Author Topic: Introduction - time to quit!  (Read 2668 times)

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2014, 07:00:00 PM »
Any advice/encouragement?
I got some. Listen to pbrain. I just have a little to add. Enjoy the trip! Do something while your there. Time to start enjoying your life without the poison my friend. Don't need it,, never did!
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Bulldog0311

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2014, 04:54:00 PM »
Quote from: voiceofreason88
Not sure if anyone will see this... but oh well.

I'm on day 56, and it's been going pretty well - I feel like it's habit now for me not to chew, so I've just been cruising through. Not that's it's been easy, just habit.

Anyway - I'm getting a little worried. I have a business trip coming up in a few weeks, and I keep catching myself fantasizing about getting a can of dip or pack of smokes while I'm there.

I'm telling myself:

"I'll be 80 days quit at that point - I've got it down now."
"I won't have any when I get back - it's a one-time thing."
"What else am I going to do there without my wife/kids?"
"I deserve a break."

Any advice/encouragement?
I see you buddy. I was going to try to post some really deep shit but pbrain was right on target.

Your kids deserve to have you see them grow up. No breaks. You're an addict for life homey.

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2014, 04:10:00 PM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: voiceofreason88
Not sure if anyone will see this... but oh well.

I'm on day 56, and it's been going pretty well - I feel like it's habit now for me not to chew, so I've just been cruising through. Not that's it's been easy, just habit.

Anyway - I'm getting a little worried. I have a business trip coming up in a few weeks, and I keep catching myself fantasizing about getting a can of dip or pack of smokes while I'm there.

I'm telling myself:

"I'll be 80 days quit at that point - I've got it down now."
"I won't have any when I get back - it's a one-time thing."
"What else am I going to do there without my wife/kids?"
"I deserve a break."

Any advice/encouragement?
Last time I stopped dipping before I quit was Jan. 2011. I patched myself down over 6 weeks starting Jan. 1st, and was nicotine free from mid-end Feb. 2011 all the way into May 2011. I then went on a vacation with my wife and we went out to some awesome steakhouses over the 3 days we were away. Last night we went to a Brazilian steakhouse and I got the meat sweats. I had a few cocktails too, and I had a huge crave for dip. I decided that I had this quitting thing down, and that I could quit whenever I wanted to so why not have a dip? I had no KTC at that time, no promise not to use for the day, no people I would be letting down, no support system, but I still had the power to dip or not. I told myself I would have just 1 dip and toss the rest of the can. I went out bought a can of poison, had a fat wad of shit in my mouth and hated myself. I never did flush the rest of the can. Took me 2 years before I got my head out of my ass again, and I do not think I would be quit if I had not found KTC. Do not plan your cave. You do not have this quitting thing down if you cave. You will be a slave again if you cave. If you retread right away that cave will not make it all better for you. Stay strong, this quit of yours will suck until it doesn't (Paraphrasing Skoal Monster I think), but if you go back to day 1 you are only prolonging your pain. You are so close to better days. The suck won't go away by caving, only by quitting.
Ah, looks like you are transitioning from the ragin' craves to the nic whispers in the ear. Both are dangerous, but the whispers are far more subtle. Both are easily handled if you use your tools.
My advice is to double down on your accountability. If what you are doing has become habit, time to add some more and new layers. Get some more numbers, post with more than just your HOF group, spread your accountability out there. Get on this site when you are on business travel. Post/chat what is going on for you. Most of us worried and/or struggled on our first business trips away from home and family. That use to be prime dip indulge time for many of us.
Plan ahead, make sure you have alternatives (seeds, fake, whatever you use). I bet you will find if you prepare then the actual event will far easier than you imagined.
You got this, you been here long enough to use the tools...
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
1 Year 2/10/13
2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2014, 03:47:00 PM »
Quote from: voiceofreason88
Not sure if anyone will see this... but oh well.

I'm on day 56, and it's been going pretty well - I feel like it's habit now for me not to chew, so I've just been cruising through. Not that's it's been easy, just habit.

Anyway - I'm getting a little worried. I have a business trip coming up in a few weeks, and I keep catching myself fantasizing about getting a can of dip or pack of smokes while I'm there.

I'm telling myself:

"I'll be 80 days quit at that point - I've got it down now."
"I won't have any when I get back - it's a one-time thing."
"What else am I going to do there without my wife/kids?"
"I deserve a break."

