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Offline Wt57

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2012, 08:26:00 PM »
Quote from: ktharp307
Sammy I used chantix in my quit for chew.  It takes a while to get into your system but does block the nicotine reseptors in brain I was on day eight of chantix and no chew would get me the calming feeling so I said fuck the chew and went on line the next morning and found this site still used chantix for another week with no chew. 
The only problem I had was when I went to quit chantix got a hell of a rage was pissed at everything looked up on line and you are suppose to step off chantix the same way you built it up in your system.  You have to want to quit for it to work I still have package and half left that I didn't use.  Like everyone one has said the water in here is fine take a drink and join we will beat this thing together hell I will turn day 40 tomorrow and time had flown by.
WTF I'll bite this one again!

KT I'm sure you saw I also use chantix, and fricking felt I got ripped for doing it but I don't give a shit, nothing wrong w/ using it. If it works for you!
Didn't matter for Sammy he flaked.

Wade -

Chantix is an acceptable product to use as it contains no nicotine.

That said, there are some side effects / issues that have been reported. ... and-zyban/

Let me know how I can help!


4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2012, 06:49:00 PM »
Sammy I used chantix in my quit for chew. It takes a while to get into your system but does block the nicotine reseptors in brain I was on day eight of chantix and no chew would get me the calming feeling so I said fuck the chew and went on line the next morning and found this site still used chantix for another week with no chew.
The only problem I had was when I went to quit chantix got a hell of a rage was pissed at everything looked up on line and you are suppose to step off chantix the same way you built it up in your system. You have to want to quit for it to work I still have package and half left that I didn't use. Like everyone one has said the water in here is fine take a drink and join we will beat this thing together hell I will turn day 40 tomorrow and time had flown by.
I quit with you today!

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2012, 10:09:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Wt57
What the fuck is this all about?? Hadji are you nicotine free? explain!!!!
Please tell me that I am fuckin reading this wrong.

QUOTE (Hadji1990 @ May 2, 2012, 5:14 pm)
For what it is worth I tried Chantix twice to try and quit smoking. I personally didnt feel it helped and I wound up having terribly violent nightmares and mood swings. I imagine it may work since it is used to block dopamine receptors ( pleasure sensors in the brain). But also you are risking depression while using it because you are preventing the pleasure receptors from working. I personally find that nicorette works well with chewing gum and lifesavers that are similar to the flavior chew you use. Let me know how it works.
Huh? Nicorette works for what?

Perhaps you need to understand what we do here. This is a nicotine cessation site. We do not ingest it in any form. If you are chewing Nicorettte you are not QUIT. Explain...

Here the skinny from the x man
very simple
do not use the nic
how is this done you ask?
Well young grasshopper there are as many ways to do this as there are people.
Some suggest weening off until a certain date then quit cold turkey
Some suggest using the patch, gum, rectal probes, or other nic delivery systems with in a quiting process
Some hard core MOFOS say quit cold turkey.
Some suggest the use of other drugs (anti depression medication) to help in conjunction with any of the above,
Now here is the knowledge... ready.... all are acceptable just maybe not acceptable here.
Here at KTC we say no nicotine --- that means patchs, gum anal supppositories, cigars, dip, cigs what ever---- once you join.

So here is the skinny ---- 1. set up a quit plan. Since you have joined that means NO NIC. yopur plan must include the following a) post roll B) numbers or pm - get them and use them. ( In order to offer full disclosure- I am not a big fan of giving out my number but that is just me. I find that the posting is enough and I have few of the guys who if I get really weird I can PM) c) local support group- whether it be friends, family, health unit whatever, find some one you can talk to.

Optional items - exercise plan ( it helps); fake chew, seeds, gum, life savers, atomic firework fucking jawbreakers, whatever floats your boat; some other hobby to keep your mind and body busy. Mine is running naked in public places. Now this may not be acceptable where you live but I live in canada and this is seen as regular behaviour since our winters are so long and cold.

So to summarize
1) NO NIC in any form once you join
2) Find some one to talk to
3) Naked running
4) Repeat daily

RaiderX out

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2012, 08:38:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
What the fuck is this all about?? Hadji are you nicotine free? explain!!!!
Please tell me that I am fuckin reading this wrong.

