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Re: Hello
« Reply #46 on: June 09, 2011, 02:44:00 PM »
Quote from: GTFAN
It has been 10 days since my last dip. I completely understand what you guys mean when you say "be protective of your quit". I invision my quit almost as my child. If you threaten it, be prepared to face my ktc brothers and myself. Don't you dare try to creep your way back in my life! I've had it with you! Stop wasting your time in my head and move on!

Take pleasure in beating down the nic bitch. We are better than her! Do not be a push over. That is what we have been for the past several years. It is time to stand our ground and say "no more! Get out of my life!"

Let's all be addicted to the quit today.
Reading this further inspired me today. Never too far away from day 1 to appreciate your words.

Thank you sir.

Offline GTFAN

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Re: Hello
« Reply #45 on: June 09, 2011, 08:58:00 AM »
It has been 10 days since my last dip. I completely understand what you guys mean when you say "be protective of your quit". I invision my quit almost as my child. If you threaten it, be prepared to face my ktc brothers and myself. Don't you dare try to creep your way back in my life! I've had it with you! Stop wasting your time in my head and move on!

Take pleasure in beating down the nic bitch. We are better than her! Do not be a push over. That is what we have been for the past several years. It is time to stand our ground and say "no more! Get out of my life!"

Let's all be addicted to the quit today.

Offline ODAAT

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Re: Hello
« Reply #44 on: June 08, 2011, 09:18:00 AM »
Quote from: GTFAN
Day 8 in my quit.  Today fucking sucks.  I've been on edge ever since I woke up.  How can the cravings be getting worse??  There is no longer nicotine in my system for christ sake!!!!!!!!
Hang in there. Your brain is rewiring, and it happens very slow. You've been feeding it a drug that makes your brain produce chemicals to make you feel good, artificially. That's the key word: artificial.

Your brain needs to learn how to produce these chemicals again and it doesn't know what to do or how to handle things right now. Is this scary? Well, it should be. You were dependent on a chemical to function.

You are going to feel angry, tired, frustrated, bored, left out, depressed, anxious, sometimes all at the same time. But pretty soon you will have an entire day where you feel awesome. The whole day. Everything will feel right, no fog, no problems. This is what you will eventually feel like most of the time, and it's worth the work and the wait.

This is a journey that takes months, not days. It took years for your brain to get all boogered up like this, it will take at least months to get back in order.
My quit told me if I ever leave, it will kill me.

Nicotine owned me for 24 years. I resumed control on Feb. 1, 2011.
HOF Date: 05/11/2011

"Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today." -- Mark Twain

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Hello
« Reply #43 on: June 08, 2011, 08:38:00 AM »
Quote from: GTFAN
Day 8 in my quit.  Today fucking sucks.  I've been on edge ever since I woke up.  How can the cravings be getting worse??  There is no longer nicotine in my system for christ sake!!!!!!!!
I'm realistic and know that I'm far from being "out of the woods", but like I said, I feel good right now, today, this minute. I pledged to quit today and nothing can take that away. Have a great day fellow quitters.
Hang tough. This is how it is going to roll. One minute you feel freedom, the next moment the nic bitch kicks you in the balls. The nic bitch knows you are serious about quitting, and boy is she pissed. This is when you bring your arsenal. Post early, use the site, read threads, use chat, use my number. Anything you have to do. This is how you win. It will get easier as you hone your craft at beating her down.

Keep up the fight. It is worth it. THWG.

Offline magnum9

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Re: Hello
« Reply #42 on: June 07, 2011, 11:31:00 PM »
Quote from: GTFAN
Day 8 in my quit. Today fucking sucks. I've been on edge ever since I woke up. How can the cravings be getting worse?? There is no longer nicotine in my system for christ sake!!!!!!!!
Hey bud,

I hate to say this but my worst days were about 10-14. Day 14 I will remember as the worst day I have ever lived. It was that bad.

During the time of day 1-3 it seemed to me were easier because I actually knew what to expect. That following couple weeks were just plain hell.

