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Re: syndrome
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2018, 06:05:20 AM »
04 May 2009, 07:54 #48
hey man you guys. i just wanna let you all no that i dissided not to do the blog cause that wood be more work. so what i dissided to do was takl my bruther into doin a blog entery evry wonse in a wile. so man you dont have to go to the blog page to reed my ritin cause it will all be rite here.

but heres the thing man. if you got grate ideas for the blog you can still send um to me cause my bruther isnt reely rejisterd here cause he dint hafta be a quitterer cause he never started.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2018, 06:04:58 AM »
01 May 2009, 10:11 #47
hey man you guys i see ware chewy says we got a blog thing goin so i was thinkin i cood do a blog but may be i mite need some ideas for what to rite bout. now i still aspeckt to update this here thred cause i no its got some rite yousful informashun for the new guys. and i no some older gusy still chec kit out when may be they need a bit of a pick me up.

so any way you guys if you have stuff you wanna reed bout in my blog sted of over here let me no. but firts i gotta get the go ahed from chewy man. so stay tooned an look for me to blog.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2018, 06:04:40 AM »
22 Apr 2009, 07:26 #46
hey man you guys i dint no wear to put this so this is wear i put stuff i dont no wear it gos. any way i had this guy at the offis bring in some mountin dew throw back stuff today. i gess theres pepsy throw back out there to. but any way the pepsy guys are makin these throw back drinks with suger insted of that corn sirup stuff. and man i gotta say i like it. but there only makin it for like 2 months. well i'm gonna stock up on it wen i find it then like send um letters tellin um to keep makin it. cause man i dont like that corn sirup stuff and now i just drink the coffy. cause you no what uou guys? i think all that corn sirup is part a why we're all gettin fatterer as a country. and fook the corn loby and the suger loby what keeps the inported suger so spensive.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2018, 06:04:13 AM »
18 Apr 2009, 09:24 #42
so man this is onkly kinda related to my quit cause if i dint find this site i prolly woodn't be doin this triathalon thing. but man this happind to weeks in a row now. most a the time i'm doin my runnin work outs at nite cause i swim in the mornin. well man last fryday and agin this mornin i did mornin runs. well i'm a regular mornin shitter like between 6 and 7. well man last fryday i went out to run in the resadentshul areas in town and over to alanberg whats another burb rite next to mine. now bout 3 miles in i gots to crap reel bad. well i'm in luck cause its only a cupple a bloxks to my church and i no one door is all ways open. and lucky me i make it in time and fill the crapper ammedeately.

now this mornin i get a little smarter cause i hop on the stool afore goin for my run. well i power push anuff to get some shit in the bull. so man i take off to runnin and this time i'm heddin out to riverville whats another neer by burb. i'm on the big streets but its only like 6-30 in the a.m. so nothin much is open. well man i get to bout 13th street as im headin to river road thats what comes after 1st street. anyway bout 13th street i reelize im gonna hafta crap more. now i no theres a gas stayshun down at river road so i aint all that worryed. until i get there. and you no what? they got a sine sayin 'no publick rest rooms'. now im in a shit load a trouble cause nothin is gonna be open til bout a mile down river road at the micky d's place. man that mile is ageny cause my ass cheeks are pinch shut titer then i dont no what. man when i hit old micky d's place i got into the crapper and my ass just asploded. i tell you guys waht its a good thing they had them industreal strength cammodes with the power flush man cause that bull was full and man i woodn't wanted to deel with that if it dint flush all down.

man i got 7 weeks to figger out how to change my crapper skedule or man this triathalon thing may just kill me.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2018, 06:03:47 AM »
15 Apr 2009, 07:53 #41
so i promist you guys some stuff from my kids ice show what was a cupple a weeks ago. man its a lot a little kids and then some hi scool and middle scool kids mostly in big groops but some solos and groops a 2 or 3 to.

well man for me it started munths ago cause i was helpin bild props and stuff. this was my first yeer of doin that stuff and well there aint to mnay helpers. the show had a dizney theem so man we had this cassle waht was like 17 feet hi. and a bunch a painted 2d stuff just to stick on the ice. we bilt a reely cool pirite ship to. well man they did a hanna montana number and wanted a stage for may be 6 girls. so man we bilt a secshunal thing with 3 4x8 foot secshuns. well man that wasnt big enuff for the bossis so we bilt an other 2 secshuns. then they wanted a cat walk out the front. so we bilt that. then they started to use it for other things so we had to re-enforse it for more kids. so any ways theres 2 haffs of the show. the first haff gets the cassle and the second haff gets the stage. and they do 4 shows on the week end.

