Author Topic: New here  (Read 2062 times)

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Offline Hadenough

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Re: New here
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2012, 12:18:00 AM »
FYI I think the Bitch (nic type) can cause PTSD as well.....just sayin.

Still quit like a grand motha fucka (IE not just a Motha fucka) 'Crazy'
" A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. "

Douglas McArthur

Offline Hadenough

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Re: New here
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2012, 12:16:00 AM »
Wife wanted to talk about finances tonight.....Fuck my life I am so happy I was wasted so I could not drive somewhere and fuck up a can tonight!!.......wait fuck nicotine anyway it is part of the reason I am in the financial fuck fest i am in right now! Think I will take the empty can from 2 yrs ago that is in my garage and take it to the Archery range with me tomorrow will make my avatar pic by Saturday. Fuck you guys I hate this shit but I love it.........

Bi Polar Honey Badger signing off. 'Crazy'
" A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. "

Douglas McArthur

Offline ntartick

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Re: New here
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2012, 09:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Hadenough
Day 5 for me has been alittle bit calmer than day 3 and 4. Those days I was going into absolute crazy mode and my wife said it was more like watch a bi polar honey badger running around the house. Example: Hanging out at the counter in our kitchen and eating some peanut MMs by the handful daughter says something sassy back to her mom and BOOOM! took a deep breath and stormed outside, jumped up and grabbed the gutter of the Garage and Almost ripped it off while kicking the siding.....then I was fine. That went on all day both days 3 and 4. Think Running or purchasing some weights might benefit me more than destroying random items in the house.

This is hard and I expected it to be, Nicotine is a crazy bitch that digs her claws in but one day at a time she will lose her grip, keep quitting everyday! More to follow on the Bi polar Honey Badger episodes 'bang head'
Dude we have all been there. Come in here and rage. The workout idea is good too. It does get better with time.
Never forget the past or you will be doomed to relive your mistakes.

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: New here
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2012, 09:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Hadenough
Day 5 for me has been alittle bit calmer than day 3 and 4. Those days I was going into absolute crazy mode and my wife said it was more like watch a bi polar honey badger running around the house. Example: Hanging out at the counter in our kitchen and eating some peanut MMs by the handful daughter says something sassy back to her mom and BOOOM! took a deep breath and stormed outside, jumped up and grabbed the gutter of the Garage and Almost ripped it off while kicking the siding.....then I was fine. That went on all day both days 3 and 4. Think Running or purchasing some weights might benefit me more than destroying random items in the house.

This is hard and I expected it to be, Nicotine is a crazy bitch that digs her claws in but one day at a time she will lose her grip, keep quitting everyday! More to follow on the Bi polar Honey Badger episodes 'bang head'
It gets better. Stick with it, don't give in to the suck. Rage on here, not at your family. You'll want to avoid malicious destruction of real or personal property. Quit Like Fuck.
Make Your Decision

Offline Hadenough

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Re: New here
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2012, 05:52:00 PM »
Day 5 for me has been alittle bit calmer than day 3 and 4. Those days I was going into absolute crazy mode and my wife said it was more like watch a bi polar honey badger running around the house. Example: Hanging out at the counter in our kitchen and eating some peanut MMs by the handful daughter says something sassy back to her mom and BOOOM! took a deep breath and stormed outside, jumped up and grabbed the gutter of the Garage and Almost ripped it off while kicking the siding.....then I was fine. That went on all day both days 3 and 4. Think Running or purchasing some weights might benefit me more than destroying random items in the house.

This is hard and I expected it to be, Nicotine is a crazy bitch that digs her claws in but one day at a time she will lose her grip, keep quitting everyday! More to follow on the Bi polar Honey Badger episodes 'bang head'
" A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. "

Douglas McArthur

Offline Greg5280

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Re: New here
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2012, 01:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Hadenough
Quote from: Mthomas3824
I can just do it while I am here and nobody at home will have any idea, all would be ok because I would just quit before I go home..
This is the bullshit, failure mistake.

Let me help you answer some of the questions you will be getting.

