Hi Joe, I’m Michael. Like you, I’m a hard core nicotine addict. I started my addiction like many of us did... young. And it owned me, my life, my time, my freedom, my health, and my wallet for about 25 years. Then, I joined KTC and listened and followed the program here. Following the program here requires taking the first step (which yiu haven’t taken yet) and then being a man of your word. The second part won’t be a problem for you, so let’s focus on the first part.
Posting your promise in your quit group is step one. We quit one day at a time here. We don’t focus on our fuck ups of the past, or what tomorrow may hold. We post our promise for today and we quit today. When things get hard we reach out for help to our brothers and sisters here - there isn’t one thing you are feeling that we haven’t. And by god for today, we keep our word. Tomorrow we post our promise as soon as our eyes open.
There are going to be hard days. Really hard. Remember this... nicotine isn’t and hasn’t done one thing for you in decades. When did you last get that buzz? 20 years? The only thing nicotine has done is take away the side effects of not having it in your blood. That is jacked, right?
2,482 days ago I joined this place. I haven’t missed posting a day yet, and some brothers from the January Jackwagins of Jan 13 took this hopeless basket case under their wings and showed me that the impossible is possible.
This is your time, brother. Get in your quit group. Post your promise. Lean on us. We win together... alone we fumble. Join us. Win with us. The feeling of freedom, of health, of taking your life back... is indescribable.
My number will be in your inbox. Use it. The Jackeagins taught me and others how to quit, so let’s win together.