Author Topic: Wish I didn't have relapses  (Read 2229 times)

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2016, 01:37:00 PM »
Post roll, or you are just another troll. I quit with people that post roll.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2016, 12:59:00 PM »
Quote from: seth8a
Quote from: miker0351
Hey Seth, you've been getting some great feedback from a bunch of people and all that they're saying is spot on. I once heard a saying that's stuck with me, "wish in one hand, crap in the other and see which one fills up first". The plain and simple answer is to just stop using the stuff. That's the great thing about this site and the method here that's proven effective for so many people. You only need to quit for one day at a time (odaat) and keep quitting every damn day (edd). No one in here us committed to forever, we just keep quitting each day. Time to stop wishing brother and start committing just for one day
I promised my wife I'd stop. My daughters are the most beautiful things in the world to me and I promised to them I'd stop. The worst thing is the lying--to myself and to others. I "just" dipped for three weeks and a couple of tins, but it's like I never quit. It was about as pathetic as you can get--reading books to them with a chew in my mouth while hiccuping because I was trying to hide it.
Hey, man, you keep bringing up your wife and kids. I get it, we all do. But your quit cannot be about them, that needs to be a tangential benefit. Be selfish and make this quit about you, pour everything you have into it. You keep voicing your shame and yet you take no action. The keys are in your hands, just open the door and post roll.

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2016, 10:28:00 AM »
Quote from: RDB1972
Are you going to post roll? That's how we quit.

This is from an email I just sent through the KTC system....leaving it here for posterity....

Read through your intro and thought to myself "He hasn't gotten it....yet". You see, it's not just a habit. You, and I, and everyone else on KTC who has read enough to fully understand, are ADDICTS. We are addicted to nicotine. It is a very powerful addiction, on par with cocaine. But it can be broken, and brought to submission. You can do it, but you have to want it bad enough. If you're serious, read up on the site about how things are done....

1. Wake up, piss, post roll. Why? Because assuming you're a man of integrity, you honor your promise (roll post) that you will not use nicotine in any form for the next 24 hours.
2. Rinse/repeat. We quit only for today. Why? Because early in a quit, thinking about never having a dip again is usually too much burden. Concentrate on today, this hour, this minute if necessary. We quit for today, and when tomorrow gets here, quit then as well. Daily. EVERY DAMN DAY (EDD).
3. Get to know the folks in your quit group. Why? Because even though it may sound cheesy, over time if you invest in them, they will become like an extended family. Really. I know because my Sultans are in every sense of the word my brothers (and sister).

Of course, you are free to go it your own way. But if you want KTC's help, you have to play by KTC's rules.... Quitting with you today, if you want to quit. The ball is now in your court. Decision is yours to make....choose wisely!

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2016, 10:22:00 AM »
Are you going to post roll? That's how we quit.

Offline wildirish317

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2016, 10:19:00 PM »
Quote from: seth8a
Quote from: tabrow3
Seth, I promised my soon to be wife I'd quit when we got married. That was 23 years ago. Then I promised her I'd quit when our daughter was born (21 years ago). I REALLY promised her I'd quit when my son was born (18 years ago). I know self-loathing, brother. And most of the guys on here have unnervingly similar stories to tell. Do not wait to dump the tin and join us in March. Don't wait until tomorrow.
Thanks man. The habit started probably same as a lot of other folks, too--I worked in forestry and hell, guys would go through a can of Cope a day on my crew and think nothing of it. It was part of the culture. I work in about a white collar job as possible these days, but still can't get passed the old habit of using. I've got to break the cycle. I also have battled anxiety for a lot of my life, and I wonder how many people can related to that, too. I always thought it calmed me down, but I was always wrong about that.
You use the word "habit" a lot, but if you can't break the bonds of this habit, it's an addiction. This was the hardest thing for me to accept, because I wasn't an addict. Truth is, I am an addict.

I know you don't want to hear that, but if you can't quit nicotine, then you are addicted. Quitting is simple. The only way to stay quit is to stay quit. Just don't put the shite in your mouth. It's that friggin simple. It's that friggin difficult. If you're addicted, we can help you. Just post roll and quit for today. Anyone can quit for a day.
“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else, everything". - Danny Trejo

