Author Topic: New here and need help!!!  (Read 1819 times)

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Offline steve1357

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Re: New here and need help!!!
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2011, 08:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Baseballfan84
Today after finishing off my last can I have decided it is time to quit. What are some of the tips and techniques? Tomorrow will be my first official day dip free and I am dreading it!!!! I know it is terrible for me but I enjoy it soooo much. I am 100% ready to put this disgusting, unhealthy, habit behind me forever!!! Thanks for any tips or support!
Great job on positng day one. Finding the courage to quit and post day one was almost harder for me then actually quitting.

Lots of great advice below, listen to these guys.

I just want to clear one thing up from your post. "I know it is terrible for me but I enjoy it soooo much". - That is not true. You do not enjoy chewing. You just do not like the way you are feeling when you are not chewing. Does that make sense?

You have been putting poison into your body everyday for XX amount of years. This poison makes you feel bad when you are not using it. The "good feelings" you get from chewing are not good feelings at all; thats how you should feel all the time. And you are very close to experincing this yourself.

You are in a fight with nicotine. And the next 3 days are going to suck. The bitch is going to throw everything she has at you to try to keep you from leaving her. But I promise you that it is worth it.

Stay close to this site, post roll daily, and drink the kool-aid.

Proud to be quit with you.


Offline rotten_otto

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Re: New here and need help!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2011, 07:38:00 PM »
Day 2.5 here! Day 1 was horrible! Today, not as bad: and hopefully tomorrow, will be a little better! I always told myself there's not a day the Good Lord  I can't get through together- just never tried it snuff/tobacco free, though! I will refer to this as my 'being a real bastard week!'. Got some herbal'snuff', and spicy sunflower seeds to hopefully placate oral fix- I bought my first can of Cope in the wayback year of '82 or so and been pretty much hooked since- always thought I would quit when I wanted... yeah, right... I blamed the situations rather than my own shortcomings for needing this in my life. I found this site and have realised -I AM AN ADDICT and on 7 November, 2011, will be snuff free!

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Re: New here and need help!!!
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2011, 07:01:00 PM »
Today after finishing off my last can I have decided it is time to quit. What are some of the tips and techniques? Tomorrow will be my first official day dip free and I am dreading it!!!! I know it is terrible for me but I enjoy it soooo much. I am 100% ready to put this disgusting, unhealthy, habit behind me forever!!! Thanks for any tips or support!

nice work quitter...i'm finishing up day 3 here so we are quit brothers. Stay strong my friend because the suck is just can do this with the right attitude...make it your bitch! If I and anyone else on this website can do this so can you. I'll post roll with you tomorrow.

Offline bigsky406

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Re: New here and need help!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2011, 06:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Baseballfan84
Quote from: bigsky406
And read everything you can on this site. Read the HOF speeches. Read the introduction. Read the quit group discussion. Head into the Live Chat and introduce yourself. Keep this site close as you quit. It's your greatest resource. You can see a shitload of people have successfully quit using the very simple methods explained on this site.

That is: post roll, promise your quit brothers you will not use nicotine, keep your promise, and repeat each day. Simple, but not easy.

Dump that can man. Seriously. Don't even think about finishing tonight. Just fucking dump it now. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Don't be an idiot.
I took my last dip at 2:30 today and didn't stop and get a can on the way home. I AM QUITTING. It is very encouraging to see so many people willing to help me through this already. Thanks!
That's more like it. I thought you meant after finishing off your last can, as in future tense. So you're done. Good.

Get in Feb. 12 group and post day 1. Today is your quit day. Congratulations.

Happy to be quit with your brother. Now hang on for the ride. The next few days are going to Suck. But if you're a man about it, and your serious about your quit, you'll get through it. Just take it one day at a time. Today is the ONLY day that matters. Get through today, and then worry about tomorrow tomorrow. That's why you post roll EVERY DAY, and come here for support and to bitch and to cry and to whine whenever you feel the urge. That's what we're here for.

I'll quit with you today.


