Author Topic: Looking forward to August  (Read 1172 times)

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Offline Stretch

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2009, 01:42:00 PM »
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
Here's the deal, Stretch: Triggers are an illusion. You are an addict. BEING AWAKE is a trigger.

You have been dip-free for more than a hundred days. So tell me: Is there any logic in thinking the first six hours of deer season will somehow be more challenging? It's a six-hour interval the same as every other goddamn six-hour interval you've experienced in the last 100+ days.

Get some Hooch and STFU. Holla.
Now that is what I have been missing! Love you too!

You're different than any other day with the exception of being dressed in full camo and dabbing on the fine scent of a doe in heat. Other than that...same / same!
Quit: April 27, 2009
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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2009, 01:32:00 PM »
Here's the deal, Stretch: Triggers are an illusion. You are an addict. BEING AWAKE is a trigger.

You have been dip-free for more than a hundred days. So tell me: Is there any logic in thinking the first six hours of deer season will somehow be more challenging? It's a six-hour interval the same as every other goddamn six-hour interval you've experienced in the last 100+ days.

Get some Hooch and STFU. Holla.

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2009, 12:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Stretch
Been ahile since I have been here to rant a bit......

A couple of hurddles I have crossed lately that makes my quit all that stronger:

Deer season is quickly approaching and that means it's time to hang the stands.  This was an event that always had the can involved.  I am happy to say that I was able to hang all four stands without a dip.  My jackass buddy had a fatty in the entire time and it didn't phase me in the least.  I even took the can, opened it, gave it a smell and damn near threw my cookies.  And it was my brand. 

Stretch 1  Nic Bitch 0

The other hurdle was this past weekend.  I was playing in a golf tournament for three days with another buddy who happens to dip.  I always had a wad in my mouth when I was golfing.  Happy to report that I was able to make it through three rounds without having a chew. 

Stretch 2  Nic Bitch 0

Now if I can just get through opening morning without a dip, I will feel good.  I am approaching bow season very carefully and I am anxious to get that first sitting out of the way.  If I can make it through the morning hunt without, I am good to go.  Just got to get through it.

I share the same thoughts as a lot of you HOFers now that I have been on the train awhile.  Going below the line is a bit intimidating and a little bit of a worry for me.  I believe that with the solid core of quitters I have in my August brotherhood, we can make it through.  Of course the gentle yet pointed jabs that come from the rest of you assholes helps as well.

See you at role in the morning.
You own this Mark!

'Remshot' DIP
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2009, 12:44:00 PM »
Been ahile since I have been here to rant a bit......

A couple of hurddles I have crossed lately that makes my quit all that stronger:

Deer season is quickly approaching and that means it's time to hang the stands. This was an event that always had the can involved. I am happy to say that I was able to hang all four stands without a dip. My jackass buddy had a fatty in the entire time and it didn't phase me in the least. I even took the can, opened it, gave it a smell and damn near threw my cookies. And it was my brand.

Stretch 1 Nic Bitch 0

The other hurdle was this past weekend. I was playing in a golf tournament for three days with another buddy who happens to dip. I always had a wad in my mouth when I was golfing. Happy to report that I was able to make it through three rounds without having a chew.

Stretch 2 Nic Bitch 0

Now if I can just get through opening morning without a dip, I will feel good. I am approaching bow season very carefully and I am anxious to get that first sitting out of the way. If I can make it through the morning hunt without, I am good to go. Just got to get through it.

I share the same thoughts as a lot of you HOFers now that I have been on the train awhile. Going below the line is a bit intimidating and a little bit of a worry for me. I believe that with the solid core of quitters I have in my August brotherhood, we can make it through. Of course the gentle yet pointed jabs that come from the rest of you assholes helps as well.

See you at role in the morning.
Quit: April 27, 2009
HOF: August 4, 2009

Offline Stretch

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2009, 06:11:00 AM »
Quote from: markr
Quote from: Stretch
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
I'm really proud to be your quit brother, Stretch. You're a good man, and you help me stay quit.

Congrats on 50.

If you ever cave, I am going to fuck you up bad. I don't care if you're seven feet tall and all that. I can throw these things.
Sniffle, Sniffle...brought a big tear to my eye. Just one thing; You had better pack a lunch and bring a couple friends with you if you want to tangle it up with me! worries though; I ain't cavin' biatch!

Got you down in my calendar for July 1st Mr. Big Time! I got your back!