#1 I chose to chew in secret and nobody else would know. This tells me that you quit for approval of others. You can't quit for your God, Country or family. You can only quit for you.

#2 You still love your addiction. You have not realized that nicotine cost you your money, time, and risks of health. What did the nic-bitch give you in return? Is she really worth your loyalty. You would give up your freedom and be shackled by her? What do you see in her to have a special and secret relationship. You obviously are embarrassed of her since you don't want to show her off.

#3 It is great that your wife was happy to flush your cans for you. Why didn't you do it? You wanted your wife to do it because if it wasn't for her, you would be having sex with your lousy can! Your wife is so happy because she sees this as a way of you saying, "I love you more than tobacco." I think you are going to break her heart when she catches you again.

You should have had her watch you flush the cans. She could be a witness but you should have been the one to do it. It is your problem and you should love yourself to want this.

That way when you are alone, the last thing you crave is a dip! Because YOU. It is YOU and YOU only that want this quit!

Fucking unbelievable. Nice try little johnny just keep your eye on the ball. We'll get em next time. You sir are not a child and this is not a game.

This isn't a batting average where a .435 batting average is good. This is about keeping a 100% undefeated record against the nicotine addiction.

You still glamorize and entertain tobacco. That's why you caved. Even if you had numbers, you wouldn't have used them because you wanted to cave. This being alone in secret shit. It is a moot issue if you are the one that wants to quit. You would have protected your quit.

Bottom line, you knew what you needed to do to stay quit. You didn't chose to shit on your family or me. You chose to shit yourself and pissed on your support group.

Yeah you expect to get a lashing from the group. Are you even engaged enough to care? You really want this to be the first day you never start up?

What are you going to do differently?

Quit because YOU want to quit
See through the sham of tobacco and hate it!
Post roll
get a support network going
if tomorrow comes repeat.

It is simple. People fail because they choose to fail. I have yet to read where someone was held down and forced at gunpoint to chew.

You wanted it and you did it. End of Story.

I took my time to respond. Not for your sake but for newbies that are still quit. I hope they see that caving is stupid. There is no worth, value or point to be like a dog and lap up your own vomit. It is disgusting and I'm guessing your not a dog so stop acting like one!

Pathetic On this site we don't believe in luck. Since you aren't a real quitter....

Good Luck to you Contact me when you reach 14 days. I might have a change of heart about you and share my number. You have to earn my number now. I don't like giving it to cavers. I only like to stick with winners. I don't want to catch your disease. Get better and quit. Then we can fight the bitch together.
Understood and agree

Interesting response. I have hope that we will be exchanging numbersbe on your day 14.

Anyone can stay quit if they want it. I am proof of that.

No more luck, I wish you desire and determination to be finished with nic once and for all.
The process here is very simple. So simple I was able to do it after 30 years of stuffing that shit into my face.

1. Post roll every day. First thing you do in the morning.
2. Keep your word.
3. Repeat tomorrow.

Is it easy? No. Nicotine is the most addictive substance on the planet, if that was not bad enough our friends at UST decided they would enhance it just a bit to ensure we would stay addicted. You CAN quit, you just have to want to. You have to want it more than anything else you are doing right now.

Take the words hope, try, might out of your vocabulary and replace them with can, do , will.  Quitting is an attitude! Get your mind right and this becomes much easier. You have some bills to pay tho for all the time you spent riding the nicotine train, embrace the suck and get clean from this shit.

You have an entire community of bad ass quitters willing to help you along the way, use the tools provided and you will be clean.


Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: New here
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2012, 11:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Hadenough
Quote from: Mthomas3824
I can just do it while I am here and nobody at home will have any idea, all would be ok because I would just quit before I go home..
This is the bullshit, failure mistake.

Let me help you answer some of the questions you will be getting.

#1 I chose to chew in secret and nobody else would know. This tells me that you quit for approval of others. You can't quit for your God, Country or family. You can only quit for you.

#2 You still love your addiction. You have not realized that nicotine cost you your money, time, and risks of health. What did the nic-bitch give you in return? Is she really worth your loyalty. You would give up your freedom and be shackled by her? What do you see in her to have a special and secret relationship. You obviously are embarrassed of her since you don't want to show her off.