Offline Baseballfan84

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Re: New here and need help!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2011, 06:10:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
And read everything you can on this site. Read the HOF speeches. Read the introduction. Read the quit group discussion. Head into the Live Chat and introduce yourself. Keep this site close as you quit. It's your greatest resource. You can see a shitload of people have successfully quit using the very simple methods explained on this site.

That is: post roll, promise your quit brothers you will not use nicotine, keep your promise, and repeat each day. Simple, but not easy.

Dump that can man. Seriously. Don't even think about finishing tonight. Just fucking dump it now. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Don't be an idiot.
I took my last dip at 2:30 today and didn't stop and get a can on the way home. I AM QUITTING. It is very encouraging to see so many people willing to help me through this already. Thanks!

Offline whacko

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Re: New here and need help!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2011, 06:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Baseballfan84
Today after finishing off my last can I have decided it is time to quit. What are some of the tips and techniques? Tomorrow will be my first official day dip free and I am dreading it!!!! I know it is terrible for me but I enjoy it soooo much. I am 100% ready to put this disgusting, unhealthy, habit behind me forever!!! Thanks for any tips or support!
Its not a habbit my friend! You are addicted........I am addicted.......everyone on this site is nicotene!

You have to admit that and then move on. You are an addict and always will be but going forward you CHOSE not to let it control your life!

Proud to be quit with you!
EX ninja dipper!
Felt good to come clean on August 12, 2011

Offline bigsky406

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Re: New here and need help!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2011, 06:03:00 PM »
And read everything you can on this site. Read the HOF speeches. Read the introduction. Read the quit group discussion. Head into the Live Chat and introduce yourself. Keep this site close as you quit. It's your greatest resource. You can see a shitload of people have successfully quit using the very simple methods explained on this site.

That is: post roll, promise your quit brothers you will not use nicotine, keep your promise, and repeat each day. Simple, but not easy.

Dump that can man. Seriously. Don't even think about finishing tonight. Just fucking dump it now. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Don't be an idiot.

Offline e.raines76

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Re: New here and need help!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2011, 06:02:00 PM »
Be prepared!! Have lots of seeds, gum, etc... to snack on. A glass of water near you at all times. And be prepared for the withdrawals. Take vacation days from work if necessary, cuz you will feel pretty bad. Do alot of reading on this site, so that you know what to expect, and how to be ready for it. Join a quit group and post every day in it. I would say good luck to you, but I have found out that luck isn't an appreciated word around here. So, happy quittin!!

Offline bigsky406

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Re: New here and need help!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 05:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Baseballfan84
Today after finishing off my last can I have decided it is time to quit. What are some of the tips and techniques? Tomorrow will be my first official day dip free and I am dreading it!!!! I know it is terrible for me but I enjoy it soooo much. I am 100% ready to put this disgusting, unhealthy, habit behind me forever!!! Thanks for any tips or support!
1) No AFTER you finish the can. You're finished now. Spit that shit out, dump whatever is left in the toilet, and never touch it again. Don't come back till that shit is GONE.

2) Go into the Feb. 12 quit group and post roll.

HERE is HOW you post roll.

Here is WHY you post roll:

Quit NOW. Today is Day 1. Then come back and post roll first thing tomorrow and promise all those hard-ass quitters that you will not use nicotine. Repeat that every morning and that's how you quit.

This shit is simple. Very simple. But you have to be serious, and you have to want it. We don't "try" to quit. We DO quit.

Welcome aboard, but spit that shit out of your face NOW and DUMP THAT CAN. Don't come back till you do.

Offline Baseballfan84

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New here and need help!!!
« on: November 09, 2011, 05:51:00 PM »
Today after finishing off my last can I have decided it is time to quit. What are some of the tips and techniques? Tomorrow will be my first official day dip free and I am dreading it!!!! I know it is terrible for me but I enjoy it soooo much. I am 100% ready to put this disgusting, unhealthy, habit behind me forever!!! Thanks for any tips or support!