Author Topic: New Here  (Read 919 times)

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Offline PieRat

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Re: New Here
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2010, 03:07:00 PM »
Dude the last thing you need to worry about at the moment is weight.

Trust me one day you might look in the mirror after they removed half of your face and weight is going to be the last thing on your mind. Not saying, just saying...

I just had surgery on my left foot right before I decided to quit. So suffice to say I have put on some weight. Pfffft! Weight is easy to take off, especially if you can gain back control of your mind from all the tricks that nicotine is going to be playing with it.

You and free_me80 need to get you some faux chaw, fake-enhagen stuff. Try Walmart among other places. They seem to carry the smokey mountain chew fake snuff around here. It is not the same, but it has helped me a bunch.
Try Rat Dip!

04/27/2010 - The QUIT began

Offline teamgreen

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Re: New Here
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2010, 03:06:00 PM »
Quote from: ALBYJAY
Quote from: teamgreen
Quote from: IHateSkoal
The remainder of my can is gone.  I already feel like I'm in withdrawal even though I'm not yet.  It must be mental.  I know what the withdrawal feels like and I know it's coming.  Just so y'all know, I also am on day four of quitting drinking and I'm on a strict diet.  I weighed 385 in January and I'm down to 334 now.  I have never considered myself a pussy but alcohol withdrawal along with nicotine withdrawal at the same time has me nervous as hell.  I also have a fear of blowing my weight loss success cuz I already struggle with wanting to eat and this is gonna make it 10 times worse.
Ok, someone will come along and give better advice than I, but I will say this: don't even fucking start with all the preloaded excuses. "I caved because I was afraid I would drink." "I caved because I was gonna eat and mess up my dieting." You're not the only one who has faced these challenges, so don't even start with the "it's harder for me; you don't understand" BS. It's hard as hell for everyone, so nut up do it. People here have quit through drinking withdrawals, divorces, deaths, etc. The list goes on. Dipping makes none of that shit better, and people have quit through it all.

Start reading EVERYTHING on this site, post your promise not to use nicotine today, and today only. Don't break that promise for anything! Repeat tomorrow. As many have said, not easy, but simple.
Shit ya I am quitting with drinking withdrawals. I am going through a divorce, I am struggling with weight. But I made the call to quit this shit. Right now the only thing that matters is the quit! period. I have been a f'n dick to everyone. I have stopped sleeping, I have stopped! We will always have issues, the question is are we going to use them to give a reason not to quit today. When they are cutting you face apart just remember you thought those issues were more important!

Quiting the best thing I have done today!

James Day 16
Hot Damn! Now that's what a kickass quitter sounds like, right there! Take note, get pisses and make it happen.

Quitting is THE most important thing you'll do today. Period.


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Re: New Here
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2010, 02:53:00 PM »
Quote from: teamgreen
Quote from: IHateSkoal
The remainder of my can is gone.  I already feel like I'm in withdrawal even though I'm not yet.  It must be mental.  I know what the withdrawal feels like and I know it's coming.  Just so y'all know, I also am on day four of quitting drinking and I'm on a strict diet.  I weighed 385 in January and I'm down to 334 now.  I have never considered myself a pussy but alcohol withdrawal along with nicotine withdrawal at the same time has me nervous as hell.  I also have a fear of blowing my weight loss success cuz I already struggle with wanting to eat and this is gonna make it 10 times worse.
Ok, someone will come along and give better advice than I, but I will say this: don't even fucking start with all the preloaded excuses. "I caved because I was afraid I would drink." "I caved because I was gonna eat and mess up my dieting." You're not the only one who has faced these challenges, so don't even start with the "it's harder for me; you don't understand" BS. It's hard as hell for everyone, so nut up do it. People here have quit through drinking withdrawals, divorces, deaths, etc. The list goes on. Dipping makes none of that shit better, and people have quit through it all.

Start reading EVERYTHING on this site, post your promise not to use nicotine today, and today only. Don't break that promise for anything! Repeat tomorrow. As many have said, not easy, but simple.
Shit ya I am quitting with drinking withdrawals. I am going through a divorce, I am struggling with weight. But I made the call to quit this shit. Right now the only thing that matters is the quit! period. I have been a f'n dick to everyone. I have stopped sleeping, I have stopped! We will always have issues, the question is are we going to use them to give a reason not to quit today. When they are cutting you face apart just remember you thought those issues were more important!

Quiting the best thing I have done today!

James Day 16

Offline MikeA

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Re: New Here
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2010, 02:45:00 PM »
Quote from: free_me80
'bang head' day 1 made roll call. I have no Cope at work but two cans at home. I dread the thought of throwing it away. I can do it Ive done it before.
you dread the thought of throwing it away? What the fuck kind of attitude is this? What is that like 8 bucks. What the hell is your thought process? Do you want to quit or not?

