Author Topic: Yep, I F'd Up  (Read 3086 times)

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E&C's Dad

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2014, 10:18:00 AM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: BoutTime
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Phat
Quote from: BoutTime,Jan
Hi All,

Today I found myself having long panic attacks revolving around the sh*t I put in my mouth and health. I have been dipping for 25 years and frankly, I am scared sh*tless. I am scared to quit, as I have tried b4, but I am more scared to continue.

I feel I have so much to prove to myself, and my self worth. That was proven out as I read some of the success stories on here and was overcome with emotions because those that have quit have something I have wanted for a long time...control. Yeah, maybe I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.

I chew about 3 cans a week and I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc.

It is time to stop this nonsense. I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey.

Pull up yer big girl panties and get quittin'.

Come join us and lean on the crazy bastards on the board for support. So far seems like a pretty cool bunch.

One day at a time and you'll get it done... if you WANT to get it done.

Your in the right spot man. Lemme lay it down for you .

Your scared to quit-
Look deeper, your not scared to quit, your scared you'll fail. Your not honestly scared that little green tin of wintermintyfruitycancerhagen is gonna punch you in the junk are you? Are you scared you'll fall down dead when you miss your regularly scheduled dose? Perhaps your worried that the Big tobacco honcho's wont be able to afford the monthly payment on their Porches and big titted mistresses. You will not die, you will not have a heart attack, you won't lose your mind ( you might think so tho).

There isn't anything to be afraid of, it is your CHOICE to fail or not. No one is going to stuff that crap in your mouth but you. You don't have to think about quitting forever either. All you have to do is quit today. ONE DAY . You can make the choice again tomorrow and either choose to stay quit or not. The choice is a damn hard one to make, think how much courage it took you to even get this far. The addict in you is already trying to pull the wool over your eyes and give you a hundred reasons why you can't do it. FUCK THAT. I know you CAN DO IT because I did it, and guys nefore me did it, and guys after me are doing it. When it came to dip I was Shmeagle from Lord of the rings.." my precious, must have my precious"
I choose dip over everything, food, sex , money , relationships, health. I was one fucked up little dip craving fool. I was an addict and a heavy user. I could chew your 3 cans in a day and add some smokes onto it. My point is that if a weak ass nic fiend with the will power of a toddler in a toy store can quit then so can you.

I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.- Your not a wimp, your an addict. There is no difference between you and I, and a heroin addict. Google addiction and check out signs of addictive behavior look for the pattern in your own love affair with dip. Just because it's legal doesn't mean its safe. Tobacco kills and maims more people than ANYTHING in the world, AND those slobbering whores that make the stuff engineer it to make it one of the MOST addicting substances there is. You are a slave to a product designed to make you an addict. The fear and panic is the conflict between your addiction and what you know is the right path. There is a way that you WANT to live and this hell hole of spit cups , cancer fears, mouth problems, and social retardation that you're CURRENTLY living. Honesty with yourself about how deep in you are is a huge first step. acknowledging your an addict and understanding how that creates all these imagined fears and lies you tell yourself is a mighty weapon for a quitter. Kill the Can will give you the tools to pull back the curtain of lies you tell yourself about why you can't do it. You'll see the truth, and when you know the truth quitting is just a matter of not letting yourself forget.

A case in point, and I've said this before. It isnt that you can't quit its that you won't.

" I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc." of course you can, my favorite reason was that I was breathing. All of this is utter bullshit . I can still hunt and fish without dipping, I can handle work, I can still watch movies. These are NOT REASONS TO DIP as you say, but triggers or social cues to dip. The thing about dip is this, it isn't good for anything.......except keeping you hooked on dip. The anxiety you have isn't relieved by dipping, it is caused by dipping. I'll prove it to you when you have been quit for awhile.

"I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey. "

Hope ain't nothing but a fat chick who didn't get to go to the prom. Hope is fucking lame. Hope is for failures, wall flowers and those afraid to help themselves. Don't hope, dont try, dont wish, none of that crap works. DO QUIT OR DON"T but hope doesn't get 'er done.

