Author Topic: another cautionary tale  (Read 7690 times)

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Offline NavinRJohnson

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2021, 08:09:51 AM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.

Hey dude,

I am proud to be quit with you today.

What are you.going to do different this time around?

Zombo Funk 541 / 442

Thanks!  Well, I'm going to do a lot of stuff the same.  Just once I'm good and quit, I'm not going to allow myself to think I can have a dip every once in a while and not be back to a can a day.  A lot of my friends do that, but that isn't something I'm capable of.
Maybe stay active on the site. Maybe build some sister/brotherhood with fellow quitters. Maybe try to help other quitters and not get complacent. You will always be an addict. Haven’t you learned anything yet?
Hopefully your screw up and being back here will help you first and foremost. Use this space to create the highest level of brotherhood and accountability that you can possibly attain. Invest heavily in your quit and it will pay you back, and you won't consider caving again. If you follow the same pattern you did in 2007, you'll end up in the same situation again and again.

Yep.  I appreciate what you guys are saying and you're right.  I don't expect very many people reading this will be able to relate, but I am going to try to explain anyway.

I guess my point is that you still have to be vigilant even if you do everything "right" on the site.  I am still close with a couple people from my quit group.  I posted every day for a long time.  I was very involved with my group.  I wrote pieces that were used on the site.  And now I'm on Day 8.   

When I joined the site originally, I was a dipper.  Most things I did involved dip in some way.  Once I started on here, I was a non-dipper, and that was a very important part of me.  As the years went by, I didn't think about it much.  I didn't think of myself as a dipper or a non dipper.  I didn't really crave it or anything.  I was over 2,000 days quit, but I wasn't keeping track. 

I have friends that dip.  I was drinking at a hockey game one night and bummed a dip off a friend.  A couple months later, I had a dip or two out of a can on a fishing trip.  A couple weeks after that, I bought a can, took a dip, and threw the can out.  That last time was more of a stress induced thing, but I'm convinced it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't primed the pump.  My mistake was that I can't give up my identity as a NON DIPPER.  I know that I have to choose, I can be a dipper or non dipper.  I don't get to be ambivalent about it.  Right now, I'm in non dipper mode, posting, enthusiastic, etc.  I imagine this will get me to 100 days and beyond like it did before. 

Years from now (my "next time"), I will remember my addiction and respect it.

Sorry you are back Navin, but selfishly it is nice to have another former March 2007 member here.  My story is somewhat similar and I wrote about it in my second HOF speech.  Good to be quitting with you and I sent you my cell number; so you don't even need to look it up in the new phonebook  ;D

I do suddenly feel the need to go back and watch The Jerk and get some good Navin R Johnson quotes  :D

Remember:  "Lord loves a working man; don't trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it."  Words to live by or laugh about.

Thanks man.  Its good to have you leading the way back to the promised land!
"Stay away from the cans!" - NavinRJohnson in "The Jerk"

Offline Virginia Jim

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2021, 12:25:29 PM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.

Hey dude,

I am proud to be quit with you today.

What are you.going to do different this time around?

Zombo Funk 541 / 442

Thanks!  Well, I'm going to do a lot of stuff the same.  Just once I'm good and quit, I'm not going to allow myself to think I can have a dip every once in a while and not be back to a can a day.  A lot of my friends do that, but that isn't something I'm capable of.
Maybe stay active on the site. Maybe build some sister/brotherhood with fellow quitters. Maybe try to help other quitters and not get complacent. You will always be an addict. Haven’t you learned anything yet?
Hopefully your screw up and being back here will help you first and foremost. Use this space to create the highest level of brotherhood and accountability that you can possibly attain. Invest heavily in your quit and it will pay you back, and you won't consider caving again. If you follow the same pattern you did in 2007, you'll end up in the same situation again and again.

Yep.  I appreciate what you guys are saying and you're right.  I don't expect very many people reading this will be able to relate, but I am going to try to explain anyway.

I guess my point is that you still have to be vigilant even if you do everything "right" on the site.  I am still close with a couple people from my quit group.  I posted every day for a long time.  I was very involved with my group.  I wrote pieces that were used on the site.  And now I'm on Day 8.   