I don't want to make you feel bad but your brain needs to rewire itself in the next two weeks or so. You really have to know that the mind games are at their peak right now. The physical withdrawal is bad but the mind games are what get a lot of people.

Stick with it. Let me know if you need help.

Offline mule

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Re: Hello
« Reply #41 on: June 07, 2011, 04:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Jtricher
GTFAN - Yesterday was day 11 for me. For the first 10 days, things were under control. Survived the 1st 72 hours. The "suck" was not too bad. Went back to work last Tuesday for the first time quit, and things were more difficult. I expected this, because work is where I dipped the most and the triggers are. Still, survived all last week fairly easily. Last weekend I barely noticed any craves. Then, holy crap, was yesterday. I got hit very hard. Just like your day 8. The cravings were constant and intense. Every second all I could think about was having a dip. I tried walking around the block, closing the door and meditating, seeds, gum, live chat, cussing at Nic and calling her names, etc. Finally, I just had to leave the office, go home and call it a day. This despite the fact I have a ton of work that needs doing. But staring at my computer screen in a dense fog was getting me nowhere. I could not take it anymore. Here's the point. Do whatever it takes to not cave. Understand that you have put junk into your body for years. Junk that is the most addictive substance known to man. You can't just pull it all out cold turkey and not expect days like your Day 8. They will happen, just like my Day 11. Embrace them when they come. It is your body fighting Nic and beating the crap out of her. Yesterday sucked bad for me. Just like your Day 8. But I won the day, because even though I had to leave work, I did not cave. Nor will you. Stay strong and live free. Whatever it takes. No Dip. No Nic.
Yellowjackets....Jayhawks and Bulldawgs...oh my! :o

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Re: Hello
« Reply #40 on: June 07, 2011, 02:43:00 PM »
GTFAN - Yesterday was day 11 for me. For the first 10 days, things were under control. Survived the 1st 72 hours. The "suck" was not too bad. Went back to work last Tuesday for the first time quit, and things were more difficult. I expected this, because work is where I dipped the most and the triggers are. Still, survived all last week fairly easily. Last weekend I barely noticed any craves. Then, holy crap, was yesterday. I got hit very hard. Just like your day 8. The cravings were constant and intense. Every second all I could think about was having a dip. I tried walking around the block, closing the door and meditating, seeds, gum, live chat, cussing at Nic and calling her names, etc. Finally, I just had to leave the office, go home and call it a day. This despite the fact I have a ton of work that needs doing. But staring at my computer screen in a dense fog was getting me nowhere. I could not take it anymore. Here's the point. Do whatever it takes to not cave. Understand that you have put junk into your body for years. Junk that is the most addictive substance known to man. You can't just pull it all out cold turkey and not expect days like your Day 8. They will happen, just like my Day 11. Embrace them when they come. It is your body fighting Nic and beating the crap out of her. Yesterday sucked bad for me. Just like your Day 8. But I won the day, because even though I had to leave work, I did not cave. Nor will you. Stay strong and live free. Whatever it takes. No Dip. No Nic.
I chose Freedom on May 26, 2011, at 9:16 PM CST. My Introduction
I entered the HOF on September 2, 2011, at 7:08 AM CST. My HOF Speech

Offline husker06484

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Re: Hello
« Reply #39 on: June 07, 2011, 02:38:00 PM »
Quote from: GTFAN
Day 8 in my quit.  Today fucking sucks.  I've been on edge ever since I woke up.  How can the cravings be getting worse??  There is no longer nicotine in my system for christ sake!!!!!!!!
I will tell you this....I am on day 83 and my fucking lip is trembling for a big fatty....

This is the first time it has been this bad since the beginning....It will pass...Its been like this for a good portion of the day....The Nic bitch wants me back, and she wants me back bad!

It gets better day by day....ITs my promise to Myself, my June Brothers and all the men and women here at KTC that keep me quit...Yea I love how some people say accountabilty to people I may never meet doesnt work....I laugh at them.....

hang in there!

