Author Topic: General Discussion - 2014  (Read 112957 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1210 on: December 31, 2014, 01:49:00 PM »
Are you thinking about quitting dip? Well you have come to the right place. I used to make quitting dip my top New Years resolution every year. Well that would last for about 3 or 4 days until things got really tough. I always found some reason or excuse to return to dipping.

2 years ago I found this site. This site helped me to understand many things.

1. I am an addict.
2. I am not alone.
3. It is OK to rely upon support.
4. Accountability is important.
5. It is possible to live without nicotine.

If you want to be free from nicotine, than make it happen. Do it NOW. Do it TODAY. Don't wait for some magical day, when it will be easier, or more convenient. That day is never coming.

Happy New Year everyone.


Offline paulx1

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1209 on: December 29, 2014, 05:24:00 PM »
Quote from: offroaddad73
Happy early New Years to all on here. My name's Chris and this is my 4th day dip free. I've been dipping off and on for twenty years and have quit a few times during that span, the longest time was 2 and a half years. I honestly don't know why I started back up, just got bored one day I guess. I was an aircraft mechanic for the longest time and it always seemed to help me concentrate when I would put a big ol' fat dip in right before I started a big maintenance task. As the years have gone by though, I've actually gotten tired of dipping and thought I would quit for good this time. My kids were always asking me to quit, so this year I made them a promise that on Christmas, I would quit. So far so good, my last dip was 6pm Christmas Eve and although it's been killing me to have a dip, I've fought off the urges pretty well. Today, I knew, would be a big test though since I am back to work today, and I usually put a nice juicy dip in right before I start a project. It's been a killer today, I've thought about dipping all day, but I've manned up and pressed on. Anyway, just wanted to say hey and to say how happy I am that I found this site. It sure does help reading all of the stories and knowing that there are so many of you who have gone through or who are currently going through all of the same things I am right now.
Hey Chris.

Welcome to the club. I'm brand new myself, quit December 20 and found this site same as you did. It's pretty simple - a lot of guys and and some women kicking the can. Each morning you log in and reaffirm your commitment to quit. It's really easy to buy a can or bum a chew and then you're right back to where you started. Logging in each day takes a couple minutes but may be just enough to stop you from taking your next chew because some random event made you cave.

Some of us have been chewing over 30 years so you wont find anyone here that hasn't been there.

I'd be glad to give you the ropes on how to do it (same as someone else did for me). If you do join be aware that participation is expected.

You may be hearing from some of the veterans as well.

(I found your post by rereading some of the older stuff to get me over this hump!)

PS: You might want to post your intro to the Introductions section. (Start a new topic)


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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1208 on: December 29, 2014, 03:16:00 PM »
Happy early New Years to all on here. My name's Chris and this is my 4th day dip free. I've been dipping off and on for twenty years and have quit a few times during that span, the longest time was 2 and a half years. I honestly don't know why I started back up, just got bored one day I guess. I was an aircraft mechanic for the longest time and it always seemed to help me concentrate when I would put a big ol' fat dip in right before I started a big maintenance task. As the years have gone by though, I've actually gotten tired of dipping and thought I would quit for good this time. My kids were always asking me to quit, so this year I made them a promise that on Christmas, I would quit. So far so good, my last dip was 6pm Christmas Eve and although it's been killing me to have a dip, I've fought off the urges pretty well. Today, I knew, would be a big test though since I am back to work today, and I usually put a nice juicy dip in right before I start a project. It's been a killer today, I've thought about dipping all day, but I've manned up and pressed on. Anyway, just wanted to say hey and to say how happy I am that I found this site. It sure does help reading all of the stories and knowing that there are so many of you who have gone through or who are currently going through all of the same things I am right now.

Offline soxfnnlansing

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1207 on: December 28, 2014, 10:12:00 PM »
1) use smokey mountain for the rest of your life if it helps keep you quit
2) no

Why not join up with us so we can quit together? You can post up day 24 roll call in March 2015 group. Why not go over to the introduction section and tell us a little about yourself. You are amongst friends here.

