Made it to the second floor. Over 200 Days now! For those just starting, if I can quit, anybody can quit. Saying that the last 200 Days were challenging and sometimes felt like I was in hell. One thing I noticed are the questions I tried to answer “what defines nicotine withdrawal?” and “What does nicotine withdrawal feel like?” Over the last 200 Days I went to the emergency room 3 times for chest pains and light headiness. Had extensive looks at my heart by three cardiologists only to be told that I’m in top physical condition at age 43. Actually I was defined as athletic since I run all the time. Absolutely nothing wrong with me. All my symptoms have waned...the chest pains are gone, the anxiety is gone, and the adrenaline rushes are diminishing. What I realize now, everything I have experienced was the nicotine withdrawal. And yes, this all happened between days 45-160. The physical withdrawal was so intense at times I actually thought I was having heart attack. What I didn’t realize at the time this was the nicotine withdrawal trying to make me cave, but I haven’t and never will. What I went through makes for certain that I’ll never dip again. Not only have I quit nicotine, but I have quit drinking coffee and soda. I never planned on quitting coffee, but the intense withdrawals from the nicotine made me due to my anxiety levels. What’s is interesting is I started dipping and drinking coffee at age 33. Now I have quitted both together. For those quitting dipping, don’t give in and don’t give up. For those starting their quit, use the website and what it definitely helps! Also, post your withdrawal symptoms so others can learn from them. Everyone’s quit is different, but understanding the symptoms helps fight this fucking disease.