Author Topic: New Kid, Introduction  (Read 1229 times)

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Re: New Kid, Introduction
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2012, 02:05:00 PM »
Good job quitting while still in college... you have bigger balls than me... I tried to quit in college but never could get past a couple days since almost all my friends dipped or chewed.

Just keep taking it one day at a time... send me a pm if you need some support.
Quitted on March 1, 2012!

Bought a new stick of deoderant today. The directions said: remove cap, push up bottom... I can barely walk, but when I fart the room smells great

Procrastination is like masturbation feels good while your doing it but in the end you just f**ked your self!

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Offline rgross298

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Re: New Kid, Introduction
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2012, 08:24:00 AM »
Good stuff, Fig 'ol. Stories like this just serve to steel my resolve, I really appreciate it. I've got a daughter and a son as well. Daughter's 12 and has been trying to get me to quit for probably half her life. Son's 4. This quit is for me, but today I quit for them, and my kickass wife who has put up with my dipping all of these years with very few complaints even though I know she hated it.

Offline fig_ol_batty

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Re: New Kid, Introduction
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2012, 11:15:00 PM »
Quote from: fig_ol_batty
  This bitch is being a real seductress right now...if only real girls wanted us like the old nicowhore does life would be great am I right?
NO. You need to change your view, dude. The nic whore is an ugly, raunchy, ratty-ass chick who keeps calling. She's not a hottie, and never was. We just thought she was.

Life would not be great if a skanky, ugly, gangly-ass chick kept on calling you again and again and again, would it? Well, guess what, she'll never stop, but she will slow down. Don't answer that phone.

Damn straight. No caving for me today/tonight.

Talked to my dad today...didn't say anything about my quit because I want it to be a father's day gift (June HOF Class...lets go!) but ironically he started telling me about a buddy of his from high school who just died from mouth cancer. Apparently he was a smart guy, had a wife, a couple kids, great job, great house, country club membership, gave generously to charity, etc. By all accounts just a great, nice guy, but he was a chronic chewer. I guess he started dipping when he and my dad were in high school and could never get himself to quit...had been getting awful sores on his cheeks and gums for about three years when they finally turned cancerous and spread to his jaw and lymph nodes. He was dead less than a year later, but not before a couple of excruciatingly painful procedures (hearing my dad talk about his latest surgery in December was what got the ball rolling on my quit). Just like that his wife and kids have no dad...and as sad as that is, one of his sons is apparently a big chewer now...he grew up seeing his dad chew and I guess he decided to carry on the family's just such a shame that of all the great traits his dad had, he had to inherit one of his bad ones.

Hearing a story like that is inspiring as much as it is saddening...many of us started our quits because we don't want to end up paying for this habit with our lives. And worse, making our loved ones pay for this habit as well by having us taken from them too soon, all because we couldn't stop bowing to nicotine.

And, most of all, thinking about my future son packing a lip because he saw me do it is enough to make me quit for today.

Stay strong...about 45 minutes until us East Coasters can add another day to our tally

And when it all came crashin' down
I became withdrawn
The only thing I knew how to do
Was keep on keepin' on.
-Bob Dylan

Offline rgross298

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Re: New Kid, Introduction
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2012, 11:46:00 AM »
Quote from: fig_ol_batty
  This bitch is being a real seductress right now...if only real girls wanted us like the old nicowhore does life would be great am I right?
NO. You need to change your view, dude. The nic whore is an ugly, raunchy, ratty-ass chick who keeps calling. She's not a hottie, and never was. We just thought she was.

Life would not be great if a skanky, ugly, gangly-ass chick kept on calling you again and again and again, would it? Well, guess what, she'll never stop, but she will slow down. Don't answer that phone.

Offline fig_ol_batty

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Re: New Kid, Introduction
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2012, 11:37:00 AM »
Quote from: fig_ol_batty

My name's Freddy, 20 years old, been dipping Cope Wintergreen/Skoal Mint for about 5 years now. Started when I was 15 working on ranches...been hooked ever since.