#3 It is great that your wife was happy to flush your cans for you. Why didn't you do it? You wanted your wife to do it because if it wasn't for her, you would be having sex with your lousy can! Your wife is so happy because she sees this as a way of you saying, "I love you more than tobacco." I think you are going to break her heart when she catches you again.

You should have had her watch you flush the cans. She could be a witness but you should have been the one to do it. It is your problem and you should love yourself to want this.

That way when you are alone, the last thing you crave is a dip! Because YOU. It is YOU and YOU only that want this quit!

Fucking unbelievable. Nice try little johnny just keep your eye on the ball. We'll get em next time. You sir are not a child and this is not a game.

This isn't a batting average where a .435 batting average is good. This is about keeping a 100% undefeated record against the nicotine addiction.

You still glamorize and entertain tobacco. That's why you caved. Even if you had numbers, you wouldn't have used them because you wanted to cave. This being alone in secret shit. It is a moot issue if you are the one that wants to quit. You would have protected your quit.

Bottom line, you knew what you needed to do to stay quit. You didn't chose to shit on your family or me. You chose to shit yourself and pissed on your support group.

Yeah you expect to get a lashing from the group. Are you even engaged enough to care? You really want this to be the first day you never start up?

What are you going to do differently?

Quit because YOU want to quit
See through the sham of tobacco and hate it!
Post roll
get a support network going
if tomorrow comes repeat.

It is simple. People fail because they choose to fail. I have yet to read where someone was held down and forced at gunpoint to chew.

You wanted it and you did it. End of Story.

I took my time to respond. Not for your sake but for newbies that are still quit. I hope they see that caving is stupid. There is no worth, value or point to be like a dog and lap up your own vomit. It is disgusting and I'm guessing your not a dog so stop acting like one!

Pathetic On this site we don't believe in luck. Since you aren't a real quitter....

Good Luck to you Contact me when you reach 14 days. I might have a change of heart about you and share my number. You have to earn my number now. I don't like giving it to cavers. I only like to stick with winners. I don't want to catch your disease. Get better and quit. Then we can fight the bitch together.
Understood and agree

Interesting response. I have hope that we will be exchanging numbersbe on your day 14.

Anyone can stay quit if they want it. I am proof of that.

No more luck, I wish you desire and determination to be finished with nic once and for all.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline Hadenough

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Re: New here
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2012, 07:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
I can just do it while I am here and nobody at home will have any idea, all would be ok because I would just quit before I go home..
This is the bullshit, failure mistake.

Let me help you answer some of the questions you will be getting.

#1 I chose to chew in secret and nobody else would know. This tells me that you quit for approval of others. You can't quit for your God, Country or family. You can only quit for you.

#2 You still love your addiction. You have not realized that nicotine cost you your money, time, and risks of health. What did the nic-bitch give you in return? Is she really worth your loyalty. You would give up your freedom and be shackled by her? What do you see in her to have a special and secret relationship. You obviously are embarrassed of her since you don't want to show her off.

#3 It is great that your wife was happy to flush your cans for you. Why didn't you do it? You wanted your wife to do it because if it wasn't for her, you would be having sex with your lousy can! Your wife is so happy because she sees this as a way of you saying, "I love you more than tobacco." I think you are going to break her heart when she catches you again.

You should have had her watch you flush the cans. She could be a witness but you should have been the one to do it. It is your problem and you should love yourself to want this.

That way when you are alone, the last thing you crave is a dip! Because YOU. It is YOU and YOU only that want this quit!

Fucking unbelievable. Nice try little johnny just keep your eye on the ball. We'll get em next time. You sir are not a child and this is not a game.

This isn't a batting average where a .435 batting average is good. This is about keeping a 100% undefeated record against the nicotine addiction.

You still glamorize and entertain tobacco. That's why you caved. Even if you had numbers, you wouldn't have used them because you wanted to cave. This being alone in secret shit. It is a moot issue if you are the one that wants to quit. You would have protected your quit.

Bottom line, you knew what you needed to do to stay quit. You didn't chose to shit on your family or me. You chose to shit yourself and pissed on your support group.