QUOTE (Hadji1990 @ May 2, 2012, 5:14 pm)
For what it is worth I tried Chantix twice to try and quit smoking. I personally didnt feel it helped and I wound up having terribly violent nightmares and mood swings. I imagine it may work since it is used to block dopamine receptors ( pleasure sensors in the brain). But also you are risking depression while using it because you are preventing the pleasure receptors from working. I personally find that nicorette works well with chewing gum and lifesavers that are similar to the flavior chew you use. Let me know how it works.
Huh? Nicorette works for what?

Perhaps you need to understand what we do here. This is a nicotine cessation site. We do not ingest it in any form. If you are chewing Nicorettte you are not QUIT. Explain...


Offline Wt57

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2012, 08:03:00 AM »
Quote from: sammy
Hi everyone,I didnt mean to get everyone riled,I posted this about Chantix before I went to work so I couldnt join in.The reason Im trying Chantix is because unlike  (I think) most of you I also smoke.Can you imagine trying give up both of them?Ive tried everything,patches,gum,fake chew,candy,gum,if I could just find something that would take the edge off,patches didnt do it,Im aware of the horror stories about Chantix but im desperate,I lost a brother in law and a superviser to lung cancer,and another ex coworker who chewed has throat cancer,I feel now I have to get drastic and more than ready to take a chance with this stuff,not every one has the bad side effects with it so im hoping im lucky,glad i found this group.
Sammy I was rageing last night! I do not disagree with anyone here. I said I did use the chantix for the 1st couple weeks (had it left from a failed attempt) obviously it didn't work then. I do not know if it helped this time. My quit has been different since day 1, it has been how I have felt ( I am quit). I'm not a Pharmacuetical researcher or drug dealer of any kind.
I agree with dipshit you don't need any of the other shit just quit!! I remember to well the feelings that were going through my head the last week of March----I was a desperate scared little prick! My life literally depended on me quitting. If I had failed I would be dead today, the shit would have killed me (indirectly). I had a plan, had a lot of step set into action, had taken the chantix for a few days, had a supply of fake shit, ( had even mixed it for s few days) and was also in the middle of trying to find a new anti depressant (old one quit working). Fuck I'm rambling! Long story short March 31 at about 11:00 pm started reading KTC. I paced the fucking floor for a couple hours. At about 1:30 am I flushed my 3 cans of cope, my mixed fake shit and my quit plan all down the toilet and I jumped in to KTC with both feet. I kept my chantix, my Wellbutrin ( which I've taken for 15 yrs), kept my fake dip and I also kept my doubt for a few days ( should have flushed it that 1st night). I have since flushed a whole lot of my excess baggage from nearly 40 yrs of being a ninja dipper down the toilet.
Sammy that night the little boy in me gave up his security blanket and most of his addiction friends, I had gone on vacation before so I wanted to make the homesickness as painless as possible. I don't have the answer for you. I've kept a few momentos of my past probably: I still find the oral fixation eased by fake shit, I can hang on to my memory of the detox, my thought of where I'd be today w/o KTC.
Sammy my point is your quit needs nothing but daily roll post and integrity!! Period end of story!! However different people do different nic free things to help them through what they precive to be nearly impossible journey. Meds, seeds, fake shit, sex, mastarbation oh hell I don't even want to think what some of these guys are doing to eaze the pain. (sorry for rambling)
Quit, post roll, repeat
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2012, 01:46:00 AM »
Quote from: sammy
Hi everyone,I didnt mean to get everyone riled,I posted this about Chantix before I went to work so I couldnt join in.The reason Im trying Chantix is because unlike  (I think) most of you I also smoke.Can you imagine trying give up both of them?Ive tried everything,patches,gum,fake chew,candy,gum,if I could just find something that would take the edge off,patches didnt do it,Im aware of the horror stories about Chantix but im desperate,I lost a brother in law and a superviser to lung cancer,and another ex coworker who chewed has throat cancer,I feel now I have to get drastic and more than ready to take a chance with this stuff,not every one has the bad side effects with it so im hoping im lucky,glad i found this group.
I'm not a professional...but I am a quitter. Whatever the vets on this site tell me to do, I follow it.

They told me to quit cold turkey and sweat it out. Prepared me for suffering and supported me through it.

I post roll every day and I have numbers and chat.

My personality is on or off. Hot or cold.

To me, weening is like kissing your little sister....what's the point of it?

So my perspective you either get a nic fix or quit.

You have all the reasons to quit and all the excuses to fail. So I think two things.

First, You will only quit when you really want to. Right now it is logical to quit. Quitting isn't about logic, it is driven by emotion. You and only you must want it.

