First off, go see a doctor...I have not met a oral surgeon on KTC, and the vast majority of us are not medical professionals.
Secondly, you did not quit three months ago, you STOPPED. Like Diesel said, this is a ZERO nicotine site, that means: No patches, no gum, no cigs, no cigars, no hookah, no ecigs, no blunts, no spliffs, no snus, and of course no fucking dip. If you feel you cannot abide by these rules, you should leave, if not please stay and quit with us.
Thirdly, you are young, the odds are already stacked against you; you have to really want to quit. If you are just quitting because you're scared, or your gf wants you to quit, or any other half-ass'd reason, you will not make it. You have to view your next dip as a death sentence, you have to get pissed off at tobacco, and you have to put EFFORT into your quit.
Lastly, jump in head first, you need to do more that just post roll and leave if you want to stay quit. Jump on to live chat, get to know your fellow quitters and exchange numbers with them, text them, read everything you can, and post whenever you can, hold others accountable, and protect your quit.