mich 34 wrote

Quote from: WarE2013
Well day 30 was hard.  I had several craves throughout the day.  Fought them off.  I am taking a 5 hour road trip tomorrow, its gonna be hard.  Gonna do it like last time, lots of drink and gum and rest stops.  Anyway, glad i hit 30, i am approaching the longest period without nicotine that I have ever had since 1996.  I went 53 days once about a year ago.  This time gotta be different.  Gotta be.
don't worry about getting to day 54 till 53 is over man, focus on day 31 now. That was something I had a hard time with. I'm not saying that you shouldn't know this is "the" quit, I'm just saying worry about today before you get too far ahead of yourself. Damn nice job on 30 days, keep up the good work!

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2018, 01:27:06 PM »
8:24 PM - May 02, 2013 #27

jaynellie  wrote

Quote from: WarE2013
Well day 30 was hard.  I had several craves throughout the day.  Fought them off.  I am taking a 5 hour road trip tomorrow, its gonna be hard.  Gonna do it like last time, lots of drink and gum and rest stops.  Anyway, glad i hit 30, i am approaching the longest period without nicotine that I have ever had since 1996.  I went 53 days once about a year ago.  This time gotta be different.  Gotta be.
WarE just my .02 here but try and focus on today,the right now. Don't worry about tomorrow or the 5 hour drive.Prepare but don't worry or dwell.That is a  set up and will lead to doubt in your mind. Get up straight away and post roll,take the possibility off the table first thing.Quit is Freedom and who doesn't like being Free brother?QLF with you today.

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2018, 01:26:15 PM »
8:26 PM - May 02, 2013 #28

Notdeadyet wrote

Quote from: WarE2013
Well day 30 was hard.  I had several craves throughout the day.  Fought them off.  I am taking a 5 hour road trip tomorrow, its gonna be hard.  Gonna do it like last time, lots of drink and gum and rest stops.  Anyway, glad i hit 30, i am approaching the longest period without nicotine that I have ever had since 1996.  I went 53 days once about a year ago.  This time gotta be different.  Gotta be.
Congrats on the 30.  A month is huge.  Don't worry about the longest period, just focus on today. Tackle tomorrow, tomorrow.  This time is different because you are a man of your word.  Make your promise, keep your promise, repeat first thing in the morning.  When your mind accepts the fact that caving is not an option, it gets much easier.

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2018, 01:25:19 PM »

 5:04 AM - May 03, 2013 #29

srans wrote

Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: WarE2013
Well day 30 was hard.  I had several craves throughout the day.  Fought them off.  I am taking a 5 hour road trip tomorrow, its gonna be hard.  Gonna do it like last time, lots of drink and gum and rest stops.  Anyway, glad i hit 30, i am approaching the longest period without nicotine that I have ever had since 1996.  I went 53 days once about a year ago.  This time gotta be different.  Gotta be.
Congrats on the 30.  A month is huge.  Don't worry about the longest period, just focus on today. Tackle tomorrow, tomorrow.  This time is different because you are a man of your word.  Make your promise, keep your promise, repeat first thing in the morning.  When your mind accepts the fact that caving is not an option, it gets much easier.
War, its going to be different,,,  you know why??  Because your going to continue to post roll everyday and keep your word.   I had a little battle around 30 war,,  nothing to it though.  Keep doing what your doing.  There is no going back,  day 30, 40, 50, whatever the effin number.

I've just now started really getting the number thing I think.  I'm on 76,, WHAT EVER!!
What matters is  Me and you posted roll today.  NO NIC FOR ME AND YOU TODAY,,,,  THAT'S WHAT THE HELL MATTERS.  Glad to be quit with you.

Just drives my point,  I had to edit the post because I'm on day 78, WHATEVER!!!

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Re: Quit 3 hours ago
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2018, 01:24:28 PM »

 5:39 AM - May 03, 2013 #30

Wastepanel wrote

Quote from: srans
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: WarE2013
Well day 30 was hard.  I had several craves throughout the day.  Fought them off.  I am taking a 5 hour road trip tomorrow, its gonna be hard.  Gonna do it like last time, lots of drink and gum and rest stops.  Anyway, glad i hit 30, i am approaching the longest period without nicotine that I have ever had since 1996.  I went 53 days once about a year ago.  This time gotta be different.  Gotta be.
Congrats on the 30.  A month is huge.  Don't worry about the longest period, just focus on today. Tackle tomorrow, tomorrow.  This time is different because you are a man of your word.  Make your promise, keep your promise, repeat first thing in the morning.  When your mind accepts the fact that caving is not an option, it gets much easier.
War, its going to be different,,,  you know why??  Because your going to continue to post roll everyday and keep your word.   I had a little battle around 30 war,,  nothing to it though.  Keep doing what your doing.  There is no going back,  day 30, 40, 50, whatever the effin number.

I've just now started really getting the number thing I think.  I'm on 76,, WHAT EVER!!
What matters is  Me and you posted roll today.  NO NIC FOR ME AND YOU TODAY,,,,  THAT'S WHAT THE HELL MATTERS.  Glad to be quit with you.

Just drives my point,  I had to edit the post because I'm on day 78, WHATEVER!!!
We all walk the same tight rope every morning.

Some of us just have a little further to fall.

Not only can you do this, but you are doing this.  Don't look ahead and concentrate on today.