sinse i dont have skates i gotta find other work durin the show. well man they need spotlite guys and man i did some rock-n-roll spots back in the day so i can handel it. one a the spots is up on skaffolds and not to many guys want to go up there so i snap up that job reel quick like. but i gotta clime down between haffs to help move the cassle out and the stage in. now the stage i said was in secshuns, so we had to tie it to gether with some hevy duty zip ties. well one a the guys whose helpin works out a lot. and the certin is open wile we're puttin the stage to gether and he takes off his jackit to show off like. so man we're all like 'look whose takin us to the gun show' and stuff like that. but he takes it pritty good.

the shows go pritty good you guys. now my older girl shes a pritty good skater man cause shes doin dubble jumps and stuff. but she got put in a snow wite dress so she had to skale back to doin a axle-haff loop-flip combo in her number and man she nailed it every time man.

any way they warned me afore the show that every body what promist to help tare down after wood disapeer. so man that last show i dint work a spot lite. me and the gun show guy were rippin down props when they were used up. now the thing i for got to menshun was all the props go up in a loft on the other side a the bilding and for the most part we gotta lift um up there and down from there areselfs. so man when the lites come up for haff time we hurry up and bild the stage and move all the first haff stuff we tore down to the other side a the bilding so durin the second haff we can lift it up to the loft. after we get that up its back to tarin down props agin. we had to wait till the show was neer to over afore we cood tare down the cassle cause of ware it was ahind the certin. well just like they told me man all them helpers scatterd like cockroachis and man there were just six a us to tare down. man if we dint do all that stuff durin the show we wooda bin there all nite man.

but you no what? i'm gonna do it agin next yeer man. and the yeer after that. and keep it up so long as my kids are skatin.

so man you guys thats my story from the ice shows. not much funny stuff but man i gotta say theres a lot a ice shows in are area but man we put on prolly the best a the bunch.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2018, 06:03:10 AM »
13 Apr 2009, 08:35 #40
Hey man you guys. I still get to tappin from time to time to. Man i was doin that a lot in my first couple a months a quit. so man i'd load my tin pocket with them atomic fire balls and when i tapped i popped one in my mouth. so man them old habits die hard.

but why i came here to day was to nounse that since i first came here i hit 25 pounds droped. man i thout for shure i'd put on wait when i quit but then i saw that antrasite triathalon thread what big brother jack had goin. well i tell ya i ran a cupple a marathons but my feet get beet up so bad. and i got a pritty good rode bike so i thout this wood be a cool thing ta do. i been trainin like a mad man sinse just afore chrismis. well i tell you what man for eester i was werin sutes what i dint fit into for like the last 7 or 8 yeers. so man thanks big bro jack for inspirin my but to do more then just quit.

and man i still owe you guys a rite up from my kids skatin show. i'll get to it soon.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2018, 06:02:43 AM »
09 Apr 2009, 08:20 #34
hey man you guys got a couple a things to rite bout but i'm gonna save the kids ice show til the week end when i can rite more.

this here im ritin for the new guys and the new hof guys cause i dont want those guys thinkin its all over at 100 days and were all cured. now man i'm like around 150 days quit is all and i'm trainin a lot for a triathlon. that meens i run and bike a lot, and i got lots a time ware my mind can wander. and theres time when the bitch still gets in my head. 'you can just have one' she says. i say nope so she goes away for a few minits. then she's back with a nother plea. but i no i can fite it. i lerned to fite it here. and soon enuff i kick her to the curb agin.

now man she's tryin a new wayu to temped me. man after my mornin swims i go to a tim hortins whats in a gas stashun to get a bagle and coffee. now our obamama man has jacked taxes on tabacky, but get this man ustc has posters all round in the gas stashun with a new low price for cope. man they cut like $2 off the price of a can. wtih hier taxes. but man i aint gonna be tempeded by the lower price. waht it does is make me more determind and reely pissed to, cause it shows me they were hosin me on the price afore. so man i say fook you ustc! i aint byin. you fookers aint runnin my life no more.

