19 Jan 2018, 08:18 #1
Hi all,
I'm Chris. I have been dipping for over 30 years now. Today I pledge to be nicotine free. I'll be back tomorrow to make the same the pledge and the next day, and the next, etc.
I finally figured out how to do Roll but I do not know about the "Spreadsheet of Accountability". Can anyone tell me how that gets updated?
If any of you fellow quitters is in the Anchorage area and want to get together for support and socializing, feel free to contact me.
Feb2020 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15vSbVAfOrfeH9v3QBWGjmgUhvWZ11nQqg3gqAydOQO0/edit#gid=0)
. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nzMFh80Ulut118oHOFWJuNDp58LyIyoTdY5wcSoRJSU/edit#gid=551789935)
April 2021 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SlaxLeccJro3H4CPTSbMcduysPSCQxpvadq7K5ifOTk/edit#gid=0)
16 Feb 2018, 07:43 #10
It is day 29.
Everyday is little easier. Everyday is only possible because of my promise I make each and every morning to myself and to you, my quit brothers and sisters.
I know full well, that if I did not have this forum that makes me accountable to not only myself, but everyone else in it, I would still be chewing today.
Let's face it people, "WE" are our own worst enemy. Fortunately, everyone in here that is succeeding with their quit has at least a semblance of morality and honor. Without it, your promise would mean nothing to yourself or your fellow quitters.
Let's take a look at that word, "Promise":
1.a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen
A Declaration, that is a strong word. Declaration of Independence, perhaps the most monumental use of the word to all of us Americans.
Other synonyms: Pledge, Vow, Guarantee, Oath. These are all very strong words and everyone in here should think about what their promise really means to themselves and then think about what your promise means to your quit brothers and sisters. It is not something to be taken lightly, it is, in fact a life changing moment that you undertake every day when you post roll and Promise, Declare, Pledge, Vow, Guarantee that you will not use nicotine today.
I am so very proud to call all of you my brothers and sisters and I am so proud to be quit with each and everyone of you today.
I PROMISE I will not use nicotine TODAY!!!
22 Feb 2018, 07:49 #12
The Nicotine Bitch:
She is very cunning and very powerful and she is a murderer. She has many ways of entering our lives. Those that are smart never let her in to begin with. Those that have had the misfortune of letting her in either succumb to her advances whole heartedly and spend the rest of their lives in her servitude or they finally come out of the darkness and into the light and see her for what she really is.
The latter is what all of us are. We have seen the light of freedom from her grasp. Everyday we promise not to give into her constant barrage of advances to try to get us back. She is, as I said, very cunning. She will bide her time, waiting for just the right moment to pounce.
She has ALL the time in world. WE DON'T!!
That is why we have to remain vigilante in our quit to keep her at bay so we can enjoy what little remaining time we do have left on this earth.
One day, I will enjoy meeting some of you, my brothers and sisters, joined in our common fight against that murderous, conniving whore. Until then, I salute, admire, and respect you all for keeping up the good fight.
I Quit with You All Today
09 Apr 2018, 21:13 #18
Well here it is day 82, coming up on HOF. Several of my April brothers have already boarded the train. I’m worried though, the last time I checked, there were no railroad tracks all the way to Alaska. How is the HOF train going to pick me up? Maybe I can catch a plane and parachute down to the train somewhere in the lower 48.
Anyway, my quit is strong mainly due to all of the brothers that I have accumulated over the last two and a half months. Also, volunteering to help with SSOA and fixing jacked rolls puts a smile on my face. I have made some very strong friendships with guys that I have never met face to face, yet. I hope that one day I can get them all up here for some fishing and or hunting or even golf. Yeah, that’s right bitches, I got golf here too. We actually have two really nice courses and a few mediocre ones. So if y’all want to come up and play golf, there’s that too.
The most important thing I’m saying is, make those connections with people. You never know where they will lead you and they will help your quit in more ways than you can imagine.
I changed positions in the company I work for. I used to be the Assistant Service Manager, now I am the Special Projects Manager. ? Yay
I’ve been trying to support some of the new July guys. They are starting out to be a great bunch of quitters. There is already a lot of drama though with a retread or two. Just chill guys, wake up, piss, post roll. That’s it, if you can help someone else in the process, all the better.
I know for a fact that your quit will be that much stronger by helping a fellow quitter or ten with their quits.
Well, I just wanted to give myself an update, it’s been a while. If this helps someone else, then it was well worth my time, if no one reads it, then it was still worth it because it helped me.
I am very proud to quit with everyone in KTC. Thanks for taking the time to read my gibberish. Have a great, nicotine free day.
As my awesome friend Athan says, “Love ya, bye”
This is a post from Athan
26 Apr 2018, 12:20 #21
“The head nurse spoke up
and she said leave this one alone
She could tell right away
that he was bad to the bone…”
Have you heard of Chris2alaska, of the stories old men tell?
Then lend me your ear, for I tell it well.
He hails from up yonder, with the cold Eskimo
Where the snow’s miles deep and the Northern lights glow.
The wolf and the fox, the bear in her den
Won’t venture outside when he’s round the bend.
He’s eight feed tall and four hundred pounds,
and it’s said his wangdoodle still drags the ground.
A man among men, born a true warrior
but my brother Chris had a chink in his armor.
A harmless vice started so long ago
Was now thirty years of smokeless tobacco.
THREE cans of the weed for his daily consumption
But deep inside did burn his compunction
Chis was a slave, the nic bitches whore.
Of this I assure you, he wanted no more.
He confronted that bitch, he’d an axe to grind
Truth be told the man’s scary (he takes moose from behind!)
He fought his battle and emerged victorious,
One day at a time his story grew glorious.
He didn’t rest on his laurels, not one to sit idle
He got a wagon, and a moose with a bridle.
And he roamed the halls of this here KTC
Looking for quitters like just you and me
And lo he found me stumbling around
In a nic induced stupor like some silly ass clown
Oh the bitch had me, firm in her grasp
Cloaked in anxiety, lock and hasp
But Chris wouldn’t have it, no he climbed down
And grabbed this here addict and flung off her crown
He offered his hand and helped me stand up
I learned to taste freedom from the abstinence cup
So I tell his story, regale it with cheer
For had he not done so I wouldn’t be here
Thank-you Chris. Saved my life.
14 May 2018, 11:55 #22
Are You Ready to Quit?
Hi Everyone,
My name is Chris, I chewed smokeless tobacco since I was 19 years old, so for 31 years. I started because a really hot chick wanted to try it so I said I would try it with her. I have not seen that girl in 31 years, but I had a daily reminder of her as I crammed some more of that crap into my lip.
I was up to three cans a day and putting in half the can at a time when I decided to quit.
I did have one stoppage in the year 2000 for about nine months, but I caved and went back to it like I had never stopped. It took me a really long time to decide that I was ready to quit. Sure, my wife and son wanted me to quit long before I ever did, but I was not ready. If you are not quitting for yourself first, you will fail. You have to want that quit more than anything. It finally hit me in January of this year that I was finally ready. That is when I found the KTC website. I have no idea what caused me to click on the link, I just know when I did and started reading the information contained inside it clicked and made complete sense for me.
The last 100 days has been different for me than most of my brothers and sister in April ’18. I have yet to experience “The Fog”. I never experienced the hazy, mindset they all spoke about. I did have some cravings that hit pretty hard but for the most part, I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 100 days of freedom from nicotine.
Now the hard part is going to start. There are some bad days ahead for all of us based on the information contained in the “what to expect” section. We will be fighting more cravings and we will need to lean on all of our quit brothers to get through it.
Unfortunately, there are several of our brothers who do not realize that 100 days is not the end, it is only the beginning. As I said before, I chewed for 31 years, which is over 11,300 days. I’m at 100 days. When I get to 11,300 days of quit, only then will I say that I “might” be cured.
There are so many people in this forum that have helped me, several that I consider close friends and would be at their doorstep if they called and said they needed me there. I would like to specifically thank a few of those individuals:
MNxEngineer – the first person to support me when I came to this forum.
Skolvikings – What can I say, you sir are the epitome of quit. In the dictionary under the word “Quit” is a picture of you.
Athan – Quit possibly my best friend.
69Franx – Has supported me on roll almost every day since I got here
Samrs – What would I do without your daily jokes?
JGromo, Morgan, Mack213, CritRocket, BrianG, Doofus, Batdad, and more.
All of you guys have had some part in supporting my quit, I only hope I have also supported you when you needed it.
It is my honor and privilege to know all of you and to especially quit with all of on a daily basis.
Now then, all of those guys up there have one thing in common, they are all addicts just like me. If you are reading this and wondering if you should quit dipping, the answer is most definitely YES. But only you can decide that for yourself. No one else can make the decision for you. Do not let anyone make the decision for you either. All that will happen, is you will end up pissed off at them and posting a day one again because you caved. You caved because YOU were not ready to quit and YOU did not make the decision to quit.
Now some of the benefits of quitting are as follows:
• Less of a chance that you will get cancer.
• Clean teeth and gums.
• A mouth worth kissing.
• A happier life with your family.
• A longer life with your family.
• More money in your bank account (I am saving over $500 every month. I booked a two week cruise for my family and me for next February)
• Way less stress going to the dentist.
• No more spitters to hide.
• No more accidentally spilling said spitter all over your car floor.
The list is endless, but these are some of highlights.
This is what I know, I joined this forum because I was ready to quit. Making my promise to abstain from nicotine every MORNING (not half way through the day or 10 minutes until midnight) along with the Accountability and Brotherhood is irreplaceable as a means of quitting. As long as you are true to your word, you can quit nicotine too.
I will be here long after my 100 days has come and gone because if I am not, I will end up like most that leave and have to come back to post day 1 again. I REFUSE!!!
I will be here posting roll every day because that is how my quit is going to continue.
You see, nicotine is a conniving little bitch. She will wait and wait and wait until you think you have mastery over her. She will lull you into thinking that you have won, you are the man or woman and you cannot be harmed by her ever again. BAM!!!! She has you. Next thing you know, you are packing your lip with a big ole shit turd. Nicotine has all the time in the world. It is not going anywhere anytime soon. We, on the other hand only have a short time on this earth. Do you want spend it feeding your addiction or enjoying your life with family and friends??
The choice is yours. I sincerely hope you make the correct one.
Please feel free to PM me if you want my digits. It would be my honor to help support you in your quit. What better way for me to thank all those that have come before me than to help someone else control their addiction One Day at a Time.
Chris aka chris2alaska
Welcome to KTC (insert name here)
You have made the best decision of your life in quitting nicotine. This is your first and only quit. Any stoppage prior is just that, a stoppage or break. Here at KTC we quit One Day at a Time (ODAAT). We do that by posting our promise on roll every morning that we will not use nicotine in any form for the day. The process is simple:
1. Wake Up
2. Piss
3. Post your Promise
4. Keep Your Word
5. Repeat Daily
Simple but hard. The first few weeks are going to suck. You need to embrace that suck and realize that you are fighting for your life. Treat your quit with the importance that it merits. How important is your life to you, to your spouse, to your children? Make your quit about you and for you and you will more than likely succeed. I promise you it will get better.
Posting Roll is done in groups according to your Day 1. Your quit group is (insert URL for quit group for this quitter). Click the link and it will take you right to it. Follow the instructions at the top of the page to post roll. After you post Roll, start to get to know your fellow quitters in your group as they will be the ones going through the same suck as you at the same time. Exchange phone numbers with them and some of the vets using the "My Messages" tab at the top or the envelope icon if you are on mobile. Don't post your private information on the open forum. Post your accomplishments and your challenges. You never know when something that has happened to you will help someone else along the way. Posting about it also gives the Vets a chance to respond to you with, perhaps, some much needed advice or encouragement for you to make through that next minute, hour, or day.
A word of caution, if anyone says, "hey, let's start a Groupme (or any other alternate social media site other than this one) for our group so we can communicate easier with each other." Please politely decline such an offer as it does not help anyone but yourselves. Groupme's and the like serve a purpose, later on in your quit. For at least the first hundred days, it is much more beneficial for you and everyone in your group to keep all communication in the forum and via phone calls and text messages. Here is where you have the much needed advice from the Vets that have already lived through what you are going through. None of us are going to be in any group's Groupme so none of us are going to know what it is you are going through or how to help you if we can.
My digits are always a available for the asking, but I expect your in return. Accountability is a two-way street.
Let's kick nicotine's ass live our lives free from the shackles that we have been chained to.
Proud to quit with you today.
31 Aug 2018, 08:49 #33
To All Those That Have Come Before
A Tribute To The Veterans
In my relatively short existence on KTC I have had many ups, downs, ins, outs, any number of different moods and feelings just as all of you have. Through it all though there have always been people there in the background that have experienced everything that we as young quitters were and are going through. Those men and women that have been quitting for their lives for multiple years and have stuck with this program not only for themselves, but to be here in times of need by all of us that are just starting out. Yes, I am talking about the Veterans. People with multiple hundreds and thousands of days quit.
They have been here and experienced everything we are going through. They stay because, 1) If they left, they may end up letting the nic bitch back in, and 2) they truly want to help others be successful in their quits.
Every single person on this site has one thing in common, we are all addicts of nicotine. For some, it is so much harder to quit than for others. The anger and frustrations of a new quitter can be extremely intense. I have watched as veterans have been able to calmly talk to some of these quitters and really, just be there for them. I personally do not have that kind of patience and might have told you to go F' Off, but no, not those Veterans.
Sometimes people will have disagreements, It happens all the time on this site. I've seen, on countless occasions, that its the Veterans that have been able to quell the situation.
I was surfing through some of the older groups. I noticed that there were several groups that had been closed because there were no more members of those groups here in KTC. I thought how sad it was that they were gone but also how fortunate that we are that they even existed because without those groups, our groups would never have existed.
I think a lot of us take for granted how important the Veterans are to our own quits. A lot of the information that we have read about on this site came from those very same people. People that are still roaming the halls of KTC to this very day. Guys and Girls that care enough about others to want to be here and run this site that we all owe our lives to.
Captain's log
stardate 0925.2018
It has been 251 days since my day 1. I keep finding new ways to keep my quit fresh and in the forefront so I do not get complacent. There is a lot of complacency going around lately and I don't want to catch it.
I have a new friend in the form of Peter Gibbons from September '18 group. He lives in Anchorage where I work so it is easy for us to meet up for some brotherhood and a beer. Yesterday was his HOF so he and his wife and my wife and I all went to dinner together to celebrate. It was a great time, especially when Athan texted me right on cue as we were talking about him. Sent him a picture of the four of us at Benihanas. I think he was a little jealous.
I have to tell you, my quit is so much stronger now that there is actually someone within driving distance of me that is facing the same challenges as me. I know I can call him or him me and we can get together to figure out our quit problems together. If you have the chance of meeting fellow quitters face to face, I highly encourage it. You and they will be all the better for it.
Don't get complacent. Get as many digits as you can and use them when you need to. I am so sick of these guys caving and they didn't even look at their damn phones that had their life lines right in them. All they had to do open the damn phone up and pick number to call and they would likely still be in their original group racking up the quit days instead, they punch the rest of us in the face by caving and not keeping their word and come in and post day 1.
Anyway, I have to actually get back to work. PM me if you want my digits. I am always happy to oblige. My group of brothers always needs more.
Proud to quit with each and every one of you every damn day.
Today is 273 days nicotine free - exactly 39 weeks. It is also 10 months which is the longest time I have been nicotine free in my entire adult life. The only other time I attempted to quit was 18 years and 10 months ago. I made it nine months and succumbed to the advances of the bitch called nicotine.
I did not have KTC in 2000, I do have KTC today which is why I am 10 months into this quit. Everyday I post my promise early to not use nicotine for the day. Most days, I pledge support for other quitters in other months that I have come to know or helped get started on their quit journeys. Most days I look through the Intros to see if their is anyone their who needs help getting started. Everyday, I receive texts from other quitters giving support to me.
Most days this is enough, other days it seems too much but then their are days where I feel I haven't given enough of myself back to the process. That is when I start writing. I just hope that some of my words resonate with some of the people reading them.
Okay, say you take 10 people from all walks of life and you put them in a small room together. They have one goal to achieve (the goal is irrelevant), at first they will all be a little shy as they exchange pleasantries and attempt to get to know each other a little bit. As time moves on and they begin the process of working towards their goal, you will see that some of the people will break off into smaller groups of people that they associate with better. Time continues and the goal has not yet been achieved, so now the frustration begins to set in on some and eventually they explode at one or more of the others in the room. Some of the people are better equipped mentally and are able to diffuse the hot heads and get everyone back on track to achieving their goal.
This is kind of how it is here except now you throw in the fact that we are all typing on a keyboard and talking to people we will, for the most part, never meet face to face. Our goal is one in the same, stay nicotine free for the day. When one of us fails to achieve that goal, it affects us all even though some of us would never admit it. Case in point, I do not know Cap70, I've never talked to him, typed to him, texted him, nothing. His actions should not have affected me one iota, but because, as someone else mentioned earlier, all of our quits are intertwined, I was affected because it affected others that I do know and care about.
I will not, however, let his or anyone else's actions determine the direction of my quit. My goal remains the same as it should for all of us. No one in here is immune to the affects of our addiction. Any one of us can succumb to nicotine at any time. It will be much easier to resist if you have and use your KTC arsenal. Get those digits, build your network and USE it. It does you no good to have all those numbers if you don't use them. Had someone else used his arsenal, he would still be nicotine free today.
Well, I am sure that the above is nonsensical and gibberish but hey, It's just my thoughts of the day. Thank you to all of the people that have shown me support in my quit, I hope I have been able to reciprocate.
Proud to quit with you all today.
300 days. I never thought I would go 3 days without dip much less 300. For all those that have supported and helped me along the way, Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
Okay, time to get back to the business of quitting. The nic bitch isn't going to keep herself away.
300 days ...
Congratulations Chris, you are such a BAQ! 300 days is quite an achievement and serves as an inspiration for many of us "youngsters" in our quit as we continue to push through this fog and suck.
I too want to thank you for your encouragement in my quit and I am still awaiting that smoked salmon ;)
Aumegrad - 114
300 days ...
Congratulations Chris, you are such a BAQ! 300 days is quite an achievement and serves as an inspiration for many of us "youngsters" in our quite as we continue to push through this fog and quit.
I too want to thank you for your encouragement in my quit and I am still awaiting that smoked salmon ;)
Aumegrad - 114
Much love brother, you are a pillar in my quit and are doing this thing the right way.
Not stepping back.
Not getting complacent.
Paying it forward.
You are a badass even though you screw Caribou.
300 days ...
Congratulations Chris, you are such a BAQ! 300 days is quite an achievement and serves as an inspiration for many of us "youngsters" in our quite as we continue to push through this fog and quit.
I too want to thank you for your encouragement in my quit and I am still awaiting that smoked salmon ;)
Aumegrad - 114
Much love brother, you are a pillar in my quit and are doing this thing the right way.
Not stepping back.
Not getting complacent.
Paying it forward.
You are a badass even though you screw Caribou.
Caribou?! I thought it was moose...from behind!
Can't thank you enough Chris. There are those who make a short trip an ordeal while others make a long trek seem short and pleasant. You fall into the latter category. Quit with you anywhere, anytime, just for today.
300 days ...
Congratulations Chris, you are such a BAQ! 300 days is quite an achievement and serves as an inspiration for many of us "youngsters" in our quite as we continue to push through this fog and quit.
I too want to thank you for your encouragement in my quit and I am still awaiting that smoked salmon ;)
Aumegrad - 114
Much love brother, you are a pillar in my quit and are doing this thing the right way.
Not stepping back.
Not getting complacent.
Paying it forward.
You are a badass even though you screw Caribou.
Caribou?! I thought it was moose...from behind!
Can't thank you enough Chris. There are those who make a short trip an ordeal while others make a long trek seem short and pleasant. You fall into the latter category. Quit with you anywhere, anytime, just for today.