Any advice/encouragement?
Last time I stopped dipping before I quit was Jan. 2011. I patched myself down over 6 weeks starting Jan. 1st, and was nicotine free from mid-end Feb. 2011 all the way into May 2011. I then went on a vacation with my wife and we went out to some awesome steakhouses over the 3 days we were away. Last night we went to a Brazilian steakhouse and I got the meat sweats. I had a few cocktails too, and I had a huge crave for dip. I decided that I had this quitting thing down, and that I could quit whenever I wanted to so why not have a dip? I had no KTC at that time, no promise not to use for the day, no people I would be letting down, no support system, but I still had the power to dip or not. I told myself I would have just 1 dip and toss the rest of the can. I went out bought a can of poison, had a fat wad of shit in my mouth and hated myself. I never did flush the rest of the can. Took me 2 years before I got my head out of my ass again, and I do not think I would be quit if I had not found KTC. Do not plan your cave. You do not have this quitting thing down if you cave. You will be a slave again if you cave. If you retread right away that cave will not make it all better for you. Stay strong, this quit of yours will suck until it doesn't (Paraphrasing Skoal Monster I think), but if you go back to day 1 you are only prolonging your pain. You are so close to better days. The suck won't go away by caving, only by quitting.

Offline voiceofreason88

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2014, 01:15:00 PM »
Thanks guys for all the advice - really great stuff. I'm definitely going to come back here and re-read this right before I leave town and when I get there.

Staying strong with you guys!

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2014, 12:20:00 PM »
Quote from: voiceofreason88
Not sure if anyone will see this... but oh well.

I'm on day 56, and it's been going pretty well - I feel like it's habit now for me not to chew, so I've just been cruising through. Not that's it's been easy, just habit.

Anyway - I'm getting a little worried. I have a business trip coming up in a few weeks, and I keep catching myself fantasizing about getting a can of dip or pack of smokes while I'm there.

I'm telling myself:

"I'll be 80 days quit at that point - I've got it down now."
"I won't have any when I get back - it's a one-time thing."
"What else am I going to do there without my wife/kids?"
"I deserve a break."

Any advice/encouragement?
Excellent post! Thanks for sharing and well done.

First of all, the nic bitch just tried to have a private conversation with you. Her aim? To get you to get nicotine for her. She relies on you to get nic. She has no power of choice. Only you have free will, the power of choice. You chose to make her "private" conversation public, well done!

Make sure you post roll early that day. Get on the KTC site that day and help one or two new quitters. Bring some digists in case you need to call someone. Kick her in the face. She is a lying evil witch.

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2014, 12:15:00 PM »
Quote from: voiceofreason88
Not sure if anyone will see this... but oh well.

I'm on day 56, and it's been going pretty well - I feel like it's habit now for me not to chew, so I've just been cruising through. Not that's it's been easy, just habit.

Anyway - I'm getting a little worried. I have a business trip coming up in a few weeks, and I keep catching myself fantasizing about getting a can of dip or pack of smokes while I'm there.

I'm telling myself:

"I'll be 80 days quit at that point - I've got it down now."
"I won't have any when I get back - it's a one-time thing."
"What else am I going to do there without my wife/kids?"
"I deserve a break."

Any advice/encouragement?
Plan your quit accordingly. Normally eat on the run while on business travel, take yourself out for a good steak (my preference); normally go to the gym after work, call a gym up there and explain you are going to be traveling an would like a couple of day passes and don't break your routine (YMCA's - I work for a large Association in Pittsburgh are great for this), find some local attraction to go to after hours avoid sitting around thinking about everything you listed. That's the nic bitch talking....your quit is not geographically dependent!!! You have one hell of a quit going on...awesome planning ahead but it is still ODAAT. Make sure you have your contacts and post roll everyday, even if it has to be via txt....and everything everyone said before me!!! You will hammer through!

Offline pbrain04

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2014, 11:58:00 AM »
Quote from: voiceofreason88
Not sure if anyone will see this... but oh well.

"I'll be 80 days quit at that point - I've got it down now."
"I won't have any when I get back - it's a one-time thing."
"What else am I going to do there without my wife/kids?"
"I deserve a break."

Any advice/encouragement?
I see you brother. We are all here.

My advice? Post roll early in the morning and promise not to use nicotine. Then keep your promise.

"I'll be 80 days quit at that point - I've got it down now."

-Wrong. You will never have it down. Neither will I. Stay vigilant! Look at all the vets with 1000+ days. They don't have it down and never will.

"I won't have any when I get back - it's a one-time thing."

- I know that trick all too well. It don't work man. You know that. Its never a one time thing.

"What else am I going to do there without my wife/kids?"

- Watch porn? Exercise? I don't know...there is a lot to do that doesn't involve putting poison in your mouth

"I deserve a break."

- No you don't. You do not deserve a break. Don't take one. You deserve to watch your children grow up.


Offline brettlees

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2014, 11:49:00 AM »
Quote from: voiceofreason88
Not sure if anyone will see this... but oh well.