When I joined the site originally, I was a dipper.  Most things I did involved dip in some way.  Once I started on here, I was a non-dipper, and that was a very important part of me.  As the years went by, I didn't think about it much.  I didn't think of myself as a dipper or a non dipper.  I didn't really crave it or anything.  I was over 2,000 days quit, but I wasn't keeping track. 

I have friends that dip.  I was drinking at a hockey game one night and bummed a dip off a friend.  A couple months later, I had a dip or two out of a can on a fishing trip.  A couple weeks after that, I bought a can, took a dip, and threw the can out.  That last time was more of a stress induced thing, but I'm convinced it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't primed the pump.  My mistake was that I can't give up my identity as a NON DIPPER.  I know that I have to choose, I can be a dipper or non dipper.  I don't get to be ambivalent about it.  Right now, I'm in non dipper mode, posting, enthusiastic, etc.  I imagine this will get me to 100 days and beyond like it did before. 

Years from now (my "next time"), I will remember my addiction and respect it.

Sorry you are back Navin, but selfishly it is nice to have another former March 2007 member here.  My story is somewhat similar and I wrote about it in my second HOF speech.  Good to be quitting with you and I sent you my cell number; so you don't even need to look it up in the new phonebook  ;D

I do suddenly feel the need to go back and watch The Jerk and get some good Navin R Johnson quotes  :D

Remember:  "Lord loves a working man; don't trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it."  Words to live by or laugh about.

Offline Keith0617

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2021, 07:23:02 AM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.

Hey dude,

I am proud to be quit with you today.

What are you.going to do different this time around?

Zombo Funk 541 / 442

Thanks!  Well, I'm going to do a lot of stuff the same.  Just once I'm good and quit, I'm not going to allow myself to think I can have a dip every once in a while and not be back to a can a day.  A lot of my friends do that, but that isn't something I'm capable of.
Maybe stay active on the site. Maybe build some sister/brotherhood with fellow quitters. Maybe try to help other quitters and not get complacent. You will always be an addict. Haven’t you learned anything yet?
Hopefully your screw up and being back here will help you first and foremost. Use this space to create the highest level of brotherhood and accountability that you can possibly attain. Invest heavily in your quit and it will pay you back, and you won't consider caving again. If you follow the same pattern you did in 2007, you'll end up in the same situation again and again.

Yep.  I appreciate what you guys are saying and you're right.  I don't expect very many people reading this will be able to relate, but I am going to try to explain anyway.

I guess my point is that you still have to be vigilant even if you do everything "right" on the site.  I am still close with a couple people from my quit group.  I posted every day for a long time.  I was very involved with my group.  I wrote pieces that were used on the site.  And now I'm on Day 8.   

When I joined the site originally, I was a dipper.  Most things I did involved dip in some way.  Once I started on here, I was a non-dipper, and that was a very important part of me.  As the years went by, I didn't think about it much.  I didn't think of myself as a dipper or a non dipper.  I didn't really crave it or anything.  I was over 2,000 days quit, but I wasn't keeping track. 

I have friends that dip.  I was drinking at a hockey game one night and bummed a dip off a friend.  A couple months later, I had a dip or two out of a can on a fishing trip.  A couple weeks after that, I bought a can, took a dip, and threw the can out.  That last time was more of a stress induced thing, but I'm convinced it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't primed the pump.  My mistake was that I can't give up my identity as a NON DIPPER.  I know that I have to choose, I can be a dipper or non dipper.  I don't get to be ambivalent about it.  Right now, I'm in non dipper mode, posting, enthusiastic, etc.  I imagine this will get me to 100 days and beyond like it did before. 

Years from now (my "next time"), I will remember my addiction and respect it.

Your mistake was that you stopped posting roll every day.  Because you thought you had "this" beat, and that you didn't need to quit with your group anymore.  You didn't need to make that promise to yourself and to others any more, because it was a waste of 1 minute a day.  That was your mistake.

This site has gotten really soft as of late, but dude, there is only one reason that people over 1,000 days fail.  Its because they don't keep their word.  Only you didn't give it to keep it.