Second, smoking and chewing, you are an addict. Emotionally you have to break up with something you live with and love. It is hard but weekend visits only makes breaking up harder. Flush it and say goodbye. The addicted mind will play games. Nicotine was my private pleasure. It was my me time.

After being clean and sober 50 days....

I despise nicotine! I spent a lot of time reading up on the harlot of lies in a can. She is a terrorist organization killing 3million people annually (worldwide). That is roughly the size of Houston tx!

My habit adds up to 42,000.00 spent on that shit. I caused me to lie and go back on my word. It is down right evil. It sickens me how they target 6th to 9th graders to replace those that quit or died.
I hate that I still crave but posting roll keeps my quit protected.

When I flushed poison on March 14th. I knew that was my real quit. First time it was me that desired to be done and break up with the nic bitch!

So let's stop talking about the ways to quit. Let's start at the beginning...

If you were all alone in this world. Would you still want to quit? If no, you don't want to quit for you. If yes? Why do you want to quit?
Quit And Be Free

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2012, 01:18:00 AM »
Quote from: sammy
Hi everyone,I didnt mean to get everyone riled,I posted this about Chantix before I went to work so I couldnt join in.The reason Im trying Chantix is because unlike (I think) most of you I also smoke.Can you imagine trying give up both of them?Ive tried everything,patches,gum,fake chew,candy,gum,if I could just find something that would take the edge off,patches didnt do it,Im aware of the horror stories about Chantix but im desperate,I lost a brother in law and a superviser to lung cancer,and another ex coworker who chewed has throat cancer,I feel now I have to get drastic and more than ready to take a chance with this stuff,not every one has the bad side effects with it so im hoping im lucky,glad i found this group.
You wanna know what works? I have a little secret. Lean in.

Posting roll.

That's what works.

You dont need gums, patches, fake cigarettes, chantix, candy, seeds or any of that other stuff.

Make a promise to not use nicotine today by posting roll.

Keep that promise for today.

Repeat every today.

Once you do that, now you have the control, now your winning.

Stick with this plan, and I promise, you will be free from this suck.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2012, 01:11:00 AM »
Quote from: sammy
Hi everyone,I didnt mean to get everyone riled,I posted this about Chantix before I went to work so I couldnt join in.The reason Im trying Chantix is because unlike (I think) most of you I also smoke.Can you imagine trying give up both of them?Ive tried everything,patches,gum,fake chew,candy,gum,if I could just find something that would take the edge off,patches didnt do it,Im aware of the horror stories about Chantix but im desperate,I lost a brother in law and a superviser to lung cancer,and another ex coworker who chewed has throat cancer,I feel now I have to get drastic and more than ready to take a chance with this stuff,not every one has the bad side effects with it so im hoping im lucky,glad i found this group.
I used to smoke and chew, but I haven't smoked in several years. Nicotine is nicotine, and you get more of it with chew, but still. I think one can of dip has the same nicotine amount as 3 packs of smokes.

The "edge" will go away after a few hellish days of zero nicotine That's why nicotine gum, patches, etc don't work since they usually deliver a smaller dose than you're used to but still give you a fix, but most people go right back to it.

If you want to use chantix go for it. I'm just saying I think if you really want to quit, then you can do it without it. Thousands of folks on this site have done it and a lot of us have been addicts for 20+ years.
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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2012, 12:54:00 AM »
Hi everyone,I didnt mean to get everyone riled,I posted this about Chantix before I went to work so I couldnt join in.The reason Im trying Chantix is because unlike (I think) most of you I also smoke.Can you imagine trying give up both of them?Ive tried everything,patches,gum,fake chew,candy,gum,if I could just find something that would take the edge off,patches didnt do it,Im aware of the horror stories about Chantix but im desperate,I lost a brother in law and a superviser to lung cancer,and another ex coworker who chewed has throat cancer,I feel now I have to get drastic and more than ready to take a chance with this stuff,not every one has the bad side effects with it so im hoping im lucky,glad i found this group.

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2012, 09:28:00 PM »
No one is telling anyone to fuck off, settle your nic raging asses down.

Chantix does not have nicotine, but the side effects suck. I was telling you about the support because the tout it and its a joke. An automated call comes in at the time of your chosing and it asks if you smoked that day, press 1 for yes and 2 for no. If you fail, it tells you chin up and get em tomorrow.