Thanks for the kind words guys. Caribou, Moose, does it really make any difference? Only when your eating them I guess. You can get lost in a moose a lot easier.. (echoo, echoo)
You guys have been and always will be cornerstones of my quit as I add more walls to keep the bitch out.
Why is W.U.P.P. (Wake Up, Piss, Post) so important
I have been noticing a trend with some of the newer quitters recently. It seems that some of you think that posting roll is something you can do whenever you feel the need arises. It does not merit a very high rung in your priority ladder. Let me ask you this: Where in your priorities did that first dip of the day fall? I will bet it was very high on the list, if not first. That is where your quit needs to be or you will fail. I have seen it so many times. We all want you to be quit, but we can't quit for you. The decision has to be yours.
Posting your promise on this forum every day, EARLY in the day, is what has kept most of the people, who take their quit seriously, away from nicotine. This is not a game, it is not a popularity contest, it is not a "who can have the most posts" contest. It is Life and Death.
I don't know about you, but I certainly like having my lower jaw, my esophagus and my teeth. I don't want to die in a hospital bed in pain from the recent chemotherapy session. Wake the fuck up people. Posting your promise here every morning is the single most important thing we can do each and every day for our lives.
That is why Wake Up, Piss, Post is so important. It is a Mantra to make sure we are actually making a promise early in our day to keep nicotine out of our bodies. Does that mean that you must get up, pee and then post your promise? If you are able, then yes. For me personally, I do not give myself enough time in the morning to do that, but as soon as I get to my office, I am on the computer posting up and texting all my brothers that I have numbers for. On the weekends I am most definitely a WUPPer.
The point of this entry is to try and get you all to realize that your quit needs to have top priority in your lives. Letting it slide down your list of priorities will lead to a cave ninety-nine times out of a hundred. Sure, you may be that one percent-er that hangs on to their quit but you lose the Brotherhood and Accountability this site offers and thrives on and makes quitting so much more bearable.
I implore you all, especially you new quitters, make quitting nicotine a priority in your life. Don't let it fall by the way side. Stay vigilante, stay focused, stay quit.
Proud to quit today with you all.
Another Reason to Quit Now (http://www.kplctv.com/story/25995090/local-family-shares-personal-story-of-the-deadly-effects-of-dipping/)
Click The URL ^^^
What does it mean to be quit for a year?
Well, for starters, it is the longest I have been without nicotine coursing through my veins since I started dipping over 32 years ago. It means that I have faithfully kept my promise Every Damn Day (EDD). It means that I have WUPP’d (almost (thanks Skol)) every day. It means that I have held myself accountable and relied on others to help keep me accountable. It means that I have established relationships with other quitters that I now call my brothers and sisters.
Does it mean that I am cured? Not in any way, shape or form. It does mean that I must now work harder to keep from getting complacent in my quit. The longer we go without nicotine, the longer our addict brain has of coming up with new and exciting ways to try and make us cave. That cave is ALWAYS lurking right around the corner.
Every day I read something about don’t get complacent or WUPP or Post EDD. Let’s break these down a little for the newer guys.
Complacency - self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies when it comes to safety, complacency can be dangerous.
In other words, we get to thinking that we are in total control of our quits because we’ve gone whatever number of days and haven’t had any cravings, haven’t even thought about dip. You think to yourself that you have mastered your quit and no longer feel like you need to post roll anymore to stay quit. You drift away and then a year, 3 years, 5 years down the road you are back here posting day 1 again.
Stay vigilante and focused on your quit all the time. Always have someone you can call if the need arises. Swallow your pride and admit to yourself that you need the help that is freely offered here every day.
1. Wake Up
2. Piss
3. Post
4. Keep your word
5. Repeat Daily
That one is pretty self-explanatory and by far the most important acronym we use. If you need it explained further, however, please feel free to contact me.
Post E.D.D.
Post your promise in your quit group Every Damn Day. If you have a little extra time, go post support in some of the other groups, especially the new groups just starting out.
There are several individuals here that have had a HUGE impact on my quit:
Jared, Bryce, Athan, Ryan, Travis, Frank, David to name a few. The reality is, that everyone that enters these halls and quits this addiction has an impact, however small it may be, still an impact.
So, I thank every person on this forum that is actively quitting, past, present and future. Without you, I would still be feeding my addiction.
Tonight, I will celebrate with Peter Gibbons (David) and our wives. Tomorrow I will WUPP again for the day.
If I do not have your digits, please send them to me in a PM and I will send you mine.
Congratulations on 1 year being quit Chris!! You have set the example of how to do this quit thing the right way. Proud to be quit with you!!
One freaking year you big stud.... I vow there will be a day that we sip crown on the rocks together and then chase a fucking Reindeer.
Blessed to have you in my corner brother... EDD!!!!!!!!
One freaking year you big stud.... I vow there will be a day that we sip crown on the rocks together and then chase a fucking Reindeer.
Blessed to have you in my corner brother... EDD!!!!!!!!
You sip the crown, I'm gonna sip me some 20 year Pappy Van Winkle and hell yes we will chase a Reindeer. I love you and am honored to know and quit with you all day, everyday.
Congratulations on 1 year being quit Chris!! You have set the example of how to do this quit thing the right way. Proud to be quit with you!!
Thank you for all your support Brian. It really means a lot.
A year. Ain't got the words Chris. Thanks for the calls, texts, and e-mails. You are the epitome of solid.
Fools count themselves cursed for not rolling with you. A man can only lift so much but you keep doing it without limit.
I don't know where you find the strength, the stamina. Must have something to do with taking moose from behind....
A year. Ain't got the words Chris. Thanks for the calls, texts, and e-mails. You are the epitome of solid.
Fools count themselves cursed for not rolling with you. A man can only lift so much but you keep doing it without limit.
I don't know where you find the strength, the stamina. Must have something to do with taking moose from behind....
I would not have made it here with out your unwavering support Athan. Thank you my friend.
By the way, I still have those pictures you sent me. ;)
Damn proud to be quit with you Chris EDD. Keep up the solid QUIT and congrats again on one complete trip around the sun!!
Damn proud to be quit with you Chris EDD. Keep up the solid QUIT and congrats again on one complete trip around the sun!!
Thank you Jared. You are a pillar in my quit for sure.
Dude, you are a quit inspiration, especially for us new April noobs. One year and crushing it. You’re a quit Beast Chris, hell yeah! Keep it going and keep inspiring those like me that wonder if we can make it. You prove we can do it! Thanks for the digits and your right foot up our asses.
Oompa Loompa doopadee dee, if you are wise you will listen to me.
Oompa loompa doopadee dip, it is not smart to fill up your lip!
What do you get when you swallow that goo?
I’ve heard it tastes like a wad of cat pooh!
It shreds your lip and your pocket book too
And there’s that cancer that’s coming for you
You’ve been a slave and your starting to see
How much your life is much better when free
Oompa loompa doopadee duck
Come join us and we’ll quit like there’s no tomorrow
1 Year in the Books Brother, Very Awesome! Keep up that great work, and thank you for your Support as well! Honored to be Quit with you Today!
Missed you around here lately. Guess you had to go pretend you were in the Navy! Must have been the English or French navy as the U.S. doesn't have it so plush.
Just goes to show ya how much $$ we blew over the years and how it could have been much better spent.
Oh well, tears over yesterday is foolish, let us seize today brother!
Carpe diem quitum maximum e pluribus unum! (That's Latin darlin'!)
Missed you around here lately. Guess you had to go pretend you were in the Navy! Must have been the English or French navy as the U.S. doesn't have it so plush.
Just goes to show ya how much $$ we blew over the years and how it could have been much better spent.
Oh well, tears over yesterday is foolish, let us seize today brother!
Carpe diem quitum maximum e pluribus unum! (That's Latin darlin'!)
Te amo, vale
That's Latin too
Missed you around here lately. Guess you had to go pretend you were in the Navy! Must have been the English or French navy as the U.S. doesn't have it so plush.
Just goes to show ya how much $$ we blew over the years and how it could have been much better spent.
Oh well, tears over yesterday is foolish, let us seize today brother!
Carpe diem quitum maximum e pluribus unum! (That's Latin darlin'!)
Te amo, vale
That's Latin too
me tu vis titillare. Ferreo canis exprimamus.
Hi James Gromo.
Long time no talk to my friend
Hi James Gromo.
Long time no talk to my friend
I like to tickle too and I aint no bitch. HAHAHAHAHA
Hi James Gromo.
Long time no talk to my friend
I like to tickle too and I aint no bitch. HAHAHAHAHA
Hahaha! Love you brother. I know I've been posting and ghosting for months now. But I'm back baby! I had another scare of complacency. I need to get that hatred back. Too easy to sit around near cigars before you eventually feel the strong urge to grab one and take a puff. scared me lol.
Hi James Gromo.
Long time no talk to my friend
I like to tickle too and I aint no bitch. HAHAHAHAHA
Hahaha! Love you brother. I know I've been posting and ghosting for months now. But I'm back baby! I had another scare of complacency. I need to get that hatred back. Too easy to sit around near cigars before you eventually feel the strong urge to grab one and take a puff. scared me lol.
Quae cum, relicto superbus tibi hodie
Dude, I just got back from vacation. I was in the Caribbean for 2 weeks and I literally had to stave off like 50-60 guys trying to sell me cigars. 405 days ago I woulda been buying half those dick sticks
Hi James Gromo.
Long time no talk to my friend
I like to tickle too and I aint no bitch. HAHAHAHAHA
Hahaha! Love you brother. I know I've been posting and ghosting for months now. But I'm back baby! I had another scare of complacency. I need to get that hatred back. Too easy to sit around near cigars before you eventually feel the strong urge to grab one and take a puff. scared me lol.
Quae cum, relicto superbus tibi hodie
Dude, I just got back from vacation. I was in the Caribbean for 2 weeks and I literally had to stave off like 50-60 guys trying to sell me cigars. 405 days ago I woulda been buying half those dick sticks
Quae cum, relicto omni die cor tuum parum pudici filium asinæ.
One of these is gonna translate back dirty. giving this one about a 50/50 lol
I've still been staying off the sauce to avoid any...drunken mistakes. I can honestly say I dont know if I'd be posting a 406 or a 2 today if I'd have been drinking Saturday night.
Hi James Gromo.
Long time no talk to my friend
I like to tickle too and I aint no bitch. HAHAHAHAHA
Hahaha! Love you brother. I know I've been posting and ghosting for months now. But I'm back baby! I had another scare of complacency. I need to get that hatred back. Too easy to sit around near cigars before you eventually feel the strong urge to grab one and take a puff. scared me lol.
Quae cum, relicto superbus tibi hodie
Dude, I just got back from vacation. I was in the Caribbean for 2 weeks and I literally had to stave off like 50-60 guys trying to sell me cigars. 405 days ago I woulda been buying half those dick sticks
Quae cum, relicto omni die cor tuum parum pudici filium asinæ.
One of these is gonna translate back dirty. giving this one about a 50/50 lol
I've still been staying off the sauce to avoid any...drunken mistakes. I can honestly say I dont know if I'd be posting a 406 or a 2 today if I'd have been drinking Saturday night.
Translation - And since this is, leave everything behind and the heart of your day a little bit sexy, the son of she-asses.
Well, when I come down there, you can have a glass or two of bourbon with me and I will make sure you don't give in.
Hi James Gromo.
Long time no talk to my friend
I like to tickle too and I aint no bitch. HAHAHAHAHA
Hahaha! Love you brother. I know I've been posting and ghosting for months now. But I'm back baby! I had another scare of complacency. I need to get that hatred back. Too easy to sit around near cigars before you eventually feel the strong urge to grab one and take a puff. scared me lol.
Quae cum, relicto superbus tibi hodie
Dude, I just got back from vacation. I was in the Caribbean for 2 weeks and I literally had to stave off like 50-60 guys trying to sell me cigars. 405 days ago I woulda been buying half those dick sticks
Quae cum, relicto omni die cor tuum parum pudici filium asinæ.
One of these is gonna translate back dirty. giving this one about a 50/50 lol
I've still been staying off the sauce to avoid any...drunken mistakes. I can honestly say I dont know if I'd be posting a 406 or a 2 today if I'd have been drinking Saturday night.
Translation - And since this is, leave everything behind and the heart of your day a little bit sexy, the son of she-asses.
Well, when I come down there, you can have a glass or two of bourbon with me and I will make sure you don't give in.
I like that better, Leave everything behind and let the heart of your day be a little bit sexy.
Hell yeah brother, I've been stockpiling. Have so many bottles of whiskey lol.
Welcome Chris!! And congrats on making perhaps the best decision of your life.
You nailed it head on - we quit for today and only for today. We make our promise not to use today by posting roll each and every day right away in the morning. We keep our promises 24 hours at a time.
Make sure you quit for yourself first. Start to get involved with your April 2018 group and begin to share your digits using the PM tool in the upper right corner of your screen. I will send you my number so you start to get a feel for how this all works. Building an accountability network and brotherhood is a critical factor for sustained success here at KTC. The Spreadsheet of Accountability (or SSOA because we love acronyms here at KTC) is a tool used to track the quitters for a particular month, what day they are on, what days they missed posting roll, etc. Typically, a few people from each month volunteer to manage the SSOA for their month. If this is something you would like to help with, someone from April will be able to give you editing access. Helping out with the SSOA is a great way to build accountability and really get to know your fellow quitters.
So happy to have you Chris! Dive in and proud as hell to be quit with you today!
MNxEngineer (aka MN)
Day 635
Welcome. Quitting can be as simple as posting roll daily and not using tobacco. Get some quitters digits, and make a friend or 2!
Welcome to the group. You have made a wise decision.
The main way to be successful is to just decide that you have quit. Once you stop the negotiating in your head as to whether you will do one more or not the rest becomes far more simple.
Next, you will learn to distract your attention from your desire for a dip to anything else that interests you. This ability to change your focus will guarantee your success and make your quit that much easier.
When you place a dip in your mouth, your brain releases sugars. Well, those sugars are now going to be gone.
However, you can replace them with OJ or other fruit juices with sugar. This will provide some comfort, especially in your initial quit days.
Make sure to exercise with weights and cardio when you feel that nagging tension in your muscles, you feel that rage, when you can not sleep and when you can not focus. Exercise really helps.
Here is one that most people overlook. Get at least 3 square meals a day. Hunger can really bring on those urges so squash those urges before they come. Eat full healthy meals and do not let yourself get excessively hungry. You will see this helps a great deal.
I waited until I was 59 quit after using tobacco for 40 years. You are wise to quit now.
I quit with you today.
Dundippin day 859
Nice roll post, buckle up this weekend, gonna be bumpy!
Hey Chris - how the heck are you doing? I understand that dip is pretty pricey up there... you are gonna save not only your life... but a bundle of money!
Hey Chris - how the heck are you doing? I understand that dip is pretty pricey up there... you are gonna save not only your life... but a bundle of money!
Yeah its just over $6 a can. I was at 3 cans a day, so I'll be saving about $540 a month. I already have a two week Caribbean Cruise followed by the Daytona 500 planned for February of 2019 just after my one year quit.
Good Morning all my fellow quitters - PTBQWYT,
Here it is almost two weeks since I decided to quit nicotine forever. It has not been an easy two weeks but it was definitely not as bad as I thought it would be. I want to thank all of you who have reached out to welcome me into this community but especially Samrs, Skolvikings, MNxEngineer and Tennesseejed the four main guys in my quit circle.
Without you I would surely have caved after day 1 or 2. I don't share my feelings very much (just the way I was brought up, my dad is the same way) so for me to even be on this site typing this out is a miracle in itself. I don't even have to tell anyone on here that I'm struggling, its almost as if someone is watching me and knows exactly when to say something to me or direct me to a certain post or text me just at the right time. This morning for instance, I got texted by CritRocket, then MNxEngineer and Skolvikings. It always puts a smile on face knowing there are others out there going through the same thing as me and that genuinely care that I succeed at my quit.
You are all my brothers and sisters and I am here for all of you if you ever need me.
Thank you to the makers of Kill The Can. I have told a lot of people about this site and hopefully some of them will be joining us soon.
So to all of you in the Kill The Can Community, I salute you 'Finger' (it was the only salute in emoticons on the left but it was used with utmost respect).
Have a GREAT Quit day today and I will be with you all tomorrow for my day 14.
Thank You from the bottom of my heart
Good Morning all my fellow quitters - PTBQWYT,
Here it is almost two weeks since I decided to quit nicotine forever. It has not been an easy two weeks but it was definitely not as bad as I thought it would be. I want to thank all of you who have reached out to welcome me into this community but especially Samrs, Skolvikings, MNxEngineer and Tennesseejed the four main guys in my quit circle.
Without you I would surely have caved after day 1 or 2. I don't share my feelings very much (just the way I was brought up, my dad is the same way) so for me to even be on this site typing this out is a miracle in itself. I don't even have to tell anyone on here that I'm struggling, its almost as if someone is watching me and knows exactly when to say something to me or direct me to a certain post or text me just at the right time. This morning for instance, I got texted by CritRocket, then MNxEngineer and Skolvikings. It always puts a smile on face knowing there are others out there going through the same thing as me and that genuinely care that I succeed at my quit.
You are all my brothers and sisters and I am here for all of you if you ever need me.
Thank you to the makers of Kill The Can. I have told a lot of people about this site and hopefully some of them will be joining us soon.
So to all of you in the Kill The Can Community, I salute you 'Finger' (it was the only salute in emoticons on the left but it was used with utmost respect).
Have a GREAT Quit day today and I will be with you all tomorrow for my day 14.
Thank You from the bottom of my heart
Chris! Excellent post. It is an honor for me to support you in your quit!
KTC = Accountability, Brotherhood, Success. Keep growing your accountability network; you never know when you might need them or they might need you!
This place truly works if you let it. The process here is laughably simple.
1.) Wake up
2.) Piss
3.) Post
4.) Repeat every single day
This process has worked for me for 647 days, focusing 24 hours at a time. It is working for you too. Keep up the good work!
And like you mentioned, anything you experience or encounter in your quit has happened to someone here. If you have issues or struggles, never hesitate to post them here on the site for support and help. It is another reason why this community is so successful!
It is day 29.
Everyday is little easier. Everyday is only possible because of my promise I make each and every morning to myself and to you, my quit brothers and sisters.
I know full well, that if I did not have this forum that makes me accountable to not only myself, but everyone else in it, I would still be chewing today.
Let's face it people, "WE" are our own worst enemy. Fortunately, everyone in here that is succeeding with their quit has at least a semblance of morality and honor. Without it, your promise would mean nothing to yourself or your fellow quitters.
Let's take a look at that word, "Promise":
1.a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen
A Declaration, that is a strong word. Declaration of Independence, perhaps the most monumental use of the word to all of us Americans.
Other synonyms: Pledge, Vow, Guarantee, Oath. These are all very strong words and everyone in here should think about what their promise really means to themselves and then think about what your promise means to your quit brothers and sisters. It is not something to be taken lightly, it is, in fact a life changing moment that you undertake every day when you post roll and Promise, Declare, Pledge, Vow, Guarantee that you will not use nicotine today.
I am so very proud to call all of you my brothers and sisters and I am so proud to be quit with each and everyone of you today.
I PROMISE I will not use nicotine TODAY!!!
My thoughts on Missing Roll and MIQs in the April 2018 group:
First off, yes I understand people have things come up in their lives sometimes making it more difficult or more a pain in the ass to get on to the computer or pull out your phone or tablet and log in to KTC then find your quit group and quote the roll post, cut it and paste it in the top panel then scroll to find the last persons post and then add your name and try to remember how many days quit you are and then think of something positive to add next to your name and then hit the post button only to find out someone was faster than you and now the roll needs to be fixed.
I get it, its a pain in the ass sometimes, life happens sometimes but people, this is our fucking lives we are talking about here. 2 minutes every day is very small price to pay for the years you have added to your life by quitting the nasty foul bitch called nicotine.
