Author Topic: Quitting Day 2  (Read 4439 times)

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Offline Keith0617

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Re: Quitting Day 2
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2022, 07:18:02 PM »
Today is Day 2 of quitting.  I am 35, have two kids and a loving wife.  This website has actually helped me today as day 2 has not been a ton of fun.  I am constantly putting seeds and or gum in my mouth to try to deal with the fixation.  I have been dipping since I was 15 years old and have realized the toll that dip is taking on my body and my family.  I watched my dad smoke for 40 years and i think it definitely made my mind think that tobacco use was normal.  It is time to make a change and send my life in a different direction.  Any feedback or encouragement is welcome as I start this journey to become healthier and have a clearer mind!
@Quitthisshit   get on Discord and join our group - click on the link on the top of the page . Quitting with a group is so much easer than quitting alone. Focus on quitting one day at a time. We will deal with tomorrow when it gets here. Make connections with fellow quitters and exchange digits. You can do this. It will suck for a while and then it want. Isn’t life’s and freedom worth going through some shit.  If you need help, shoot me a message and we will beat this addiction together.

Offline Quitthisshit

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Quitting Day 2
« on: October 21, 2022, 11:03:41 AM »
Today is Day 2 of quitting.  I am 35, have two kids and a loving wife.  This website has actually helped me today as day 2 has not been a ton of fun.  I am constantly putting seeds and or gum in my mouth to try to deal with the fixation.  I have been dipping since I was 15 years old and have realized the toll that dip is taking on my body and my family.  I watched my dad smoke for 40 years and i think it definitely made my mind think that tobacco use was normal.  It is time to make a change and send my life in a different direction.  Any feedback or encouragement is welcome as I start this journey to become healthier and have a clearer mind!