Sorry but I think our way is better by far. No one says you can take chantix, but when you start seeing dancing penguins you may want to rethink it.
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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2012, 09:02:00 PM »
What the fuck is this all about?? Hadji are you nicotine free? explain!!!!
Please tell me that I am fuckin reading this wrong.

QUOTE (Hadji1990 @ May 2, 2012, 5:14 pm)
For what it is worth I tried Chantix twice to try and quit smoking. I personally didnt feel it helped and I wound up having terribly violent nightmares and mood swings. I imagine it may work since it is used to block dopamine receptors ( pleasure sensors in the brain). But also you are risking depression while using it because you are preventing the pleasure receptors from working. I personally find that nicorette works well with chewing gum and lifesavers that are similar to the flavior chew you use. Let me know how it works.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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Offline Wt57

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2012, 07:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Hadji1990
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: klark
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: sammy
Hi all,new to group,my problem is i smoke and chew,I went to my doctor to get a script for Chantix,I know they use it to stop smokeing but has anyone used it to stop chewing to ?
Sammy I'm on day 32 of my quit. I haven't mentioned this much but I had 3 weeks worth of chantix left from a past failed attempt, Dr prescribed to stop chew I went ahead and used it up. I don't know if it helped or not. I do know that my quit is different from all of my past attempts and it isn't the chantix that made it different it is the support and accountability. You can do this with or without the drug.
If you use the chantix, I would ask you to go try their "support" system and tell me what you think. Do they have a person who quit that will offer you their personal cell number and tell you to call anytime you need to? Tell me if you think the "quit coach" is any good, the one that reads from script and pats you on the rump if you fail.

If you want to truly quit, this site will offer you more accountability and support than you can imagine. Ours is free, theirs is $150 a month not covered by insurance. They have a quit coach, we have over 11,000 quitters and most of them know how you feel looking at that can in the gas station and thinking "just one". How will it feel to call a quit coach when you want one, will it feel the same as the guy going through the same thing you are and you just called him and said you want one? If you don't answer your daily call with chantix, will they follow up? If you don't post roll here for a day, does your email limit allow for all the messages you are going to get wondering where you are?

I guess it comes down to what you want as support?
Klark hit the nail on the head. Pills and patches are for pussies. You don't need them. You need to decide to quit like fuck...whatever the cost. You gotta jump in with both feet and don't look back. Yes, it is going to be a struggle. But if you're not up for it, maybe your doctor can advise good hospice care for you.
Klark  Bean are you telling me since I used chantix for the 1st couple of weeks of my quit to fuck off? Does that go for Wellbutrin or other antidepressants?
All right, All right everyone...CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

You are all right and make correct arguments. I was wrong and need to correct my misjudgement.

I don't know jack shit about Chantix. I went and looked it up on-line. My error, I assumed chantix was a form a nicotine.

As a former user of welbutrin and other depressants, if a doctor prescribes it proceed.

Welbutrin didn't keep me quit though. I actually chewed more because it blocked the buzz I wanted so bad. When the pills where gone I finally got a buzz but went through a lot of heartburn to get it. I really did my part to o.d.

QLF! Protect your quit. If you talk to your doctor and they agree you need chantix, it doesn't seem any different than people hew use sunflower seeds or fake snuss.

And the support here is dead on. I love the comparable of getting a tap on the ass if you cave.

I am quit 50 days so far because of the simplicity of KTC. QLF protect it and keep your word. You know I have had bad days. Never imagined the support, No the love my fellow addicts (my brothers) have for me. This is a quit fraternity and it is all for one and one for all.

I am quit for 50 days because of support and keeping my promise. I grew up the first day I posted roll.

Do it or don't - You don't need to kill yourself over the decision. It is such a simple answer. Quit and be free, or chew and be a slave.
For what it is worth I tried Chantix twice to try and quit smoking. I personally didnt feel it helped and I wound up having terribly violent nightmares and mood swings. I imagine it may work since it is used to block dopamine receptors ( pleasure sensors in the brain). But also you are risking depression while using it because you are preventing the pleasure receptors from working. I personally find that nicorette works well with chewing gum and lifesavers that are similar to the flavior chew you use. Let me know how it works.
What the fuck. I quit like Fuck!!