Skoal Monster
I dont know if jack is still reading these but thank you to those who took the time to look the past up. I have really been struggling with my quit and seeing what I wrote for my original quit really hit home.

thanks....back on track.
Get the place where nice is the same as liquid drano. Would you put liquid drano in your mouth? Learn to hate the poison for what it really is. You know better and know the ktc way saves lives. Straighten the tuck up and live. Your choice.
This community is built on accountability and brotherhood. You obviously don't know what either of those words embody. Posting roll after caving for a whole week. You got to be fucking kidding. Why would anyone be able to trust you to be their brother? Caving I can understand. Lying I cannot.
Based on your history of posting roll I bet your ass caved around day 50 (when you started missing roll). You lied to begin with so how do we know you didn't lie earlier on. It is sad that we have to say goodbye but I am telling you this place won't hold up if there is not 100% integrity with regard to roll. Reading your answers to the three questions you didn't follow through on any of what you said you would do the last time. This tells me that a) You don't do what you say your going to 2)You don't finish what you start and 3) you are a liar.

The conclusion that I draw is that you are not someone I would let in my personal circle.

Sorry buddy but I think you have earned yourself a ban. Luckily my 2cents don't matter so we will see.

There are still those here who will help you quit but on the side. I suggest you take advantage.

Offline rdad

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2014, 11:08:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: BoutTime
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Phat
Quote from: BoutTime,Jan
Hi All,

Today I found myself having long panic attacks revolving around the sh*t I put in my mouth and health. I have been dipping for 25 years and frankly, I am scared sh*tless. I am scared to quit, as I have tried b4, but I am more scared to continue.

I feel I have so much to prove to myself, and my self worth. That was proven out as I read some of the success stories on here and was overcome with emotions because those that have quit have something I have wanted for a long time...control. Yeah, maybe I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.

I chew about 3 cans a week and I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc.

It is time to stop this nonsense. I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey.

Pull up yer big girl panties and get quittin'.

Come join us and lean on the crazy bastards on the board for support. So far seems like a pretty cool bunch.

One day at a time and you'll get it done... if you WANT to get it done.

Your in the right spot man. Lemme lay it down for you .

Your scared to quit-
Look deeper, your not scared to quit, your scared you'll fail. Your not honestly scared that little green tin of wintermintyfruitycancerhagen is gonna punch you in the junk are you? Are you scared you'll fall down dead when you miss your regularly scheduled dose? Perhaps your worried that the Big tobacco honcho's wont be able to afford the monthly payment on their Porches and big titted mistresses. You will not die, you will not have a heart attack, you won't lose your mind ( you might think so tho).

There isn't anything to be afraid of, it is your CHOICE to fail or not. No one is going to stuff that crap in your mouth but you. You don't have to think about quitting forever either. All you have to do is quit today. ONE DAY . You can make the choice again tomorrow and either choose to stay quit or not. The choice is a damn hard one to make, think how much courage it took you to even get this far. The addict in you is already trying to pull the wool over your eyes and give you a hundred reasons why you can't do it. FUCK THAT. I know you CAN DO IT because I did it, and guys nefore me did it, and guys after me are doing it. When it came to dip I was Shmeagle from Lord of the rings.." my precious, must have my precious"
I choose dip over everything, food, sex , money , relationships, health. I was one fucked up little dip craving fool. I was an addict and a heavy user. I could chew your 3 cans in a day and add some smokes onto it. My point is that if a weak ass nic fiend with the will power of a toddler in a toy store can quit then so can you.

I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.- Your not a wimp, your an addict. There is no difference between you and I, and a heroin addict. Google addiction and check out signs of addictive behavior look for the pattern in your own love affair with dip. Just because it's legal doesn't mean its safe. Tobacco kills and maims more people than ANYTHING in the world, AND those slobbering whores that make the stuff engineer it to make it one of the MOST addicting substances there is. You are a slave to a product designed to make you an addict. The fear and panic is the conflict between your addiction and what you know is the right path. There is a way that you WANT to live and this hell hole of spit cups , cancer fears, mouth problems, and social retardation that you're CURRENTLY living. Honesty with yourself about how deep in you are is a huge first step. acknowledging your an addict and understanding how that creates all these imagined fears and lies you tell yourself is a mighty weapon for a quitter. Kill the Can will give you the tools to pull back the curtain of lies you tell yourself about why you can't do it. You'll see the truth, and when you know the truth quitting is just a matter of not letting yourself forget.