Hugs and kisses!
Congrats Stretch on the big 50!
However Dean does have back up I be on his side :D
In the words of R.D.Mercer how longs it been since you had a good country ass whoopin? How big a boy are ya? 'crackup'

This is the stuff that make the quit fun 'crackup'
Congrats again Bro.
Mark I still owe you a response to your PM........

standing at 6'7"....I know, the bigger the harder fall thing.

Good to know that I have some people willing to kick my ass in the event that I veer off the current path. Ain't going to happen, but good to know.

Thanks for caring enough to give me that good ol' country ass whoopin!
Quit: April 27, 2009
HOF: August 4, 2009

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2009, 01:52:00 PM »
Quote from: Stretch
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
I'm really proud to be your quit brother, Stretch. You're a good man, and you help me stay quit.

Congrats on 50.

If you ever cave, I am going to fuck you up bad. I don't care if you're seven feet tall and all that. I can throw these things.
Sniffle, Sniffle...brought a big tear to my eye. Just one thing; You had better pack a lunch and bring a couple friends with you if you want to tangle it up with me! worries though; I ain't cavin' biatch!

Got you down in my calendar for July 1st Mr. Big Time! I got your back!

Hugs and kisses!
Congrats Stretch on the big 50!
However Dean does have back up I be on his side :D
In the words of R.D.Mercer how longs it been since you had a good country ass whoopin? How big a boy are ya? 'crackup'

This is the stuff that make the quit fun 'crackup'
Congrats again Bro.

Offline Stretch

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2009, 12:51:00 PM »
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
I'm really proud to be your quit brother, Stretch. You're a good man, and you help me stay quit.

Congrats on 50.

If you ever cave, I am going to fuck you up bad. I don't care if you're seven feet tall and all that. I can throw these things.
Sniffle, Sniffle...brought a big tear to my eye. Just one thing; You had better pack a lunch and bring a couple friends with you if you want to tangle it up with me! worries though; I ain't cavin' biatch!

Got you down in my calendar for July 1st Mr. Big Time! I got your back!

Hugs and kisses!
Quit: April 27, 2009
HOF: August 4, 2009

Offline DeanTheCoot

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2009, 12:00:00 PM »
I'm really proud to be your quit brother, Stretch. You're a good man, and you help me stay quit.

Congrats on 50.

If you ever cave, I am going to fuck you up bad. I don't care if you're seven feet tall and all that. I can throw these things.

Offline Stretch

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2009, 09:20:00 AM »
As I woke up this morning with the dreaded, "I can't believe it's fucking Monday" blues, my mood quickly changed.

Why did it change you ask?

I realized as I was getting ready for another day at the office, that today marked my 50th day!

50DAYS without a dip......I never thought I would make it to this point.

I know we reflect back on the days of our addicition when we hit the HOF but I want to celebrate this occasion and then move on with another 50....then another 50, then another, etc.

The first 50 have been good and bad. I have made it through major craves and temptations. That little nic bitch will pop up at the worst times.

There were days that I thought I would just explode.
There were days that I might have eaten my young.
There were days that I could have ripped off someone's head.
There were days that I could have ripped a mature tree out of the ground and thrown it 100 yards.
There were days that I stood in line to get a cup of coffee to see that blue tin behind the counter.
There were days that I couldn't sleep because I wanted a chew.
There were days that I thought I would never make it.
There were days that I wanted to cave and tell all of you to fuck off!
There were days that I existed in a fog and had no idea how I got anything done.

And then there was a day that I didn't think about it, didn't miss it, didn't care about it.

Then there were days that I needed something, anything that would make the pain go away.
There were days that I wanted to chew off my fingers.
There were days that I know I killed an entire forest of trees as a result of my toothpick consumption.
There were days that I would just spit for no reason.

And now there is today. I have made it 50 days without dip.....and I like it. No, I fucking hate it, no I like it.

There will be days. Today is just like any other day. Today I remain QUIT.

All of you assholes, in some shape or form, have helped me make it to this day. You will help me make it the next 50, then the next, then the next, then the next.
The only thing is, you need to stay quit with me! I want to see all of you post each and every day!

See you at role in the morning ladies.
Quit: April 27, 2009
HOF: August 4, 2009

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2009, 11:04:00 AM »
Quote from: cubs204
Quote from: redtrain14,May
Quote from: reynolds243,May
....i have to keep it in the front only when i bow hunt so my kisser will line up right!!
I USED to keep it in the front only when I bow hunted so my kisser WOULD line up right!!! You dont do that shit anymore.