any way i just wanna remind you guys it aint over at 100 days and it ain't all ways eazy. tghe guys whats bin here longer then me will prolly tell you the same thing.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2018, 06:01:56 AM »
18 Mar 2009, 15:58 #32
hey man you guys i gotta tell you somethin and i dint no wear else to put it man. man i was at the pool yestrday for my trainin when i saw somethin that made me sicker then pickin up a coke can and takin a big swig afore you reelize its your spit can man. i get out of the pool and theres this old woman. i mean like 70 old and man shes pastty wite and got extra rolls a skin so it looks like shes got 4 boobs man. but man that aint the sick part yet. man i'm waste deep in water and shes standin there in front of me in a thong bakini man and shes got bush hangin out both sides. man i almost herled in the pool rite there you guys. i had to swim to the other end afore i got out and walk back to get my towl. and man i was locked on the lifegard so i dint have to look at that shit again. thats the last time i bump my swim work out to the afternoon man.

so sorry if you just ate man i shooda warned you.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2018, 06:01:31 AM »
09 Mar 2009, 13:42 #30
hey man you guys hows it goin? so way back in my firts post in this thred i said sometimes i'd be postin stuff not relate dto quitin rite? so man i got a story. man are dryer broke down last week cause it was amost 20 years old man. and i told the oold lady it werent no use fixin it so lets get a new un. now the washin mashine broke down last year so she wants the matchin dryer an thats ok with me. but man we got a frunt loader washer and got a stand for it. so i gotta get the stand for the dryer to man. well no big deal cause if i miss the morgage that oboma dudes gonna help me out man. any ways i get done putin it in place and i gots to level it. now this is ware the stand is importent cause it dont make sents with just the dryer. i'm done levelin it out and just gotta titen up the nuts and i thoght i had the rench on good but man it sliped off and afore i coould stop i cranked my hand in to the sheet metal. man i tell you i split my thum wide open. there was blood every where. i meen i soked thru 2 band ades afore i got the job done. i told the old lady she couldnt off me for a couple a years cause i wach that csi and i no they can find that blood if they come lookin. well any way i went and got me some of them butter fly things to close it up with cause man you guys no they say you gotta keep them stiches dry. and man i cant be missin my swimmin work outs now. but man i aint had one of them tb shots to keep away the lock jaw in i dont no how long so may be i should get one. but then i read on the interwebs that it dont do no good after the fact any how. so man thats my story.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2018, 06:01:06 AM »
24 Feb 2009, 07:52 #28
hey man you guys. one thing i forgot to say in my hof speechifyin. how many a you guys still enjoyed dippin when you quit? cause man i no i dint. i dint reely like the taste no more. i dint get no buzz on. man all i did for the last years afore i quit was feed the adictshun man. simple as that.

hey man i feel like i turned some kinda corner tho. cause i was watchin the outlaw joezy wales over the week end man. and you no what? every time he spit man i was like that was gross man. man not onse did i wish i was doin that. but man i aint no dumy man. i no she's out there waitin for me to let my gard down so i aint gonna do it. aint gonna give her a chance.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2018, 06:00:44 AM »
19 Feb 2009, 07:42 #26
hey you guys. man i can hardly beleve its almost bin 100 days. man thats just crazy. so i'm gonna grab me some scotch to nite and right that big HOF speech man. but i'm gonna warn youi guys a little scotch and theexitement of the big day is gonna make me a little nuts so dont spect to see my hof speech lookin like my usually deep stuff cause the stile will be diffrnet for sure man. but don't worry cause by the week end i'll be back down to erth and my old self afore you no it. but if you get disapointed with my hof speech at least i wanred you.

hey i all ready orderred my hof nife last week so i hope that comes soon.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2018, 06:00:25 AM »
09 Feb 2009, 15:34 #25
hey you guys. i gotta tell you i am so pissed off at this serious-xm merger deal man. i have xm and man i was likin it. i lissen a lot to the hocky stuff but i also like the comedy and my music like fred and fungus man. well i tell ya serious gets in and all of a sudden fungus is gone. now i can't get no punk like the sex pistols and dead kennedys. that reely sucks big time. then they take my fred and call it first wave. and they add some jackass dj to it so now its the mr jackass show instead of all music. then the take the comedy stations and cut the play list down so much that i here the same shit all the time. man when it was just xm i could go weeks with out havin repeets.

