Today after finishing off my last can I have decided it is time to quit. What are some of the tips and techniques? Tomorrow will be my first official day dip free and I am dreading it!!!! I know it is terrible for me but I enjoy it soooo much. I am 100% ready to put this disgusting, unhealthy, habit behind me forever!!! Thanks for any tips or support!
Great job on positng day one. Finding the courage to quit and post day one was almost harder for me then actually quitting.
Lots of great advice below, listen to these guys.
I just want to clear one thing up from your post. "I know it is terrible for me but I enjoy it soooo much". - That is not true. You do not enjoy chewing. You just do not like the way you are feeling when you are not chewing. Does that make sense?
You have been putting poison into your body everyday for XX amount of years. This poison makes you feel bad when you are not using it. The "good feelings" you get from chewing are not good feelings at all; thats how you should feel all the time. And you are very close to experincing this yourself.
You are in a fight with nicotine. And the next 3 days are going to suck. The bitch is going to throw everything she has at you to try to keep you from leaving her. But I promise you that it is worth it.
Stay close to this site, post roll daily, and drink the kool-aid.
Proud to be quit with you.