Author Topic: 60 Days Time For Intro  (Read 1066 times)

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Offline Nate1974

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Re: 60 Days Time For Intro
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2017, 03:08:00 AM »
Made it to the second floor. Over 200 Days now! For those just starting, if I can quit, anybody can quit. Saying that the last 200 Days were challenging and sometimes felt like I was in hell. One thing I noticed are the questions I tried to answer “what defines nicotine withdrawal?” and “What does nicotine withdrawal feel like?” Over the last 200 Days I went to the emergency room 3 times for chest pains and light headiness. Had extensive looks at my heart by three cardiologists only to be told that I’m in top physical condition at age 43. Actually I was defined as athletic since I run all the time. Absolutely nothing wrong with me. All my symptoms have waned...the chest pains are gone, the anxiety is gone, and the adrenaline rushes are diminishing. What I realize now, everything I have experienced was the nicotine withdrawal. And yes, this all happened between days 45-160. The physical withdrawal was so intense at times I actually thought I was having heart attack. What I didn’t realize at the time this was the nicotine withdrawal trying to make me cave, but I haven’t and never will. What I went through makes for certain that I’ll never dip again. Not only have I quit nicotine, but I have quit drinking coffee and soda. I never planned on quitting coffee, but the intense withdrawals from the nicotine made me due to my anxiety levels. What’s is interesting is I started dipping and drinking coffee at age 33. Now I have quitted both together. For those quitting dipping, don’t give in and don’t give up. For those starting their quit, use the website and what it definitely helps! Also, post your withdrawal symptoms so others can learn from them. Everyone’s quit is different, but understanding the symptoms helps fight this fucking disease.

Offline Nate1974

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Re: 60 Days Time For Intro
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2017, 11:12:00 PM »
Thanks Dudes!!! I appreciate the advice! Today was tough. Just signing up today stopped me from making a huge mistake and going back to day zero. Just finished 8.5 miles, combination of walking and running. Feel awesome and my anxiety/urge to dip has finally faded.

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Re: 60 Days Time For Intro
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2017, 09:43:00 PM »
Thanks for your service!

It don't matter how big or how bad you are this whips a lot of asses big and small and does not discriminate. Quit for yourself and everyone around will benefit. Normal is really different from your normal self now. I hated my normal at first but now it has changed so many different things in my life not only physically but mentally also. I wish I would never had started, life is so much better. It's gonna suck until it don't. Sign up post roll! You will need help. Don't think you to big a badass to ask for help, if that was the case you wouldn't be here now. Posting roll is cost for admission. Will be wating, remember no matter what you decide it's not gonna get better over night. 908 days later I'm still an addict and can admit, I always will be. Takes awhile to get the brain to understand that. Wish I would have quit when my son was 2, he's now 31. I quit with you today!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline pky1520

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Re: 60 Days Time For Intro
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2017, 09:26:00 PM »
The closest I ever got to a cave (after finding Ktc) was around Day 80. I'm at 417 and had a craving the other day that was brutal. But honestly, it's super rare now. I don't worry about nicotine 99% of the time. That 1% is a bitch though.

60 days might seem like a lot and it's an awesome accomplishment, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to how long you dipped and how long you will be clean. Just worry about today. The rest of your life will take care of itself, you'll deal with it as it comes.

Offline Nate1974

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Re: 60 Days Time For Intro
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2017, 08:57:00 PM »
Thanks Dude! I know it's a process and I have to redefine the "new normal." The physical withdrawal I'm going through is absolutely insane. This is after 60 this normal? Glad I found this site. Never thought I would be counting days...but again, I never thought I would be addicted to chew. Just glad I'm in excellent shape and mentally ready for this.

Offline pky1520

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Re: 60 Days Time For Intro
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2017, 07:57:00 PM »
Welcome Nate! Thanks for your service and glad to have you here.

You'll have to redefine what normalcy is. For many of us, being an adult without dip is completely foreign. I'm impressed that you went so long solo but even more impressed that you've identified that you need help now and are willing to seek it out.

Everyone goes through it a little differently, but one thing that most of us have in common is that the toughest times are after the physical withdrawal has ceased. The mental and emotional attachments are the toughest to deal with. Please trust me that as you progress, it will get better. It's not necessary linear, but I assure you that it will become much much better. If you get your mind right, you will actually enjoy and take pride in being quit.

Welcome again and glad to see you've found August. Make a daily promise there and keep it.

Offline Nate1974

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60 Days Time For Intro
« on: June 22, 2017, 06:44:00 PM »
60 Days since I quit chewing. Started chewing in 2008 on my deployment to the Mid-East. Told myself I would quit upon my return. Redeployed the second time in 2009 and was still chewing. Redeployed a third time in 2012 and was still chewing. I was 33 years when I started. I personally didn't have any withdrawal urges or symptoms my first 30 days; however, the last 30 days have been really, really intense for me. Hence, 30 days ago I started trolling the site. The anxiety comes and go...sometimes it's really intense and I feel like I could run 10 miles or just ran 10 miles...after the anxiety passes I feel tired. I never had anxiety until I quitted the chew 60 days ago. I can't even sit and focus without my mind racing and my feeling like rush going through it. This is a battle of the wills that I'm not going to lose. I don't know what they put in this shit, but quitting is tough. All the info saying it takes a week to get the nicotine out of the system my be true chemically, but physically or psychologically it's all bullshit. If it was true, I wouldn't feel like this. I agree, quitting cold turkey is the only way to go. My goal now, is get back to normalcy being dipped free. Saying that, 2017 is going to be a tough year. I quit for my 2 year old son.