Author Topic: New Quitter  (Read 20368 times)

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2013, 07:47:00 AM »
Congrats Pinche-d!!! Syndrome is roll, read everything you can, and live free. "One day at a time" is your new way of life. Just get through today, brother.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2013, 07:33:00 AM »
ok corey man so you need to check out that pink 'welcome center' link up top and reed up bout postin roll. under stand why we do it. lern how to do it. then head on over to that october 13 groop and post up your name and number. its that simpel. only it aint eezy. but thats ok. cuz theres lots a guys what done it afore. and lots a guys rote bout it in there intros. reed those. and reed those hof speechs to. man the next week is gonna suck but im here to tell you it gets better. then it gets a littel worse some days. but then it gets way better. like nekkid in a room full of hot very bi cureus nekkid chicks is better then givin gramma a spunge bath.

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New Quitter
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:38:00 AM »
Hello everyone. I am new to the site and am just starting my quit. I have never been a quitter but knowing that this quit can be a win I am ready to get it moving. I am a 36 year old male that started chewing at the age of 12 originally to control water weight for wrestling, then baseball came into my life as did hunting and fishing; all of those old times just created a reason to chew. I started with Cope and have since used Skoal LCD Straight.

I have three wonderful children and a supportive wife. I am also a Boy Scout leader and I coach two baseball teams. I have always hidden my habit from the Boy Scouts and the baseball players and this weekend I finally realized that I was trying to hide the habit. That on top of my daughter asking me to stop. I am a fitness freak and I run 7 miles everyday and then do Crossfits in the evenings.

I finally realize that if I can maintain all of those activities I have to be able to quit for good. I have tried to quit twice before but all it took was one hunt, climbing into my deer stand and trying to pull the bowstring only to get the shakes and decide to climb out of my stand and hit up a buddy for a pinch. Wow, just saying that makes me feel weak.

I just got done emptying the contents of three cans, and I have my cans of Hooch ready to supplement along with a stockpile of Jim Beam sunflower seeds and gum. The folks at the gas station must have thought I was some kind of confused prepper.

I was pleased to stumble across this site and I look forward to being one of the quitters that win. Those little cans have had the bulk,of my life but now I am fighting back.

Thanks to all before me,

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13