Now, MIQs, you know who you are. If you do not want to be here, that's is totally fine, just let someone know that you are taking your quit somewhere else. I'll be the first one to wish you well. But if you do want to be here and you do want to stay quit, then fucking DO IT.
Missing Roll Post for a day:
If you miss one day, okay, I can let that slide as long as you have a pretty good reason. "I forgot" is NOT a good reason in my book. At this point, we have all been doing this for over a month now and it should be something that is now en-grained into our daily routines.
As far as I am concerned, if you can't take two minutes out of your day to post roll in the morning, then I don't need to waste my time on you wondering if you are going to get in today or not. All it does cause frustration to the guys and girls in here who take their quit seriously and want to stay quit. Unfortunately, there has to be some kind of rules with just about everything we do in society today. The rule for this forum states that you will post roll every morning when you get up and make your promise to stay quit for the day. If you can't be bothered to follow this one easy rule, then get the fuck out.
It does not take very much effort to notify someone if you will not be able to post roll. If you value your life, then it should be the first thing you think about when you wake up. The importance of posting should rank right up there with your wedding day, the birth of your child, your first new house. People, this is your life I'm talking about. How much more fucking important could it be???
Anyway, If you are having a hard time making roll every morning and you really want to be here, then I am here for you. PM your digits and I'll do the same. I will send you a text every day if need be to remind you to get on roll. If you need a someone to listen to you rage, I'm your guy. Give me a call. I just talked to another quitter from another group a couple weeks ago that was having a hard day, He completely blew up on a shopping cart. I just listened and supported and encouraged him and that was really all he needed, not to mention it probably felt really good to rage on that shopping cart. But if that's what you need, then I'm here for you.
I am proud to be quit with all you today. Quit on you Bad Ass Mutha F'ers
The Nicotine Bitch:
She is very cunning and very powerful and she is a murderer. She has many ways of entering our lives. Those that are smart never let her in to begin with. Those that have had the misfortune of letting her in either succumb to her advances whole heartedly and spend the rest of their lives in her servitude or they finally come out of the darkness and into the light and see her for what she really is.
The latter is what all of us are. We have seen the light of freedom from her grasp. Everyday we promise not to give into her constant barrage of advances to try to get us back. She is, as I said, very cunning. She will bide her time, waiting for just the right moment to pounce.
She has ALL the time in world. WE DON'T!!
That is why we have to remain vigilante in our quit to keep her at bay so we can enjoy what little remaining time we do have left on this earth.
One day, I will enjoy meeting some of you, my brothers and sisters, joined in our common fight against that murderous, conniving whore. Until then, I salute, admire, and respect you all for keeping up the good fight.
I Quit with You All Today
My thoughts on Missing Roll and MIQs in the April 2018 group:
First off, yes I understand people have things come up in their lives sometimes making it more difficult or more a pain in the ass to get on to the computer or pull out your phone or tablet and log in to KTC then find your quit group and quote the roll post, cut it and paste it in the top panel then scroll to find the last persons post and then add your name and try to remember how many days quit you are and then think of something positive to add next to your name and then hit the post button only to find out someone was faster than you and now the roll needs to be fixed.
I get it, its a pain in the ass sometimes, life happens sometimes but people, this is our fucking lives we are talking about here. 2 minutes every day is very small price to pay for the years you have added to your life by quitting the nasty foul bitch called nicotine.
Now, MIQs, you know who you are. If you do not want to be here, that's is totally fine, just let someone know that you are taking your quit somewhere else. I'll be the first one to wish you well. But if you do want to be here and you do want to stay quit, then fucking DO IT.
Missing Roll Post for a day:
If you miss one day, okay, I can let that slide as long as you have a pretty good reason. "I forgot" is NOT a good reason in my book. At this point, we have all been doing this for over a month now and it should be something that is now engrained into our daily routines.
As far as I am concerned, if you can't take two minutes out of your day to post roll in the morning, then I don't need to waste my time on you wondering if you are going to get in today or not. All it does cause frustration to the guys and girls in here who take their quit seriously and want to stay quit. Unfortunately, there has to be some kind of rules with just about everything we do in society today. The rule for this forum states that you will post roll every morning when you get up and make your promise to stay quit for the day. If you can't be bothered to follow this one easy rule, then get the fuck out.
It does not take very much effort to notify someone if you will not be able to post roll. If you value your life, then it should be the first thing you think about when you wake up. The importance of posting should rank right up there with your wedding day, the birth of your child, your first new house. People, this is your life I'm talking about. How much more fucking important could it be???
Anyway, If you are having a hard time making roll every morning and you really want to be here, then I am here for you. PM your digits and I'll do the same. I will send you a text every day if need be to remind you to get on roll. If you need a someone to listen to you rage, I'm your guy. Give me a call. I just talked to another quitter from another group a couple weeks ago that was having a hard day, He completely blew up on shopping cart. I just listened and supported and encouraged him and that was really all he needed, not to mention it probably felt really good to rage on that shopping cart. But if that's what you need, then I'm here for you.
I am proud to be quit with all you today. Quit on you Bad Ass Mutha F'ers
Chris! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You make some excellent points; I would just like to offer a counter perspective on a few of the items you mentioned.
Personally, I don't feel like there is ever a valid excuse for missing roll. Part of this whole quitting thing is accountability. People should be sharing digits. If you can't find 2 minutes to log on and post yourself in the morning, it takes 15 seconds to send a text like "Day 669 - pick up please". I have posted EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past 669 days. I have encountered deaths, the birth of our child, travel, personal crisis and a slew of other issues that could have easily been used as excuses to miss roll. I am super proud of my 100% roll call; there are some guys in my August group that have missed only one day and regret it dearly. Not to mention, posting early every damn day not only ensures you are quit that day but also ensures your group you will stay quit too (and won't have to chase you down).
The other item I would like to touch on is the whole situation of going MIQ. It is never a pleasant experience to see someone drift away from the site. There is such a wealth of tools and wisdom and support here that anyone who fades away is only hurting themselves. That being said, anyone who goes MIQ is ALWAYS welcome back to KTC. We are here to help people quit; if they leave, see the folly of their decision and come back, that is fine. Lots of groups come up with a set of criteria for allowing someone who went MIQ back. Typically it involves sharing their digits with a certain number of fellow quitters, posting roll everyday for at least a week and providing an in depth explanation of why they left and what they plan to do differently to become more involved in their quit and in the quits of their fellow brothers and sisters.
We had a guy go MIQ in my August 2016 group and he wanted back in. He shared some digits, posted consistently for awhile and is still with us as we approach the 7th floor. Lots of people get complacent and think they can quit on their own. Some maybe can, but a fair amount will realize what they gave up leaving KTC and gravitate back. It is better to come back before a cave than to crawl back having to post a Day 1.
Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts!! Keep quitting like a bad ass mother focker and I am proud as hell to be quit with you today!!
My thoughts on Missing Roll and MIQs in the April 2018 group:
First off, yes I understand people have things come up in their lives sometimes making it more difficult or more a pain in the ass to get on to the computer or pull out your phone or tablet and log in to KTC then find your quit group and quote the roll post, cut it and paste it in the top panel then scroll to find the last persons post and then add your name and try to remember how many days quit you are and then think of something positive to add next to your name and then hit the post button only to find out someone was faster than you and now the roll needs to be fixed.
I get it, its a pain in the ass sometimes, life happens sometimes but people, this is our fucking lives we are talking about here. 2 minutes every day is very small price to pay for the years you have added to your life by quitting the nasty foul bitch called nicotine.
Now, MIQs, you know who you are. If you do not want to be here, that's is totally fine, just let someone know that you are taking your quit somewhere else. I'll be the first one to wish you well. But if you do want to be here and you do want to stay quit, then fucking DO IT.
Missing Roll Post for a day:
If you miss one day, okay, I can let that slide as long as you have a pretty good reason. "I forgot" is NOT a good reason in my book. At this point, we have all been doing this for over a month now and it should be something that is now engrained into our daily routines.
As far as I am concerned, if you can't take two minutes out of your day to post roll in the morning, then I don't need to waste my time on you wondering if you are going to get in today or not. All it does cause frustration to the guys and girls in here who take their quit seriously and want to stay quit. Unfortunately, there has to be some kind of rules with just about everything we do in society today. The rule for this forum states that you will post roll every morning when you get up and make your promise to stay quit for the day. If you can't be bothered to follow this one easy rule, then get the fuck out.
MIQ's of more than three days should not be allowed back in, period. It does not take very much effort to notify someone if you will not be able to post roll. If you value your life, then it should be the first thing you think about when you wake up. The importance of posting should rank right up there with your wedding day, the birth of your child, your first new house. People, this is your life I'm talking about. How much more fucking important could it be???
Anyway, If you are having a hard time making roll every morning and you really want to be here, then I am here for you. PM your digits and I'll do the same. I will send you a text every day if need be to remind you to get on roll. If you need a someone to listen to you rage, I'm your guy. Give me a call. I just talked to another quitter from another group a couple weeks ago that was having a hard day, He completely blew up on shopping cart. I just listened and supported and encouraged him and that was really all he needed, not to mention it probably felt really good to rage on that shopping cart. But if that's what you need, then I'm here for you.
I am proud to be quit with all you today. Quit on you Bad Ass Mutha F'ers
Chris! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You make some excellent points; I would just like to offer a counter perspective on a few of the items you mentioned.
Personally, I don't feel like there is ever a valid excuse for missing roll. Part of this whole quitting thing is accountability. People should be sharing digits. If you can't find 2 minutes to log on and post yourself in the morning, it takes 15 seconds to send a text like "Day 669 - pick up please". I have posted EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past 669 days. I have encountered deaths, the birth of our child, travel, personal crisis and a slew of other issues that could have easily been used as excuses to miss roll. I am super proud of my 100% roll call; there are some guys in my August group that have missed only one day and regret it dearly. Not to mention, posting early every damn day not only ensures you are quit that day but also ensures your group you will stay quit too (and won't have to chase you down).
The other item I would like to touch on is the whole situation of going MIQ. It is never a pleasant experience to see someone drift away from the site. There is such a wealth of tools and wisdom and support here that anyone who fades away is only hurting themselves. That being said, anyone who goes MIQ is ALWAYS welcome back to KTC. We are here to help people quit; if they leave, see the folly of their decision and come back, that is fine. Lots of groups come up with a set of criteria for allowing someone who went MIQ back. Typically it involves sharing their digits with a certain number of fellow quitters, posting roll everyday for at least a week and providing an in depth explanation of why they left and what they plan to do differently to become more involved in their quit and in the quits of their fellow brothers and sisters.
We had a guy go MIQ in my August 2016 group and he wanted back in. He shared some digits, posted consistently for awhile and is still with us as we approach the 7th floor. Lots of people get complacent and think they can quit on their own. Some maybe can, but a fair amount will realize what they gave up leaving KTC and gravitate back. It is better to come back before a cave than to crawl back having to post a Day 1.
Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts!! Keep quitting like a bad ass mother focker and I am proud as hell to be quit with you today!!
We still have several dudes in August 16 rocking the 100%. And I guarantee you every one of us has had to go out of our way at some point, but did it because it was important. We've also all dealt with some complacency, personal emergencies, extreme stress and life change. It's life and that stuff will happen.
Keep guys like MNx in your corner and you'll have continued success. Try picturing having to call him to explain why you let him down on your promise. Visualize that conversation and explain why you're calling him after a cave instead of before. Hell No! That ain't happening.
Continue to be that guy for your own group and for others around the site. You're doing it the right way, keep it up!
I shudder to think that had I not joined KTC that our paths would not have crossed.
I don't think that young man has any clue who he reached out to but I'm glad he did and I'm sure he'll find out.
You have made me want to be a better husband, a better father, a better man.
I'd throw a snowball at you but we're all out in Georgia just now. Soon.
Day 86 bro, proud with you
Day 86 bro, proud with you
Hey Doofus.
PTQWYT my brutha
Well here it is day 82, coming up on HOF. Several of my April brothers have already boarded the train. IÂ’m worried though, the last time I checked, there were no railroad tracks all the way to Alaska. How is the HOF train going to pick me up? Maybe I can catch a plane and parachute down to the train somewhere in the lower 48.
Anyway, my quit is strong mainly due to all of the brothers that I have accumulated over the last two and a half months. Also, volunteering to help with SSOA and fixing jacked rolls puts a smile on my face. I have made some very strong friendships with guys that I have never met face to face, yet. I hope that one day I can get them all up here for some fishing and or hunting or even golf. Yeah, thatÂ’s right bitches, I got golf here too. We actually have two really nice courses and a few mediocre ones. So if yÂ’all want to come up and play golf, thereÂ’s that too.
The most important thing IÂ’m saying is, make those connections with people. You never know where they will lead you and they will help your quit in more ways than you can imagine.
I changed positions in the company I work for. I used to be the Assistant Service Manager, now I am the Special Projects Manager. ? Yay
IÂ’ve been trying to support some of the new July guys. They are starting out to be a great bunch of quitters. There is already a lot of drama though with a retread or two. Just chill guys, wake up, piss, post roll. ThatÂ’s it, if you can help someone else in the process, all the better.
I know for a fact that your quit will be that much stronger by helping a fellow quitter or ten with their quits.
Well, I just wanted to give myself an update, itÂ’s been a while. If this helps someone else, then it was well worth my time, if no one reads it, then it was still worth it because it helped me.
I am very proud to quit with everyone in KTC. Thanks for taking the time to read my gibberish. Have a great, nicotine free day.
As my awesome friend Athan says, “Love ya, bye”
It's an odd thing but one of the best lessons of faith I've ever made.
....50 total strangers bonding together to beat a sinister addiction.
Yep, I'm down with it too. Best move I've made in a long time. KTC. ODAAT. Very proud to quit with you today. DAY 87.
Thanks for support on fishing fears, helps a lot. Feeling good, ODAAT
“The head nurse spoke up
and she said leave this one alone
She could tell right away
that he was bad to the bone…”
Have you heard of Chris2alaska, of the stories old men tell?
Then lend me your ear, for I tell it well.
He hails from up yonder, with the cold Eskimo
Where the snowÂ’s miles deep and the Northern lights glow.
The wolf and the fox, the bear in her den
WonÂ’t venture outside when heÂ’s round the bend.
HeÂ’s eight feed tall and four hundred pounds,
and itÂ’s said his wangdoodle still drags the ground.
A man among men, born a true warrior
but my brother Chris had a chink in his armor.
A harmless vice started so long ago
Was now thirty years of smokeless tobacco.
THREE cans of the weed for his daily consumption
But deep inside did burn his compunction
Chis was a slave, the nic bitches whore.
Of this I assure you, he wanted no more.
He confronted that bitch, heÂ’d an axe to grind
Truth be told the manÂ’s scary (he takes moose from behind!)
He fought his battle and emerged victorious,
One day at a time his story grew glorious.
He didnÂ’t rest on his laurels, not one to sit idle
He got a wagon, and a moose with a bridle.
And he roamed the halls of this here KTC
Looking for quitters like just you and me
And lo he found me stumbling around
In a nic induced stupor like some silly ass clown
Oh the bitch had me, firm in her grasp
Cloaked in anxiety, lock and hasp
But Chris wouldnÂ’t have it, no he climbed down
And grabbed this here addict and flung off her crown
He offered his hand and helped me stand up
I learned to taste freedom from the abstinence cup
So I tell his story, regale it with cheer
For had he not done so I wouldnÂ’t be here
Thank-you Chris. Saved my life.
Are You Ready to Quit?
Hi Everyone,
My name is Chris, I chewed smokeless tobacco since I was 19 years old, so for 31 years. I started because a really hot chick wanted to try it so I said I would try it with her. I have not seen that girl in 31 years, but I had a daily reminder of her as I crammed some more of that crap into my lip.
I was up to three cans a day and putting in half the can at a time when I decided to quit.
I did have one stoppage in the year 2000 for about nine months, but I caved and went back to it like I had never stopped. It took me a really long time to decide that I was ready to quit. Sure, my wife and son wanted me to quit long before I ever did, but I was not ready. If you are not quitting for yourself first, you will fail. You have to want that quit more than anything. It finally hit me in January of this year that I was finally ready. That is when I found the KTC website. I have no idea what caused me to click on the link, I just know when I did and started reading the information contained inside it clicked and made complete sense for me.
The last 100 days has been different for me than most of my brothers and sister in April ’18. I have yet to experience “The Fog”. I never experienced the hazy, mindset they all spoke about. I did have some cravings that hit pretty hard but for the most part, I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 100 days of freedom from nicotine.
Now the hard part is going to start. There are some bad days ahead for all of us based on the information contained in the “what to expect” section. We will be fighting more cravings and we will need to lean on all of our quit brothers to get through it.
Unfortunately, there are several of our brothers who do not realize that 100 days is not the end, it is only the beginning. As I said before, I chewed for 31 years, which is over 11,300 days. I’m at 100 days. When I get to 11,300 days of quit, only then will I say that I “might” be cured.
There are so many people in this forum that have helped me, several that I consider close friends and would be at their doorstep if they called and said they needed me there. I would like to specifically thank a few of those individuals:
MNxEngineer – the first person to support me when I came to this forum.
Skolvikings – What can I say, you sir are the epitome of quit. In the dictionary under the word “Quit” is a picture of you.
Athan – Quit possibly my best friend.
69Franx – Has supported me on roll almost every day since I got here
Samrs – What would I do without your daily jokes?
JGromo, Morgan, Mack213, CritRocket, BrianG, Doofus, Batdad, and more.
All of you guys have had some part in supporting my quit, I only hope I have also supported you when you needed it.
It is my honor and privilege to know all of you and to especially quit with all of on a daily basis.
Now then, all of those guys up there have one thing in common, they are all addicts just like me. If you are reading this and wondering if you should quit dipping, the answer is most definitely YES. But only you can decide that for yourself. No one else can make the decision for you. Do not let anyone make the decision for you either. All that will happen, is you will end up pissed off at them and posting a day one again because you caved. You caved because YOU were not ready to quit and YOU did not make the decision to quit.
Now some of the benefits of quitting are as follows:
• Less of a chance that you will get cancer.
• Clean teeth and gums.
• A mouth worth kissing.
• A happier life with your family.
• A longer life with your family.
• More money in your bank account (I am saving over $500 every month. I booked a two week cruise for my family and me for next February)
• Way less stress going to the dentist.
• No more spitters to hide.
• No more accidentally spilling said spitter all over your car floor.
The list is endless, but these are some of highlights.
This is what I know, I joined this forum because I was ready to quit. Making my promise to abstain from nicotine every MORNING (not half way through the day or 10 minutes until midnight) along with the Accountability and Brotherhood is irreplaceable as a means of quitting. As long as you are true to your word, you can quit nicotine too.
I will be here long after my 100 days has come and gone because if I am not, I will end up like most that leave and have to come back to post day 1 again. I REFUSE!!!
I will be here posting roll every day because that is how my quit is going to continue.
You see, nicotine is a conniving little bitch. She will wait and wait and wait until you think you have mastery over her. She will lull you into thinking that you have won, you are the man or woman and you cannot be harmed by her ever again. BAM!!!! She has you. Next thing you know, you are packing your lip with a big ole shit turd. Nicotine has all the time in the world. It is not going anywhere anytime soon. We, on the other hand only have a short time on this earth. Do you want spend it feeding your addiction or enjoying your life with family and friends??
The choice is yours. I sincerely hope you make the correct one.
Please feel free to PM me if you want my digits. It would be my honor to help support you in your quit. What better way for me to thank all those that have come before me than to help someone else control their addiction One Day at a Time.
Chris aka chris2alaska
Day 162
Double WUPP time for 200, proud to be quit wit u
Well sir... well freaking done!!!!!!!!
You are a cornerstone to so many of ours quits in April, keep up the great work.
