My name is Travis Warden. Been trying to quit dip for years. I had one successful moment during a hangover where I didn't dip thereafter for almost 10 months, only to lapse when a friend started dipping next to me. My wife was pretty disappointed and as was I. I really want to quit and reap the health benefits. Currently, I dip to manage stress and to also keep me in the grind at work. I don't know what I am going to do going forward. I like to dip watching movies, working, outdoor stuff, after eating.. Its like a past time for me... Need some help, I am doing nicotine gum just to get me away from the taste of dip cause I believe I can quit nicotine gum easier than I can dip/spit, etc. Almost like a strategy for me but I know you will say to grab my nuts and go cold. I will do so tomorrow, pretty terrified really. Lets see how this goes..