Yeah you expect to get a lashing from the group. Are you even engaged enough to care? You really want this to be the first day you never start up?

What are you going to do differently?

Quit because YOU want to quit
See through the sham of tobacco and hate it!
Post roll
get a support network going
if tomorrow comes repeat.

It is simple. People fail because they choose to fail. I have yet to read where someone was held down and forced at gunpoint to chew.

You wanted it and you did it. End of Story.

I took my time to respond. Not for your sake but for newbies that are still quit. I hope they see that caving is stupid. There is no worth, value or point to be like a dog and lap up your own vomit. It is disgusting and I'm guessing your not a dog so stop acting like one!

Pathetic On this site we don't believe in luck. Since you aren't a real quitter....

Good Luck to you Contact me when you reach 14 days. I might have a change of heart about you and share my number. You have to earn my number now. I don't like giving it to cavers. I only like to stick with winners. I don't want to catch your disease. Get better and quit. Then we can fight the bitch together.
Understood and agree
" A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. "

Douglas McArthur

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: New here
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2012, 07:15:00 PM »
I can just do it while I am here and nobody at home will have any idea, all would be ok because I would just quit before I go home..
This is the bullshit, failure mistake.

Let me help you answer some of the questions you will be getting.

#1 I chose to chew in secret and nobody else would know. This tells me that you quit for approval of others. You can't quit for your God, Country or family. You can only quit for you.

#2 You still love your addiction. You have not realized that nicotine cost you your money, time, and risks of health. What did the nic-bitch give you in return? Is she really worth your loyalty. You would give up your freedom and be shackled by her? What do you see in her to have a special and secret relationship. You obviously are embarrassed of her since you don't want to show her off.

#3 It is great that your wife was happy to flush your cans for you. Why didn't you do it? You wanted your wife to do it because if it wasn't for her, you would be having sex with your lousy can! Your wife is so happy because she sees this as a way of you saying, "I love you more than tobacco." I think you are going to break her heart when she catches you again.

You should have had her watch you flush the cans. She could be a witness but you should have been the one to do it. It is your problem and you should love yourself to want this.

That way when you are alone, the last thing you crave is a dip! Because YOU. It is YOU and YOU only that want this quit!

Fucking unbelievable. Nice try little johnny just keep your eye on the ball. We'll get em next time. You sir are not a child and this is not a game.

This isn't a batting average where a .435 batting average is good. This is about keeping a 100% undefeated record against the nicotine addiction.

You still glamorize and entertain tobacco. That's why you caved. Even if you had numbers, you wouldn't have used them because you wanted to cave. This being alone in secret shit. It is a moot issue if you are the one that wants to quit. You would have protected your quit.

Bottom line, you knew what you needed to do to stay quit. You didn't chose to shit on your family or me. You chose to shit yourself and pissed on your support group.

Yeah you expect to get a lashing from the group. Are you even engaged enough to care? You really want this to be the first day you never start up?

What are you going to do differently?

Quit because YOU want to quit
See through the sham of tobacco and hate it!
Post roll
get a support network going
if tomorrow comes repeat.

It is simple. People fail because they choose to fail. I have yet to read where someone was held down and forced at gunpoint to chew.

You wanted it and you did it. End of Story.

I took my time to respond. Not for your sake but for newbies that are still quit. I hope they see that caving is stupid. There is no worth, value or point to be like a dog and lap up your own vomit. It is disgusting and I'm guessing your not a dog so stop acting like one!

Pathetic On this site we don't believe in luck. Since you aren't a real quitter....

Good Luck to you Contact me when you reach 14 days. I might have a change of heart about you and share my number. You have to earn my number now. I don't like giving it to cavers. I only like to stick with winners. I don't want to catch your disease. Get better and quit. Then we can fight the bitch together.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Greg5280

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Re: New here
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2012, 07:00:00 PM »
The Real You

Try to remember if you can, what it was like being you? Not the chemically dependant you, the REAL you. What was it like to function every morning without nicotine? To finish a meal, travel, talk on the phone, have a disagreement, start a project or take a break without putting nicotine into your body? What was it like before nicotine took control? What was it like residing inside a mind that did not crave for nicotine? Can you remember? For most of us our addiction has controlled us so long we cannot remember the “real” us.