This is way out of hand. I used chantix I dont know if it did a damn thing for me ok. When I used it previously it was a messed up experience the dreams were awful. I had 3 packs of pill left when I flushed the cope and I thought what the Hell Ill use them up. They have no nicotine. I have not used any nicotine in 32 fucking days. Now this discussion has gone to:

" I personally find that nicorette works well with chewing gum and lifesavers that are similar to the flavior chew you use. Let me know how it works."

Fuck I do not and will not condone or accept any use of nicotine in any form in my quit or in anyone elses quit!!!! PERIOD!!!!

I do not see any difference in fake chew, sunflower seeds , welbutrin, chantix or hell as far as that goes a dick in your mouth!!!!!!! ( or in someone elses)

I don't know where Sammy went hope he quits, but I do think that this discussion needs to be put to rest by an ADMINISTRATOR. Chewie called for people a year ago to be involved in a survey or something that used chantix to quit chewing. No more information it is still online (the request).

Looking For Urgent Help From Chantix Users
iuchewie 0 273 30th June 2011 - 11:08 AM
Last Post by: iuchewie

I agree with MT we need help where's the Moderaters
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2012, 07:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Hadji1990
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: klark
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: sammy
Hi all,new to group,my problem is i smoke and chew,I went to my doctor to get a script for Chantix,I know they use it to stop smokeing but has anyone used it to stop chewing to ?
Sammy I'm on day 32 of my quit. I haven't mentioned this much but I had 3 weeks worth of chantix left from a past failed attempt, Dr prescribed to stop chew I went ahead and used it up. I don't know if it helped or not. I do know that my quit is different from all of my past attempts and it isn't the chantix that made it different it is the support and accountability. You can do this with or without the drug.
If you use the chantix, I would ask you to go try their "support" system and tell me what you think. Do they have a person who quit that will offer you their personal cell number and tell you to call anytime you need to? Tell me if you think the "quit coach" is any good, the one that reads from script and pats you on the rump if you fail.

If you want to truly quit, this site will offer you more accountability and support than you can imagine. Ours is free, theirs is $150 a month not covered by insurance. They have a quit coach, we have over 11,000 quitters and most of them know how you feel looking at that can in the gas station and thinking "just one". How will it feel to call a quit coach when you want one, will it feel the same as the guy going through the same thing you are and you just called him and said you want one? If you don't answer your daily call with chantix, will they follow up? If you don't post roll here for a day, does your email limit allow for all the messages you are going to get wondering where you are?

I guess it comes down to what you want as support?
Klark hit the nail on the head. Pills and patches are for pussies. You don't need them. You need to decide to quit like fuck...whatever the cost. You gotta jump in with both feet and don't look back. Yes, it is going to be a struggle. But if you're not up for it, maybe your doctor can advise good hospice care for you.
Klark  Bean are you telling me since I used chantix for the 1st couple of weeks of my quit to fuck off? Does that go for Wellbutrin or other antidepressants?
All right, All right everyone...CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

You are all right and make correct arguments. I was wrong and need to correct my misjudgement.

I don't know jack shit about Chantix. I went and looked it up on-line. My error, I assumed chantix was a form a nicotine.

As a former user of welbutrin and other depressants, if a doctor prescribes it proceed.

Welbutrin didn't keep me quit though. I actually chewed more because it blocked the buzz I wanted so bad. When the pills where gone I finally got a buzz but went through a lot of heartburn to get it. I really did my part to o.d.

QLF! Protect your quit. If you talk to your doctor and they agree you need chantix, it doesn't seem any different than people hew use sunflower seeds or fake snuss.

And the support here is dead on. I love the comparable of getting a tap on the ass if you cave.

I am quit 50 days so far because of the simplicity of KTC. QLF protect it and keep your word. You know I have had bad days. Never imagined the support, No the love my fellow addicts (my brothers) have for me. This is a quit fraternity and it is all for one and one for all.

I am quit for 50 days because of support and keeping my promise. I grew up the first day I posted roll.

Do it or don't - You don't need to kill yourself over the decision. It is such a simple answer. Quit and be free, or chew and be a slave.
For what it is worth I tried Chantix twice to try and quit smoking. I personally didnt feel it helped and I wound up having terribly violent nightmares and mood swings. I imagine it may work since it is used to block dopamine receptors ( pleasure sensors in the brain). But also you are risking depression while using it because you are preventing the pleasure receptors from working. I personally find that nicorette works well with chewing gum and lifesavers that are similar to the flavior chew you use. Let me know how it works.
What the fuck. I quit like Fuck!!