A case in point, and I've said this before. It isnt that you can't quit its that you won't.

" I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc." of course you can, my favorite reason was that I was breathing. All of this is utter bullshit . I can still hunt and fish without dipping, I can handle work, I can still watch movies. These are NOT REASONS TO DIP as you say, but triggers or social cues to dip. The thing about dip is this, it isn't good for anything.......except keeping you hooked on dip. The anxiety you have isn't relieved by dipping, it is caused by dipping. I'll prove it to you when you have been quit for awhile.

"I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey. "

Hope ain't nothing but a fat chick who didn't get to go to the prom. Hope is fucking lame. Hope is for failures, wall flowers and those afraid to help themselves. Don't hope, dont try, dont wish, none of that crap works. DO QUIT OR DON"T but hope doesn't get 'er done.

Skoal Monster
I dont know if jack is still reading these but thank you to those who took the time to look the past up. I have really been struggling with my quit and seeing what I wrote for my original quit really hit home.

thanks....back on track.
Get the place where nice is the same as liquid drano. Would you put liquid drano in your mouth? Learn to hate the poison for what it really is. You know better and know the ktc way saves lives. Straighten the tuck up and live. Your choice.
This community is built on accountability and brotherhood. You obviously don't know what either of those words embody. Posting roll after caving for a whole week. You got to be fucking kidding. Why would anyone be able to trust you to be their brother? Caving I can understand. Lying I cannot.

Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2014, 10:43:00 PM »
Quote from: BoutTime
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Phat
Quote from: BoutTime,Jan
Hi All,

Today I found myself having long panic attacks revolving around the sh*t I put in my mouth and health. I have been dipping for 25 years and frankly, I am scared sh*tless. I am scared to quit, as I have tried b4, but I am more scared to continue.

I feel I have so much to prove to myself, and my self worth. That was proven out as I read some of the success stories on here and was overcome with emotions because those that have quit have something I have wanted for a long time...control. Yeah, maybe I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.

I chew about 3 cans a week and I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc.

It is time to stop this nonsense. I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey.

Pull up yer big girl panties and get quittin'.

Come join us and lean on the crazy bastards on the board for support. So far seems like a pretty cool bunch.

One day at a time and you'll get it done... if you WANT to get it done.

Your in the right spot man. Lemme lay it down for you .

Your scared to quit-
Look deeper, your not scared to quit, your scared you'll fail. Your not honestly scared that little green tin of wintermintyfruitycancerhagen is gonna punch you in the junk are you? Are you scared you'll fall down dead when you miss your regularly scheduled dose? Perhaps your worried that the Big tobacco honcho's wont be able to afford the monthly payment on their Porches and big titted mistresses. You will not die, you will not have a heart attack, you won't lose your mind ( you might think so tho).

There isn't anything to be afraid of, it is your CHOICE to fail or not. No one is going to stuff that crap in your mouth but you. You don't have to think about quitting forever either. All you have to do is quit today. ONE DAY . You can make the choice again tomorrow and either choose to stay quit or not. The choice is a damn hard one to make, think how much courage it took you to even get this far. The addict in you is already trying to pull the wool over your eyes and give you a hundred reasons why you can't do it. FUCK THAT. I know you CAN DO IT because I did it, and guys nefore me did it, and guys after me are doing it. When it came to dip I was Shmeagle from Lord of the rings.." my precious, must have my precious"
I choose dip over everything, food, sex , money , relationships, health. I was one fucked up little dip craving fool. I was an addict and a heavy user. I could chew your 3 cans in a day and add some smokes onto it. My point is that if a weak ass nic fiend with the will power of a toddler in a toy store can quit then so can you.

