This site is awesome, Coach. We are all very different people, but our addiction is almost always the same. Most everyone starts on this site with a similar intro to yours... "wish me luck" or "I sure will miss my friend" or some other BS addict speak. We are (were) all called down by some bad ass quitters, and then we start to drink the Kool Aid and man up (or woman up as appropriate) and really get into the program.
There is a very consistent string of winning by following a formula:
-Post roll EVERY DAY first thing (before walking the dog, going to the bathroom, whatever.)
-Keep your word.
-Make contacts with others in your group, pay it forward and backward (make contacts outside of your group also.)
-Contact your contacts to check on them, or if you are having a tough time.
Follow these few simple RULES and you cannot fail. Yes, that is right... YOU WILL WIN. No luck needed. No "I hope." We do.
Many of us "tried" for years. Hell, we tried for decades. Trying is bullshit. Now we do. Welcome aboard! If you need another contact, let me know. You couldn't have picked a better group of addicts to make as friends and warriors.