Offline Jeff W

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2016, 10:05:00 PM »
Quote from: miker0351
Quote from: seth8a
Quote from: tabrow3
Seth, I promised my soon to be wife I'd quit when we got married. That was 23 years ago. Then I promised her I'd quit when our daughter was born (21 years ago). I REALLY promised her I'd quit when my son was born (18 years ago). I know self-loathing, brother. And most of the guys on here have unnervingly similar stories to tell. Do not wait to dump the tin and join us in March. Don't wait until tomorrow.
Thanks man. The habit started probably same as a lot of other folks, too--I worked in forestry and hell, guys would go through a can of Cope a day on my crew and think nothing of it. It was part of the culture. I work in about a white collar job as possible these days, but still can't get passed the old habit of using. I've got to break the cycle. I also have battled anxiety for a lot of my life, and I wonder how many people can related to that, too. I always thought it calmed me down, but I was always wrong about that.
There's a whole section on the site for people dealing with depression/anxiety/etc. and a bunch of people in the quit groups who have the exact same concerns. There are 28,000+ people who use/have used the site and over 4 million posts. I believe that anything you could feel has been felt by someone here.
So Seth are you quit right now? Have you flushed any and all nicotine? If so man, get over and post roll in your March 17 quit group. The folks here are just a handful of the quitters that will have your back. It really is easy, Post Roll drink the kook-aid and watch the Nic Bitch drown one day at a time (ODAAT)!

CLICK HERE March 17 Group

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2016, 09:51:00 PM »
Quote from: seth8a
Quote from: tabrow3
Seth, I promised my soon to be wife I'd quit when we got married. That was 23 years ago. Then I promised her I'd quit when our daughter was born (21 years ago). I REALLY promised her I'd quit when my son was born (18 years ago). I know self-loathing, brother. And most of the guys on here have unnervingly similar stories to tell. Do not wait to dump the tin and join us in March. Don't wait until tomorrow.
Thanks man. The habit started probably same as a lot of other folks, too--I worked in forestry and hell, guys would go through a can of Cope a day on my crew and think nothing of it. It was part of the culture. I work in about a white collar job as possible these days, but still can't get passed the old habit of using. I've got to break the cycle. I also have battled anxiety for a lot of my life, and I wonder how many people can related to that, too. I always thought it calmed me down, but I was always wrong about that.
There's a whole section on the site for people dealing with depression/anxiety/etc. and a bunch of people in the quit groups who have the exact same concerns. There are 28,000+ people who use/have used the site and over 4 million posts. I believe that anything you could feel has been felt by someone here.

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2016, 09:48:00 PM »
Quote from: tabrow3
Seth, I promised my soon to be wife I'd quit when we got married. That was 23 years ago. Then I promised her I'd quit when our daughter was born (21 years ago). I REALLY promised her I'd quit when my son was born (18 years ago). I know self-loathing, brother. And most of the guys on here have unnervingly similar stories to tell. Do not wait to dump the tin and join us in March. Don't wait until tomorrow.
The most important thing you can do is quit for yourself, first and foremost! Everyone around you will benefit. Got alot of good support already my friend. As long as your names on roll your never alone! Damn proud to be quit with you
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2016, 09:46:00 PM »
Quote from: tabrow3
Seth, I promised my soon to be wife I'd quit when we got married. That was 23 years ago. Then I promised her I'd quit when our daughter was born (21 years ago). I REALLY promised her I'd quit when my son was born (18 years ago). I know self-loathing, brother. And most of the guys on here have unnervingly similar stories to tell. Do not wait to dump the tin and join us in March. Don't wait until tomorrow.
Thanks man. The habit started probably same as a lot of other folks, too--I worked in forestry and hell, guys would go through a can of Cope a day on my crew and think nothing of it. It was part of the culture. I work in about a white collar job as possible these days, but still can't get passed the old habit of using. I've got to break the cycle. I also have battled anxiety for a lot of my life, and I wonder how many people can related to that, too. I always thought it calmed me down, but I was always wrong about that.

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2016, 09:35:00 PM »
Seth, I promised my soon to be wife I'd quit when we got married. That was 23 years ago. Then I promised her I'd quit when our daughter was born (21 years ago). I REALLY promised her I'd quit when my son was born (18 years ago). I know self-loathing, brother. And most of the guys on here have unnervingly similar stories to tell. Do not wait to dump the tin and join us in March. Don't wait until tomorrow.

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2016, 09:34:00 PM »
Quote from: seth8a
Quote from: miker0351
Hey Seth, you've been getting some great feedback from a bunch of people and all that they're saying is spot on. I once heard a saying that's stuck with me, "wish in one hand, crap in the other and see which one fills up first". The plain and simple answer is to just stop using the stuff. That's the great thing about this site and the method here that's proven effective for so many people. You only need to quit for one day at a time (odaat) and keep quitting every damn day (edd). No one in here us committed to forever, we just keep quitting each day. Time to stop wishing brother and start committing just for one day
I promised my wife I'd stop. My daughters are the most beautiful things in the world to me and I promised to them I'd stop. The worst thing is the lying--to myself and to others. I "just" dipped for three weeks and a couple of tins, but it's like I never quit. It was about as pathetic as you can get--reading books to them with a chew in my mouth while hiccuping because I was trying to hide it.
I feel you man. We've all had that pathetic feeling of powerlessness and submission to the damn stuff. Just take control for one day. Start today because it'll never be back, the do it again tomorrow and so on