HOF Speech

Here in THIS house, we Kill the Can. If it's not a top priority, go to one of the bitch sites where they "hurt the can" or "call the can names." - Pre

This is so much more that just throwing your name on a list, it is placing your word or promise that you will not use nicotine and it should be done everyday. - MCarmo44

I need this place, because i am an addict. I cannot forget that...if i do i will forget how to quit. - Schaef418

Offline NEPA11

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1206 on: December 28, 2014, 09:56:00 PM »
Hello everyone, I am currently on day 24 of my quit. I'm only 23 years old but I have chewed since I was 17. This is the farthest I have ever gotten to date. I just had a couple of questions if someone could help answer them i would greatly appreciate it. 1) How long should I keep using Smokey Mt? It is definitely helping in curbing any cravings I am having but I certainly don't want to become addicted to it. 2) Is it possible to get nicotine from 2nd hand smoke? My parents smoke so I am sure parts of the house contain some second hand smoke and I'm worried I'm getting nicotine from it. It seems as if the cravings have plateaud but are not decreasing. Thanks for your help! (I'm sorry my text is mashed together im using my ipad to type)

Offline soxfnnlansing

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1205 on: December 27, 2014, 07:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Naptown
My name is Ryan and I'm addicted to snus. I can't seem to quit the snus. I always cave in and bitch up. I'm tired of being a slave to the snus. I have been chewing for 3 years and counting. I need to be nicotine free but I always have weak ass excuses to cave. That's why I'm here is to grow some guts and get inspired to quit.
Hi Naptown, you should post this in the introduction section where people can see you. Read all you can on the site. Words of wisdom, HOF speeches, and other introduction posts will give you the insight we are basically the same; nicotine addicts.

If you decide you want to quit with KTC, go to Welcome Center and you will be ready to post roll in April '15 group.
HOF Speech

Here in THIS house, we Kill the Can. If it's not a top priority, go to one of the bitch sites where they "hurt the can" or "call the can names." - Pre

This is so much more that just throwing your name on a list, it is placing your word or promise that you will not use nicotine and it should be done everyday. - MCarmo44

I need this place, because i am an addict. I cannot forget that...if i do i will forget how to quit. - Schaef418

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1204 on: December 27, 2014, 06:38:00 PM »
My name is Ryan and I'm addicted to snus. I can't seem to quit the snus. I always cave in and bitch up. I'm tired of being a slave to the snus. I have been chewing for 3 years and counting. I need to be nicotine free but I always have weak ass excuses to cave. That's why I'm here is to grow some guts and get inspired to quit.

Offline KobeJr

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1203 on: December 27, 2014, 10:33:00 AM »
Quote from: SandPike
Quote from: paulx1
Well, this is post #1 for me. Quit last Saturday so it's been about a week. I stumbled across this site when I Googled how long I should expect to be a short tempered A-Hole until the tobacco wears off.

I'm 51 years old been chewing since I was 14. Unlike now back then there was no age limit on Cope.

Over the years I quit a few times but then something kicked it off again - hunting or fishing trip, poker game, real shitty day at work but over the last year I've really been going to town. I couldn't go more than a few hours without a dip then again first thing in the morning. Elk hunting, bird hunting whatever. I tell myself I wasn't addicted enjoyed the process more than the buzz, threw a nearly full can in the trash. Then, I caught myself a few hours later digging around in the trash for it. Pathetic, right?

I resolve here and now to never chew again and do what it takes to not relapse back into the old habits. One week down and reading what others have put up maybe I made it past the hardest part.

Good to meet you Paul. You're the same age as me, same hobbies, and all that. I started when I was 10. Anyway, first thing you want to do is find your quit group and learn how to post roll.

Check your Pm's. I'll give you hand getting started if you like. Congrats on your quit Brother!
You found the right place with your Quit.
Read as much as you can on here. Soak it in and ask questions.
Cornerstone of KTC, post roll and gives us your word that you will not use nicotin for today. Be a man of your word. Let tomorrow worry about itself.
Just sent you a PM, check your in box

Your Quit Group would be Pre HOF March 2015

Offline SandPike

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1202 on: December 26, 2014, 05:46:00 PM »
Quote from: paulx1
Well, this is post #1 for me. Quit last Saturday so it's been about a week. I stumbled across this site when I Googled how long I should expect to be a short tempered A-Hole until the tobacco wears off.

I'm 51 years old been chewing since I was 14. Unlike now back then there was no age limit on Cope.

Over the years I quit a few times but then something kicked it off again - hunting or fishing trip, poker game, real shitty day at work but over the last year I've really been going to town. I couldn't go more than a few hours without a dip then again first thing in the morning. Elk hunting, bird hunting whatever. I tell myself I wasn't addicted enjoyed the process more than the buzz, threw a nearly full can in the trash. Then, I caught myself a few hours later digging around in the trash for it. Pathetic, right?

I resolve here and now to never chew again and do what it takes to not relapse back into the old habits. One week down and reading what others have put up maybe I made it past the hardest part.

Good to meet you Paul. You're the same age as me, same hobbies, and all that. I started when I was 10. Anyway, first thing you want to do is find your quit group and learn how to post roll.

Check your Pm's. I'll give you hand getting started if you like. Congrats on your quit Brother!

