Today marks my 4th day being nicotine free. I had dipped every day religiously for idk 6-7 years, and i had always said i was going to quit but never did or made half hearted attempts. Well 4 days ago a close friend who i new hated dipped sat down next to me and i naturally had a dip in, and all of a sudden i was filled with one of the most disgusting feelings i have ever felt. Not because of the taste or anything to do with dip but with myself and who i had become and how i had allowed something to have such great power over me and my life. So i started searching the internet and i came accross this site and within a few hours of reading i knew what i had to do.....QUIT. My co-worker was also a dipper until 4 days ago and when we were reading the articles about dip and how it had destoryed so many lives we looked at eachother and right then and there we through out the remainder of our dip and havent looked back. I know everyone's quit is started differently but that is how mine began.......maybe no the best way but it is the way that worked for me. I never thought quiting cold turkey would be possible, but now i know there is no other way! At day 4 i already feel like the cravings are a 100% easier to get through, and i know that if i take it at one day at a time i will beat the NIC BITCH!!
I know i have a very long way to go and being at day 4 really doesnt hold much weight! However, i am commited, i have an amazing amount of support, and i will not allow something to control me ever again!!!!