One of the most terrifying aspects of drug addiction is just how quickly nearly all remaining memory of life without the external chemical are buried by high definition dopamine induced memories generated by using it. It's a common thread among all drug addicts. And make no mistakes, you too are an addict.

Slaves to the world of "nicotine normal," we were each provided a new identity. The nicotine dependant, addict. Captive brain dopamine pathways did their designed job and did it well. They left us convinced that our next nicotine fix was central to survival, as important as drinking water or eating food. How many of you passed up food to buy a can? How many times did you skip time with family to feed your addiction ?

Why do we fear quitting? Although the word "quitting" has to be a part of the fabric of successful nicotine cessation, such thinking can unconsciously tease and play upon old nicotine use memories, making us feel as though we've left something of tremendous value behind. If allowed, it can tease and inflame false fears, fears born of nicotine urge and replenishment memories, strong vivid memories whose purpose were to convince us that nicotine is vital to survival, memories that should never have been present in the first place, memories only made possible because a poison substance entered the brain and was able to disrupt your normal thought processes.

When you think about "quitting" I hope you stop and realize when the real "quitting" took place. You quit being you the first moment nicotine entered your bloodstream. Quitting nicotine is about recognizing and embracing the truth but be prepared; learning that for years we were fooled ourselves and lived a lie can invoke a host of emotions including depression, apathy, confusion and anger. Start your journey with baby steps, patience, honesty and you too will soon be entirely comfortable again engaging all aspects of life without nicotine. Contrary to deeply held beliefs that were pounded into your brain by an endless cycle of urges and rewards, and lies pumped into you by Big Tobacco, you are leaving absolutely nothing of value behind.

Is there really anything to fear? Why be afraid of returning to a calm and quiet place where you no longer crave a chemical that today, every day for as long as you can remember you cannot seem to get off your mind, a chemical that is a mandatory part of every day's plan? Is freedom of thought and action a good thing or bad? If good, then why fear life without a chemical that is controlling you? A chemical that is killing you.

How wonderful would it be to again live inside an undisturbed, non-poisoned mind where addiction chatter gradually becomes infrequent, then rare? Again, I ask you, "What was it like being you?"

Why fear coming home?

Offline Greg5280

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Re: New here
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2012, 06:57:00 PM »
Bottom line is you have to quit for you. When you want it bad enough you will make it happen. If you actually use the tools provided here you will be quit. The method is proven over and over again.

Make a half ass attempt and you get half ass results. The quote in my signature line says it all. " There is a HUGE difference between a committment of 99% and a committment of 100%. Which will you be?

Get into your original group and explain why you caved. Then get into your new group and earn some trust and respect. Choice is yours...

Offline Dakotablue48

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Re: New here
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2012, 06:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Hadenough
So here we go, I made a feeble attempt at quitting about a year ago and actually convinced my buddy to quit along side of me...he is still quit and proud of it, the smell of cope makes him sick.  I was going strong until I left for Airborne school where I was surrounded by Regiment guys (Ranger) who always had a dip in and I was still using the Smokey mountain wintergreen to get by all of them knew that I was quit and some agreed that is was a good thing and others would say..."only quitters quit! Fag" all in a joking manner but it still resonated with me a bit.

Bottom line one night after running around all day and jumping out of the 34 ft tower I had the great Idea that hey I can just do it while I am here and nobody at home will have any idea, all would be ok because I would just quit before I go home......key word in that last sentence QUIT, I wouldn't have to be on here right now if I didn't have to QUIT again. So I graduated Airborne school and was getting my bags packed to go back home and said no problem and threw out the half empty can before I checked out of the hotel. Driving to the Airport I started to spaz that I would not have a dip for the plane and I could just have some more for the trip home and throw it out before I got home....etc you see where this is going?