This is way out of hand. I used chantix I dont know if it did a damn thing for me ok. When I used it previously it was a messed up experience the dreams were awful. I had 3 packs of pill left when I flushed the cope and I thought what the Hell Ill use them up. They have no nicotine. I have not used any nicotine in 32 fucking days. Now this discussion has gone to:

" I personally find that nicorette works well with chewing gum and lifesavers that are similar to the flavior chew you use. Let me know how it works."

Fuck I do not and will not condone or accept any use of nicotine in any form in my quit or in anyone elses quit!!!! PERIOD!!!!

I do not see any difference in fake chew, sunflower seeds , welbutrin, chantix or hell as far as that goes a dick in your mouth!!!!!!! ( or in someone elses)

Nic free site. No glamor, entertainment, promotion, or acceptance of Nicotine.

'finger point' 'finger point' 'finger point' 'impatient' 'impatient' 'impatient'

Rgross I need back up!!!!
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Wt57

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2012, 07:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Hadji1990
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: klark
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: sammy
Hi all,new to group,my problem is i smoke and chew,I went to my doctor to get a script for Chantix,I know they use it to stop smokeing but has anyone used it to stop chewing to ?
Sammy I'm on day 32 of my quit. I haven't mentioned this much but I had 3 weeks worth of chantix left from a past failed attempt, Dr prescribed to stop chew I went ahead and used it up. I don't know if it helped or not. I do know that my quit is different from all of my past attempts and it isn't the chantix that made it different it is the support and accountability. You can do this with or without the drug.
If you use the chantix, I would ask you to go try their "support" system and tell me what you think. Do they have a person who quit that will offer you their personal cell number and tell you to call anytime you need to? Tell me if you think the "quit coach" is any good, the one that reads from script and pats you on the rump if you fail.

If you want to truly quit, this site will offer you more accountability and support than you can imagine. Ours is free, theirs is $150 a month not covered by insurance. They have a quit coach, we have over 11,000 quitters and most of them know how you feel looking at that can in the gas station and thinking "just one". How will it feel to call a quit coach when you want one, will it feel the same as the guy going through the same thing you are and you just called him and said you want one? If you don't answer your daily call with chantix, will they follow up? If you don't post roll here for a day, does your email limit allow for all the messages you are going to get wondering where you are?

I guess it comes down to what you want as support?
Klark hit the nail on the head. Pills and patches are for pussies. You don't need them. You need to decide to quit like fuck...whatever the cost. You gotta jump in with both feet and don't look back. Yes, it is going to be a struggle. But if you're not up for it, maybe your doctor can advise good hospice care for you.
Klark  Bean are you telling me since I used chantix for the 1st couple of weeks of my quit to fuck off? Does that go for Wellbutrin or other antidepressants?
All right, All right everyone...CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

You are all right and make correct arguments. I was wrong and need to correct my misjudgement.

I don't know jack shit about Chantix. I went and looked it up on-line. My error, I assumed chantix was a form a nicotine.

As a former user of welbutrin and other depressants, if a doctor prescribes it proceed.

Welbutrin didn't keep me quit though. I actually chewed more because it blocked the buzz I wanted so bad. When the pills where gone I finally got a buzz but went through a lot of heartburn to get it. I really did my part to o.d.

QLF! Protect your quit. If you talk to your doctor and they agree you need chantix, it doesn't seem any different than people hew use sunflower seeds or fake snuss.

And the support here is dead on. I love the comparable of getting a tap on the ass if you cave.

I am quit 50 days so far because of the simplicity of KTC. QLF protect it and keep your word. You know I have had bad days. Never imagined the support, No the love my fellow addicts (my brothers) have for me. This is a quit fraternity and it is all for one and one for all.

I am quit for 50 days because of support and keeping my promise. I grew up the first day I posted roll.

Do it or don't - You don't need to kill yourself over the decision. It is such a simple answer. Quit and be free, or chew and be a slave.
For what it is worth I tried Chantix twice to try and quit smoking. I personally didnt feel it helped and I wound up having terribly violent nightmares and mood swings. I imagine it may work since it is used to block dopamine receptors ( pleasure sensors in the brain). But also you are risking depression while using it because you are preventing the pleasure receptors from working. I personally find that nicorette works well with chewing gum and lifesavers that are similar to the flavior chew you use. Let me know how it works.
What the fuck. I quit like Fuck!!