Offline teamgreen

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Re: New Here
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2010, 02:34:00 PM »
Quote from: IHateSkoal
The remainder of my can is gone. I already feel like I'm in withdrawal even though I'm not yet. It must be mental. I know what the withdrawal feels like and I know it's coming. Just so y'all know, I also am on day four of quitting drinking and I'm on a strict diet. I weighed 385 in January and I'm down to 334 now. I have never considered myself a pussy but alcohol withdrawal along with nicotine withdrawal at the same time has me nervous as hell. I also have a fear of blowing my weight loss success cuz I already struggle with wanting to eat and this is gonna make it 10 times worse.
Ok, someone will come along and give better advice than I, but I will say this: don't even fucking start with all the preloaded excuses. "I caved because I was afraid I would drink." "I caved because I was gonna eat and mess up my dieting." You're not the only one who has faced these challenges, so don't even start with the "it's harder for me; you don't understand" BS. It's hard as hell for everyone, so nut up do it. People here have quit through drinking withdrawals, divorces, deaths, etc. The list goes on. Dipping makes none of that shit better, and people have quit through it all.

Start reading EVERYTHING on this site, post your promise not to use nicotine today, and today only. Don't break that promise for anything! Repeat tomorrow. As many have said, not easy, but simple.

Offline Volp

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Re: New Here
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2010, 02:31:00 PM »
Quote from: IHateSkoal
The remainder of my can is gone.  I already feel like I'm in withdrawal even though I'm not yet.  It must be mental.  I know what the withdrawal feels like and I know it's coming.  Just so y'all know, I also am on day four of quitting drinking and I'm on a strict diet.  I weighed 385 in January and I'm down to 334 now.  I have never considered myself a pussy but alcohol withdrawal along with nicotine withdrawal at the same time has me nervous as hell.  I also have a fear of blowing my weight loss success cuz I already struggle with wanting to eat and this is gonna make it 10 times worse.
Wanna know a little secret? Exercise is a great way to beat a crave. Another one? It's also good for keeping the weight off. ;) I won't try to fool you, many out here, including me, put on quit weight from basically eating everything in site during the first months. Collectively, we accept this gain as a necessary by-product of ridding our bodies of countless knows carcinogens. The weight can wait, so to speak. For now, drink a shit ton of water, walk or even do push ups when a crave hits. You'll be fine. Once you get introduced to your August group, post up everything that's going on in your quit. Mind-games, triggers, craves...whatever. Guaranteed, someone has gone through the same thing and can help you out. You'll need some phone numbers to call when the going gets rough. (I sent you a PM with mine, upper right Inbox1).

This is where you'll find your group.

This is how to post roll.

Any questions, post up here or in your group and someone will help you out.
Q.D. 6-15-09
HOF 9-22-09
2'nd floor 12-31-09
3'rd floor 4-10-10
1st year quit 6-14-10
4'th floor 7-19-10

If you cave without using your numbers, I will hunt your stupid, ignorant ass down, tear your fucking head off, shit down your blood squirting neck stump and skull fuck your newly decapitated melon. Have a nice day!

Offline free_me80

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Re: New Here
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2010, 02:29:00 PM »
'bang head' day 1 made roll call. I have no Cope at work but two cans at home. I dread the thought of throwing it away. I can do it Ive done it before.

Offline IHateSkoal

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Re: New Here
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2010, 02:11:00 PM »
The remainder of my can is gone. I already feel like I'm in withdrawal even though I'm not yet. It must be mental. I know what the withdrawal feels like and I know it's coming. Just so y'all know, I also am on day four of quitting drinking and I'm on a strict diet. I weighed 385 in January and I'm down to 334 now. I have never considered myself a pussy but alcohol withdrawal along with nicotine withdrawal at the same time has me nervous as hell. I also have a fear of blowing my weight loss success cuz I already struggle with wanting to eat and this is gonna make it 10 times worse.

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Re: New Here
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2010, 01:49:00 PM »
I do not see this quitter on Roll this morning ?? What seems to be the hold up ?

Offline Nolaq

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Re: New Here
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2010, 01:46:00 PM »
Quote from: IHateSkoal
I'm not buying another can of this stuff.
Don't buy it.

Don't bum it.

Don't put it in your mouth.

It's that simple, but it is NOT easy. Just take deep breaths, get some phone numbers in here, and ride it out. It's going to suck, but it's the BEST thing you EVER did for yourself, and I don't even know you!

If I can make it 57 days, you can make it one...unless you're a pussy.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline IHateSkoal

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Re: New Here
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2010, 01:30:00 PM »
That's some damn good advice. And you just raised my motivation that's for sure. I'll take your advice and throw the rest away in the shitter!

Offline Volp

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Re: New Here
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2010, 01:29:00 PM »
Quote from: IHateSkoal
Thanks man feel free to bust my balls that's just what I need. I suppose my half hearted post was due to failing again yesterday. Yesterday my motivation was high and I was confident I would do it. I hope coming to this forum will help get my motivation back up and provide me with access to others who know what this hell of withdrawal feels like. I'm not buying another can of this stuff. The next few days are gonna suck but I need to man up and get passed it if I ever want to be free from this addiction.
True the next few will suck ass but don't get ahead of yourself and let the anxiety of the unknown cloud your immediate goal of quitting today. Toss your pouches and we'll get you into your quit group. You just say the word that you've taken your last dip and I will get you on track.
Also, welcome to the best decision of you life.
Q.D. 6-15-09
HOF 9-22-09
2'nd floor 12-31-09
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1st year quit 6-14-10
4'th floor 7-19-10

If you cave without using your numbers, I will hunt your stupid, ignorant ass down, tear your fucking head off, shit down your blood squirting neck stump and skull fuck your newly decapitated melon. Have a nice day!