I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.- Your not a wimp, your an addict. There is no difference between you and I, and a heroin addict. Google addiction and check out signs of addictive behavior look for the pattern in your own love affair with dip. Just because it's legal doesn't mean its safe. Tobacco kills and maims more people than ANYTHING in the world, AND those slobbering whores that make the stuff engineer it to make it one of the MOST addicting substances there is. You are a slave to a product designed to make you an addict. The fear and panic is the conflict between your addiction and what you know is the right path. There is a way that you WANT to live and this hell hole of spit cups , cancer fears, mouth problems, and social retardation that you're CURRENTLY living. Honesty with yourself about how deep in you are is a huge first step. acknowledging your an addict and understanding how that creates all these imagined fears and lies you tell yourself is a mighty weapon for a quitter. Kill the Can will give you the tools to pull back the curtain of lies you tell yourself about why you can't do it. You'll see the truth, and when you know the truth quitting is just a matter of not letting yourself forget.

A case in point, and I've said this before. It isnt that you can't quit its that you won't.

" I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc." of course you can, my favorite reason was that I was breathing. All of this is utter bullshit . I can still hunt and fish without dipping, I can handle work, I can still watch movies. These are NOT REASONS TO DIP as you say, but triggers or social cues to dip. The thing about dip is this, it isn't good for anything.......except keeping you hooked on dip. The anxiety you have isn't relieved by dipping, it is caused by dipping. I'll prove it to you when you have been quit for awhile.

"I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey. "

Hope ain't nothing but a fat chick who didn't get to go to the prom. Hope is fucking lame. Hope is for failures, wall flowers and those afraid to help themselves. Don't hope, dont try, dont wish, none of that crap works. DO QUIT OR DON"T but hope doesn't get 'er done.

Skoal Monster
I dont know if jack is still reading these but thank you to those who took the time to look the past up. I have really been struggling with my quit and seeing what I wrote for my original quit really hit home.

thanks....back on track.
Get the place where nice is the same as liquid drano. Would you put liquid drano in your mouth? Learn to hate the poison for what it really is. You know better and know the ktc way saves lives. Straighten the tuck up and live. Your choice.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline mattyf118

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2014, 10:25:00 PM »
I don't really know how to start this other than just come out and say, although this will not be a surprise to some based on my pathetic numbers, I caved a week ago and to make things worse lived a lie for the past week.

Not only did I let myself down, but I stabbed each one of you in the back that have supported me from day one. For that I am VERY sorry.

I will answer the questions, if I have the chance to rejoin KTC, but I doubt that I will have another chance here(but I also know that I cant do this on my own as evidence this past week)

My numbers have been atrocious the past month so there is little doubt why I failed. If given another chance, I promise to post 100%.

My wife lost her job(just another lame excuse as I know many are dealing with a hell of a lot more) a week ago and the fucking nic bitch was waiting for me and I let my guard down, not with dip but with cigs. Doesn't fucking matter what it was because I am a nic addict. Now I have 2 problems.

What I found out is that it a hell of a lot easier to stay quit than it is to cave, live with the guilt, and start all fucking over again.

I just got off the phone with Slinger and fessed up,crying like a baby I might add...the hardest phone call I have ever made. I could have just faded away like others I have seen but could not have lived with myself. So I will take whats coming and if you all say get the fuck out and never come back I guess I deserve that and will do what I can on my own. But I never would have gotten this far without this site and your support.

I feel like any promises I make at this point are empty, at least that is what I would think if I were you. Why would you trust me anymore?

All I can ask is to have one more chance. If I cant keep my promise this time, then I deserve to be on my own and subject to my own demise.

I know some of my posts and emails will be brought up and they should be. I keep going back to some of the advise I have given, but in a moment of time could not follow my own advise.

I just could not follow any of you into the HOF under the premise of a lie, I value your commitment to your quit too much. Probably another reason my voice has been silent lately. Congratulations to all of you that are on your way to the HOF and those that have already made it.

I lived with so much pride for so long about my quit and in such a short time with a lot of depression about my weakness of a fucking addict.

BTW, if given another chance this is not my answer to the 3 questions, it only scratches the surface.

I hope you can forgive me, but I know I don't deserve it and have not forgiven myself.

Just moving this to an easier access point.
Quit Date: 09/06/13
HOF Date: 12/14/13

Caving is not an option

E&C's Dad

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2014, 08:37:00 PM »
Welcome back. I am a junebug too. Thanks for the honesty and posting your back story. I quit with Murph today.

