You've gotten great advice so far. But I have to throw in my two cents...
Before I quit, I had "tried" to plan a good quit date...birthday, new years, graduation, first job/home purchase, new truck, birth of first child...birth of second, and on and on it went for years. In fact, I would actually feel better about dipping after I would set a quit date?!! I would tell myself that, "I'm quitting in __ days, it's okay to dip now." WTF?!!! Totally fucked up reasoning, I know. But that is the mind of an addict. We can actually make ourselves believe stooopid shit like that (stupid with three o's). We rationalize...we deceive...we hide...we lie. That's addiction. And we're addicts.
So, to answer your question, when is a good day? It is right fucking now. You don't believe me, you can't believe me, but still somewhere deep down you know I'm right.
As I've explained before, I came in from mowing the lawn on Sept 11, jumping on me, sweating all over the place with a dip in my mouth as usual. One of those "survivor shows" was on TV. Widows and kids who would have been my kids' ages when the Towers came down detailing their struggles and difficulties growing up "without daddy"...other daddies trying to fill in as best they could, throwing the baseball, talking about girls, etc. That little guy was choking back tears saying that "nobody could replace his daddy" as his mother lost it.
Well, that was fucking it!!! I spit that shit out right then. I didn't know how I was going to stay quit, but I sure as shit wasn't going to let tragedy torture my family...especially tragedy caused by my own stupid choice!
The key was that I KNEW I had to quit...I just hadn't decided it was now. I was a pretty good dad, but I was a better liar. I had to quit to make me the person my little boy thought I was. That tough little guy on TV was the catalyst I needed. Straight bullshitting.
I found this site 9 days later...that was 941 days ago.
NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU. Not tomorrow, not on your birthday, not after just one more....RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!! There are no short cuts and nobody can do this for you. It is just YOU deciding that YOU will be quit. Don't try to come in here and tell a bunch of professional liars about your big plan to quit beginning the day after never. We see through that bullshit. You take the first step, post roll and we've got your back the rest of the way, brother. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!