I have gotten up into my stand on ly to realize I forgot my tin. I always walked to the stand with one in, ya know, cuz it helped me wake up :rolleyes:. Whenever I did this i used to "think" I could make it the morning without it. Well, inevitably, I would see a deer, dip in the left side because of my anchor piont. Deer leaves area, take dip out because I think shits bout to break loose and there will be deer everywhere. No deer show up, no dip= getting down early which in turn = bumping a giant buck when I come back to my stand in the evening. Shit used to PISS me off, but it was never the dips fault :rolleyes:

We have a winner! You don't do that shit anymore!

Offline Stretch

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2009, 12:06:00 AM »
Quote from: cubs204
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: cubs204
I'm just curious what the fuck I am going to put in that pocket that I always carried my tin in?  Uh, like a sandwich or something, maybe a grunt call.

I guess I won't have to worry about clearing all the leaves out from under my stand to avoid that first SMACK of the morning in total darkness and utter silence.
I used to take a spitter out there with me, talk about filling empty pockets.

What will I look at when I get bored? Wildlife? You know that shit freezes to the stand when it is really cold?

I guess I can finally QUIT painting my face and start to wear that face mask instead. Congrats, we can finally be warm during huntin season!

I won't have to take off my gloves just to pinch another wad of shit to "refresh".
That always sucked didnt it

I won't have to pound coffee first thing in the morning just to send my ass into spasms just to avoid the urge to take a shit while in the stand.
Id just shit out of the stand

I won't have to lean to one side or the other just to spit on the ground.
And that splash was a brutal sound

The left side of my lip won't be like raw burger because I dipped too much in the stand all weekend. No part of your mouth will be sore now, be thankful :D

Shit, I might actually kill something this year.
Let me guess, Scent Lok everything, scent spray, big ol dip.  Doesnt make any sense does it?

I choose to be QUIT for Deer if I can figure out a way to post role from the stand out in the woods......
yo cubs u drunk mother fucker, how did u have the patience to add all those HTML red tags? did u do it manually or use the little buttons up there? i dont know how...
highlight the text you wrote, then hit the drop down tab that says color, select color you want, whala? what is that, whala? is that how you spell it?
Good to know.....

Glenn - Hysterical. You have just summed up my hunting season to the last detail. good to know I wasn't that only idiot out in the woods last year. Maybe that Scent Blocker shit will actually work for me this year!
Quit: April 27, 2009
HOF: August 4, 2009

Offline cubs204

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2009, 11:35:00 PM »
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: cubs204
I'm just curious what the fuck I am going to put in that pocket that I always carried my tin in?  Uh, like a sandwich or something, maybe a grunt call.

I guess I won't have to worry about clearing all the leaves out from under my stand to avoid that first SMACK of the morning in total darkness and utter silence.
I used to take a spitter out there with me, talk about filling empty pockets.

What will I look at when I get bored? Wildlife? You know that shit freezes to the stand when it is really cold?

I guess I can finally QUIT painting my face and start to wear that face mask instead. Congrats, we can finally be warm during huntin season!

I won't have to take off my gloves just to pinch another wad of shit to "refresh".
That always sucked didnt it

I won't have to pound coffee first thing in the morning just to send my ass into spasms just to avoid the urge to take a shit while in the stand.
Id just shit out of the stand

I won't have to lean to one side or the other just to spit on the ground.
And that splash was a brutal sound

The left side of my lip won't be like raw burger because I dipped too much in the stand all weekend. No part of your mouth will be sore now, be thankful :D

Shit, I might actually kill something this year.
Let me guess, Scent Lok everything, scent spray, big ol dip.  Doesnt make any sense does it?

I choose to be QUIT for Deer if I can figure out a way to post role from the stand out in the woods......
yo cubs u drunk mother fucker, how did u have the patience to add all those HTML red tags? did u do it manually or use the little buttons up there? i dont know how...
highlight the text you wrote, then hit the drop down tab that says color, select color you want, whala? what is that, whala? is that how you spell it?

"Nicotine is not a crutch, it's a limp. Accountability is a crutch. Use it to get stronger." - ninereasons March 2, 2011

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2009, 11:15:00 PM »
Quote from: cubs204
I'm just curious what the fuck I am going to put in that pocket that I always carried my tin in? Uh, like a sandwich or something, maybe a grunt call.