I'm on day 56, and it's been going pretty well - I feel like it's habit now for me not to chew, so I've just been cruising through. Not that's it's been easy, just habit.

Anyway - I'm getting a little worried. I have a business trip coming up in a few weeks, and I keep catching myself fantasizing about getting a can of dip or pack of smokes while I'm there.

I'm telling myself:

"I'll be 80 days quit at that point - I've got it down now."
"I won't have any when I get back - it's a one-time thing."
"What else am I going to do there without my wife/kids?"
"I deserve a break."

Any advice/encouragement?
It's great that you are thinking ahead and planning how to protect your quit. Nice work. I posted about my first trip. It went ok, and I just used my tools- access to the site here when possible, plenty of gum, candy, jerky, etc packed away where i had easy access. I walked a lot, explored, for entertainment and sanity when there was "down" time.

My best advice is consider enjoying what can be enjoyed about not dipping on this trip- for me, i really noticed how relieved I was of all the work that chewing on the road required. Not worried about supply, now worried about slipping away, keepign a can in a hidden pocket, where to spit, when to find time, making up trips to the bathrooom to get a quick fix, etc. If you can take a little change in perspective, to where you are prepared to battle the craves if they come but where you are also taking note of the good things that happen with this new life of freedom you are creating, you might find it to be a really rewarding thing to be proud of when the trip is over. You are sure to score some victories over some triggers, making future trips that much easier too.

Best of luck- and be sure and have your supporters in line too, so you can reach out if all else fails.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline voiceofreason88

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2014, 11:34:00 AM »
Not sure if anyone will see this... but oh well.

I'm on day 56, and it's been going pretty well - I feel like it's habit now for me not to chew, so I've just been cruising through. Not that's it's been easy, just habit.

Anyway - I'm getting a little worried. I have a business trip coming up in a few weeks, and I keep catching myself fantasizing about getting a can of dip or pack of smokes while I'm there.

I'm telling myself:

"I'll be 80 days quit at that point - I've got it down now."
"I won't have any when I get back - it's a one-time thing."
"What else am I going to do there without my wife/kids?"
"I deserve a break."

Any advice/encouragement?

Offline Woody79

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2013, 06:42:00 PM »
Hey 88. I'm right there with you. Except i'm only 1 week in (Day 6). If you ever need to talk let me know. PM me for my cell. I could use the support too. I was a can a week guy for the past two years. thought it wouldn't be hard to quit as i wasn't as addicted as others i knew. I was wrong.


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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2013, 06:04:00 PM »
Quote from: ccauley86
Missed two days of roll, how is it going my man?

Have you noticed that contract behind your credit card in the past few days?
Thanks for checking in - my weekends offer much fewer chances to log on and post roll. The quit is going alright - day 16 and no nicotine. Been feeling really stressed and a little depressed this week, but I really don't think a dip is going to solve anything (although my brain is telling my it will).

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2013, 11:26:00 PM »
Missed two days of roll, how is it going my man?

Have you noticed that contract behind your credit card in the past few days?

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2013, 08:47:00 PM »
I am a stay at home dad with a 10 month old son and sometimes I wish I could be gone as to not have as many opportunities to lash out at him. Thankfully my wife works from home and can relieve me, just tell yourself like I do when you feel your entire body tensing up, you asked them to be here and you were the idiot who got addicted to something so calm the fuck down.

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Re: Introduction - time to quit!
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2013, 04:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: jdubthe2nd
Quote from: voiceofreason88
Thanks guys - great advice!

The two things I'm most concerned about is

1. lashing out at my family - this is hard, as I only get a few hours with them at the end of the day (at which point I'm worn out already).

2. drinking too much and caving in.  drinking is something I need to tackle at another time, but those lowered inhibitions kill me.

I printed off the contract, and have read though it multiple times. It's very powerful.  I put it right underneath my credit card, so I'll see it when I pull it out - I think that will really help!

We can do it guys! Remember, it's not the fix of the stress, it's the cause of it.
I was afraid of hurting my wife (not physically) when i decided to quit. If you feel that rage, go run or exercise, come on here and type and rant your ass off, call/text one of us and blow up. That is a common fear among us, but I think you'll find that the rage will subside for the most part and you'll be happy more than you'll be upset.
you've got my #. Use it when you want/need.
For the wife and you to prepare

Sit her down and ask her to read this...After you read it. KTC is fantastic but my wife loved being helpful. This short memo helps the quitter and family.
Hey those are 2 great things to be concerned about, and a common way to beat both.....Breathe when things come up and then think about it.

By taking that time and just not reacting to situations, you have the ability to make a conscious decision for the better.

And a great decision is to hop on this site or give one of your brothers here a call or a text. As we all can relate.

Standing right beside you in quit.....