Hopefully one day I get to shake your hand in person, maybe kill a caribou..... or a reindeer?
Love ya buddy, let's stack another hundo!!!!
Congratulations chris2alaska! 2 frigging hundo is awesome!
Congratulations chris2alaska! 2 frigging hundo is awesome!
What to do with two hundy? Go have fundies (don't lose your undies), press on to three hundy of course.
Crack that wangdoodle and let's go, a bunch of quitters to rescue from the snow cause that bitch won't let 'em go.
Well, that's all the rhymes I got tonight. I'll start working on the three hunert list.
love you bunches, quit with you all day every day!
I love you
My Personal Thoughts and Advise for New Quitters
So I'm at 205 days nicotine free today. Still, at this stage, I think about rolling up to the C-Store and buying a can of shit to stuff in my face. Who's it going to hurt? Who's gonna care? It's only one dip, I can handle just one dip, right?
NO FUCKING WAY!!! One dip will lead to two dips. Two dips will lead to a can...actually for me, two dips is a can, so a can will lead to two cans and so on. It is the spiral of death.
Who's it going to hurt? Well, ME for starters, my family, my friends and everyone of the people on this site that have ever supported me in any way.
Who's gonna care? I will care, because it means that I have lied and failed in my promise. My family will care, because now they have to worry whether or not I am going to die sooner or later because of my selfishness. My brothers and sisters of KTC will care because their brother has failed in his quit and has failed in his promise and those that consider me a friend will have been hurt the most.
My saving grace is that I AM a man of my word and I made a promise today like I do every day to NOT use nicotine and I intend on keeping that promise for myself, my family, my friends and my brothers and sisters of KTC.
I have a strong network of accountability because I got involved in KTC early in my quit. No, I do not spend hours in here. I just simply do not have the time nowadays. But early in my quit, when I was where you are, I was here several times throughout the day just to check-in and see what everyone was writing. I chimed in where I thought I could make a difference. I got involved in helping keep the SSOA up to date. I continued to expand my network of accountability. I have over 100 phone numbers of people that I have never met in person (except Mike2017a, I was fortunate enough to be able to meet up with him Chicago in 2018). Most of those people I will never meet in person, but I know I can count on them to be there for me if I ever need them in a time of weakness.
My advise to all of you new quitters is get involved in YOUR quit. Own that shit like you never owned anything before. Expand your accountability as much as you can. Yes, it's weird exchanging phone numbers with strangers, but would you rather give a stranger your phone number that may save your life or die in the gutter with a turd in your lip??
Once your quit is established and your accountability network is getting stronger, now its time to pay it forward, get involved in other people's quits. This will invigorate your quit and give it new direction. Now it's not all about you, now it's about you and those new guys just starting out.
This is how this site works, it is a never ending circle of people helping people achieve a DAILY goal. Rely on the wisdom of the veterans, they have lived through everything you are going through and will go through. Soon enough, you will be the veteran and people will be coming to you for advise.
I am a simple guy. I'm not as eloquent with the words as my good friend Athan, I'm not as intense in the world of Quit as my good friend Skolvikings. I am, however, committed to my quit and no one can take that from me but me.
I am happy and honored to be included in anyone's network of accountability that would like. Just send me a PM with your number and I will do likewise.
May you all achieve the happiness in life that you all deserve, nicotine free.
These are my personal thoughts, you can take what you want and leave the rest. If it helps one person in their quit, then it was worth writing.
Bro, that was intensely eloquent!
I smell a quitter
Getting close to un chartered quit waters.....never been past 7 months in 30 years....222 qlf
Getting close to un chartered quit waters.....never been past 7 months in 30 years....222 qlf
I made it to 9 months in 2000. I will make it much, much farther now.
To All Those That Have Come Before
A Tribute To The Veterans
In my relatively short existence on KTC I have had many ups, downs, ins, outs, any number of different moods and feelings just as all of you have. Through it all though there have always been people there in the background that have experienced everything that we as young quitters were and are going through. Those men and women that have been quitting for their lives for multiple years and have stuck with this program not only for themselves, but to be here in times of need by all of us that are just starting out. Yes, I am talking about the Veterans. People with multiple hundreds and thousands of days quit.
They have been here and experienced everything we are going through. They stay because, 1) If they left, they may end up letting the nic bitch back in, and 2) they truly want to help others be successful in their quits.
Every single person on this site has one thing in common, we are all addicts of nicotine. For some, it is so much harder to quit than for others. The anger and frustrations of a new quitter can be extremely intense. I have watched as veterans have been able to calmly talk to some of these quitters and really, just be there for them. I personally do not have that kind of patience and might have told you to go F' Off, but no, not those Veterans.
Sometimes people will have disagreements, It happens all the time on this site. I've seen, on countless occasions, that its the Veterans that have been able to quell the situation.
I was surfing through some of the older groups. I noticed that there were several groups that had been closed because there were no more members of those groups here in KTC. I thought how sad it was that they were gone but also how fortunate that we are that they even existed because without those groups, our groups would never have existed.
I think a lot of us take for granted how important the Veterans are to our own quits. A lot of the information that we have read about on this site came from those very same people. People that are still roaming the halls of KTC to this very day. Guys and Girls that care enough about others to want to be here and run this site that we all owe our lives to.
VERY nice bro.... I always felt the same way about those who came before but I never took the time to write up something much less post it damn near everywhere!
Well done and I like the way you roll. Proud to quit with you today!
VERY nice bro.... I always felt the same way about those who came before but I never took the time to write up something much less post it damn near everywhere!
Well done and I like the way you roll. Proud to quit with you today!
Thanks 4TW ,
I thought about it for a long while and finally decided that if I am going to write a tribute to the Veterans, then I should probably post it everywhere the Veterans might be. Hence, the posting in every active month in the forum.
It took awhile but I think it was worth it.
Always proud to quit my brothers and sisters of KTC
Are You Ready to Quit?
Hi Everyone,
My name is Chris, I chewed smokeless tobacco since I was 19 years old, so for 31 years. I started because a really hot chick wanted to try it so I said I would try it with her. I have not seen that girl in 31 years, but I had a daily reminder of her as I crammed some more of that crap into my lip.
I was up to three cans a day and putting in half the can at a time when I decided to quit.
I did have one stoppage in the year 2000 for about nine months, but I caved and went back to it like I had never stopped. It took me a really long time to decide that I was ready to quit. Sure, my wife and son wanted me to quit long before I ever did, but I was not ready. If you are not quitting for yourself first, you will fail. You have to want that quit more than anything. It finally hit me in January of this year that I was finally ready. That is when I found the KTC website. I have no idea what caused me to click on the link, I just know when I did and started reading the information contained inside it clicked and made complete sense for me.
The last 100 days has been different for me than most of my brothers and sister in April ’18. I have yet to experience “The Fog”. I never experienced the hazy, mindset they all spoke about. I did have some cravings that hit pretty hard but for the most part, I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 100 days of freedom from nicotine.
Now the hard part is going to start. There are some bad days ahead for all of us based on the information contained in the “what to expect” section. We will be fighting more cravings and we will need to lean on all of our quit brothers to get through it.
Unfortunately, there are several of our brothers who do not realize that 100 days is not the end, it is only the beginning. As I said before, I chewed for 31 years, which is over 11,300 days. I’m at 100 days. When I get to 11,300 days of quit, only then will I say that I “might” be cured.
There are so many people in this forum that have helped me, several that I consider close friends and would be at their doorstep if they called and said they needed me there. I would like to specifically thank a few of those individuals:
MNxEngineer – the first person to support me when I came to this forum.
Skolvikings – What can I say, you sir are the epitome of quit. In the dictionary under the word “Quit” is a picture of you.
Athan – Quit possibly my best friend.
69Franx – Has supported me on roll almost every day since I got here
Samrs – What would I do without your daily jokes?
JGromo, Morgan, Mack213, CritRocket, BrianG, Doofus, Batdad, and more.
All of you guys have had some part in supporting my quit, I only hope I have also supported you when you needed it.
It is my honor and privilege to know all of you and to especially quit with all of on a daily basis.
Now then, all of those guys up there have one thing in common, they are all addicts just like me. If you are reading this and wondering if you should quit dipping, the answer is most definitely YES. But only you can decide that for yourself. No one else can make the decision for you. Do not let anyone make the decision for you either. All that will happen, is you will end up pissed off at them and posting a day one again because you caved. You caved because YOU were not ready to quit and YOU did not make the decision to quit.
Now some of the benefits of quitting are as follows:
• Less of a chance that you will get cancer.
• Clean teeth and gums.
• A mouth worth kissing.
• A happier life with your family.
• A longer life with your family.
• More money in your bank account (I am saving over $500 every month. I booked a two week cruise for my family and me for next February)
• Way less stress going to the dentist.
• No more spitters to hide.
• No more accidentally spilling said spitter all over your car floor.
The list is endless, but these are some of highlights.
This is what I know, I joined this forum because I was ready to quit. Making my promise to abstain from nicotine every MORNING (not half way through the day or 10 minutes until midnight) along with the Accountability and Brotherhood is irreplaceable as a means of quitting. As long as you are true to your word, you can quit nicotine too.
I will be here long after my 100 days has come and gone because if I am not, I will end up like most that leave and have to come back to post day 1 again. I REFUSE!!!
I will be here posting roll every day because that is how my quit is going to continue.
You see, nicotine is a conniving little bitch. She will wait and wait and wait until you think you have mastery over her. She will lull you into thinking that you have won, you are the man or woman and you cannot be harmed by her ever again. BAM!!!! She has you. Next thing you know, you are packing your lip with a big ole shit turd. Nicotine has all the time in the world. It is not going anywhere anytime soon. We, on the other hand only have a short time on this earth. Do you want to spend it feeding your addiction or enjoying your life with family and friends??
The choice is yours. I sincerely hope you make the correct one.
Please feel free to PM me if you want my digits. It would be my honor to help support you in your quit. What better way for me to thank all those that have come before me than to help someone else control their addiction One Day at a Time.
Chris aka chris2alaska
Wrote my HOF Speech over a year ago. Now on day 456 and everything in it still applies.
I am glad you chose to quit, because if you didn't I wouldn't have had the honor to get to know you. I am blessed to call you a Brother, you were the first to reach out to me, and you have helped me in my own quit, giving me tips when I had a bad crave and got me through it with a few of the other Brothers. I am proud of what you have done, and continue to do. If I could be half the person you are, I would be alright!
Congrats Brother, I know its OAAT, but here is to many more. I can't tell you what your support and friendship mean to me, so for now I will leave it at Thank You.
I am glad you chose to quit, because if you didn't I wouldn't have had the honor to get to know you. I am blessed to call you a Brother, you were the first to reach out to me, and you have helped me in my own quit, giving me tips when I had a bad crave and got me through it with a few of the other Brothers. I am proud of what you have done, and continue to do. If I could be half the person you are, I would be alright!
Congrats Brother, I know its ODAAT, but here is to many more. I can't tell you what your support and friendship mean to me, so for now I will leave it at Thank You.
Thank you Rick,
The feeling is by all means mutual. Every time I am able to help someone in their quit, my quit is that much stronger for it.
Here's to reaching our ODAAT EDD. 'Have a beer'
Lovechild! Know where I'd be had you not flung her crown off some 500 days ago?
In a pit of dispair, locked in her lair, that's where.
Never again brother. Not for any reason.
CONGRATS, CHRIS!!! You, sir, are a Monster of Quit, a Mentor of Quit, a Meme-Machine of Quit, a good dude. Happy for you on a great milestone day, THE HALF DANGLE!
CONGRATS, CHRIS!!! You, sir, are a Monster of Quit, a Mentor of Quit, a Meme-Machine of Quit, a good dude. Happy for you on a great milestone day, THE HALF DANGLE!
Well said! Congrats on 500, and thanks for everything you do here.
Congratulations on 500 days! Thank you for reaching out to me back when I was a lurker. Great things come out of extending a hand. You've worked hard for this and the whole community here reflects that hard work. Celebrate hard. Quit hard. ODAAT!!
Look at that, Bearfucker aka the bottom of April 18 hit five hundy.
Seriously, love you my brother, you KTC whore, you have helped so many, there is no way to show our gratitude.
Keep doing what you are doing, many more to save!
The last time I was 500 days nicotine free was 500 days before I put that first dip in oh so many years ago. I can't begin to to tell you how thankful I am to all the KTC members that I have interactions with on a daily basis. I love you all and you are all my brothers and sisters, even the ones that I have managed to piss off that don't talk to me anymore (you know who you are).
God bless you all and keep you strong in your quits. I'll see you in the trenches for yet another day of freedom.
The last time I was 500 days nicotine free was 500 days before I put that first dip in oh so many years ago. I can't begin to to tell you how thankful I am to all the KTC members that I have interactions with on a daily basis. I love you all and you are all my brothers and sisters, even the ones that I have managed to piss off that don't talk to me anymore (you know who you are).
God bless you all and keep you strong in your quits. I'll see you in the trenches for yet another day of freedom.
Well done and Congrats!!!
Three nickels never looked so good!
Three nickels never looked so good!
CONGRATS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLmQTIS9Rv4)
Three nickels never looked so good!
CONGRATS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLmQTIS9Rv4)
Thank you guys
Why should you continue to post after HOF?
Here it comes!! Can you hear it? That train is coming down the tracks. It's about to make a stop in your town to gather up any of you bad ass quitters hitting 100 days quit. "Hall of Fame" or HOF is a special, month long, celebration welcoming those hitting their 100 days of quit. Why 100 days, well it is a huge accomplishment for everyone. Most guys and gals can't even remember when the last time was that they were 100 days stopped from using nicotine. We celebrate this milestone because it is such an accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. But...
The "end of the line" will come eventually. I hope it waits many years for all of us, but for some it has come too soon (R.I.P. Concharde, NoMore4Me, JoeC, Air Force ADDICT, Teray, Bommer44, SuccessThisTime, Traumagent, Tstahr, WarE2013, BuddyBoy, CLIFF and all those who's lives have been cut short).
We are addicts. We will always be addicts. There is NO CURE. There will come a time in your quit that you will say to yourself, "self, I feel great, I have no craving for a dip, my life is all peaches and cream and the only thing that ever makes me think about nicotine is posting my promise on KTC everyday". This is where you need to wake up, because the "self" I referred to in that last sentence is not your normal, everyday brain, it is your addict brain. Your addict brain is all of the the thoughts and feeling you have that tell you that dipping is not bad, nicotine is not bad and just one wont hurt. Your addict brain NEVER rests. It is constantly testing the wall you have put up looking for weaknesses it can exploit.
Complacency (https://www.google.com/search?q=define+complacency&rlz=1C1DLBX_enUS826US826&oq=define+complacency&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0l5.4703j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) is your addict brains best friend and the cause of countless caves. We start to feel comfortable in our quits, even a little smug and our guard begins to drop just enough for our addict brain to get a toe in the door. Now our addict brain is telling us to, "go to c-store and buy a can. It's okay, no one will know. Who cares if you made a promise to a bunch of strangers on the internet?" Now you have a choice to make. Do you listen to your addict brain or does your normal brain wake up and call a brother up for help. All too often, there are no calls made, no texts sent and one less quitter posting their promise not to use today.
Back to the question at hand, "Why should you continue to post after HOF?" I think a better question is, "Why shouldn't you continue to post? It has worked for the last 100 days. That old saying comes to mind, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Why would you put everything you have worked so hard to accomplish here at jeopardy by not doing what got you here in the first place. That is just plain stupid, addict brain mentality. Posting your promise everyday along with exchanging digits with other quitters and getting to know them over the last 3 plus months has built a wall of accountability and brotherhood. That wall is what is keeping your addict brain out of your life. But it is never gone, it lurks in the shadows waiting for its opportunity to get back in. If you stop posting your promise everyday, your wall begins to develop weak areas. Pretty soon, pieces of your wall begin to break away and eventually your wall develops full on breaches.
There was a quitter that drifted away from KTC after posting pretty regularly for over 1100 days. Three years later he was back at KTC posting Day 1. Why do you think that is? I can tell you it is not because of the lame ass excuses he tried to pass off as his answer to the three caver questions. The reason he caved is because he did not have that daily reminder that, "oh yeah, I promised not to use nicotine today. I will not be buying that can at 7-11. I am going to call one of my brothers instead and fortify my quit for today". Had that quitter have continued posting his promise everyday, he would be well over 2,000 days right now.
I understand that posting everyday is a hassle and inconvenient and it sucks on your phone and all those other excuses that you use, but that's all that they are, excuses. Being here is a choice that we all made. No one stood behind us with a gun pointed at our head forcing us to join. We chose to join because we were sick and tired of slowly killing ourselves each and everyday. Now that you have made it past HOF, do you honestly think leaving is the wisest of decisions? How long do you think it will take before your addict brain wins the fight and you are standing there at the counter buying a tin of cancer? For a few, it may never come to the that, for most, you will be back up to two cans a day in matter of a couple of weeks and your normal brain will have been shoved in the dungeon while your addict brain sits on the throne ruling (and ruining) your life. Eventually a few of you may come crawling back to KTC to post another Day 1 but for most, we will never hear from them again.
Is it not worth a few minutes of your day to come in here and post your promise to stay free from your addiction for one more day? You've already undergone the hardest part of quitting, do you want to go through it again? There is one guy who apparently loves self-inflicted misery because he keeps trying to quit over and over again. I for one never want to go through that hell again for as long as I live, so you will find me here everyday, posting my promise to remain nicotine free for the day. I hope to see you all here as well.
Cheers to a long, nicotine free life.
Preach brother Chris...... PREACH!!!
Gave me quit wood! Righteous exhortation my brother. Needs to be read and re-read every 100 days lest we forget.
I will NEVER be a slave again - one day at a time.
Preach, is right! Great quit wisdom, Chris!
Tag Haiku you're it
Stay off the nic bitches tit
Tag another's quit!
Atta boy, you got a ton of people around here that look up to you (mostly because you are a number whore that needs penicillin)
Thank you for paying it forward, damn proud to be your brother in quit
Can't wait for the day we finally break bread togther, thank you for everything!!
Atta boy, you got a ton of people around here that look up to you (mostly because you are a number whore that needs penicillin)
Thank you for paying it forward, damn proud to be your brother in quit
Can't wait for the day we finally break bread togther, thank you for everything!!
'party' Congrats on 6th floor Chris!!!! 'party'
Atta boy, you got a ton of people around here that look up to you (mostly because you are a number whore that needs penicillin)
Thank you for paying it forward, damn proud to be your brother in quit
Can't wait for the day we finally break bread togther, thank you for everything!!
'party' Congrats on 6th floor Chris!!!! 'party'
Thank you both. You are both cornerstones in my quit without whom I would not be here today.
Atta boy, you got a ton of people around here that look up to you (mostly because you are a number whore that needs penicillin)
Thank you for paying it forward, damn proud to be your brother in quit
Can't wait for the day we finally break bread togther, thank you for everything!!
'party' Congrats on 6th floor Chris!!!! 'party'
Thank you both. You are both cornerstones in my quit without whom I would not be here today.
Well Done
Atta boy, you got a ton of people around here that look up to you (mostly because you are a number whore that needs penicillin)
Thank you for paying it forward, damn proud to be your brother in quit
Can't wait for the day we finally break bread togther, thank you for everything!!
'party' Congrats on 6th floor Chris!!!! 'party'
Thank you both. You are both cornerstones in my quit without whom I would not be here today.
Well Done
Congrats again brother. Well done!
Behold dear Chris, among men you’re blessed
For long you tarry at freedoms breast.
No longer a slave, no longer in chains
N’er more to hide tobacco stains.
Away he comes, ere break of day
Because he’s quit and quit he’ll stay
Forget the past, no mind the morrow
One day at a time doth he plow his furrow
Though not alone toast’s freedoms fill
For April’s banner he hoists at will
Though craves assail me I shall not bend
For Chris2Alaska is my friend.