As someone with over 3,000 days under my belt who hasn't missed 1 single day of posting roll, I would encourage you to dig deep and realize where you failed.  Because from reading your words, you still don't get it.
You are and will always be an addict. Until you realize that and commit to protecting your quit daily, you will struggle to stay quit.

Offline Athan

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2021, 06:00:30 PM »
...  Only you didn't give it to keep it...
That right there. Well said Worktowin
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
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My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2021, 03:49:38 PM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.

Hey dude,

I am proud to be quit with you today.

What are you.going to do different this time around?

Zombo Funk 541 / 442

Thanks!  Well, I'm going to do a lot of stuff the same.  Just once I'm good and quit, I'm not going to allow myself to think I can have a dip every once in a while and not be back to a can a day.  A lot of my friends do that, but that isn't something I'm capable of.
Maybe stay active on the site. Maybe build some sister/brotherhood with fellow quitters. Maybe try to help other quitters and not get complacent. You will always be an addict. Haven’t you learned anything yet?
Hopefully your screw up and being back here will help you first and foremost. Use this space to create the highest level of brotherhood and accountability that you can possibly attain. Invest heavily in your quit and it will pay you back, and you won't consider caving again. If you follow the same pattern you did in 2007, you'll end up in the same situation again and again.

Yep.  I appreciate what you guys are saying and you're right.  I don't expect very many people reading this will be able to relate, but I am going to try to explain anyway.

I guess my point is that you still have to be vigilant even if you do everything "right" on the site.  I am still close with a couple people from my quit group.  I posted every day for a long time.  I was very involved with my group.  I wrote pieces that were used on the site.  And now I'm on Day 8.   

When I joined the site originally, I was a dipper.  Most things I did involved dip in some way.  Once I started on here, I was a non-dipper, and that was a very important part of me.  As the years went by, I didn't think about it much.  I didn't think of myself as a dipper or a non dipper.  I didn't really crave it or anything.  I was over 2,000 days quit, but I wasn't keeping track. 

I have friends that dip.  I was drinking at a hockey game one night and bummed a dip off a friend.  A couple months later, I had a dip or two out of a can on a fishing trip.  A couple weeks after that, I bought a can, took a dip, and threw the can out.  That last time was more of a stress induced thing, but I'm convinced it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't primed the pump.  My mistake was that I can't give up my identity as a NON DIPPER.  I know that I have to choose, I can be a dipper or non dipper.  I don't get to be ambivalent about it.  Right now, I'm in non dipper mode, posting, enthusiastic, etc.  I imagine this will get me to 100 days and beyond like it did before. 

Years from now (my "next time"), I will remember my addiction and respect it.

Your mistake was that you stopped posting roll every day.  Because you thought you had "this" beat, and that you didn't need to quit with your group anymore.  You didn't need to make that promise to yourself and to others any more, because it was a waste of 1 minute a day.  That was your mistake.

This site has gotten really soft as of late, but dude, there is only one reason that people over 1,000 days fail.  Its because they don't keep their word.  Only you didn't give it to keep it.

As someone with over 3,000 days under my belt who hasn't missed 1 single day of posting roll, I would encourage you to dig deep and realize where you failed.  Because from reading your words, you still don't get it.

Offline NavinRJohnson

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2021, 02:03:52 PM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.

Hey dude,

I am proud to be quit with you today.

What are you.going to do different this time around?

Zombo Funk 541 / 442

Thanks!  Well, I'm going to do a lot of stuff the same.  Just once I'm good and quit, I'm not going to allow myself to think I can have a dip every once in a while and not be back to a can a day.  A lot of my friends do that, but that isn't something I'm capable of.
Maybe stay active on the site. Maybe build some sister/brotherhood with fellow quitters. Maybe try to help other quitters and not get complacent. You will always be an addict. Haven’t you learned anything yet?
Hopefully your screw up and being back here will help you first and foremost. Use this space to create the highest level of brotherhood and accountability that you can possibly attain. Invest heavily in your quit and it will pay you back, and you won't consider caving again. If you follow the same pattern you did in 2007, you'll end up in the same situation again and again.

Yep.  I appreciate what you guys are saying and you're right.  I don't expect very many people reading this will be able to relate, but I am going to try to explain anyway.