Made the decision seven days ago to finally kick the nic bitch out the door. Cold turkey. I guess I finally got tired about lying to my family/gf about how "I'm not addicted, I just use it to relax/concentrate." Tired of skipping out of class/work/my relationship to throw in a fatty. Don't want to still be dipping when I have a family and have to hide it from kids/wife.

So far it's mostly felt amazing. It wasn't even that tough until about 2 days ago (which is weird...I've tried quitting before but always caved within the first 2-3 days), I guess I was really building up momentum before this try.

That said, tonight I came dangerously close to caving. I told a couple buddies about my decision to quit when I started a week ago, but they're all dip fiends and are not gonna be much help. I was with them tonight, casually hanging out in the dorms (I'm currently in college...makes it harder to quit since dip is literally everywhere here), there were a couple cans of Cope on the table and I could feel the nic bitch whispering in my ear, telling me "you've gone a week. That's good enough. That proves you can quit if you ever need to." It took everything I had to get the fuck out of that room because I knew I'd be right back on the can if I took even a small pinch. I went back to my dorm, got on my computer, and started typing out what you're reading now.

I had seen this site before, but for some reason didn't join up when I first started my quit. I know now how much I need a group like this if I want to be successful. I know I'm not gonna make it if I'm in that room again and I don't have an army of brothers/sisters to help me fight off that goddamn nicoqueen. The high I was on at first has worn off. This fucking sucks, and I know I need help to beat it.

Can't wait till I can honestly say I told the nic bitch to go fuck herself...after 100 days. I know now I need your guys' help to do it.

7 hazy days and counting...

Yo Freddy,
You've got BALLS O' STEEL, bro. Fuck YES. Love to hear stories like this, gets me motivated. I'm on Day 18 right now and the initial euphoria has worn off for me as well. Fortunately for me, I am not surrounded by dip and spit-fuckers like you are (although I once was while in the military), so you are right on the front line. Hang in there, DO NOT CAVE, you started doing this for all of the right reasons and you ARE GOING TO FINISH THIS.
If you listen to the nic bitch and give in, you'll wind up like a lot of us, age forty with twenty more years of ninja dipping on your resume. IT SUCKS ASS. THAT IS NOT YOUR DESTINY.

Thanks for the support brother. This bitch is being a real seductress right now...if only real girls wanted us like the old nicowhore does life would be great am I right?
Day 8 - Shit. Fucking. Sucks. Embracing the suck, it hurts so good.

Anyone who has some more advice/stories or wants to tell me how much of a bitch I am for even letting the nic bitch whisper in my ear hit me up! I need all the tough love I can get right about now...

Today I will stay quit.

And when it all came crashin' down
I became withdrawn
The only thing I knew how to do
Was keep on keepin' on.
-Bob Dylan

Offline rgross298

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Re: New Kid, Introduction
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2012, 08:59:00 AM »
Quote from: fig_ol_batty

My name's Freddy, 20 years old, been dipping Cope Wintergreen/Skoal Mint for about 5 years now. Started when I was 15 working on ranches...been hooked ever since.

Made the decision seven days ago to finally kick the nic bitch out the door. Cold turkey. I guess I finally got tired about lying to my family/gf about how "I'm not addicted, I just use it to relax/concentrate." Tired of skipping out of class/work/my relationship to throw in a fatty. Don't want to still be dipping when I have a family and have to hide it from kids/wife.

So far it's mostly felt amazing. It wasn't even that tough until about 2 days ago (which is weird...I've tried quitting before but always caved within the first 2-3 days), I guess I was really building up momentum before this try.

That said, tonight I came dangerously close to caving. I told a couple buddies about my decision to quit when I started a week ago, but they're all dip fiends and are not gonna be much help. I was with them tonight, casually hanging out in the dorms (I'm currently in college...makes it harder to quit since dip is literally everywhere here), there were a couple cans of Cope on the table and I could feel the nic bitch whispering in my ear, telling me "you've gone a week. That's good enough. That proves you can quit if you ever need to." It took everything I had to get the fuck out of that room because I knew I'd be right back on the can if I took even a small pinch. I went back to my dorm, got on my computer, and started typing out what you're reading now.