Offline mule

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Re: Hello
« Reply #38 on: June 07, 2011, 02:24:00 PM »
Quote from: GTFAN
Day 8 in my quit.  Today fucking sucks.  I've been on edge ever since I woke up.  How can the cravings be getting worse??  There is no longer nicotine in my system for christ sake!!!!!!!!
Look at every crave as a personal attack against your quit.....because in reality, that is what it is. They will sneak up on you...sometimes when you kinda expect it, other times it will totally ambush you.

here's the thing......

When you post roll first thing in the morning, you now have a weapon that will always defeat any crave.

You have the power of your has been wagered. There is no way I will lose that is too can not happen. This one tool is enough to brush off any crave you may ever have.....

when you combine that with the responsibility of your actions to your brothers, the respect for what we are collectively accomplishing....often for the first time in our lives, the sincere belief that we are all in this together.....and that i will not fail you and i have every expectation that you will not fail me.

Wear your craves proudly....they are your badges....they are your medals....they are your battle scars.....

They mean you are winning....little by little....each and every day.

p.s. Go Dawgs! 'na na'

Offline G

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Re: Hello
« Reply #37 on: June 07, 2011, 02:11:00 PM »
Quote from: GTFAN
Day 8 in my quit. Today fucking sucks. I've been on edge ever since I woke up. How can the cravings be getting worse?? There is no longer nicotine in my system for christ sake!!!!!!!!
You're going to have more days like this, but they do get less and less painful. It will be worth the price of admission, I promise. Just keep posting roll and fighting each day. I'm sending you a PM as well.

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Re: Hello
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2011, 02:08:00 PM »
Quote from: mule21
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: GTFAN
Quote from: bigbamadan
Quote from: GTFAN
haha.  To hell with GA!!  Nice to meet you.  I appreciate everyones advice.  I have tested myself in these past 2 days, and I have won the battle.  The urges are almost gone completely, but the mental things/nic bitch are putting my mind to test, but I'm confident I can beat the bitch.  I feel good today boys.  Day 6.
I'm glad this GT thing has been cleared up. At first I thought he was a ghey threesome fan. :unsure:
This place must get extremely interesting during football season. Don't we play you guys in the next year or two btw?
Especially at the nude flag football game.
thongs are not completely nude

'assman' 'assman' 'assman' 'assman' 'assman' 'assman' 'assman'


'assman' 'assman'

*this would be cooler if i knew how to create space in my thongs* 'bang head'
Hey GTFAN, welcome to the site. Is this you? ... ernets.jpg

Seriously, let me know if you need anything.

Offline GTFAN

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Re: Hello
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2011, 02:07:00 PM »
Thanks Greg.

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Hello
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2011, 01:49:00 PM »
The nicotine is gone but your memory of it and your bodies desire to have it take quite a bit longer.

Quitting is hard work, especially early on. Know that each day you heal more and eventually the good days will outweigh the bad. Enjoy the good days you have early on, and get to the site and fight it out when the days are bad.

Make sure you check out the what to expect page...

Keep fighting... it is worth it.


Offline GTFAN

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Re: Hello
« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2011, 01:21:00 PM »
Day 8 in my quit. Today fucking sucks. I've been on edge ever since I woke up. How can the cravings be getting worse?? There is no longer nicotine in my system for christ sake!!!!!!!!

Offline mule

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Re: Hello
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2011, 12:52:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: GTFAN
Quote from: bigbamadan
Quote from: GTFAN
haha.  To hell with GA!!  Nice to meet you.  I appreciate everyones advice.  I have tested myself in these past 2 days, and I have won the battle.  The urges are almost gone completely, but the mental things/nic bitch are putting my mind to test, but I'm confident I can beat the bitch.  I feel good today boys.  Day 6.
I'm glad this GT thing has been cleared up. At first I thought he was a ghey threesome fan. :unsure:
This place must get extremely interesting during football season. Don't we play you guys in the next year or two btw?
Especially at the nude flag football game.
thongs are not completely nude

'assman' 'assman' 'assman' 'assman' 'assman' 'assman' 'assman'


'assman' 'assman'

*this would be cooler if i knew how to create space in my thongs* 'bang head'