When I got home I didnt throw anything out. I just bought a tin of Smokey Mountain and dumped it out and filled it with Grizzly because my Wife already knew that I did the Smokey Mountain and she wouldnt notice the difference in the smell...(see how much analyzing I put into the deception of my Wife for the Fucking chew) well eventually I eased into letting her know that I was chewing again and she was disappointed in me to say the least but that didnt matter to me, I still had my "best friend" with me, even when she didnt want to kiss me because my breath was disgusting from beer and dip, I did not care because she would fall asleep and I would be alone with my sweet Griz.

So what brings me back here...Myself, every time I have quit I was doing it for other people not for me I dont think I had one ounce of give a fuck about myself or my health, I have had a wake up call for ME. I was dipping so much the right side of my face would go numb for a day or two and then be back to normal for about a week. I was scraping dead skin out of the inside of my cheeks and then putting a dip in right on top of it, I would stay up till 3 am on days that I had to work at 7 am just to dip in peace, the carpet of my brand new truck has stains on the carpet from me wiping the dip juice of of my fingers from putting a dip in...these are just a few things that made me open my eyes I need to list more?

I asked my wife on Saturday morning if she wanted to dump out my cans and She grabbed all 5 of them (yes 5) and skipped to the bathroom smiling the whole way, came back to me and wrapped her arms around me and said "I love you and you can do this" Never have I seen her look so intensely at me. I am now on day three and doing fine a couple of fits today but overall not bad. Feel free to Commence Ass chewings. Thank you in advance for them and believe me they all will be received and understood.
Had, your story resonates with me. I'll quit with you today brother. PM me if I can assist your quit.
You do need to address your cave with your original quit group (if you were posting here before) and your new one. Newbies can learn a lot from a caver, especially if you are better prepared to truely be quit this time. If you have the time, help lead your new quit group.

Good job comeing back, we are all doing this together and can learn from others experiences
Still Quit!

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Re: New here
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2012, 06:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Hadenough
So here we go, I made a feeble attempt at quitting about a year ago and actually convinced my buddy to quit along side of me...he is still quit and proud of it, the smell of cope makes him sick. I was going strong until I left for Airborne school where I was surrounded by Regiment guys (Ranger) who always had a dip in and I was still using the Smokey mountain wintergreen to get by all of them knew that I was quit and some agreed that is was a good thing and others would say..."only quitters quit! Fag" all in a joking manner but it still resonated with me a bit.

Bottom line one night after running around all day and jumping out of the 34 ft tower I had the great Idea that hey I can just do it while I am here and nobody at home will have any idea, all would be ok because I would just quit before I go home......key word in that last sentence QUIT, I wouldn't have to be on here right now if I didn't have to QUIT again. So I graduated Airborne school and was getting my bags packed to go back home and said no problem and threw out the half empty can before I checked out of the hotel. Driving to the Airport I started to spaz that I would not have a dip for the plane and I could just have some more for the trip home and throw it out before I got home....etc you see where this is going?

When I got home I didnt throw anything out. I just bought a tin of Smokey Mountain and dumped it out and filled it with Grizzly because my Wife already knew that I did the Smokey Mountain and she wouldnt notice the difference in the smell...(see how much analyzing I put into the deception of my Wife for the Fucking chew) well eventually I eased into letting her know that I was chewing again and she was disappointed in me to say the least but that didnt matter to me, I still had my "best friend" with me, even when she didnt want to kiss me because my breath was disgusting from beer and dip, I did not care because she would fall asleep and I would be alone with my sweet Griz.

So what brings me back here...Myself, every time I have quit I was doing it for other people not for me I dont think I had one ounce of give a fuck about myself or my health, I have had a wake up call for ME. I was dipping so much the right side of my face would go numb for a day or two and then be back to normal for about a week. I was scraping dead skin out of the inside of my cheeks and then putting a dip in right on top of it, I would stay up till 3 am on days that I had to work at 7 am just to dip in peace, the carpet of my brand new truck has stains on the carpet from me wiping the dip juice of of my fingers from putting a dip in...these are just a few things that made me open my eyes I need to list more?