Love the 600! (sorry I’m late)
Behold dear Chris, among men you’re blessed
For long you tarry at freedoms breast.
No longer a slave, no longer in chains
N’er more to hide tobacco stains.
Away he comes, ere break of day
Because he’s quit and quit he’ll stay
Forget the past, no mind the morrow
One day at a time doth he plow his furrow
Though not alone toast’s freedoms fill
For April’s banner he hoists at will
Though craves assail me I shall not bend
For Chris2Alaska is my friend.
Love the 600! (sorry I’m late)
You're never late @Athan (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=258) - Thank you my friend
Atta boy, you got a ton of people around here that look up to you (mostly because you are a number whore that needs penicillin)
Thank you for paying it forward, damn proud to be your brother in quit
Can't wait for the day we finally break bread togther, thank you for everything!!
'party' Congrats on 6th floor Chris!!!! 'party'
Thank you both. You are both cornerstones in my quit without whom I would not be here today.
Well Done
Congrats again brother. Well done!
Belated gratz Chris!!! What is MNx doing with MY pom poms?! 'party' 'party' 'party'
Atta boy, you got a ton of people around here that look up to you (mostly because you are a number whore that needs penicillin)
Thank you for paying it forward, damn proud to be your brother in quit
Can't wait for the day we finally break bread togther, thank you for everything!!
'party' Congrats on 6th floor Chris!!!! 'party'
Thank you both. You are both cornerstones in my quit without whom I would not be here today.
Well Done
Congrats again brother. Well done!
Belated gratz Chris!!! What is MNx doing with MY pom poms?! 'party' 'party' 'party'
Thank you @FLLipOut (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=53) . You don't want to know what he's doing with those. Nothin to see here, move along. roflmao
Captain's Log
Stardate 73259.2
I am 643 days into this Quitting thing. What I have I gotten myself into? All around me there are people yelling. "Wake Up... Piss...Post" or "One Damn Day at a Time". Then there are others who keep messing up the ship's daily log. I have the urge to stick something in my mouth but Mr. Spock's ears are full of wax and Dr. McCoy is huddled in the corner screaming, "I'm a doctor dammit, not a miracle worker".
I wish Nurse Chapple were here '40'
The further we go into the unknown, the weirder it gets. Sometimes I wish this mission were over but I know I must keep pushing on. If I gave up, I wouldn't only be letting myself down, but all of my shipmates as well. So, onward we will go. Fighting our demons as they come.
Starfleet Command has been busy neutralizing Tribbles, they seem to have been multiplying again, creating duplicates of themselves. Sometimes they are easy to see, other times they change their shape and color, making it difficult to spot them. We must be vigilante in ridding our ships of these pests as they do nothing but bring down the moral of the crew.
"Captain, Klingon bird of prey decloaking dead ahead" Shields up...Red Alert...End recording
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started in this nation’s capital
Where Hillary likes to shit.
She got the word that made her cringe,
Epstein was going to jail.
And so she knew she had to try
before he posted bail, before he posted bail.
The scene was set and Epstein sat,
Inside his lonely cell,
If the courage of the guards was held up high
Epstein wouldn’t die, Epstein wouldn’t die.
Hillary got in somehow and hung poor Epstein high,
With Billy Boy
Obama too,
Some millionaires and their wives,
A movie star
Chelsea and her husband Marc,
Here on Hillary’s Lies.
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started in this nation’s capital
Where Hillary likes to shit.
She got the word that made her cringe,
Epstein was going to jail.
And so she knew she had to try
before he posted bail, before he posted bail.
The scene was set and Epstein sat,
Inside his lonely cell,
If the courage of the guards was held up high
Epstein wouldn’t die, Epstein wouldn’t die.
Hillary got in somehow and hung poor Epstein high,
With Billy Boy
Obama too,
Some millionaires and their wives,
A movie star
Chelsea and her husband Marc,
Here on Hillary’s Lies.
Epstein didn't kill himself
As I sit here on the eve of my 700th day of being quit from nicotine, I am unsure of my future. I have lived the last 699 days one day at a time, never really planning into the future. Now that I know I no longer need nicotine to live my life, I need to actually make plans to live it. That being said, I am finally taking bake my life. I have two surgeries scheduled for early next year, the first is in January to get my foot fixed (I have a huge bone spur on the back of my heal under the Achilles tendon). Later in February, I am having a Sleeve Gastrectomy performed to help me get my weight under control. I have lost 30 pounds so far on my own but I need to loose another 150 to get where I need to be.
Once these have been done and my healing is mostly under way, I can then concentrate on doing things I have missed out on for so long, mostly spending time, and actually engaging in activities, with my family. Things that being overweight and tied to a dead plant have robbed me of for so long.
I have been very depressed for the last year because of my situation and now I can finally start to see the light at the end of tunnel.
Now, let's talk about nicotine. Nicotine is in the top 5 most addictive chemicals known to man. It has a 67% addiction rate for those that have tried cigarettes or chew. That means that 6 out of every 9 people that try products containing nicotine will be addicted to it. That, my friends, is really shitty odds. You'd have a better chance of surviving a game of Russian Roulette.
Now, let's talk about the mortality rate. Tobacco KILLS up to half of it's users. More than 8,000,000 million deaths can be attributed to just cigarette smoking (1.2 million of those people were none smokers that died from second hand smoke exposure). <----That was always my way of justifying my dip use, I would say, "well, at least I'm not hurting anyone else with my dip".
So let's recap, 6 of 9 people who try tobacco, will become addicted to it, 3 of those 6 will mostly likely die from tobacco use. If I knew these statistics 33 years ago when I stuck that first dip in, I would probably have declined it that time. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and here we are, addicts all of us hoping we have skirted the big C. Some of us will not make it out alive, but we can sure live free from our addiction until that day comes.
So what is my point today? I don't know. I just had some thoughts rolling around and they needed to find there way here. Who knows, something in this diatribe might help someone.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 700 for me. I am truly thankful to all those who have supported me and continue to do so. I only hope I have been able to support all of you the same.
Thank you. God bless all of you. I love you all as brothers and sisters.
As I sit here on the eve of my 700th day of being quit from nicotine, I am unsure of my future. I have lived the last 699 days one day at a time, never really planning into the future. Now that I know I no longer need nicotine to live my life, I need to actually make plans to live it. That being said, I am finally taking bake my life. I have two surgeries scheduled for early next year, the first is in January to get my foot fixed (I have a huge bone spur on the back of my heal under the Achilles tendon). Later in February, I am having a Sleeve Gastrectomy performed to help me get my weight under control. I have lost 30 pounds so far on my own but I need to loose another 150 to get where I need to be.
Once these have been done and my healing is mostly under way, I can then concentrate on doing things I have missed out on for so long, mostly spending time, and actually engaging in activities, with my family. Things that being overweight and tied to a dead plant have robbed me of for so long.
I have been very depressed for the last year because of my situation and now I can finally start to see the light at the end of tunnel.
Now, let's talk about nicotine. Nicotine is in the top 5 most addictive chemicals known to man. It has a 67% addiction rate for those that have tried cigarettes or chew. That means that 6 out of every 9 people that try products containing nicotine will be addicted to it. That, my friends, is really shitty odds. You'd have a better chance of surviving a game of Russian Roulette.
Now, let's talk about the mortality rate. Tobacco KILLS up to half of it's users. More than 8,000,000 million deaths can be attributed to just cigarette smoking (1.2 million of those people were none smokers that died from second hand smoke exposure). <----That was always my way of justifying my dip use, I would say, "well, at least I'm not hurting anyone else with my dip".
So let's recap, 6 of 9 people who try tobacco, will become addicted to it, 3 of those 6 will mostly likely die from tobacco use. If I knew these statistics 33 years ago when I stuck that first dip in, I would probably have declined it that time. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and here we are, addicts all of us hoping we have skirted the big C. Some of us will not make it out alive, but we can sure live free from our addiction until that day comes.
So what is my point today? I don't know. I just had some thoughts rolling around and they needed to find there way here. Who knows, something in this diatribe might help someone.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 700 for me. I am truly thankful to all those who have supported me and continue to do so. I only hope I have been able to support all of you the same.
Thank you. God bless all of you. I love you all as brothers and sisters.
I will be by your side through the ups and downs, anything you need my brother... anything.
As I sit here on the eve of my 700th day of being quit from nicotine, I am unsure of my future. I have lived the last 699 days one day at a time, never really planning into the future. Now that I know I no longer need nicotine to live my life, I need to actually make plans to live it. That being said, I am finally taking bake my life. I have two surgeries scheduled for early next year, the first is in January to get my foot fixed (I have a huge bone spur on the back of my heal under the Achilles tendon). Later in February, I am having a Sleeve Gastrectomy performed to help me get my weight under control. I have lost 30 pounds so far on my own but I need to loose another 150 to get where I need to be.
Once these have been done and my healing is mostly under way, I can then concentrate on doing things I have missed out on for so long, mostly spending time, and actually engaging in activities, with my family. Things that being overweight and tied to a dead plant have robbed me of for so long.
I have been very depressed for the last year because of my situation and now I can finally start to see the light at the end of tunnel.
Now, let's talk about nicotine. Nicotine is in the top 5 most addictive chemicals known to man. It has a 67% addiction rate for those that have tried cigarettes or chew. That means that 6 out of every 9 people that try products containing nicotine will be addicted to it. That, my friends, is really shitty odds. You'd have a better chance of surviving a game of Russian Roulette.
Now, let's talk about the mortality rate. Tobacco KILLS up to half of it's users. More than 8,000,000 million deaths can be attributed to just cigarette smoking (1.2 million of those people were none smokers that died from second hand smoke exposure). <----That was always my way of justifying my dip use, I would say, "well, at least I'm not hurting anyone else with my dip".
So let's recap, 6 of 9 people who try tobacco, will become addicted to it, 3 of those 6 will mostly likely die from tobacco use. If I knew these statistics 33 years ago when I stuck that first dip in, I would probably have declined it that time. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and here we are, addicts all of us hoping we have skirted the big C. Some of us will not make it out alive, but we can sure live free from our addiction until that day comes.
So what is my point today? I don't know. I just had some thoughts rolling around and they needed to find there way here. Who knows, something in this diatribe might help someone.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 700 for me. I am truly thankful to all those who have supported me and continue to do so. I only hope I have been able to support all of you the same.
Thank you. God bless all of you. I love you all as brothers and sisters.
I will be by your side through the ups and downs, anything you need my brother... anything.
Congrats Chris on your 700 day eve. You are one of the vets that I remember from early in my quit...first couple weeks when I was fully in the suck. Just the fact that I remember you from that time means that you were active in our Oct '19 group, supporting my quit brothers and sisters, always encouraging. You've helped to prove that, no matter the odds, with the will and help from others we can beat just about anything. You have the will to overcome your future challenges and there's no doubt in my mind that you will find the support right here. Personally, I look forward to the opportunity to return some of that support that you so unselfishly showered upon me and my group over the past several weeks. We have your back brother. Go get it!
As I sit here on the eve of my 700th day of being quit from nicotine, I am unsure of my future. I have lived the last 699 days one day at a time, never really planning into the future. Now that I know I no longer need nicotine to live my life, I need to actually make plans to live it. That being said, I am finally taking bake my life. I have two surgeries scheduled for early next year, the first is in January to get my foot fixed (I have a huge bone spur on the back of my heal under the Achilles tendon). Later in February, I am having a Sleeve Gastrectomy performed to help me get my weight under control. I have lost 30 pounds so far on my own but I need to loose another 150 to get where I need to be.
Once these have been done and my healing is mostly under way, I can then concentrate on doing things I have missed out on for so long, mostly spending time, and actually engaging in activities, with my family. Things that being overweight and tied to a dead plant have robbed me of for so long.
I have been very depressed for the last year because of my situation and now I can finally start to see the light at the end of tunnel.
Now, let's talk about nicotine. Nicotine is in the top 5 most addictive chemicals known to man. It has a 67% addiction rate for those that have tried cigarettes or chew. That means that 6 out of every 9 people that try products containing nicotine will be addicted to it. That, my friends, is really shitty odds. You'd have a better chance of surviving a game of Russian Roulette.
Now, let's talk about the mortality rate. Tobacco KILLS up to half of it's users. More than 8,000,000 million deaths can be attributed to just cigarette smoking (1.2 million of those people were none smokers that died from second hand smoke exposure). <----That was always my way of justifying my dip use, I would say, "well, at least I'm not hurting anyone else with my dip".
So let's recap, 6 of 9 people who try tobacco, will become addicted to it, 3 of those 6 will mostly likely die from tobacco use. If I knew these statistics 33 years ago when I stuck that first dip in, I would probably have declined it that time. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and here we are, addicts all of us hoping we have skirted the big C. Some of us will not make it out alive, but we can sure live free from our addiction until that day comes.
So what is my point today? I don't know. I just had some thoughts rolling around and they needed to find there way here. Who knows, something in this diatribe might help someone.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 700 for me. I am truly thankful to all those who have supported me and continue to do so. I only hope I have been able to support all of you the same.
Thank you. God bless all of you. I love you all as brothers and sisters.
I will be by your side through the ups and downs, anything you need my brother... anything.
Congrats Chris on your 700 day eve. You are one of the vets that I remember from early in my quit...first couple weeks when I was fully in the suck. Just the fact that I remember you from that time means that you were active in our Oct '19 group, supporting my quit brothers and sisters, always encouraging. You've helped to prove that, no matter the odds, with the will and help from others we can beat just about anything. You have the will to overcome your future challenges and there's no doubt in my mind that you will find the support right here. Personally, I look forward to the opportunity to return some of that support that you so unselfishly showered upon me and my group over the past several weeks. We have your back brother. Go get it!
Congrats on 700, the same day I hit 365. Pretty weird sitting here typing this now, when I remember thinking on day 1 when you wrote in my intro and PMed me your number how weird that was at the time. LOL but, it’s what we do. Thanks for setting a good example of what a quitter should be around here. Happy 700!
As I sit here on the eve of my 700th day of being quit from nicotine, I am unsure of my future. I have lived the last 699 days one day at a time, never really planning into the future. Now that I know I no longer need nicotine to live my life, I need to actually make plans to live it. That being said, I am finally taking bake my life. I have two surgeries scheduled for early next year, the first is in January to get my foot fixed (I have a huge bone spur on the back of my heal under the Achilles tendon). Later in February, I am having a Sleeve Gastrectomy performed to help me get my weight under control. I have lost 30 pounds so far on my own but I need to loose another 150 to get where I need to be.
Once these have been done and my healing is mostly under way, I can then concentrate on doing things I have missed out on for so long, mostly spending time, and actually engaging in activities, with my family. Things that being overweight and tied to a dead plant have robbed me of for so long.
I have been very depressed for the last year because of my situation and now I can finally start to see the light at the end of tunnel.
Now, let's talk about nicotine. Nicotine is in the top 5 most addictive chemicals known to man. It has a 67% addiction rate for those that have tried cigarettes or chew. That means that 6 out of every 9 people that try products containing nicotine will be addicted to it. That, my friends, is really shitty odds. You'd have a better chance of surviving a game of Russian Roulette.
Now, let's talk about the mortality rate. Tobacco KILLS up to half of it's users. More than 8,000,000 million deaths can be attributed to just cigarette smoking (1.2 million of those people were none smokers that died from second hand smoke exposure). <----That was always my way of justifying my dip use, I would say, "well, at least I'm not hurting anyone else with my dip".
So let's recap, 6 of 9 people who try tobacco, will become addicted to it, 3 of those 6 will mostly likely die from tobacco use. If I knew these statistics 33 years ago when I stuck that first dip in, I would probably have declined it that time. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and here we are, addicts all of us hoping we have skirted the big C. Some of us will not make it out alive, but we can sure live free from our addiction until that day comes.
So what is my point today? I don't know. I just had some thoughts rolling around and they needed to find there way here. Who knows, something in this diatribe might help someone.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 700 for me. I am truly thankful to all those who have supported me and continue to do so. I only hope I have been able to support all of you the same.
Thank you. God bless all of you. I love you all as brothers and sisters.
I will be by your side through the ups and downs, anything you need my brother... anything.
Congrats Chris on your 700 day eve. You are one of the vets that I remember from early in my quit...first couple weeks when I was fully in the suck. Just the fact that I remember you from that time means that you were active in our Oct '19 group, supporting my quit brothers and sisters, always encouraging. You've helped to prove that, no matter the odds, with the will and help from others we can beat just about anything. You have the will to overcome your future challenges and there's no doubt in my mind that you will find the support right here. Personally, I look forward to the opportunity to return some of that support that you so unselfishly showered upon me and my group over the past several weeks. We have your back brother. Go get it!
Congrats on 700, the same day I hit 365. Pretty weird sitting here typing this now, when I remember thinking on day 1 when you wrote in my intro and PMed me your number how weird that was at the time. LOL but, it’s what we do. Thanks for setting a good example of what a quitter should be around here. Happy 700!
Congrats on 700 and let em know if I can help in any way. Proud to quit with you.
As I sit here on the eve of my 700th day of being quit from nicotine, I am unsure of my future. I have lived the last 699 days one day at a time, never really planning into the future. Now that I know I no longer need nicotine to live my life, I need to actually make plans to live it. That being said, I am finally taking bake my life. I have two surgeries scheduled for early next year, the first is in January to get my foot fixed (I have a huge bone spur on the back of my heal under the Achilles tendon). Later in February, I am having a Sleeve Gastrectomy performed to help me get my weight under control. I have lost 30 pounds so far on my own but I need to loose another 150 to get where I need to be.
Once these have been done and my healing is mostly under way, I can then concentrate on doing things I have missed out on for so long, mostly spending time, and actually engaging in activities, with my family. Things that being overweight and tied to a dead plant have robbed me of for so long.
I have been very depressed for the last year because of my situation and now I can finally start to see the light at the end of tunnel.
Now, let's talk about nicotine. Nicotine is in the top 5 most addictive chemicals known to man. It has a 67% addiction rate for those that have tried cigarettes or chew. That means that 6 out of every 9 people that try products containing nicotine will be addicted to it. That, my friends, is really shitty odds. You'd have a better chance of surviving a game of Russian Roulette.
Now, let's talk about the mortality rate. Tobacco KILLS up to half of it's users. More than 8,000,000 million deaths can be attributed to just cigarette smoking (1.2 million of those people were none smokers that died from second hand smoke exposure). <----That was always my way of justifying my dip use, I would say, "well, at least I'm not hurting anyone else with my dip".
So let's recap, 6 of 9 people who try tobacco, will become addicted to it, 3 of those 6 will mostly likely die from tobacco use. If I knew these statistics 33 years ago when I stuck that first dip in, I would probably have declined it that time. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and here we are, addicts all of us hoping we have skirted the big C. Some of us will not make it out alive, but we can sure live free from our addiction until that day comes.
So what is my point today? I don't know. I just had some thoughts rolling around and they needed to find there way here. Who knows, something in this diatribe might help someone.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 700 for me. I am truly thankful to all those who have supported me and continue to do so. I only hope I have been able to support all of you the same.
Thank you. God bless all of you. I love you all as brothers and sisters.
I will be by your side through the ups and downs, anything you need my brother... anything.
Congrats Chris on your 700 day eve. You are one of the vets that I remember from early in my quit...first couple weeks when I was fully in the suck. Just the fact that I remember you from that time means that you were active in our Oct '19 group, supporting my quit brothers and sisters, always encouraging. You've helped to prove that, no matter the odds, with the will and help from others we can beat just about anything. You have the will to overcome your future challenges and there's no doubt in my mind that you will find the support right here. Personally, I look forward to the opportunity to return some of that support that you so unselfishly showered upon me and my group over the past several weeks. We have your back brother. Go get it!
Congrats on 700, the same day I hit 365. Pretty weird sitting here typing this now, when I remember thinking on day 1 when you wrote in my intro and PMed me your number how weird that was at the time. LOL but, it’s what we do. Thanks for setting a good example of what a quitter should be around here. Happy 700!