I guess I won't have to worry about clearing all the leaves out from under my stand to avoid that first SMACK of the morning in total darkness and utter silence.
I used to take a spitter out there with me, talk about filling empty pockets.

What will I look at when I get bored? Wildlife? You know that shit freezes to the stand when it is really cold?

I guess I can finally QUIT painting my face and start to wear that face mask instead. Congrats, we can finally be warm during huntin season!

I won't have to take off my gloves just to pinch another wad of shit to "refresh".
That always sucked didnt it

I won't have to pound coffee first thing in the morning just to send my ass into spasms just to avoid the urge to take a shit while in the stand.
Id just shit out of the stand

I won't have to lean to one side or the other just to spit on the ground.
And that splash was a brutal sound

The left side of my lip won't be like raw burger because I dipped too much in the stand all weekend. No part of your mouth will be sore now, be thankful :D

Shit, I might actually kill something this year.
Let me guess, Scent Lok everything, scent spray, big ol dip. Doesnt make any sense does it?

I choose to be QUIT for Deer if I can figure out a way to post role from the stand out in the woods......
yo cubs u drunk mother fucker, how did u have the patience to add all those HTML red tags? did u do it manually or use the little buttons up there? i dont know how...
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

Offline cubs204

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2009, 11:00:00 PM »
I'm just curious what the fuck I am going to put in that pocket that I always carried my tin in? Uh, like a sandwich or something, maybe a grunt call.

I guess I won't have to worry about clearing all the leaves out from under my stand to avoid that first SMACK of the morning in total darkness and utter silence.
I used to take a spitter out there with me, talk about filling empty pockets.

What will I look at when I get bored? Wildlife? You know that shit freezes to the stand when it is really cold?

I guess I can finally QUIT painting my face and start to wear that face mask instead. Congrats, we can finally be warm during huntin season!

I won't have to take off my gloves just to pinch another wad of shit to "refresh".
That always sucked didnt it

I won't have to pound coffee first thing in the morning just to send my ass into spasms just to avoid the urge to take a shit while in the stand.
Id just shit out of the stand

I won't have to lean to one side or the other just to spit on the ground.
And that splash was a brutal sound

The left side of my lip won't be like raw burger because I dipped too much in the stand all weekend. No part of your mouth will be sore now, be thankful :D

Shit, I might actually kill something this year.
Let me guess, Scent Lok everything, scent spray, big ol dip. Doesnt make any sense does it?

I choose to be QUIT for Deer if I can figure out a way to post role from the stand out in the woods......

"Nicotine is not a crutch, it's a limp. Accountability is a crutch. Use it to get stronger." - ninereasons March 2, 2011

Offline Stretch

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2009, 10:38:00 PM »
Quote from: cubs204
Quote from: redtrain14,May
Quote from: reynolds243,May
....i have to keep it in the front only when i bow hunt so my kisser will line up right!!
I USED to keep it in the front only when I bow hunted so my kisser WOULD line up right!!! You dont do that shit anymore.

I have gotten up into my stand on ly to realize I forgot my tin. I always walked to the stand with one in, ya know, cuz it helped me wake up :rolleyes:. Whenever I did this i used to "think" I could make it the morning without it. Well, inevitably, I would see a deer, dip in the left side because of my anchor piont. Deer leaves area, take dip out because I think shits bout to break loose and there will be deer everywhere. No deer show up, no dip= getting down early which in turn = bumping a giant buck when I come back to my stand in the evening. Shit used to PISS me off, but it was never the dips fault :rolleyes:
I'm just curious what the fuck I am going to put in that pocket that I always carried my tin in?

I guess I won't have to worry about clearing all the leaves out from under my stand to avoid that first SMACK of the morning in total darkness and utter silence.

What will I look at when I get bored? You know that shit freezes to the stand when it is really cold?

I guess I can finally QUIT painting my face and start to wear that face mask instead.

I won't have to take off my gloves just to pinch another wad of shit to "refresh".

I won't have to pound coffee first thing in the morning just to send my ass into spasms just to avoid the urge to take a shit while in the stand.

I won't have to lean to one side or the other just to spit on the ground.

The left side of my lip won't be like raw burger because I dipped too much in the stand all weekend.

Shit, I might actually kill something this year.

I choose to be QUIT for Deer if I can figure out a way to post role from the stand out in the woods......
Quit: April 27, 2009
HOF: August 4, 2009