Offline MPR81

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2014, 10:53:00 PM »

This is an awesome intro board, just reading the replies to your situation has imparted so much quit knowledge! I'm proud to have you with me in June 2014. I'm also a re-tread, caved after 6 months clean last year. Same as you, I let myself slip away from KTC, thinking I was some tough shit and strong enough to manage on my own. I completely underestimated the power of the brotherhood here. I won't be leaving again. Glad to have you here, I quit with you today.


"Never more than a dip away from a can a day"

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2014, 06:58:00 AM »
Don't beat yourself up too hard. Just make sure that you stay quit this time.
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

Quit Date: 03-02-2014
HOF: 06-09-2014
3K and counting

Offline BoutTime

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2014, 08:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Phat
Quote from: BoutTime
Hi All,

Today I found myself having long panic attacks revolving around the sh*t I put in my mouth and health. I have been dipping for 25 years and frankly, I am scared sh*tless. I am scared to quit, as I have tried b4, but I am more scared to continue.

I feel I have so much to prove to myself, and my self worth. That was proven out as I read some of the success stories on here and was overcome with emotions because those that have quit have something I have wanted for a long time...control. Yeah, maybe I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.

I chew about 3 cans a week and I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc.

It is time to stop this nonsense. I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey.

Pull up yer big girl panties and get quittin'.

Come join us and lean on the crazy bastards on the board for support. So far seems like a pretty cool bunch.

One day at a time and you'll get it done... if you WANT to get it done.

Your in the right spot man. Lemme lay it down for you .

Your scared to quit-
Look deeper, your not scared to quit, your scared you'll fail. Your not honestly scared that little green tin of wintermintyfruitycancerhagen is gonna punch you in the junk are you? Are you scared you'll fall down dead when you miss your regularly scheduled dose? Perhaps your worried that the Big tobacco honcho's wont be able to afford the monthly payment on their Porches and big titted mistresses. You will not die, you will not have a heart attack, you won't lose your mind ( you might think so tho).

There isn't anything to be afraid of, it is your CHOICE to fail or not. No one is going to stuff that crap in your mouth but you. You don't have to think about quitting forever either. All you have to do is quit today. ONE DAY . You can make the choice again tomorrow and either choose to stay quit or not. The choice is a damn hard one to make, think how much courage it took you to even get this far. The addict in you is already trying to pull the wool over your eyes and give you a hundred reasons why you can't do it. FUCK THAT. I know you CAN DO IT because I did it, and guys nefore me did it, and guys after me are doing it. When it came to dip I was Shmeagle from Lord of the rings.." my precious, must have my precious"
I choose dip over everything, food, sex , money , relationships, health. I was one fucked up little dip craving fool. I was an addict and a heavy user. I could chew your 3 cans in a day and add some smokes onto it. My point is that if a weak ass nic fiend with the will power of a toddler in a toy store can quit then so can you.

I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.- Your not a wimp, your an addict. There is no difference between you and I, and a heroin addict. Google addiction and check out signs of addictive behavior look for the pattern in your own love affair with dip. Just because it's legal doesn't mean its safe. Tobacco kills and maims more people than ANYTHING in the world, AND those slobbering whores that make the stuff engineer it to make it one of the MOST addicting substances there is. You are a slave to a product designed to make you an addict. The fear and panic is the conflict between your addiction and what you know is the right path. There is a way that you WANT to live and this hell hole of spit cups , cancer fears, mouth problems, and social retardation that you're CURRENTLY living. Honesty with yourself about how deep in you are is a huge first step. acknowledging your an addict and understanding how that creates all these imagined fears and lies you tell yourself is a mighty weapon for a quitter. Kill the Can will give you the tools to pull back the curtain of lies you tell yourself about why you can't do it. You'll see the truth, and when you know the truth quitting is just a matter of not letting yourself forget.

A case in point, and I've said this before. It isnt that you can't quit its that you won't.

" I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc." of course you can, my favorite reason was that I was breathing. All of this is utter bullshit . I can still hunt and fish without dipping, I can handle work, I can still watch movies. These are NOT REASONS TO DIP as you say, but triggers or social cues to dip. The thing about dip is this, it isn't good for anything.......except keeping you hooked on dip. The anxiety you have isn't relieved by dipping, it is caused by dipping. I'll prove it to you when you have been quit for awhile.