I had seen this site before, but for some reason didn't join up when I first started my quit. I know now how much I need a group like this if I want to be successful. I know I'm not gonna make it if I'm in that room again and I don't have an army of brothers/sisters to help me fight off that goddamn nicoqueen. The high I was on at first has worn off. This fucking sucks, and I know I need help to beat it.

Can't wait till I can honestly say I told the nic bitch to go fuck herself...after 100 days. I know now I need your guys' help to do it.

7 hazy days and counting...

Yo Freddy,
You've got BALLS O' STEEL, bro. Fuck YES. Love to hear stories like this, gets me motivated. I'm on Day 18 right now and the initial euphoria has worn off for me as well. Fortunately for me, I am not surrounded by dip and spit-fuckers like you are (although I once was while in the military), so you are right on the front line. Hang in there, DO NOT CAVE, you started doing this for all of the right reasons and you ARE GOING TO FINISH THIS.
If you listen to the nic bitch and give in, you'll wind up like a lot of us, age forty with twenty more years of ninja dipping on your resume. IT SUCKS ASS. THAT IS NOT YOUR DESTINY.

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Re: New Kid, Introduction
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2012, 03:48:00 AM »
Good decision on kicking Ms. Niccy to the curb. This site can be helpful. There are no short cuts, but here are some links that will help you navigate this site. Rule number one, this is a no nicotine site, period, end of story.

Biggest thing to do is get acquainted with this site. Highly recommend you go here: WELCOME CENTER

What to Expect When You Quit Dipping

This a a no nicotine site, period, end of story.

We "Post Roll Call" daily ( our promise to ourselves and to our brothers not to use nicotine today)- We DO THIS DAILY
Make posting roll the first step of your daily proactive quit.

This will help you post correctly:How to post roll

Where to post roll call: PRE HOF JUNE 2012

Where to practice/ test/ reply/posting/roll call: SANDBOX

See what the library has: Library

PM if I can help
Believe Me

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Offline fig_ol_batty

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New Kid, Introduction
« on: March 07, 2012, 01:42:00 AM »

My name's Freddy, 20 years old, been dipping Cope Wintergreen/Skoal Mint for about 5 years now. Started when I was 15 working on ranches...been hooked ever since.

Made the decision seven days ago to finally kick the nic bitch out the door. Cold turkey. I guess I finally got tired about lying to my family/gf about how "I'm not addicted, I just use it to relax/concentrate." Tired of skipping out of class/work/my relationship to throw in a fatty. Don't want to still be dipping when I have a family and have to hide it from kids/wife.

So far it's mostly felt amazing. It wasn't even that tough until about 2 days ago (which is weird...I've tried quitting before but always caved within the first 2-3 days), I guess I was really building up momentum before this try.

That said, tonight I came dangerously close to caving. I told a couple buddies about my decision to quit when I started a week ago, but they're all dip fiends and are not gonna be much help. I was with them tonight, casually hanging out in the dorms (I'm currently in college...makes it harder to quit since dip is literally everywhere here), there were a couple cans of Cope on the table and I could feel the nic bitch whispering in my ear, telling me "you've gone a week. That's good enough. That proves you can quit if you ever need to." It took everything I had to get the fuck out of that room because I knew I'd be right back on the can if I took even a small pinch. I went back to my dorm, got on my computer, and started typing out what you're reading now.

I had seen this site before, but for some reason didn't join up when I first started my quit. I know now how much I need a group like this if I want to be successful. I know I'm not gonna make it if I'm in that room again and I don't have an army of brothers/sisters to help me fight off that goddamn nicoqueen. The high I was on at first has worn off. This fucking sucks, and I know I need help to beat it.

Can't wait till I can honestly say I told the nic bitch to go fuck herself...after 100 days. I know now I need your guys' help to do it.

7 hazy days and counting...


And when it all came crashin' down
I became withdrawn
The only thing I knew how to do
Was keep on keepin' on.
-Bob Dylan