Author Topic: Well, here I go ...  (Read 4847 times)

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2015, 12:42:00 PM »
Quote from: DanGraham1114
I rolled my car 3 1/2 times last Wednesday on I-285 at I 75 in Atlanta.
The car was demolished, yet I walked away with just whiplash...
Still amazed how God spared me any injury....
My wife spoiled me and bout me a $20,000 king ranch...
Dip has never been so far from my mind.
I am a happy man, so full of love and life!!
That's incredible, Dan. It's such a relief that you were able to walk away from an accident like that. It looks like you were given another shot at life... Don't waste a day of it giving yourself cancer!

And way to go not using the accident as a pity-party excuse to dip, or to fall off the site.

Wake up.
Post roll. EDD. ODAAT.

"All men are in need of help and depend on one another. Human solidarity is the necessary condition for the unfolding of any one individual."
Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

Figure it out so that your kids know that they have a strong father who can fight mano a mano against nicotine and not give up. Not many can do that, so show your kids that you are special and that you are making sure to always be their brave and strong dad because you fight every day to ensure that you are with them for as long as possible.

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2015, 05:59:00 AM »
I rolled my car 3 1/2 times last Wednesday on I-285 at I 75 in Atlanta.
The car was demolished, yet I walked away with just whiplash...
Still amazed how God spared me any injury....
My wife spoiled me and bout me a $20,000 king ranch...
Dip has never been so far from my mind.
I am a happy man, so full of love and life!!

Offline KSO FTZ

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #34 on: April 20, 2015, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
You are on a high right now and you should be confident. Stay vigilant and stay here. You got this.
Stay strong man. You are doing great. But strap in...nicotine is sneaky. Went out hunting last weekend and all I could think of was a dip. Felt like day 1 all over again. Stay Strong and Stay Quit. praying for you.

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2015, 11:00:00 AM »
You are on a high right now and you should be confident. Stay vigilant and stay here. You got this.

Offline DanGraham1114

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2015, 05:14:00 AM »
Had a long weekend... Didn't cave or anything, but it was just a stressful past 2 days..
Excited to get in the gym this week... That always helps, my body feels fine, I've even mentally not wanted dip...
Addiction is strange...
Hope everyone is doing well, I think I have beat this crap... I'm confident in myself...


Offline pab1964

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2015, 10:17:00 PM »
Quote from: DanGraham1114
Things are going great!
Been doing a bible study with my life, have read a lot about lying.
Its really hit home how you can destroy things by lying or "hiding", its the same thing...
so glad that I am overcoming this crap and can move myself and my family past it !!!

feeling good today!! got my 3 mile run in and im ready for the weekend!!! B)B
Great job stay strong! It does get easier but it will also kick you in the sac when you least expect it! Some say think about your quit to much, I say no more than the dip when I was dipping. Just an addict trying to help another addict! Proud to be quit with you today my brother!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline DanGraham1114

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2015, 01:57:00 PM »
Things are going great!
Been doing a bible study with my life, have read a lot about lying.
Its really hit home how you can destroy things by lying or "hiding", its the same thing...
so glad that I am overcoming this crap and can move myself and my family past it !!!

feeling good today!! got my 3 mile run in and im ready for the weekend!!! B)B

Offline DanGraham1114

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2015, 12:45:00 PM »
Going good still.

Have access to site now and have been posting in roll call. I get what you are saying SteakB.
I shouldn't miss any, anymore.

Feeling good, haven't gotten headaches or anything. Still munching on sun flower seeds and gum like a wild man. I just wish I didn't feel like I had to be chewing on something at all times!!

Hope everyone is doing great and holding on. Appreciate your support.


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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2015, 01:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: DanGraham1114
Hey guys, haven't had access to the website this past week, but I am still going strong. On day 9, haven't thought about it near as much as day 1-4, been reading a lot of scripture in the bible about addiction and temptation. Its helped a lot. I am still chewing gum like a wild man, and eating sun flower seeds, but I don't know what that will change....
Other than that I feel good, and I am happy. Excited to hit the gym today!!!
Dude...I was reading your intro, loving every minute until I saw this post. Then I went over to the July group, pulled up the spreadsheet and saw your roll posting percentage.


Unacceptable and it's complete bullshit. Before you get all pissed off and start calling me an a-hole because here I sit on a computer calling out your lack of badassery, hear me out. I just said, that I was loving your intro until I got to this. Here's a guy who stopped using for a year, was a 2-can/day dipper, and admitted to caving because of life's pressures. You think I haven't read that story at least 100 times before? Well, I'll tell you this because I've seen it at least 100 times, if you don't post roll and build up accountability your fate will be the same as every other time you "tried" quitting. You'll fail. Posting roll is about making a promise. A promise to yourself. A promise to your quit group, and a promise to everyone here that you won't use nicotine for that day. Without that promise, without building accountability, you'll be walking down the same path you've walked before...and I know where that goes.

If you haven't had access to the website and missed roll, then you haven't been reading up on the website or learning what it takes. You need to become active. Shoot a few members of your quit group a PM and exchange phone numbers. Send a text to that person to post roll for you if you can't get online. Figure out how to post from your phone. DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO POST ROLL AND PROMISE TO BE QUIT. You need to have an "at all costs" mentality. As of this post I am 488 days quit. My Days missed on roll ... ZERO (0). Get it?!