Offline paulx1

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1201 on: December 26, 2014, 05:22:00 PM »
Well, this is post #1 for me. Quit last Saturday so it's been about a week. I stumbled across this site when I Googled how long I should expect to be a short tempered A-Hole until the tobacco wears off.

I'm 51 years old been chewing since I was 14. Unlike now back then there was no age limit on Cope.

Over the years I quit a few times but then something kicked it off again - hunting or fishing trip, poker game, real shitty day at work but over the last year I've really been going to town. I couldn't go more than a few hours without a dip then again first thing in the morning. Elk hunting, bird hunting whatever. I tell myself I wasn't addicted enjoyed the process more than the buzz, threw a nearly full can in the trash. Then, I caught myself a few hours later digging around in the trash for it. Pathetic, right?

I resolve here and now to never chew again and do what it takes to not relapse back into the old habits. One week down and reading what others have put up maybe I made it past the hardest part.


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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1200 on: December 26, 2014, 11:05:00 AM »
Quote from: redyota
You're here, you're reading, you plan to quit with the New Year.

Not a bad start, but.....

You have motivation now. Will it remain in seven days? How often have you planned to quit and that date never came? Why is this time different? Why not quit now, while the motivation is high?

It won't be easier in seven days. It will suck. It will suck today, but no more than then. There is no magic coming at midnight, Jan 1, 2015. The ball will drop. But yours already have, so you are a big boy and control your on decisions.

The best part...

The worst is only three days. Seriously, what can't you do for three days? So, according to my math, by Jan 1 which is 7 days from now, you will be 4 days PAST the worst part. Freedom - it tastes so sweet.

Your choice -

Quit now. Be past the worst. Taste freedom. All by Jan 1st.

Or wait. Take a chance. Your motivation may fade. You may forget. You may stop caring. You may still be dipping and reading a very similar message on December 25, 2015, swearing that 2016 is the year it will happen. All because you decided to wait 7 more days. 7 more days that would not have helped or made it easier on the least.

I'm not going to tell you what to do. I can't make the choice for you. You decide.

I will tell you that I decided on freedom. And it's awesome.
Red speaks the truth here!!! Why wait until New Years??? It won't be any harder to quit now than then! Its going to suck either way for the first few days so why not take the plunge now and get the worst part out of the way BEFORE the new year??? You know you want to quit or you wouldn't be reading this now! You can DO this one day at a time!!!!

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1199 on: December 25, 2014, 09:46:00 PM »
You're here, you're reading, you plan to quit with the New Year.

Not a bad start, but.....

You have motivation now. Will it remain in seven days? How often have you planned to quit and that date never came? Why is this time different? Why not quit now, while the motivation is high?

It won't be easier in seven days. It will suck. It will suck today, but no more than then. There is no magic coming at midnight, Jan 1, 2015. The ball will drop. But yours already have, so you are a big boy and control your on decisions.

The best part...

The worst is only three days. Seriously, what can't you do for three days? So, according to my math, by Jan 1 which is 7 days from now, you will be 4 days PAST the worst part. Freedom - it tastes so sweet.

Your choice -

Quit now. Be past the worst. Taste freedom. All by Jan 1st.

Or wait. Take a chance. Your motivation may fade. You may forget. You may stop caring. You may still be dipping and reading a very similar message on December 25, 2015, swearing that 2016 is the year it will happen. All because you decided to wait 7 more days. 7 more days that would not have helped or made it easier on the least.

I'm not going to tell you what to do. I can't make the choice for you. You decide.

I will tell you that I decided on freedom. And it's awesome.
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

Offline KobeJr

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1198 on: December 25, 2014, 08:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Roy
Quote from: Zam
I probably missed it, but I'm sure there's a story behind the dude wearing the 70's bathrobe in today's KTC banner....
Have you not seen National Lampoons Christmas Vacation? I do believe that's Cousin Eddie emptying his RV septic tank into Clark's curb drain.
It is Cousin Eddie, that is hilarious

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1197 on: December 25, 2014, 03:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Zam
I probably missed it, but I'm sure there's a story behind the dude wearing the 70's bathrobe in today's KTC banner....
Have you not seen National Lampoons Christmas Vacation? I do believe that's Cousin Eddie emptying his RV septic tank into Clark's curb drain.
"Trying to quit and not using all that KTC has to offer is like jerking off with boxing gloves on. It MIGHT work but why make things more difficult than they have to be." - Greenspidy

"Dipping may be something distant in my rear view, addiction is not." - Boelker62

"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1196 on: December 25, 2014, 03:30:00 PM »
I probably missed it, but I'm sure there's a story behind the dude wearing the 70's bathrobe in today's KTC banner....
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.