"I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey. "

Hope ain't nothing but a fat chick who didn't get to go to the prom. Hope is fucking lame. Hope is for failures, wall flowers and those afraid to help themselves. Don't hope, dont try, dont wish, none of that crap works. DO QUIT OR DON"T but hope doesn't get 'er done.

Skoal Monster
I dont know if jack is still reading these but thank you to those who took the time to look the past up. I have really been struggling with my quit and seeing what I wrote for my original quit really hit home.

thanks....back on track.

Offline jake frawley

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2014, 10:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Ron_Cross
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: Bulldog0311
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There are some who are judgmental of one's responses to the 3 questions, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do differently.  I am not one of those people.  In many ways I'm appreciative of those cavers who come back to become quitters again.  Similar to Wt57, their stories reinforce the importance of remaining active and remaining vigilant in one's quit.  I'm assuming this is a lesson you know all too well.

Your story personifies something we preach often here, 1 problem (you lost your job) + nicotine = 2 problems.  At the end of the day, what does nicotine solve?  Nothing.  Was it worth going back to the can?  No.  Is it worth all of the pathetic behavior you desire to be free of?  No.  Why am I asking these questions? Because you have a shitload of excuses in your head to go hit the can and throw in a fatty of cancer causing worm dirt.  BoutTime, I can't wait for you to post roll and quit with us every damn day.  All I ask in return is you quit Every Damn Day for all those reasons you wrote.  Get your freedom back.
Another one. Damn Steak.
Steak is right.

When I hear someone caved, I just want to scream, "FUCK!!!" But then, that won't do any fucking good...

There is NO EXCUSE for fucking caving. Nothing a fucking caver can say will erradicate the fuck-up. But WE fuckers welcome back fuckers who fuck-up when they admit the fuck-up, explain why the fuck it happened, and tell us what the fuck they're going to do differently this fucking time.

See Murph...when you fucking hang out with these fuckers and post roll on this fucking site, you are virtually guaranteed not to fuck-up. You give your fucking word each day and we expect you to fucking keep it. I don't recall anyone giving you permission to fucking cave. We're depending on you to fucking keep us accountable too. How the fuck can you do that if you're not fucking here with us fuckers?

Let's get it fucking right this time, huh?
I learn so much for these caves! The reasons and circumstances all seem to repeat for so many people.

1. Failure to learn the basics of quit 101 will most certainly lead to a cave later on.
2. One problem + nicotine = two problems.
3. Alcohol is the biggest quit killer out there.
4. Failure to continue to post your promise every day whether you are 100 days quit or 1,000 days quit is a recipe for a cave.
5. length of quit is not related to strength of quit.

6. This is Chess.... not checkers, educate yourself

7. There is no just one.....ever

8. You are an addict.... no different than a heroin junkie

9. you will always be an addict

10. 100% of quitters that don't put nicotine in their body quit successfully

11. It's going to suck.......... until it doesn't..............and then it won't

And when the fog lifts and you understand how easy this quitting business really is you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. It's so simple. Embrace the suck, just give in to the fact that your going to suffer for awhile. It won't kill you despite what you think. A small amount of suffering is a reasonable price to pay to save your life I think? What about you?
^^^^^^^ So true. It seems so impossible till the moment you look back and realize your doing it and it's not horrible anymore. It feels good now. Should have taken it seriously so much sooner.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2014, 09:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Ron_Cross
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: Bulldog0311
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There are some who are judgmental of one's responses to the 3 questions, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do differently.  I am not one of those people.  In many ways I'm appreciative of those cavers who come back to become quitters again.  Similar to Wt57, their stories reinforce the importance of remaining active and remaining vigilant in one's quit.  I'm assuming this is a lesson you know all too well.

Your story personifies something we preach often here, 1 problem (you lost your job) + nicotine = 2 problems.  At the end of the day, what does nicotine solve?  Nothing.  Was it worth going back to the can?  No.  Is it worth all of the pathetic behavior you desire to be free of?  No.  Why am I asking these questions? Because you have a shitload of excuses in your head to go hit the can and throw in a fatty of cancer causing worm dirt.  BoutTime, I can't wait for you to post roll and quit with us every damn day.  All I ask in return is you quit Every Damn Day for all those reasons you wrote.  Get your freedom back.
Another one. Damn Steak.
Steak is right.