Congrats on 700 and let em know if I can help in any way. Proud to quit with you.
Congrats on 7-HUNDOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Proud to quit with you and honored by your support!!!!!
This calls for POM POMS!!!
'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party'
As I sit here on the eve of my 700th day of being quit from nicotine, I am unsure of my future. I have lived the last 699 days one day at a time, never really planning into the future. Now that I know I no longer need nicotine to live my life, I need to actually make plans to live it. That being said, I am finally taking bake my life. I have two surgeries scheduled for early next year, the first is in January to get my foot fixed (I have a huge bone spur on the back of my heal under the Achilles tendon). Later in February, I am having a Sleeve Gastrectomy performed to help me get my weight under control. I have lost 30 pounds so far on my own but I need to loose another 150 to get where I need to be.
Once these have been done and my healing is mostly under way, I can then concentrate on doing things I have missed out on for so long, mostly spending time, and actually engaging in activities, with my family. Things that being overweight and tied to a dead plant have robbed me of for so long.
I have been very depressed for the last year because of my situation and now I can finally start to see the light at the end of tunnel.
Now, let's talk about nicotine. Nicotine is in the top 5 most addictive chemicals known to man. It has a 67% addiction rate for those that have tried cigarettes or chew. That means that 6 out of every 9 people that try products containing nicotine will be addicted to it. That, my friends, is really shitty odds. You'd have a better chance of surviving a game of Russian Roulette.
Now, let's talk about the mortality rate. Tobacco KILLS up to half of it's users. More than 8,000,000 million deaths can be attributed to just cigarette smoking (1.2 million of those people were none smokers that died from second hand smoke exposure). <----That was always my way of justifying my dip use, I would say, "well, at least I'm not hurting anyone else with my dip".
So let's recap, 6 of 9 people who try tobacco, will become addicted to it, 3 of those 6 will mostly likely die from tobacco use. If I knew these statistics 33 years ago when I stuck that first dip in, I would probably have declined it that time. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and here we are, addicts all of us hoping we have skirted the big C. Some of us will not make it out alive, but we can sure live free from our addiction until that day comes.
So what is my point today? I don't know. I just had some thoughts rolling around and they needed to find there way here. Who knows, something in this diatribe might help someone.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 700 for me. I am truly thankful to all those who have supported me and continue to do so. I only hope I have been able to support all of you the same.
Thank you. God bless all of you. I love you all as brothers and sisters.
I will be by your side through the ups and downs, anything you need my brother... anything.
Congrats Chris on your 700 day eve. You are one of the vets that I remember from early in my quit...first couple weeks when I was fully in the suck. Just the fact that I remember you from that time means that you were active in our Oct '19 group, supporting my quit brothers and sisters, always encouraging. You've helped to prove that, no matter the odds, with the will and help from others we can beat just about anything. You have the will to overcome your future challenges and there's no doubt in my mind that you will find the support right here. Personally, I look forward to the opportunity to return some of that support that you so unselfishly showered upon me and my group over the past several weeks. We have your back brother. Go get it!
Congrats on 700, the same day I hit 365. Pretty weird sitting here typing this now, when I remember thinking on day 1 when you wrote in my intro and PMed me your number how weird that was at the time. LOL but, it’s what we do. Thanks for setting a good example of what a quitter should be around here. Happy 700!
Congrats on 700 and let em know if I can help in any way. Proud to quit with you.
Congrats on 7-HUNDOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Proud to quit with you and honored by your support!!!!!
This calls for POM POMS!!!
'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party'
Damn proud to be quit with you today brother!! Congrats on the 7th floor!!
As I sit here on the eve of my 700th day of being quit from nicotine, I am unsure of my future. I have lived the last 699 days one day at a time, never really planning into the future. Now that I know I no longer need nicotine to live my life, I need to actually make plans to live it. That being said, I am finally taking bake my life. I have two surgeries scheduled for early next year, the first is in January to get my foot fixed (I have a huge bone spur on the back of my heal under the Achilles tendon). Later in February, I am having a Sleeve Gastrectomy performed to help me get my weight under control. I have lost 30 pounds so far on my own but I need to loose another 150 to get where I need to be.
Once these have been done and my healing is mostly under way, I can then concentrate on doing things I have missed out on for so long, mostly spending time, and actually engaging in activities, with my family. Things that being overweight and tied to a dead plant have robbed me of for so long.
I have been very depressed for the last year because of my situation and now I can finally start to see the light at the end of tunnel.
Now, let's talk about nicotine. Nicotine is in the top 5 most addictive chemicals known to man. It has a 67% addiction rate for those that have tried cigarettes or chew. That means that 6 out of every 9 people that try products containing nicotine will be addicted to it. That, my friends, is really shitty odds. You'd have a better chance of surviving a game of Russian Roulette.
Now, let's talk about the mortality rate. Tobacco KILLS up to half of it's users. More than 8,000,000 million deaths can be attributed to just cigarette smoking (1.2 million of those people were none smokers that died from second hand smoke exposure). <----That was always my way of justifying my dip use, I would say, "well, at least I'm not hurting anyone else with my dip".
So let's recap, 6 of 9 people who try tobacco, will become addicted to it, 3 of those 6 will mostly likely die from tobacco use. If I knew these statistics 33 years ago when I stuck that first dip in, I would probably have declined it that time. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and here we are, addicts all of us hoping we have skirted the big C. Some of us will not make it out alive, but we can sure live free from our addiction until that day comes.
So what is my point today? I don't know. I just had some thoughts rolling around and they needed to find there way here. Who knows, something in this diatribe might help someone.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 700 for me. I am truly thankful to all those who have supported me and continue to do so. I only hope I have been able to support all of you the same.
Thank you. God bless all of you. I love you all as brothers and sisters.
I will be by your side through the ups and downs, anything you need my brother... anything.
Congrats Chris on your 700 day eve. You are one of the vets that I remember from early in my quit...first couple weeks when I was fully in the suck. Just the fact that I remember you from that time means that you were active in our Oct '19 group, supporting my quit brothers and sisters, always encouraging. You've helped to prove that, no matter the odds, with the will and help from others we can beat just about anything. You have the will to overcome your future challenges and there's no doubt in my mind that you will find the support right here. Personally, I look forward to the opportunity to return some of that support that you so unselfishly showered upon me and my group over the past several weeks. We have your back brother. Go get it!
Congrats on 700, the same day I hit 365. Pretty weird sitting here typing this now, when I remember thinking on day 1 when you wrote in my intro and PMed me your number how weird that was at the time. LOL but, it’s what we do. Thanks for setting a good example of what a quitter should be around here. Happy 700!
Congrats on 700 and let em know if I can help in any way. Proud to quit with you.
Congrats on 7-HUNDOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Proud to quit with you and honored by your support!!!!!
This calls for POM POMS!!!
'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party'
Damn proud to be quit with you today brother!! Congrats on the 7th floor!!
congrats! Well done!
As I sit here on the eve of my 700th day of being quit from nicotine, I am unsure of my future. I have lived the last 699 days one day at a time, never really planning into the future. Now that I know I no longer need nicotine to live my life, I need to actually make plans to live it. That being said, I am finally taking bake my life. I have two surgeries scheduled for early next year, the first is in January to get my foot fixed (I have a huge bone spur on the back of my heal under the Achilles tendon). Later in February, I am having a Sleeve Gastrectomy performed to help me get my weight under control. I have lost 30 pounds so far on my own but I need to loose another 150 to get where I need to be.
Once these have been done and my healing is mostly under way, I can then concentrate on doing things I have missed out on for so long, mostly spending time, and actually engaging in activities, with my family. Things that being overweight and tied to a dead plant have robbed me of for so long.
I have been very depressed for the last year because of my situation and now I can finally start to see the light at the end of tunnel.
Now, let's talk about nicotine. Nicotine is in the top 5 most addictive chemicals known to man. It has a 67% addiction rate for those that have tried cigarettes or chew. That means that 6 out of every 9 people that try products containing nicotine will be addicted to it. That, my friends, is really shitty odds. You'd have a better chance of surviving a game of Russian Roulette.
Now, let's talk about the mortality rate. Tobacco KILLS up to half of it's users. More than 8,000,000 million deaths can be attributed to just cigarette smoking (1.2 million of those people were none smokers that died from second hand smoke exposure). <----That was always my way of justifying my dip use, I would say, "well, at least I'm not hurting anyone else with my dip".
So let's recap, 6 of 9 people who try tobacco, will become addicted to it, 3 of those 6 will mostly likely die from tobacco use. If I knew these statistics 33 years ago when I stuck that first dip in, I would probably have declined it that time. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and here we are, addicts all of us hoping we have skirted the big C. Some of us will not make it out alive, but we can sure live free from our addiction until that day comes.
So what is my point today? I don't know. I just had some thoughts rolling around and they needed to find there way here. Who knows, something in this diatribe might help someone.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 700 for me. I am truly thankful to all those who have supported me and continue to do so. I only hope I have been able to support all of you the same.
Thank you. God bless all of you. I love you all as brothers and sisters.
I will be by your side through the ups and downs, anything you need my brother... anything.
Congrats Chris on your 700 day eve. You are one of the vets that I remember from early in my quit...first couple weeks when I was fully in the suck. Just the fact that I remember you from that time means that you were active in our Oct '19 group, supporting my quit brothers and sisters, always encouraging. You've helped to prove that, no matter the odds, with the will and help from others we can beat just about anything. You have the will to overcome your future challenges and there's no doubt in my mind that you will find the support right here. Personally, I look forward to the opportunity to return some of that support that you so unselfishly showered upon me and my group over the past several weeks. We have your back brother. Go get it!
Congrats on 700, the same day I hit 365. Pretty weird sitting here typing this now, when I remember thinking on day 1 when you wrote in my intro and PMed me your number how weird that was at the time. LOL but, it’s what we do. Thanks for setting a good example of what a quitter should be around here. Happy 700!
Congrats on 700 and let em know if I can help in any way. Proud to quit with you.
Congrats on 7-HUNDOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Proud to quit with you and honored by your support!!!!!
This calls for POM POMS!!!
'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party' 'party'
Damn proud to be quit with you today brother!! Congrats on the 7th floor!!
congrats! Well done!
Ahh. I remember that day we crossed paths so long ago. You were there when I had my first moose, showed me the ropes, what to do, and (ouch) what not to do. The beaver incident (how was I supposed to know?!), how finding pepper spray in bear shit is a bad sign, salmon kissing etc. I'll never forget it. or you. I still have that wolf skin thong.
Congratulations my friend - 700 never looked so good.
2 freaking years, every damn day.
Thank you for being you big boy, we all love you mucho.
Congrats on 2 years quit. Super badass.
holy. shit. congrats on 2 revolutions around the sun Chris!!!! 'Bow'
Chris, you have dominated nicotine the last 2 years, here's to many more. Congrats brother!
Anyone seen Hundy? I heard chris2alaska ate him. That's right, chris2alaska ate Hundy!
Anyone seen Hundy? I heard chris2alaska ate him. That's right, chris2alaska ate Hundy!
Congrats for everything you do here to make KTC the great quit community that it is!!! KTC would not be the same without you! Keep up that incredible quit, Chris!!
Anyone seen Hundy? I heard chris2alaska ate him. That's right, chris2alaska ate Hundy!
Congrats for everything you do here to make KTC the great quit community that it is!!! KTC would not be the same without you! Keep up that incredible quit, Chris!!
You're a wonderful guy Chris. Proud to be your quit brother. Congrats again on 800, you make this place BEARable.....you know what I did there lol
As we all struggle to find our way through this maze of misinformation and half truths that the media and politicians keep trying to feed us, we need to keep our focus strong on our quits. If you are prone to anxiety and find yourself stressing over the current world situation or, better yet, your own personal situation brought on by the world situation, just remember, you have brothers and sisters here that are willing and able to help.
Turning back to the nic bitch needs to be the farthest idea from your mind. Make sure you have digits for other quitters and don't be afraid to use those digits. If you would like mine, just send me a PM, I am happy to oblige. Those digits could be the only thing standing between you and a cave.
Stay vigilante my friends, don't let the world get you down and if you need to talk to someone, pickup the damn phone and call one of us.
As always, I am proud to quit with each and every one of you every damn day.
I have missed this group. Been a couple years, but still going strong.
I have missed this group. Been a couple years, but still going strong.
@Elischroeder11 (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=13978) Why not get back into posting Roll everyday and give back by helping new quitters in June and July 2020??
Well if nothing changes between now and Monday, I will be back at work Monday morning, that goodness.
Hoping and praying for everything to be back to normal soon.
Oh yeah, our well for the new house wasn't so great. We were allotted up to 100 feet for the well. Turned out to be 265 feet and the flow rate is low so we will have to probably get a storage tank installed. That's 165 feet additional at $41 PER foot plus a new storage tank and pump. This kind of sucks but we'll figure it out, hopefully.
Well if nothing changes between now and Monday, I will be back at work Monday morning, that goodness.
Hoping and praying for everything to be back to normal soon.
Oh yeah, our well for the new house wasn't so great. We were allotted up to 100 feet for the well. Turned out to be 265 feet and the flow rate is low so we will have to probably get a storage tank installed. That's 165 feet additional at $41 PER foot plus a new storage tank and pump. This kind of sucks but we'll figure it out, hopefully.
Hang in there brother. It will work out. Just a bump on a long road. The new house is going to be awesome.
1,000 freaking days, who would of thunk we would still both be posting 100% EDD one thousand days later
I sure do love you @bearfucker - keep up the solid work dude
1,000 freaking days, who would of thunk we would still both be posting 100% EDD one thousand days later
I sure do love you @bearfucker - keep up the solid work dude
Moose lover! Can you believe it? A long road my brother, and still trucking!
I love you
Wow, 1,000 Days quit in a row and 100% posted every damn day. I almost can’t believe it. Thank you to all of you that have supported me and kept me going. I only hope I have shown you the same support back.
What does it mean to have reached 1,000 days quit? It means that I am still an addict and having the accountability of this site and its users is what is keeping it away. Too many people have reached this milestone and decided they no longer need the accountability. How many of those have we seen coming back in posting a Day 1? One is too many.
The process to be quit here is very simple:
1. Wake Up
2. Piss
3. Post your promise to be nic free for today
4. Keep your damn word
5. Repeat daily
It’s really very easy. Why so many fight this tried and true method to come up with “a better way” is beyond my comprehension. Maybe they just are the type of people that must try and change everything they see to something more to their liking. Well, too bad. This is how it works here, if you can’t quit the way it is laid out, then the door you came through to get here swings back the opposite way. Go find you a group that panders to your whims. It ain’t gonna be here.
As the days keep piling up and nicotine’s grip keeps loosening ever so slightly, it is easy to get caught up in life and miss a day of posting roll here or there. No big deal, right? Wrong! Missing a day of posting roll leaves you open to suggestion. “Oh, I forgot to post roll this morning, therefore I have not promised anyone I won’t use nicotine. Just one dip won’t hurt. I can keep counting tomorrow.” So, now you have had a dip and the next day you go right back to posting with your current count. Now, you are lying on roll. Or maybe you do feel guilty and you post a Day 1 and must start all over again. Or, worse yet, you just say fuck it and keep on dipping and completely disappear from the site all together. It happens, probably the first scenario more than we know.
Our imperfection causes us to be able to lie. Our conscience is what allows us to lie. This site is built on the premise that we will tell the truth when posting our promise. One would hope that we would be truthful in all our interactions here, lying about something else and getting caught in the lie throws doubt on your roll posts whether they are completely legit or not. Food for thought.
Well, I’ve said enough shit for one day. I’m going to go get me some steak and BJ.
I’m very proud of all of you who stick with it everyday and show nicotine that we can beat her. Thank you again to all of you that have supported me. I don’t know where I would be without all of you. I only hope I have shown you the support you have shown me.
On to another One Day at a Time.
1,000 freaking days, who would of thunk we would still both be posting 100% EDD one thousand days later
I sure do love you @bearfucker - keep up the solid work dude
Moose lover! Can you believe it? A long road my brother, and still trucking!
I love you
Thank you fellas. Loves you bunches too!! '01'
As some of you know, I am currently taking online college courses. I am in ENG101 this semester and have a 6 page research paper due in a few weeks. I decided today that I am going to do my research paper on how to live with nicotine addiction. They always say, "Write about something you know". Well, I think I know about nicotine addiction. Anyway, If anyone would like to volunteer to be interviewed so I can include some quotes in my paper, please send me a PM with your phone number if I don't already have it and I will contact you in the next week or two with a couple of questions.
Thanks in advance and I will post my paper in here when it is complete.
As some of you know, I am currently taking online college courses. I am in ENG101 this semester and have a 6 page research paper due in a few weeks. I decided today that I am going to do my research paper on how to live with nicotine addiction. They always say, "Write about something you know". Well, I think I know about nicotine addiction. Anyway, If anyone would like to volunteer to be interviewed so I can include some quotes in my paper, please send me a PM with your phone number if I don't already have it and I will contact you in the next week or two with a couple of questions.
Thanks in advance and I will post my paper in here when it is complete.
me me me me! Pick me!
As some of you know, I am currently taking online college courses. I am in ENG101 this semester and have a 6 page research paper due in a few weeks. I decided today that I am going to do my research paper on how to live with nicotine addiction. They always say, "Write about something you know". Well, I think I know about nicotine addiction. Anyway, If anyone would like to volunteer to be interviewed so I can include some quotes in my paper, please send me a PM with your phone number if I don't already have it and I will contact you in the next week or two with a couple of questions.
Thanks in advance and I will post my paper in here when it is complete.
me me me me! Pick me!
I planned on it already.
As some of you know, I am currently taking online college courses. I am in ENG101 this semester and have a 6 page research paper due in a few weeks. I decided today that I am going to do my research paper on how to live with nicotine addiction. They always say, "Write about something you know". Well, I think I know about nicotine addiction. Anyway, If anyone would like to volunteer to be interviewed so I can include some quotes in my paper, please send me a PM with your phone number if I don't already have it and I will contact you in the next week or two with a couple of questions.
Thanks in advance and I will post my paper in here when it is complete.
me me me me! Pick me!
I planned on it already.
Happy to help if needed. Text me anytime. If it needs to be a phone call, we can certainly schedule a time!
As some of you know, I am currently taking online college courses. I am in ENG101 this semester and have a 6 page research paper due in a few weeks. I decided today that I am going to do my research paper on how to live with nicotine addiction. They always say, "Write about something you know". Well, I think I know about nicotine addiction. Anyway, If anyone would like to volunteer to be interviewed so I can include some quotes in my paper, please send me a PM with your phone number if I don't already have it and I will contact you in the next week or two with a couple of questions.
Thanks in advance and I will post my paper in here when it is complete.
me me me me! Pick me!
I planned on it already.
Happy to help if needed. Text me anytime. If it needs to be a phone call, we can certainly schedule a time!
Happy to help as well.
As some of you know, I am currently taking online college courses. I am in ENG101 this semester and have a 6 page research paper due in a few weeks. I decided today that I am going to do my research paper on how to live with nicotine addiction. They always say, "Write about something you know". Well, I think I know about nicotine addiction. Anyway, If anyone would like to volunteer to be interviewed so I can include some quotes in my paper, please send me a PM with your phone number if I don't already have it and I will contact you in the next week or two with a couple of questions.
Thanks in advance and I will post my paper in here when it is complete.
me me me me! Pick me!
I planned on it already.
Happy to help if needed. Text me anytime. If it needs to be a phone call, we can certainly schedule a time!
Happy to help as well.
New quitter here...I would love to help.
As some of you know, I am currently taking online college courses. I am in ENG101 this semester and have a 6 page research paper due in a few weeks. I decided today that I am going to do my research paper on how to live with nicotine addiction. They always say, "Write about something you know". Well, I think I know about nicotine addiction. Anyway, If anyone would like to volunteer to be interviewed so I can include some quotes in my paper, please send me a PM with your phone number if I don't already have it and I will contact you in the next week or two with a couple of questions.