I don't want to see that roll post percent of yours drop any further. Don't do this for this for you.
Steakbomb..... More Like "RealityBomb"

I agree 100%

Build a network of accountability that is outside your family.
My list of KTC family members are here to be accountable for the rest of or lives. ODAAT.
This isn't just getting over a bad habit and suffering through the fog and suck of escaping withdrawals.

It is a daily battle of addiction for life.

We need daily Bread.
We need daily Quit.

Who do you have on your list and personal numbers on your phone?
I would suggest you have a minimum of 10.

Rawls 147 / 100% Roll....... 21 KTC family members on my phone.
I quit with you today.
PM If you need additional digits, and are in for life.
I believe.....

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2015, 01:17:00 PM »
Quote from: DanGraham1114
Hey guys, haven't had access to the website this past week, but I am still going strong. On day 9, haven't thought about it near as much as day 1-4, been reading a lot of scripture in the bible about addiction and temptation. Its helped a lot. I am still chewing gum like a wild man, and eating sun flower seeds, but I don't know what that will change....
Other than that I feel good, and I am happy. Excited to hit the gym today!!!
Dude...I was reading your intro, loving every minute until I saw this post. Then I went over to the July group, pulled up the spreadsheet and saw your roll posting percentage.

36.36% N   N/A   DanGraham1114   4/2/15   12

Unacceptable and it's complete bullshit. Before you get all pissed off and start calling me an a-hole because here I sit on a computer calling out your lack of badassery, hear me out. I just said, that I was loving your intro until I got to this. Here's a guy who stopped using for a year, was a 2-can/day dipper, and admitted to caving because of life's pressures. You think I haven't read that story at least 100 times before? Well, I'll tell you this because I've seen it at least 100 times, if you don't post roll and build up accountability your fate will be the same as every other time you "tried" quitting. You'll fail. Posting roll is about making a promise. A promise to yourself. A promise to your quit group, and a promise to everyone here that you won't use nicotine for that day. Without that promise, without building accountability, you'll be walking down the same path you've walked before...and I know where that goes.

If you haven't had access to the website and missed roll, then you haven't been reading up on the website or learning what it takes. You need to become active. Shoot a few members of your quit group a PM and exchange phone numbers. Send a text to that person to post roll for you if you can't get online. Figure out how to post from your phone. DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO POST ROLL AND PROMISE TO BE QUIT. You need to have an "at all costs" mentality. As of this post I am 488 days quit. My Days missed on roll ... ZERO (0). Get it?!

I don't want to see that roll post percent of yours drop any further. Don't do this for this for you.
Certified Grade A Badass

Offline DanGraham1114

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2015, 07:47:00 AM »
Day 11, it's going great. It feels great to be honest with myself and my loved ones.
I feel like beating this crap is going to better my life in so many ways!!!
So thankful my son won't have to grow up seeing me put that nasty crap in my mouth!!!

Cheers to a good work week!

Offline pab1964

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2015, 10:26:00 AM »
Quote from: DanGraham1114
Hey guys, haven't had access to the website this past week, but I am still going strong. On day 9, haven't thought about it near as much as day 1-4, been reading a lot of scripture in the bible about addiction and temptation. Its helped a lot. I am still chewing gum like a wild man, and eating sun flower seeds, but I don't know what that will change....
Other than that I feel good, and I am happy. Excited to hit the gym today!!!
Hang in there dan. Your faith and strength will definitely help! We're here for you my friend stay focused on the quit Odaat! EDD! Proud to be quit with you today my friend!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline DanGraham1114

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2015, 09:12:00 AM »
Hey guys, haven't had access to the website this past week, but I am still going strong. On day 9, haven't thought about it near as much as day 1-4, been reading a lot of scripture in the bible about addiction and temptation. Its helped a lot. I am still chewing gum like a wild man, and eating sun flower seeds, but I don't know what that will change....
Other than that I feel good, and I am happy. Excited to hit the gym today!!!

Offline Quitforsoj

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2015, 11:44:00 AM »
Welcome - so you did not use for a year and then caved with a few pouches ? if this is the case the physical withdrawl from nic will not be bad

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Re: Well, here I go ...
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2015, 11:40:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: DanGraham1114
Day 3 -

Had a long night... Had trouble sleeping.
Woke up early with my 16 month old son and played on the living room floor. It's been a great morning. Going to keep myself very busy today. I'm so happy that I am putting this crap behind me for good... It's the only thing I've ever lied to people about, hid from people, or been deceitful about... I was a closet chewer... Now I am a quitter 3 days strong.
I hope everyone is having a good day.
Have a great Easter!
Good morning Dan, sleep will get back to normal, actually better than before. Beautiful family you have. I know you will defeat this ,you have every reason in the world to right there in your picture! Embrace the suck it's gonna suck a while! You a big boy, suck it up and get it done! Damn proud to be quit with you my friend! ODAAT! EDD!
Hang in there Dan, my day 6, I slept through last night, good to have cuz I know it may be sketchy for sleeping, but more good things happen every day.
Quit ON!
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
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