ok and this is wat reely sucks on top of it. they use to have 20 trafic and wether stations but they cut back to 12 and combined some citys. ok some of um make cents. like putting orlando and tampa together or phily and boston. but man they put detroit with las vegas man. so when im goin to work at 630 in the mornin i gotta here vegas trafic at 330 in the mornin. who the fuck is drivin in vegas at 330 that needs trafic reports man? and then when its like 0 degrees in detroit i gotta here that its gonna be like 60 in vegas. man that sucks. i tell you what old syndrome is gonna go cancel his xm after the redwings season is over and when i do i'm gonna tell them serious-xm boys whats what.

oh yeah and i gotta order my ktc nife man cause tomorows day 90. man whod a thunk it?

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2018, 05:59:51 AM »
23 Jan 2009, 08:17 #24
hey man you guys i had an other dip dream last nite. but you no what? this time i didnt wake up sweatin man. i beat the bitch down in my dream. my lady says i was reel restless fer a time so that musta bin the same time.

any ways man in my dream i had a fresh can a cope but no idea where it came from man. next thing bout half the can in my lip. then i'm like shit man and tryin to spit it out. then it was like them angel and devil guys on the sholders but they were in my head man not on my sholders. it went kinda like this-
the angel guy says spit it out but you gotta tell them guys at ktc yer a fuckup and start at day 1 agin man.
then the devil dude says hey man if you gotta start agin you shood enjoy this one man.
angel dude wins and i spit it out right quick.

devil dude says hey man you only wnated one pinch man and you still got the rest of this can man.
angel dude says hey i dont remember byin this cope and man i'm to cheep to buy a hole can for just one pinch man.
devil dude says yeah but do you remember not byin it?
angel dude is startin to lose man. i bet this is where i'm thrashin in bed.

then the devil dude makes his mistake. he says hey man you just pissed away 70 days a quit. but man you proved you can go 70 so lets just enjoy the rest of this can.
angel guy says how many days did you say?
devil dude says 70 man.
angel guy says ha! i no i alerady posted 71 days quit over to ktc. so devil man you loze. git the fuck outa here.

and just like that the devil dude was gone from my head and i dint even wake up. man i just like had my brain figger all that out while i was sleepin. so hey you guys i must be pretty smart to beat the bitch in my sleep.

oh hey since i got on a roll man i wanna give some props to another of my feb guys. that ricko dude is like the class presadent of feb man. he's that guy whats alwasy gettin the rest organized man. plus he's like the cheerleeder ready to lend a pick me up to any one what down. man every month needs a ricko like guy. man some day i coud see him bein one of them mods cause i dont think hes goin any where once he hits the hall man,.

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2018, 05:59:18 AM »
10 Jan 2009, 08:03 #22
hey man this one aint bout quittin just a random observashun. are all weather dudes like fishermen or porn wannabes? cause yesterday man they were all like omg were gonna get 8 or 10 inches man look out! well man you no what? we dint even get like 2 inches man. i bet these gyus go out to the bars and tell the ladys hey babe i'm hung like a horse wehn they really got my little pony size peckers man. but you no what else man? i wish i was a wether dude cause i could like be a complete fcuk up every day and still have a job man. how cool is that?

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Re: syndrome
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2018, 05:59:00 AM »
09 Jan 2009, 08:17 #20 2009-01-09T13:17
hey you guys how many people did yatell bout yer quit? i figgered i'd tell every body cause they'd shame me for cavin just like yall wood. so i gots a big quit grop at home and work to man. but man its them guys what still dip i was worryed bout but man its been good cause they aint tryin to get me to cave man. may be cause i told one guy if he ever offerd me a dip i'd kikc him in the nuts man. any ways you guys my latest stash of them atomic fire ball what i gots at mr bulky is just bout run out. and so my new years restitutiion is to quit usin fireballs too man. at leats not the 6 or 8 or 10 a day i been usin but may be a few a week aint too bad cause they aint killin me like that dip was man.

so you guys man i wanna give nother shoutout to one of my feb guys whos got the quit goin good. are bro HDFIREDAWG is over there in the middleeast man and who nos what kinda shit is goin on over htere but man its gotta be reel stressfull man and a guy what can quit in that situashun is one tuff muther man. so props to the Dawg man and heres hopin your quit will be a good long one man