I guess my point is that you still have to be vigilant even if you do everything "right" on the site.  I am still close with a couple people from my quit group.  I posted every day for a long time.  I was very involved with my group.  I wrote pieces that were used on the site.  And now I'm on Day 8.   

When I joined the site originally, I was a dipper.  Most things I did involved dip in some way.  Once I started on here, I was a non-dipper, and that was a very important part of me.  As the years went by, I didn't think about it much.  I didn't think of myself as a dipper or a non dipper.  I didn't really crave it or anything.  I was over 2,000 days quit, but I wasn't keeping track. 

I have friends that dip.  I was drinking at a hockey game one night and bummed a dip off a friend.  A couple months later, I had a dip or two out of a can on a fishing trip.  A couple weeks after that, I bought a can, took a dip, and threw the can out.  That last time was more of a stress induced thing, but I'm convinced it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't primed the pump.  My mistake was that I can't give up my identity as a NON DIPPER.  I know that I have to choose, I can be a dipper or non dipper.  I don't get to be ambivalent about it.  Right now, I'm in non dipper mode, posting, enthusiastic, etc.  I imagine this will get me to 100 days and beyond like it did before. 

Years from now (my "next time"), I will remember my addiction and respect it.   

"Stay away from the cans!" - NavinRJohnson in "The Jerk"

Offline Zeus

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2021, 08:10:11 AM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.

Hey dude,

I am proud to be quit with you today.

What are you.going to do different this time around?

Zombo Funk 541 / 442

Thanks!  Well, I'm going to do a lot of stuff the same.  Just once I'm good and quit, I'm not going to allow myself to think I can have a dip every once in a while and not be back to a can a day.  A lot of my friends do that, but that isn't something I'm capable of.
Maybe stay active on the site. Maybe build some sister/brotherhood with fellow quitters. Maybe try to help other quitters and not get complacent. You will always be an addict. Haven’t you learned anything yet?
Hopefully your screw up and being back here will help you first and foremost. Use this space to create the highest level of brotherhood and accountability that you can possibly attain. Invest heavily in your quit and it will pay you back, and you won't consider caving again. If you follow the same pattern you did in 2007, you'll end up in the same situation again and again.
June 2017 Quit Mafia

Offline Keith0617

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2021, 10:38:09 AM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.

Hey dude,

I am proud to be quit with you today.

What are you.going to do different this time around?

Zombo Funk 541 / 442

Thanks!  Well, I'm going to do a lot of stuff the same.  Just once I'm good and quit, I'm not going to allow myself to think I can have a dip every once in a while and not be back to a can a day.  A lot of my friends do that, but that isn't something I'm capable of.
Maybe stay active on the site. Maybe build some sister/brotherhood with fellow quitters. Maybe try to help other quitters and not get complacent. You will always be an addict. Haven’t you learned anything yet?

Offline NavinRJohnson

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2021, 07:51:47 AM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.

Hey dude,

I am proud to be quit with you today.

What are you.going to do different this time around?

Zombo Funk 541 / 442

Thanks!  Well, I'm going to do a lot of stuff the same.  Just once I'm good and quit, I'm not going to allow myself to think I can have a dip every once in a while and not be back to a can a day.  A lot of my friends do that, but that isn't something I'm capable of.
"Stay away from the cans!" - NavinRJohnson in "The Jerk"

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2021, 09:59:47 PM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.

Hey dude,

I am proud to be quit with you today.

What are you.going to do different this time around?

Zombo Funk 541 / 442
@NavinRJohnson you need to post the 3 question in your groups. Also, improve the answers. These are week.

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Re: another cautionary tale
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2021, 09:53:29 PM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.

Hey dude,

I am proud to be quit with you today.

What are you.going to do different this time around?

Zombo Funk 541 / 442

Offline NavinRJohnson

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another cautionary tale
« on: October 21, 2021, 10:21:45 AM »
So, I was here in 2007.  Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on.  Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events.  Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure.  Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy.  I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could.  So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business.  My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team.  Man, did that piss me off.  I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid.  Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed.  I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him.  I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away.  I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of.  Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices.  Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.
"Stay away from the cans!" - NavinRJohnson in "The Jerk"