When I hear someone caved, I just want to scream, "FUCK!!!" But then, that won't do any fucking good...

There is NO EXCUSE for fucking caving. Nothing a fucking caver can say will erradicate the fuck-up. But WE fuckers welcome back fuckers who fuck-up when they admit the fuck-up, explain why the fuck it happened, and tell us what the fuck they're going to do differently this fucking time.

See Murph...when you fucking hang out with these fuckers and post roll on this fucking site, you are virtually guaranteed not to fuck-up. You give your fucking word each day and we expect you to fucking keep it. I don't recall anyone giving you permission to fucking cave. We're depending on you to fucking keep us accountable too. How the fuck can you do that if you're not fucking here with us fuckers?

Let's get it fucking right this time, huh?
I learn so much for these caves! The reasons and circumstances all seem to repeat for so many people.

1. Failure to learn the basics of quit 101 will most certainly lead to a cave later on.
2. One problem + nicotine = two problems.
3. Alcohol is the biggest quit killer out there.
4. Failure to continue to post your promise every day whether you are 100 days quit or 1,000 days quit is a recipe for a cave.
5. length of quit is not related to strength of quit.

6. This is Chess.... not checkers, educate yourself

7. There is no just one.....ever

8. You are an addict.... no different than a heroin junkie

9. you will always be an addict

10. 100% of quitters that don't put nicotine in their body quit successfully

11. It's going to suck.......... until it doesn't..............and then it won't

And when the fog lifts and you understand how easy this quitting business really is you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. It's so simple. Embrace the suck, just give in to the fact that your going to suffer for awhile. It won't kill you despite what you think. A small amount of suffering is a reasonable price to pay to save your life I think? What about you?
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2014, 07:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: Bulldog0311
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There are some who are judgmental of one's responses to the 3 questions, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do differently.  I am not one of those people.  In many ways I'm appreciative of those cavers who come back to become quitters again.  Similar to Wt57, their stories reinforce the importance of remaining active and remaining vigilant in one's quit.  I'm assuming this is a lesson you know all too well.

Your story personifies something we preach often here, 1 problem (you lost your job) + nicotine = 2 problems.  At the end of the day, what does nicotine solve?  Nothing.  Was it worth going back to the can?  No.  Is it worth all of the pathetic behavior you desire to be free of?  No.  Why am I asking these questions? Because you have a shitload of excuses in your head to go hit the can and throw in a fatty of cancer causing worm dirt.  BoutTime, I can't wait for you to post roll and quit with us every damn day.  All I ask in return is you quit Every Damn Day for all those reasons you wrote.  Get your freedom back.
Another one. Damn Steak.
Steak is right.

When I hear someone caved, I just want to scream, "FUCK!!!" But then, that won't do any fucking good...

There is NO EXCUSE for fucking caving. Nothing a fucking caver can say will erradicate the fuck-up. But WE fuckers welcome back fuckers who fuck-up when they admit the fuck-up, explain why the fuck it happened, and tell us what the fuck they're going to do differently this fucking time.

See Murph...when you fucking hang out with these fuckers and post roll on this fucking site, you are virtually guaranteed not to fuck-up. You give your fucking word each day and we expect you to fucking keep it. I don't recall anyone giving you permission to fucking cave. We're depending on you to fucking keep us accountable too. How the fuck can you do that if you're not fucking here with us fuckers?

Let's get it fucking right this time, huh?
I learn so much for these caves! The reasons and circumstances all seem to repeat for so many people.

1. Failure to learn the basics of quit 101 will most certainly lead to a cave later on.
2. One problem + nicotine = two problems.
3. Alcohol is the biggest quit killer out there.
4. Failure to continue to post your promise every day whether you are 100 days quit or 1,000 days quit is a recipe for a cave.

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2014, 12:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Bulldog0311
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There are some who are judgmental of one's responses to the 3 questions, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do differently.  I am not one of those people.  In many ways I'm appreciative of those cavers who come back to become quitters again.  Similar to Wt57, their stories reinforce the importance of remaining active and remaining vigilant in one's quit.  I'm assuming this is a lesson you know all too well.

