So, I was here in 2007. Wrote a hall of fame speech, came back for a while to cheer people on. Stayed quit through divorce, deaths, major life events. Then sometime around 2012 or 2013, I got ... I don't know, cocky, lazy, not sure. Thought I could be a dip every once in a while guy. I mean, I knew I couldn't, but convinced myself I could. So I spent the last 7 or 8 years hiding it from my kids, going about my business. My 20 year old figured out and told me he started vaping nicotine with the guys from the hockey team. Man, did that piss me off. I told my 13 year old, and he mostly just thought it was stupid. Since I told him, my usage has skyrocketed. I spend a lot of time with him and now I could dip when I was with him. I also turned 50 in the last year and have a good friend who had a stroke and other friends and acquaintances that have passed away. I have a lot of shit I still want to do in the life I have left, so it is time to get this taken care of. Right now, I'm annoyed, embarrassed, and ashamed, but also know that I'm a human being, I made a bad choice followed by other bad choices. Maybe my screw up and being back here will help someone else.