Flawed logic. Here are some of the more ridiculous things I used to tell myself:
1. Chewing is good for me when IÂ’m sick, it helps get the phlegm up.
2. If I keep a good rotation of dip location (left, right, middle) I should be safe from any harmful effects.
3. If I tell my dentist that I eat a lot of sunflower seeds, that should explain the white, puckered flesh.
4. If I manage to cut down from 10 dips/day to 5, IÂ’m doing pretty good! Halfway quit!
5. My dad is 65 and smokes like a chimney. My genes will save me!
6. Antioxidants will save me! More dark chocolate, please.
7. If I get a can with a warning label that says “This Product is not a safe alternative to cigarettes” or “Smokeless tobacco is addictive” I’m completely happy and carefree. “This product can cause gum disease and tooth loss” makes me slightly uncomfortable. “This product may cause mouth cancer” makes me panic a little and avert my eyes from the can.
Makes me sad to think that I spent so many years lying to myself. Freedom and honesty taste sweeter every day.