Your story personifies something we preach often here, 1 problem (you lost your job) + nicotine = 2 problems.  At the end of the day, what does nicotine solve?  Nothing.  Was it worth going back to the can?  No.  Is it worth all of the pathetic behavior you desire to be free of?  No.  Why am I asking these questions? Because you have a shitload of excuses in your head to go hit the can and throw in a fatty of cancer causing worm dirt.  BoutTime, I can't wait for you to post roll and quit with us every damn day.  All I ask in return is you quit Every Damn Day for all those reasons you wrote.  Get your freedom back.
Another one. Damn Steak.
Steak is right.

When I hear someone caved, I just want to scream, "FUCK!!!" But then, that won't do any fucking good...

There is NO EXCUSE for fucking caving. Nothing a fucking caver can say will erradicate the fuck-up. But WE fuckers welcome back fuckers who fuck-up when they admit the fuck-up, explain why the fuck it happened, and tell us what the fuck they're going to do differently this fucking time.

See Murph...when you fucking hang out with these fuckers and post roll on this fucking site, you are virtually guaranteed not to fuck-up. You give your fucking word each day and we expect you to fucking keep it. I don't recall anyone giving you permission to fucking cave. We're depending on you to fucking keep us accountable too. How the fuck can you do that if you're not fucking here with us fuckers?

Let's get it fucking right this time, huh?

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2014, 10:07:00 AM »
Quote from: M-Menace

Answer the questions, like you know you need to........

Have you posted roll yet with June?

Will you stay here after HOF this time?

I am a newbie HOF'er and hold no grudges against peeps who have failed. Its not my place to pass judgement on this planet, I just want to know what the plan is moving forward for you and how you plan to beat the bitch this time for good.

Post roll Murph and I will quit with you today.

Sorry for the late reply. As soon I post I will sign roll call. Biggest mistake I made was not continuing to post roll call after HOF. I will not make that mistake again.

Can has been tossed and I am ready for the fog.

I believe I can provide some insight to the quit group and I am an open book for anyone that I can help, because in the end will help with my quit.

One thing I noticed thinking about this day is that I kept thinking I have been through this before I can do this without help. That is until I started reading some of the posts and it reminded me of the critical voice I need to hear everyday...and it is KTC.

Lord, please remind me that no obstacle can stand in my way if we go through it together.


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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2014, 05:46:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There are some who are judgmental of one's responses to the 3 questions, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do differently. I am not one of those people. In many ways I'm appreciative of those cavers who come back to become quitters again. Similar to Wt57, their stories reinforce the importance of remaining active and remaining vigilant in one's quit. I'm assuming this is a lesson you know all too well.

Your story personifies something we preach often here, 1 problem (you lost your job) + nicotine = 2 problems. At the end of the day, what does nicotine solve? Nothing. Was it worth going back to the can? No. Is it worth all of the pathetic behavior you desire to be free of? No. Why am I asking these questions? Because you have a shitload of excuses in your head to go hit the can and throw in a fatty of cancer causing worm dirt. BoutTime, I can't wait for you to post roll and quit with us every damn day. All I ask in return is you quit Every Damn Day for all those reasons you wrote. Get your freedom back.
Another one. Damn Steak.

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2014, 10:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There are some who are judgmental of one's responses to the 3 questions, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do differently. I am not one of those people. In many ways I'm appreciative of those cavers who come back to become quitters again. Similar to Wt57, their stories reinforce the importance of remaining active and remaining vigilant in one's quit. I'm assuming this is a lesson you know all too well.

Your story personifies something we preach often here, 1 problem (you lost your job) + nicotine = 2 problems. At the end of the day, what does nicotine solve? Nothing. Was it worth going back to the can? No. Is it worth all of the pathetic behavior you desire to be free of? No. Why am I asking these questions? Because you have a shitload of excuses in your head to go hit the can and throw in a fatty of cancer causing worm dirt. BoutTime, I can't wait for you to post roll and quit with us every damn day. All I ask in return is you quit Every Damn Day for all those reasons you wrote. Get your freedom back.
^^^^^Very well said^^^^^^