This is way out of hand. I used chantix I dont know if it did a damn thing for me ok. When I used it previously it was a messed up experience the dreams were awful. I had 3 packs of pill left when I flushed the cope and I thought what the Hell Ill use them up. They have no nicotine. I have not used any nicotine in 32 fucking days. Now this discussion has gone to:

" I personally find that nicorette works well with chewing gum and lifesavers that are similar to the flavior chew you use. Let me know how it works."

Fuck I do not and will not condone or accept any use of nicotine in any form in my quit or in anyone elses quit!!!! PERIOD!!!!

I do not see any difference in fake chew, sunflower seeds , welbutrin, chantix or hell as far as that goes a dick in your mouth!!!!!!! ( or in someone elses)

I don't know where Sammy went hope he quits, but I do think that this discussion needs to be put to rest by an ADMINISTRATOR. Chewie called for people a year ago to be involved in a survey or something that used chantix to quit chewing. No more information it is still online (the request).

Looking For Urgent Help From Chantix Users
iuchewie 0 273 30th June 2011 - 11:08 AM
Last Post by: iuchewie
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Hadji1990

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Re: Smoke and Chew
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2012, 07:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: klark
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: sammy
Hi all,new to group,my problem is i smoke and chew,I went to my doctor to get a script for Chantix,I know they use it to stop smokeing but has anyone used it to stop chewing to ?
Sammy I'm on day 32 of my quit. I haven't mentioned this much but I had 3 weeks worth of chantix left from a past failed attempt, Dr prescribed to stop chew I went ahead and used it up. I don't know if it helped or not. I do know that my quit is different from all of my past attempts and it isn't the chantix that made it different it is the support and accountability. You can do this with or without the drug.
If you use the chantix, I would ask you to go try their "support" system and tell me what you think. Do they have a person who quit that will offer you their personal cell number and tell you to call anytime you need to? Tell me if you think the "quit coach" is any good, the one that reads from script and pats you on the rump if you fail.

If you want to truly quit, this site will offer you more accountability and support than you can imagine. Ours is free, theirs is $150 a month not covered by insurance. They have a quit coach, we have over 11,000 quitters and most of them know how you feel looking at that can in the gas station and thinking "just one". How will it feel to call a quit coach when you want one, will it feel the same as the guy going through the same thing you are and you just called him and said you want one? If you don't answer your daily call with chantix, will they follow up? If you don't post roll here for a day, does your email limit allow for all the messages you are going to get wondering where you are?

I guess it comes down to what you want as support?
Klark hit the nail on the head. Pills and patches are for pussies. You don't need them. You need to decide to quit like fuck...whatever the cost. You gotta jump in with both feet and don't look back. Yes, it is going to be a struggle. But if you're not up for it, maybe your doctor can advise good hospice care for you.
Klark  Bean are you telling me since I used chantix for the 1st couple of weeks of my quit to fuck off? Does that go for Wellbutrin or other antidepressants?
All right, All right everyone...CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

You are all right and make correct arguments. I was wrong and need to correct my misjudgement.

I don't know jack shit about Chantix. I went and looked it up on-line. My error, I assumed chantix was a form a nicotine.

As a former user of welbutrin and other depressants, if a doctor prescribes it proceed.

Welbutrin didn't keep me quit though. I actually chewed more because it blocked the buzz I wanted so bad. When the pills where gone I finally got a buzz but went through a lot of heartburn to get it. I really did my part to o.d.

QLF! Protect your quit. If you talk to your doctor and they agree you need chantix, it doesn't seem any different than people hew use sunflower seeds or fake snuss.

And the support here is dead on. I love the comparable of getting a tap on the ass if you cave.

I am quit 50 days so far because of the simplicity of KTC. QLF protect it and keep your word. You know I have had bad days. Never imagined the support, No the love my fellow addicts (my brothers) have for me. This is a quit fraternity and it is all for one and one for all.

I am quit for 50 days because of support and keeping my promise. I grew up the first day I posted roll.

Do it or don't - You don't need to kill yourself over the decision. It is such a simple answer. Quit and be free, or chew and be a slave.
For what it is worth I tried Chantix twice to try and quit smoking. I personally didnt feel it helped and I wound up having terribly violent nightmares and mood swings. I imagine it may work since it is used to block dopamine receptors ( pleasure sensors in the brain). But also you are risking depression while using it because you are preventing the pleasure receptors from working. I personally find that nicorette works well with chewing gum and lifesavers that are similar to the flavior chew you use. Let me know how it works.