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2016, 09:26:00 PM »
Quote from: miker0351
Hey Seth, you've been getting some great feedback from a bunch of people and all that they're saying is spot on. I once heard a saying that's stuck with me, "wish in one hand, crap in the other and see which one fills up first". The plain and simple answer is to just stop using the stuff. That's the great thing about this site and the method here that's proven effective for so many people. You only need to quit for one day at a time (odaat) and keep quitting every damn day (edd). No one in here us committed to forever, we just keep quitting each day. Time to stop wishing brother and start committing just for one day
I promised my wife I'd stop. My daughters are the most beautiful things in the world to me and I promised to them I'd stop. The worst thing is the lying--to myself and to others. I "just" dipped for three weeks and a couple of tins, but it's like I never quit. It was about as pathetic as you can get--reading books to them with a chew in my mouth while hiccuping because I was trying to hide it.

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2016, 09:25:00 PM »
Hello Seth,

Welcome to KTC!!! I am a fellow quitter with you in your March group. I am only on day 3 (again) and I am going through the same struggles. You have to be STRONG and REALLY want this......There are tons of people on this forum that will support you in your quit. But they can't want it more than you do. Think of all the reasons you are quitting, for yourself and your loved ones, your family. Don't mean to get very dark on you...but a veteran PM'd me and reached out to me last week and told me "IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH" and it really IS. So please choose LIFE and come join us in our March group, dump your can and post ROLL now with us!!! I know it's hard...we are all here with you. Read the forum and the millions of suggestions of what is helping people get through the cravings in the first few days...the fake herbal snuff...gum, mints, exercise etc. We got your back, but YOU have to your own back as well. Welcome to the forum my fellow quit brother. Glad to have you. Make the choice to save your life today!!!!
The Only Easy Day was Yesterday!

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2016, 09:04:00 PM »
Hey Seth, you've been getting some great feedback from a bunch of people and all that they're saying is spot on. I once heard a saying that's stuck with me, "wish in one hand, crap in the other and see which one fills up first". The plain and simple answer is to just stop using the stuff. That's the great thing about this site and the method here that's proven effective for so many people. You only need to quit for one day at a time (odaat) and keep quitting every damn day (edd). No one in here us committed to forever, we just keep quitting each day. Time to stop wishing brother and start committing just for one day

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2016, 09:01:00 PM »
Quote from: seth8a
Quote from: Jeff
Quote from: pky1520
You don't "have relapses." It doesn't happen to you, you choose to abandon your quit. Every single one of us has been there, but now that you're here, the tools are available to be successful.

Get on roll and get ready to work. No need to wish anymore. Just make your promise and keep it.

You got this!
^^^^^ What he said! Mindset plays a huge roll in your quit. YOU CHOOSE everything that happens to you. Stop the pity party and ATTACK YOUR QUIT WITH AN ENTHUSIASM UNKNOWN TO MANKIND!
I hear you, this is great advice. You have no idea how pissed I am at myself about this relapse. I thought I'd quit for good in December of 2015. I am filled with rage at myself. I need to use that to quit forever. I have two beautiful girls and a beautiful wife, a great job and a great life. Dec. 2nd was the last day that I dipped, and it was a slippery slope from Nov. 5th until that day. I thought I'd buy a can of Kodiak and "give myself a break" from the anxiety I was experiencing. I've done the same shit since I was 20, always falling back on my Kodiak when things get hairy. I worked forestry jobs all through my 20s and that's what got me hooked. I work an office job now, but still can't stay away.

So pissed at myself.
Take comfort in the fact that we are all just like you. I'm married, with a 2yr old daughter and a 5 month old son. I tried to quit on my own thousands of times and failed every time. The nic bitch is very crafty and you need to build strong defenses. I want to be there for my kids when they need me. Get pissed off at the Nicotine and go post roll right now. Promise you will not use nicotine in any form today. It sounds silly to promise strangers on the internet but it works and it is liberating. WE ARE YOUR DEFENSIVE WALL!

I didn't think I could do this but now it's day 47 for me. 47 days isn't shit, but it's a huge step in the right direction for me. Look around at all the 3,000 plus day guys this shit works if you let it.

Seth, Once a day, everyday. Quit. Everyone here was in the same spot you were on their quit day. We have all failed at quitting more times than we can all count. I'm on 15 days quit. I quit every morning. I give my word to everyone on this site and to myself, and especially my March brothers and sisters that I will quit today. If I get to a point where I'm craving, I log on here and troll. There's tons of info and stories of people just like you and just like me. Addicted to dip. Or I text someone in my group, acting like I'm checking on them, but really just talking to someone who's going through the same shit I am. See you on roll tonight or in the morning. Join March and let's get started.