Thanks in advance and I will post my paper in here when it is complete.
me me me me! Pick me!
I planned on it already.
Happy to help if needed. Text me anytime. If it needs to be a phone call, we can certainly schedule a time!
Happy to help as well.
New quitter here...I would love to help.
Thank you to @jbuck0506 (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=18604) , @ChickDip (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=164) , @Athan (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=258) , @Keith0617 (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1356) , @ankape (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=15914) and @MNxEngineer (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=21) for their time and participation. Below is my finished Research Paper.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xxEcfVNP7lcGDymHpIQmG-tOwFqQGNjdeI4dqf_HxOA/edit?usp=sharing (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xxEcfVNP7lcGDymHpIQmG-tOwFqQGNjdeI4dqf_HxOA/edit?usp=sharing)
If it helps one person quit nicotine, then my job is done.
As some of you know, I am currently taking online college courses. I am in ENG101 this semester and have a 6 page research paper due in a few weeks. I decided today that I am going to do my research paper on how to live with nicotine addiction. They always say, "Write about something you know". Well, I think I know about nicotine addiction. Anyway, If anyone would like to volunteer to be interviewed so I can include some quotes in my paper, please send me a PM with your phone number if I don't already have it and I will contact you in the next week or two with a couple of questions.
Thanks in advance and I will post my paper in here when it is complete.
me me me me! Pick me!
I planned on it already.
Happy to help if needed. Text me anytime. If it needs to be a phone call, we can certainly schedule a time!
Happy to help as well.
New quitter here...I would love to help.
Thank you to @jbuck0506 (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=18604) , @ChickDip (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=164) , @Athan (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=258) , @Keith0617 (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1356) , @ankape (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=15914) and @MNxEngineer (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=21) for their time and participation. Below is my finished Research Paper.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xxEcfVNP7lcGDymHpIQmG-tOwFqQGNjdeI4dqf_HxOA/edit?usp=sharing (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xxEcfVNP7lcGDymHpIQmG-tOwFqQGNjdeI4dqf_HxOA/edit?usp=sharing)
If it helps one person quit nicotine, then my job is done.
Can't wait to read it!! It was an honor to be able to participate.
As some of you know, I am currently taking online college courses. I am in ENG101 this semester and have a 6 page research paper due in a few weeks. I decided today that I am going to do my research paper on how to live with nicotine addiction. They always say, "Write about something you know". Well, I think I know about nicotine addiction. Anyway, If anyone would like to volunteer to be interviewed so I can include some quotes in my paper, please send me a PM with your phone number if I don't already have it and I will contact you in the next week or two with a couple of questions.
Thanks in advance and I will post my paper in here when it is complete.
me me me me! Pick me!
I planned on it already.
Happy to help if needed. Text me anytime. If it needs to be a phone call, we can certainly schedule a time!
Happy to help as well.
New quitter here...I would love to help.
Thank you to @jbuck0506 (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=18604) , @ChickDip (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=164) , @Athan (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=258) , @Keith0617 (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1356) , @ankape (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=15914) and @MNxEngineer (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=21) for their time and participation. Below is my finished Research Paper.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xxEcfVNP7lcGDymHpIQmG-tOwFqQGNjdeI4dqf_HxOA/edit?usp=sharing (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xxEcfVNP7lcGDymHpIQmG-tOwFqQGNjdeI4dqf_HxOA/edit?usp=sharing)
If it helps one person quit nicotine, then my job is done.
Can't wait to read it!! It was an honor to be able to participate.
Apparently some are having difficulty accessing the paper so here it is in forum format. Not quite the same as in a word processor program but you'll still get the gist.
Christopher Russell
Darrel Lawrence
December 7, 2020
Nicotine Addiction: How to Live a Nicotine Free Life.
I am a nicotine addict. Nicotine, however, does not control my life any longer. I quit nicotine 1,055 days ago and will not ever use it again. Are you a nicotine addict? Do you want to learn how to live with your addiction, nicotine free? We will learn about the many forms that nicotine is available in as well as the many ways that people use to try and quit. We will also talk about the way that I, and thousands of others have successfully quit nicotine and why our way, in my opinion, is the best way to quit. Follow along as we learn what our addiction is and how we can manage it, so it does not manage us.
“What is Addiction? Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences.” (Parekh, Par 1) So, even though nicotine and the delivery methods we get the nicotine from are very harmful to us and others around us, and we know it, we still go out of our way to get our fix regardless of the consequences. How many heroin or crack addicts have you seen or heard about that put themselves, and many times their children, in harm’s way to get that next fix? No matter what the drug is, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, or nicotine, they are all the same in that they make our minds believe we cannot live without them.
Most nicotine addicts get their drug of choice from tobacco products. Mine was smokeless tobacco, otherwise known as dip. I chewed for over thirty-one years and was up to three cans a day when I decided it was time to quit. There are many tobacco products out there, the most common being the cigarette. Other products are smokeless tobaccos such as pouches, snuff, leaf and plug tobacco, cigars, and cigarillos (mini cigars), roll-your-own tobacco, and the newest line of nicotine, the e-cigarette or electronic cigarette (aka vaping). These come in a variety of sweet flavors that appeal to kids. They are a liquid tobacco that you drop into a pipe like metal smoking device that runs on batteries. It heats the liquid producing smoke that is inhaled into the lungs. (NIDA, Par. 1) Other non-tobacco products are also available such as Zyn, which is a nicotine pouch.
The tobacco companies are very well informed about the addictiveness of nicotine. They have been doing research since the 1950’s about nicotine’s addictiveness and how it benefits their business. This was decades before the scientific community understood what nicotine was. (Prochaska, p. 1) Everyday the cycle continues is another day that you are a slave to nicotine and the tobacco companies.
[The Graph that is supposed to be here will not transfer over to the forum. It is a picture of the nicotine cycle]
(Prochaska, p.5) [edited the first bubble to include other forms of nicotine ingestion]
Quitting nicotine is a very difficult process. There is physical as well as mental withdrawals that one will go through when quitting nicotine. Many people have moderate to severe anxiety as well as stomach and bowel problems. Shakes and sweats are common in a lot of quitters as well. Many people try using some kind of ‘Nicotine Replacement Therapy’ (NRT) which is basically replacing their normal method of nicotine ingestion with a lozenge or patch. This, in my opinion, is the dumbest thing anyone can do to quit. All you are doing at this point is prolonging the inevitable withdrawals that you are still going to have if and when you stop using the patches or lozenges. The best way to quit is cold turkey. Rip that band aid right off. It may hurt a little bit at the beginning, but it is far better than drawing out the pain for a prolonged period.
The following outlines what to expect in the first one hundred days when quitting cold turkey and mostly falls in line with what I experienced when I quit:
The first three days are the worst. Your mind will be in a fog and you will find it very difficult to concentrate on anything for very long. The cravings for nicotine will be very strong. Drinking lots of water and finding things to take your mind and body off the fact that you are depriving it of what it wants goes a long way towards a successful quit.
The residual nicotine is all but gone after seventy-two hours and you will still have some physical withdrawals to deal with such as cravings, insomnia, headache, constipation, sore throat, irritability, and fatigue. As your brain begins to rewire itself and is immersed in much more of an oxygen rich environment than it has been used to, everything becomes a mind game of sorts. All your cravings you have are due to triggers. Things and events, you would normally be doing while using nicotine products, mowing the grass, working on the car, playing golf, etc. All these things you used to do with a dip in or smoking a cigarette, you now need to figure out how to do while staying clean. Keep drinking lots of water and use any alternative that works for you like gum or sunflower seeds or fake (zero tobacco and zero nicotine) dip. This will go on for about two to three weeks. As each day progresses, your sleep will improve, and the cravings will become less severe. One thing to note here is that it is important to try and not drink alcohol during the first fifty or so days of quitting nicotine. Alcohol weakens your resolve to stay quit and, for many people, it is a huge trigger to using nicotine products.
Days fifty through seventy are usually pretty good for most people. Kind of a cruise control stage. You still think about smoking or dipping but that is about it. Some people experienced heightened anxiety at this stage and could possibly need to see a doctor for some kind of anxiety relief. Just make sure your doctor does not prescribe Nicotine Replacement Therapy. If you know you are prone to anxiety, seeing your doctor before you get to this stage is a wise choice on your part.
The next three weeks or so are usually rough on most people. It is almost like you are back at day one again. The fog and cravings come back and anxiety levels peak. There have been many people that have succumbed to nicotine’s pull at this stage. For me, it was worse than the first week of quitting. Doubling down on your efforts, keeping hydrated and exercise are all great ways to get through this phase.
This brings us to the final ten days before one hundred days quit. These are easy days and a good time to plan a celebration for yourself for your one hundredth day of being quit. The reason for one hundred days is it is a huge accomplishment. Most people who attempt to quit never reach this milestone so it most definitely should be celebrated. It is also a time to stay vigilant in what you have learned so far. Keep doing what you have been doing and do not let complacency deter your efforts. Continuing this path of one day at a time, as you have been doing for the last one hundred days, will keep you focused on your quit and will ensure you are still quit every day. “What To Expect When You Quit [Nicotine]”
The concept of “one day at a time” is used by many programs to battle different substance abuses. It is also one of the backbone mantras of KillTheCanOrg (KTC). KTC is a website dedicated to informing and supporting those who want to quit using nicotine products, mainly dip in this case, but the process works for any type of nicotine user. The main page has various links to information about planning your quit, alternatives to tobacco, stories from previous quitters, facts about cancer and tobacco, etc. Here you can register for the forum. Inside the forum is a community of nicotine addicts that have quit nicotine and continue to quit nicotine one day at a time. In order to participate in the forum, one must not be currently using any form of nicotine, including NRT’s. The other rule is you must post your promise each day that you will not use nicotine, in any form, for the next twenty-four hours. This process of making a stated promise to not use nicotine is a very powerful deterrent to using nicotine if the person making the promise is a person of some morals. Obviously, a person that has no compunction to lying will not fare very well in this environment, but most people do have some sort of moral compass.
KTC runs on the premise of accountability within the forum. Each member is held accountable to their promise. If someone is late in getting onto the forum to post their promise, they are held accountable as someone, usually several someones, will be calling and/or texting that person to find out what is going on and why they haven’t posted yet. This community of quitters forms a natural brotherhood between its members. Many long-term friendships have been formed throughout the years and the tagline that appears at the top of the forum page has led thousands of people to freedom from nicotine, “Brotherhood + Accountability = Success”.
But do not take my word for it. I asked several KTC forum members why KTC has worked for them when other forms of quitting have not and these are there responses:
“KTC has worked for me, because it allows me to be part of a community that understands addiction and how to stop it. My wife, although awesome and understanding, does not fully understand the addiction. The accountability + brotherhood = success mantra is powerful.” (Jbuck0506)
“The fact that I could get on the forum, live chat or text a comrade was the key to me getting through the toughest times of craves, funks, rages, tears, freak-outs, and it was that that built me back up. Now I am 2073 days quit, heading into my 6th year quit in March 2021 and it’s much easier. But, I enter the site daily and guarantee my quit with a simple daily promise.” (ChickDip)
“I am a nicotine addict. I have been addicted to nicotine for 39 years. In the past, I tried Chantix and Wellbutrin for assistance in nicotine cessation. I felt that Chantix adversely affected my cognitive thought and discontinued it use after only a few days. The Wellbutrin was effective at 'taking the edge off' withdrawals. Alas, once I was free, I ended up using again after maybe a year being clean. KTC has worked for me thus far. First by getting clean. The method of a support group was very effective getting past cravings and into territory where nicotine cessation stopped being a daily grind.
I have found that this method (posting a promise every day) embodies the One Day At A Time methodology that has worked so well for recovering alcoholics. Once the initial hurdles are overcome, however, the mind begins to reminisce about previous use; positive things are associated with usage and the addict forgets the servitude component of it. In parlance of addiction, a 'relapse' occurs. For members of KTC, the response to this is harsh and rightfully so. This is where KTC has helped me STAY CLEAN. This is done, again, by making a daily promise. I do it first thing in the morning to the original group that I quit with.
I know this to be true as I have experienced many 'just one' moments where I would have succumbed to a temptation to use again.” (Athan)
“I dipped for roughly 38 years… I was married a few months before my wife discovered I dipped… I “tried” to quit several times. I used gum and coffee grinds as the oral fixation controlled me. I never thought I would be successful as my heart wasn’t in to quitting… As time passed, I started to realize I really was killing myself. Thought about all the things I would miss out on if I wasn’t here. I started thinking about actually quitting and my son said if you want a different result maybe try something different… I googled and ended up finding KTC… That Friday I woke up and posted roll and a have never gone back to the friend that wants to kill me… KTC has helped me in numerous ways. The knowledge I have gained has been really beneficial. I understand the addiction so much better and why I act or handle things a certain way makes sense even though I may not like it. Growing up with sports and the military, my attitude really is about not leaving anyone behind. That led me to becoming a leader in my group. Focusing on others really has helped my quit and taken the spotlight off me. Focusing on quitting ODAAT (One day at a time) was huge. I still don’t think about quitting forever. That causes stress and anxiety for me. I tried to make my daily routine one that I could do but also one that would cause me to be successful… The KTC family, the accountability, increased knowledge from the site, the fear of dying if I cave, and the guilt of letting people down is what keeps me quit for today and I’ll get up and do the same thing again tomorrow, I’ll wake up, text a bunch of fellow addicts, post roll, take the dog for a walk and then come home and post roll in other groups for support.” (Keith0617)
“I have been addicted to nicotine for about 17 years. Before KTC, I tried almost every method to quit...cold turkey, tapering, nicotine replacement, non-tobacco replacements. But it wasn’t until KTC that I talked to people about it. KTC has given me knowledge about the addiction and the effects of nicotine itself. KTC has also, through the people I have met, taught me about my personality and the emotional connections to the addiction.” (ankape)
“To the best of my estimation, I have been a nicotine addict for 10.5 years. I was a slave to nicotine in the form of chewing tobacco for 6 years before finding KTC and now have enjoyed the freedom of being quit for the past 4.5 years… KTC has worked for me for a variety of reasons. First, it helped identify the real enemy: nicotine. Through KTC I was able to confront and accept my addiction to nicotine through chewing tobacco. Secondly, it broke down the process into manageable pieces. The focus at KTC is quitting one day at a time (ODAAT). Quitting for forever is incredibly daunting and, in my opinion, unreasonable. We have zero control over tomorrow. I truly believe anyone can quit for one day. String them together and you begin to build an unbreakable foundation that continues to grow over time. Third, KTC provided a community of like-minded individuals to dish out generous helpings of accountability. KTC isn't just a support forum. The relationships formed with other quitters creates a web of accountability that further pushes failure out of the picture. KTC has held me accountable and provided me a platform to do the same for others. I am a strong believe that helping others in their quit journey is one of the best ways to strengthen a person's own quit. Finally, KTC has worked so well for me since one of the foundational aspects of the site is making a promise and being a man/woman of your word. I am beyond blessed that my parents raised me right and taught me early on the value of your word. As such, this quality made it impossible for me to make my daily promise on the site and then break my word. And because of this, as long as I post early every day, I can almost guarantee I will never cave.” (MNxEngineer)
As we have learned, nicotine is a very powerful drug that has a hold on the lives of millions of people in the world. The tobacco companies are fully aware of nicotine’s addictive properties and fully intend to keep on exploiting it to keep those chains shackled around as many people as they can. Yes, they may have to put warnings on their labels stating that their product is addictive and may kill you, but that is a small price to pay for the billions upon billions of dollars that they rake in each year in pure profit. If you are gripped by nicotine’s hold and have not found a way to break free, if you are tired of living your life around your addiction, you are not alone. There are many of us who were in your exact place and we found a way to rid ourselves of nicotine’s grasp and learned how to live life free of nicotine. You can to, just ask me how.
Ankape, Annette. KillTheCan forum member. Email Interview. 30 Nov. 2020
Athan, Athan. KillTheCan forum member. Email Interview. 30 Nov. 2020
ChickDip, Lisa. KillTheCan forum member. Email Interview. 30 Nov. 2020
Jbuck0506, Jared. KillTheCan forum member. Email Interview. 30 Nov. 2020
Keith0617, Keith. KillTheCan forum member. Email Interview. 30 Nov. 2020
MNxEngineer, Jared. KillTheCan forum member. Email Interview. 30 Nov. 2020
NIDA. "Vaping Devices (Electronic Cigarettes) DrugFacts." National Institute on Drug Abuse, 8 Jan. 2020, Par 1, www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/vaping-devices-electronic-cigarettes Accessed 7 Dec. 2020.
Parekh, Ranna, M.D., M.P.H., “What is Addiction?”, American Psychiatric Association, Jan. 2017, Par 1, www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/addiction/what-is-addiction, Accessed 7 Dec. 2020
Prochaska, Judith J. & Benowitz, Neal L., “Current advances in research in treatment and recovery: Nicotine addiction”, Science Advances, 16 Oct 2019:Vol. 5, no. 10, eaay9763 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aay9763
“What To Expect When You Quit [Nicotine]”, KillTheCanOrg, www.killthecan.org/your-quit/what-to-expect-when-you-quit-dipping/
Edit: I got an A on the paper. Woot Woot
How many quits does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Quit?
How many quits does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Quit?
Let's ask the owl!
How many quits does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Quit?
Let's ask the owl!
I will be in Orlando on January 3rd and 4 th, 2022 and Miami on January 14th and 15th, 2022 if anyone wants to get together.
I’ve booked a cruise from January 5th to the 14TH. We are going to do Universal Studios on the 3rd and 4th but have no plans on the 14TH and 15th.
@FISHFLORIDA (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=7) , @FLLipOut (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=53) , @copequits (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=30)
and anyone else in the Miami and/or Orlando areas
I read a new quote today:
“Addiction: Giving up everything for one thing.
Recovery: Giving up one thing for everything.”
So true!
Today I hit 1,200 days Free of nicotine. I am ever so thankful to all of the brothers and sisters that support me day in and day out. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all have saved my life. I hope I have had a part in keeping someone else from the clutches of nicotine.
Thank you! I Love You! Someday I will hug you!
Today I hit 1,200 days Free of nicotine. I am ever so thankful to all of the brothers and sisters that support me day in and day out. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all have saved my life. I hope I have had a part in keeping someone else from the clutches of nicotine.
Thank you! I Love You! Someday I will hug you!
Congrats @chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) on hitting the 12th and thank you for all you do to help quitters. You know you played and play a roll in my quit. Proud to quit with you brother. Cheers 'shots'
Today I hit 1,200 days Free of nicotine. I am ever so thankful to all of the brothers and sisters that support me day in and day out. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all have saved my life. I hope I have had a part in keeping someone else from the clutches of nicotine.
Thank you! I Love You! Someday I will hug you!
Congrats @chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) on hitting the 12th and thank you for all you do to help quitters. You know you played and play a roll in my quit. Proud to quit with you brother. Cheers 'shots'
Well done brother, no reason to stop now. Like Keith said, you have done and so much for this place, keep killing EDD
Today I hit 1,200 days Free of nicotine. I am ever so thankful to all of the brothers and sisters that support me day in and day out. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all have saved my life. I hope I have had a part in keeping someone else from the clutches of nicotine.
Thank you! I Love You! Someday I will hug you!
Congrats @chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) on hitting the 12th and thank you for all you do to help quitters. You know you played and play a roll in my quit. Proud to quit with you brother. Cheers 'shots'
Well done brother, no reason to stop now. Like Keith said, you have done and so much for this place, keep killing EDD
Thanks for everything Chris! Proud to quit with you! 'Have a beer'
Today I hit 1,200 days Free of nicotine. I am ever so thankful to all of the brothers and sisters that support me day in and day out. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all have saved my life. I hope I have had a part in keeping someone else from the clutches of nicotine.