Offline IHateSkoal

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Re: New Here
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2010, 01:24:00 PM »
Thanks man feel free to bust my balls that's just what I need. I suppose my half hearted post was due to failing again yesterday. Yesterday my motivation was high and I was confident I would do it. I hope coming to this forum will help get my motivation back up and provide me with access to others who know what this hell of withdrawal feels like. I'm not buying another can of this stuff. The next few days are gonna suck but I need to man up and get passed it if I ever want to be free from this addiction.

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Re: New Here
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2010, 01:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Volp
Quote from: IHateSkoal
I have tried this 100's of times before but I'm going to give it another shot.  I tried it yesterday and made it 6 hours before I broke down and bought another can.  I originally started dipping to get away from cigarettes and I thought it would be a smooth, easy transition to quitting tobacco completely.  That was around 6 years ago and obviously there was no transition to quitting. 

I have 2 Skoal mint flavored pouches left and I don't want to buy another can.  I want to be rid of this habit so bad!

Well, here I go again.  Who knows, maybe this will be the time I actually pull it off.
Attitude adjustment needed RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!
We don't "try" here and sure as hell don't "give it another shot". We DO it out here and we do it well. Get your head on straight, meaning, get mad at the nic bitch for controlling you like a little girl. *Volp secretly hopes that you're not a little girl* But seriously, take those last two little pouches of yours and toss them in the toilet. Better yet, shit in the toilet first, toss them in, flush so they all get mixed up together, then laugh your motherfucking head off. That's the attitude that worked for me. Your little buddy, your little friend is nothing but a lying whore that has twisted your thoughts into thinking that you NEED her to feel normal. WRONG!! You're far from're like us, addicts. We've all been where you are with the stopping and starting again and stopping for a while and then "well one won't hurt" again bullshit. This site and the accountability and support you'll get out here is more than enough to keep quit for life. It does take balls and a commitment to yourself and yes, complete strangers but you'll soon realize that you're no different from the Ivy League Law grad who is no different than the construction worker who is no different from the accountant who get the picture. We all made the decision to get hooked on known cancer causing substance. We all also made the decision to quit cold turkey and accept the support and advice from addicts that have been through the exact same shit as you. Now get your head on straight and DO it.
I'd wish you luck, but luck has nothing to do with it.

I was going to reply but saw that Volp and Chewie were already on it. You just got advice from two of the best at giving it. Listen to everything they had to say and take it to heart. If you do, you will stay quit.
6 time champs

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Re: New Here
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2010, 01:17:00 PM »
Quote from: IHateSkoal
I have tried this 100's of times before but I'm going to give it another shot. I tried it yesterday and made it 6 hours before I broke down and bought another can. I originally started dipping to get away from cigarettes and I thought it would be a smooth, easy transition to quitting tobacco completely. That was around 6 years ago and obviously there was no transition to quitting.

I have 2 Skoal mint flavored pouches left and I don't want to buy another can. I want to be rid of this habit so bad!

Well, here I go again. Who knows, maybe this will be the time I actually pull it off.
Attitude adjustment needed RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!
We don't "try" here and sure as hell don't "give it another shot". We DO it out here and we do it well. Get your head on straight, meaning, get mad at the nic bitch for controlling you like a little girl. *Volp secretly hopes that you're not a little girl* But seriously, take those last two little pouches of yours and toss them in the toilet. Better yet, shit in the toilet first, toss them in, flush so they all get mixed up together, then laugh your motherfucking head off. That's the attitude that worked for me. Your little buddy, your little friend is nothing but a lying whore that has twisted your thoughts into thinking that you NEED her to feel normal. WRONG!! You're far from're like us, addicts. We've all been where you are with the stopping and starting again and stopping for a while and then "well one won't hurt" again bullshit. This site and the accountability and support you'll get out here is more than enough to keep quit for life. It does take balls and a commitment to yourself and yes, complete strangers but you'll soon realize that you're no different from the Ivy League Law grad who is no different than the construction worker who is no different from the accountant who get the picture. We all made the decision to get hooked on known cancer causing substance. We all also made the decision to quit cold turkey and accept the support and advice from addicts that have been through the exact same shit as you. Now get your head on straight and DO it.
I'd wish you luck, but luck has nothing to do with it.

Q.D. 6-15-09
HOF 9-22-09
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1st year quit 6-14-10
4'th floor 7-19-10

If you cave without using your numbers, I will hunt your stupid, ignorant ass down, tear your fucking head off, shit down your blood squirting neck stump and skull fuck your newly decapitated melon. Have a nice day!