OK, while I haven't yet picked a date, it's damn time to kick this shit.
This makes no sense to me whatsoever. I'm not trying to be an a$$; however, if it's about time to kick this sh!t, then don't worry about picking a date and just do it. Quitting sucks...it really does, but MUST be done. There is a strong correlation between being active on this site and being able to stay quit. The one's who stray from this site are the ones who don't succeed. If you have 1,000 posts by your HOF date, then you are taking this site pretty serious...even if you have 500+ posts, you're being pretty serious. Are there ones who do far less and still succeed? Of course, but the point is, stay active and stay quit.
You have what it takes to be quit and stay quit. It's simple, don't put the crap in your mouth anymore. It sucks and it's hard, but it's simple...doesn't make sense, but you will understand what I am talking about when you flush the can. Now, as far as the Hooch goes...AMAZING stuff!!!! I hated ALL herbal dips, but Hooch was the one that did it for me. To be honest, if it weren't for this site and Hooch, I'd be f'd in the a and I'd still be dipping.
All we have here is our word and each other. I said that to say this: POST ROLL EVERY EFFING DAY...NO EFFING EXCUSES! This is very important, because this is your word not only to yourself and me, but to the rest of the quitters. Picture this: you are very out of shape (maybe you're not) and the rest of us are out-of-shape. We are all on the track together and we have to run 2.0 miles under a 14 minutes. All of us take off running. We are all giving each other a big "hell yeah" as we go around the track to keep our spirits up and lift each other up. You see me quit running on the team. I have quit on myself and I have quit on you. Psychologically, you will see that I have quit and how badly I'm hurting and now you say to yourself, "crap, if he went down, when am I next?" This is the same thing here. We all depend on each other to hit that finish line. Do not be the one to not finish.
I want to welcome you and welcome you to the suck. Drain that crap, stay w/ the Hooch, and stay with us. You are/were a wintergreen dipper. You will love Hooch Wintergreen. It emulates tobacco to a "t" in my opinion. All the others were horrible. Now, join me, because i'm quit w/ you at 112 days my friend!