Thank you! I Love You! Someday I will hug you!
Congrats @chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) on hitting the 12th and thank you for all you do to help quitters. You know you played and play a roll in my quit. Proud to quit with you brother. Cheers 'shots'
Well done brother, no reason to stop now. Like Keith said, you have done and so much for this place, keep killing EDD
Thanks for everything Chris! Proud to quit with you! 'Have a beer'
The hug...is that a promise? Congratulations!! Thank you for all you do here!!
Today I hit 1,200 days Free of nicotine. I am ever so thankful to all of the brothers and sisters that support me day in and day out. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all have saved my life. I hope I have had a part in keeping someone else from the clutches of nicotine.
Thank you! I Love You! Someday I will hug you!
Promises promises...
Today I hit 1,200 days Free of nicotine. I am ever so thankful to all of the brothers and sisters that support me day in and day out. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all have saved my life. I hope I have had a part in keeping someone else from the clutches of nicotine.
Thank you! I Love You! Someday I will hug you!
Congrats @chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) on hitting the 12th and thank you for all you do to help quitters. You know you played and play a roll in my quit. Proud to quit with you brother. Cheers 'shots'
Well done brother, no reason to stop now. Like Keith said, you have done and so much for this place, keep killing EDD
Thanks for everything Chris! Proud to quit with you! 'Have a beer'
The hug...is that a promise? Congratulations!! Thank you for all you do here!!
Most definitely @ankape (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=15914)
Today I hit 1,200 days Free of nicotine. I am ever so thankful to all of the brothers and sisters that support me day in and day out. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all have saved my life. I hope I have had a part in keeping someone else from the clutches of nicotine.
Thank you! I Love You! Someday I will hug you!
Congrats @chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) on hitting the 12th and thank you for all you do to help quitters. You know you played and play a roll in my quit. Proud to quit with you brother. Cheers 'shots'
Well done brother, no reason to stop now. Like Keith said, you have done and so much for this place, keep killing EDD
Thanks for everything Chris! Proud to quit with you! 'Have a beer'
The hug...is that a promise? Congratulations!! Thank you for all you do here!!
Most definitely @ankape (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=15914)
Congrats Chris. You are a wealth of support and knowledge. Never stop what you are doing.
I am no longer a Moderator. I had been considering the idea of retiring for well over a month. It was just time for me to move on and focus more on helping others quit this vile addiction of ours. I did the leave the door open, so you may once again see me donning the Moderator title in the future.
I would, however, like to thank everyone of the Admins and Moderators that I had the pleasure of working with over the last few years. It is a thankless job for the most part and there are some very tough decisions that have to be made, unfortunately, not everyone agrees with the decisions in every case. But I know in my heart that all of the decisions made are for the greater good of the site and its members even though there are some that would say the decisions are biased and in the interests of those making the decisions. This is just so untrue and I hope one day those that feel this way actually see all the good being done and not what they perceive as the bad.
Over the last few years, I have seen a shift in how this site works. It used to be a very hard nosed, tough love, drag 'em through the dirt until theY break kind of place. Used to be, if a quitter was late posting or missed roll all together, there'd be 15 people calling them up on the phone to get their ass in to post roll. Lately, it has gotten much softer. I know that is why a lot of the vets have left and it is sad because they have so much to offer new and old quitters alike. The groups have gotten smaller and smaller as well. I assume this is due, in large part, to the overwhelming stresses of life dealing with the pandemic and our government over the last year and a half. No one wants to give up their vice for dealing with stress. I have a feeling that WHEN all of this passes, these halls are going to be filled once again and I plan on being here for it. I just wish people could realize that they don't need nicotine to deal with stress in their lives. It actually hinders your mind and body's natural abilities to deal with stress.
So, until that day comes, you can find me here helping those that have found there way here. If anyone wants or needs digits, mine are always available, just ask.
Quit all day with all of you,
@group:Administrator @Moderator (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=2) @Admin (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=12) @Moderator (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=11)
I am no longer a Moderator. I had been considering the idea of retiring for well over a month. It was just time for me to move on and focus more on helping others quit this vile addiction of ours. I did the leave the door open, so you may once again see me donning the Moderator title in the future.
I would, however, like to thank everyone of the Admins and Moderators that I had the pleasure of working with over the last few years. It is a thankless job for the most part and there are some very tough decisions that have to be made, unfortunately, not everyone agrees with the decisions in every case. But I know in my heart that all of the decisions made are for the greater good of the site and its members even though there are some that would say the decisions are biased and in the interests of those making the decisions. This is just so untrue and I hope one day those that feel this way actually see all the good being done and not what they perceive as the bad.
Over the last few years, I have seen a shift in how this site works. It used to be a very hard nosed, tough love, drag 'em through the dirt until theY break kind of place. Used to be, if a quitter was late posting or missed roll all together, there'd be 15 people calling them up on the phone to get their ass in to post roll. Lately, it has gotten much softer. I know that is why a lot of the vets have left and it is sad because they have so much to offer new and old quitters alike. The groups have gotten smaller and smaller as well. I assume this is due, in large part, to the overwhelming stresses of life dealing with the pandemic and our government over the last year and a half. No one wants to give up their vice for dealing with stress. I have a feeling that WHEN all of this passes, these halls are going to be filled once again and I plan on being here for it. I just wish people could realize that they don't need nicotine to deal with stress in their lives. It actually hinders your mind and body's natural abilities to deal with stress.
So, until that day comes, you can find me here helping those that have found there way here. If anyone wants or needs digits, mine are always available, just ask.
Quit all day with all of you,
@group:Administrator @Moderator (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=2) @Admin (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=12) @Moderator (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=11)
Thank you @chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) for all you have done. You have helped countless addicts including myself. It has been a pleasure walking the halls with you. Love you brother!
I am no longer a Moderator. I had been considering the idea of retiring for well over a month. It was just time for me to move on and focus more on helping others quit this vile addiction of ours. I did the leave the door open, so you may once again see me donning the Moderator title in the future.
I would, however, like to thank everyone of the Admins and Moderators that I had the pleasure of working with over the last few years. It is a thankless job for the most part and there are some very tough decisions that have to be made, unfortunately, not everyone agrees with the decisions in every case. But I know in my heart that all of the decisions made are for the greater good of the site and its members even though there are some that would say the decisions are biased and in the interests of those making the decisions. This is just so untrue and I hope one day those that feel this way actually see all the good being done and not what they perceive as the bad.
Over the last few years, I have seen a shift in how this site works. It used to be a very hard nosed, tough love, drag 'em through the dirt until theY break kind of place. Used to be, if a quitter was late posting or missed roll all together, there'd be 15 people calling them up on the phone to get their ass in to post roll. Lately, it has gotten much softer. I know that is why a lot of the vets have left and it is sad because they have so much to offer new and old quitters alike. The groups have gotten smaller and smaller as well. I assume this is due, in large part, to the overwhelming stresses of life dealing with the pandemic and our government over the last year and a half. No one wants to give up their vice for dealing with stress. I have a feeling that WHEN all of this passes, these halls are going to be filled once again and I plan on being here for it. I just wish people could realize that they don't need nicotine to deal with stress in their lives. It actually hinders your mind and body's natural abilities to deal with stress.
So, until that day comes, you can find me here helping those that have found there way here. If anyone wants or needs digits, mine are always available, just ask.
Quit all day with all of you,
@group:Administrator @Moderator (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=2) @Admin (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=12) @Moderator (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=11)
Thank you @chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) for all you have done. You have helped countless addicts including myself. It has been a pleasure walking the halls with you. Love you brother!
you are the beezzzz knees friend! i invested because you invested i owe you alot.
Can’t thank you enough my brother, for your effort, your time. This place is amazing - it just kinda works. I’ve noticed a down tick in the pulse of the organization as well. That’s ok. As long as there’s addicts; there’ll be a need to quit. And there’s no shortage of addicts.
I am no longer a Moderator. I had been considering the idea of retiring for well over a month. It was just time for me to move on and focus more on helping others quit this vile addiction of ours. I did the leave the door open, so you may once again see me donning the Moderator title in the future.
I would, however, like to thank everyone of the Admins and Moderators that I had the pleasure of working with over the last few years. It is a thankless job for the most part and there are some very tough decisions that have to be made, unfortunately, not everyone agrees with the decisions in every case. But I know in my heart that all of the decisions made are for the greater good of the site and its members even though there are some that would say the decisions are biased and in the interests of those making the decisions. This is just so untrue and I hope one day those that feel this way actually see all the good being done and not what they perceive as the bad.
Over the last few years, I have seen a shift in how this site works. It used to be a very hard nosed, tough love, drag 'em through the dirt until theY break kind of place. Used to be, if a quitter was late posting or missed roll all together, there'd be 15 people calling them up on the phone to get their ass in to post roll. Lately, it has gotten much softer. I know that is why a lot of the vets have left and it is sad because they have so much to offer new and old quitters alike. The groups have gotten smaller and smaller as well. I assume this is due, in large part, to the overwhelming stresses of life dealing with the pandemic and our government over the last year and a half. No one wants to give up their vice for dealing with stress. I have a feeling that WHEN all of this passes, these halls are going to be filled once again and I plan on being here for it. I just wish people could realize that they don't need nicotine to deal with stress in their lives. It actually hinders your mind and body's natural abilities to deal with stress.
So, until that day comes, you can find me here helping those that have found there way here. If anyone wants or needs digits, mine are always available, just ask.
Quit all day with all of you,
@group:Administrator @Moderator (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=2) @Admin (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=12) @Moderator (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=11)
Thank you @chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) for all you have done. You have helped countless addicts including myself. It has been a pleasure walking the halls with you. Love you brother!
you are the beezzzz knees friend! i invested because you invested i owe you alot.
Thank you, thank you , thank you for everything you have contributed. You have helped even when you had no clue you were helping. That is why I came out of my shell to help and that has made a huge difference with my quit. Thanks again my friend and yes if I ever get to Alaska I will be calling you. PTBQWYT
I am no longer a Moderator. I had been considering the idea of retiring for well over a month. It was just time for me to move on and focus more on helping others quit this vile addiction of ours. I did the leave the door open, so you may once again see me donning the Moderator title in the future.
I would, however, like to thank everyone of the Admins and Moderators that I had the pleasure of working with over the last few years. It is a thankless job for the most part and there are some very tough decisions that have to be made, unfortunately, not everyone agrees with the decisions in every case. But I know in my heart that all of the decisions made are for the greater good of the site and its members even though there are some that would say the decisions are biased and in the interests of those making the decisions. This is just so untrue and I hope one day those that feel this way actually see all the good being done and not what they perceive as the bad.
Over the last few years, I have seen a shift in how this site works. It used to be a very hard nosed, tough love, drag 'em through the dirt until theY break kind of place. Used to be, if a quitter was late posting or missed roll all together, there'd be 15 people calling them up on the phone to get their ass in to post roll. Lately, it has gotten much softer. I know that is why a lot of the vets have left and it is sad because they have so much to offer new and old quitters alike. The groups have gotten smaller and smaller as well. I assume this is due, in large part, to the overwhelming stresses of life dealing with the pandemic and our government over the last year and a half. No one wants to give up their vice for dealing with stress. I have a feeling that WHEN all of this passes, these halls are going to be filled once again and I plan on being here for it. I just wish people could realize that they don't need nicotine to deal with stress in their lives. It actually hinders your mind and body's natural abilities to deal with stress.
So, until that day comes, you can find me here helping those that have found there way here. If anyone wants or needs digits, mine are always available, just ask.
Quit all day with all of you,
@group:Administrator @Moderator (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=2) @Admin (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=12) @Moderator (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=11)
Thank you @chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) for all you have done. You have helped countless addicts including myself. It has been a pleasure walking the halls with you. Love you brother!
you are the beezzzz knees friend! i invested because you invested i owe you alot.
Thank you, thank you , thank you for everything you have contributed. You have helped even when you had no clue you were helping. That is why I came out of my shell to help and that has made a huge difference with my quit. Thanks again my friend and yes if I ever get to Alaska I will be calling you. PTBQWYT
Thanks for all you have done. I know you have personally impacted many quitters that have passed through these halls. Good luck and hope to see you around in the future!!!
I am no longer a Moderator. I had been considering the idea of retiring for well over a month. It was just time for me to move on and focus more on helping others quit this vile addiction of ours. I did the leave the door open, so you may once again see me donning the Moderator title in the future.
I would, however, like to thank everyone of the Admins and Moderators that I had the pleasure of working with over the last few years. It is a thankless job for the most part and there are some very tough decisions that have to be made, unfortunately, not everyone agrees with the decisions in every case. But I know in my heart that all of the decisions made are for the greater good of the site and its members even though there are some that would say the decisions are biased and in the interests of those making the decisions. This is just so untrue and I hope one day those that feel this way actually see all the good being done and not what they perceive as the bad.
Over the last few years, I have seen a shift in how this site works. It used to be a very hard nosed, tough love, drag 'em through the dirt until theY break kind of place. Used to be, if a quitter was late posting or missed roll all together, there'd be 15 people calling them up on the phone to get their ass in to post roll. Lately, it has gotten much softer. I know that is why a lot of the vets have left and it is sad because they have so much to offer new and old quitters alike. The groups have gotten smaller and smaller as well. I assume this is due, in large part, to the overwhelming stresses of life dealing with the pandemic and our government over the last year and a half. No one wants to give up their vice for dealing with stress. I have a feeling that WHEN all of this passes, these halls are going to be filled once again and I plan on being here for it. I just wish people could realize that they don't need nicotine to deal with stress in their lives. It actually hinders your mind and body's natural abilities to deal with stress.
So, until that day comes, you can find me here helping those that have found there way here. If anyone wants or needs digits, mine are always available, just ask.
Quit all day with all of you,
@group:Administrator @Moderator (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=2) @Admin (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=12) @Moderator (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=11)
Thanks for all that you have done, and I am sure, will continue to do.
See you around,
I am no longer a Moderator. I had been considering the idea of retiring for well over a month. It was just time for me to move on and focus more on helping others quit this vile addiction of ours. I did the leave the door open, so you may once again see me donning the Moderator title in the future.
I would, however, like to thank everyone of the Admins and Moderators that I had the pleasure of working with over the last few years. It is a thankless job for the most part and there are some very tough decisions that have to be made, unfortunately, not everyone agrees with the decisions in every case. But I know in my heart that all of the decisions made are for the greater good of the site and its members even though there are some that would say the decisions are biased and in the interests of those making the decisions. This is just so untrue and I hope one day those that feel this way actually see all the good being done and not what they perceive as the bad.
Over the last few years, I have seen a shift in how this site works. It used to be a very hard nosed, tough love, drag 'em through the dirt until theY break kind of place. Used to be, if a quitter was late posting or missed roll all together, there'd be 15 people calling them up on the phone to get their ass in to post roll. Lately, it has gotten much softer. I know that is why a lot of the vets have left and it is sad because they have so much to offer new and old quitters alike. The groups have gotten smaller and smaller as well. I assume this is due, in large part, to the overwhelming stresses of life dealing with the pandemic and our government over the last year and a half. No one wants to give up their vice for dealing with stress. I have a feeling that WHEN all of this passes, these halls are going to be filled once again and I plan on being here for it. I just wish people could realize that they don't need nicotine to deal with stress in their lives. It actually hinders your mind and body's natural abilities to deal with stress.
So, until that day comes, you can find me here helping those that have found there way here. If anyone wants or needs digits, mine are always available, just ask.
Quit all day with all of you,
@group:Administrator @Moderator (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=2) @Admin (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=12) @Moderator (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=11)
Thanks for all that you have done, and I am sure, will continue to do.
See you around,
Thanks Chris! I'm glad that folks like you step up to moderate and administrate. 8)
I'm not sure why vets leave. I just know that this site was there for me on my day 6 and I seem to wake up every day with a thought in my head that I should post roll.
I am no longer a Moderator. I had been considering the idea of retiring for well over a month. It was just time for me to move on and focus more on helping others quit this vile addiction of ours. I did the leave the door open, so you may once again see me donning the Moderator title in the future.
I would, however, like to thank everyone of the Admins and Moderators that I had the pleasure of working with over the last few years. It is a thankless job for the most part and there are some very tough decisions that have to be made, unfortunately, not everyone agrees with the decisions in every case. But I know in my heart that all of the decisions made are for the greater good of the site and its members even though there are some that would say the decisions are biased and in the interests of those making the decisions. This is just so untrue and I hope one day those that feel this way actually see all the good being done and not what they perceive as the bad.
Over the last few years, I have seen a shift in how this site works. It used to be a very hard nosed, tough love, drag 'em through the dirt until theY break kind of place. Used to be, if a quitter was late posting or missed roll all together, there'd be 15 people calling them up on the phone to get their ass in to post roll. Lately, it has gotten much softer. I know that is why a lot of the vets have left and it is sad because they have so much to offer new and old quitters alike. The groups have gotten smaller and smaller as well. I assume this is due, in large part, to the overwhelming stresses of life dealing with the pandemic and our government over the last year and a half. No one wants to give up their vice for dealing with stress. I have a feeling that WHEN all of this passes, these halls are going to be filled once again and I plan on being here for it. I just wish people could realize that they don't need nicotine to deal with stress in their lives. It actually hinders your mind and body's natural abilities to deal with stress.
So, until that day comes, you can find me here helping those that have found there way here. If anyone wants or needs digits, mine are always available, just ask.
Quit all day with all of you,
@group:Administrator @Moderator (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=2) @Admin (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=12) @Moderator (Retired) (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=11)
Thanks for all that you have done, and I am sure, will continue to do.
See you around,
Thanks Chris! I'm glad that folks like you step up to moderate and administrate. 8)
I'm not sure why vets leave. I just know that this site was there for me on my day 6 and I seem to wake up every day with a thought in my head that I should post roll.
@chris2alaska (https://ktcforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=130) thank you for stepping up in a leadership role. We need more people like you to do this to keep this place rolling. See you on the boards posting.
Okay, this is my vain moment. I only need 69 more views to get to 14,000, so come view my intro pages. Look around, if you see something you like, like it. If you see something you want to comment on, then comment.
If I have helped you in your quit, then go help someone else in their quit because paying it forward is the ultimate form of recognition. Thanks for visiting.
Okay, this is my vain moment. I only need 69 more views to get to 14,000, so come view my intro pages. Look around, if you see something you like, like it. If you see something you want to comment on, then comment.
If I have helped you in your quit, then go help someone else in their quit because paying it forward if the ultimate form of recognition. Thanks for visiting.
KTC wouldn't exist without guys like you!
Okay, this is my vain moment. I only need 69 more views to get to 14,000, so come view my intro pages. Look around, if you see something you like, like it. If you see something you want to comment on, then comment.
If I have helped you in your quit, then go help someone else in their quit because paying it forward if the ultimate form of recognition. Thanks for visiting.
Thank you everyone, my intro has reached 14,000 views. Now on to 15K. Stay tuned for something you don't want to miss. I don't know what it is yet but I guarantee you will not want to miss it.
Well, over 2,000 days quit and I love being quit.
Anyone seeing this that has any doubts about being quit, please feel free to reach out to me. I would be happy to share my story with you and help get you on the path to freedom from nicotine.
Best Regards,
Okay, this is my vain moment. I only need 69 more views to get to 14,000, so come view my intro pages. Look around, if you see something you like, like it. If you see something you want to comment on, then comment.
If I have helped you in your quit, then go help someone else in their quit because paying it forward if the ultimate form of recognition. Thanks for visiting.
Thank you everyone, my intro has reached 14,000 views. Now on to 15K. Stay tuned for something you don't want to miss. I don't know what it is yet but I guarantee you will not want to miss it.
In only 3 years since I posted this, It has gone well over 86,000 views. I hope I have been able to help at least one person in that time with the info contained here. Quit on everyone.