I asked my wife on Saturday morning if she wanted to dump out my cans and She grabbed all 5 of them (yes 5) and skipped to the bathroom smiling the whole way, came back to me and wrapped her arms around me and said "I love you and you can do this" Never have I seen her look so intensely at me. I am now on day three and doing fine a couple of fits today but overall not bad. Feel free to Commence Ass chewings. Thank you in advance for them and believe me they all will be received and understood.
Had, your story resonates with me. I'll quit with you today brother. PM me if I can assist your quit.
You do need to address your cave with your original quit group (if you were posting here before) and your new one. Newbies can learn a lot from a caver, especially if you are better prepared to truely be quit this time. If you have the time, help lead your new quit group.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
1 Year 2/10/13
2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

Offline Hadenough

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Re: New here
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2012, 03:50:00 PM »
answer to some of the questions below:

1. Not using Smokey Mountain or any other form of fake chew because it just makes me want the real thing even more because it tastes so shitty

2. I have been and still am Active Duty going on 12 years now.

3. Agreed Shit storm is exptected

4. Thank you for your advice and concern I am here for good quit with you today.
" A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. "

Douglas McArthur

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: New here
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2012, 03:45:00 PM »
Quote from: Hadenough
So here we go, I made a feeble attempt at quitting about a year ago and actually convinced my buddy to quit along side of me...he is still quit and proud of it, the smell of cope makes him sick. I was going strong until I left for Airborne school where I was surrounded by Regiment guys (Ranger) who always had a dip in and I was still using the Smokey mountain wintergreen to get by all of them knew that I was quit and some agreed that is was a good thing and others would say..."only quitters quit! Fag" all in a joking manner but it still resonated with me a bit.

Bottom line one night after running around all day and jumping out of the 34 ft tower I had the great Idea that hey I can just do it while I am here and nobody at home will have any idea, all would be ok because I would just quit before I go home......key word in that last sentence QUIT, I wouldn't have to be on here right now if I didn't have to QUIT again. So I graduated Airborne school and was getting my bags packed to go back home and said no problem and threw out the half empty can before I checked out of the hotel. Driving to the Airport I started to spaz that I would not have a dip for the plane and I could just have some more for the trip home and throw it out before I got home....etc you see where this is going?

When I got home I didnt throw anything out. I just bought a tin of Smokey Mountain and dumped it out and filled it with Grizzly because my Wife already knew that I did the Smokey Mountain and she wouldnt notice the difference in the smell...(see how much analyzing I put into the deception of my Wife for the Fucking chew) well eventually I eased into letting her know that I was chewing again and she was disappointed in me to say the least but that didnt matter to me, I still had my "best friend" with me, even when she didnt want to kiss me because my breath was disgusting from beer and dip, I did not care because she would fall asleep and I would be alone with my sweet Griz.

So what brings me back here...Myself, every time I have quit I was doing it for other people not for me I dont think I had one ounce of give a fuck about myself or my health, I have had a wake up call for ME. I was dipping so much the right side of my face would go numb for a day or two and then be back to normal for about a week. I was scraping dead skin out of the inside of my cheeks and then putting a dip in right on top of it, I would stay up till 3 am on days that I had to work at 7 am just to dip in peace, the carpet of my brand new truck has stains on the carpet from me wiping the dip juice of of my fingers from putting a dip in...these are just a few things that made me open my eyes I need to list more?

I asked my wife on Saturday morning if she wanted to dump out my cans and She grabbed all 5 of them (yes 5) and skipped to the bathroom smiling the whole way, came back to me and wrapped her arms around me and said "I love you and you can do this" Never have I seen her look so intensely at me. I am now on day three and doing fine a couple of fits today but overall not bad. Feel free to Commence Ass chewings. Thank you in advance for them and believe me they all will be received and understood.
The worst part of your cave is you just knew you were doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons!

It looks like before you werent the most active or was that do to having to leave for active duty?

What are you going to do differently?

You answered the other questions, so that is the best one I have to ask!

I do see a little bit of a shit storm comming your way and my best advise is take it, learn from it,  get better from it!

I am quit with you today and you can PM me if you need some numbers to help get you back on the winning side brother!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




Quit Date: 2-6-2012
HOF Date: 5-16-2012
HOF Speech