Hey everyone. I have officially decided to quit. I have been chewing for a little over 5 years and it has been interesting to say the least. There have been times where I have quite for a few months to a few days to a few hours but I end up always going back. I have ended up finding this group and decided I need to stop and stop for good. I have a little baby girl on the way and I do not want her exposed to this crap. Although I tend to only chew at work or at very stressful times but I have never had the support. I have hid it from my wife and family for years and they all think that I don't do chew. NOW is the time that them thinking I don't chew is reality.
Now don't get me wrong this is not going to be easy for me and I will need all of your support. I just took out my last dip and threw it away along with the can and all. I am now fully committed to this and I can not let this control me any more. I WILL NOT CHEW AGAIN!
Thank you every one for the support and I look forward to the first 100 days!! (well maybe not but it will be worth it!!!)
Welcome Winkler! Way to dive in and post roll!
Drink lots of water, exercise, read the good words here (hall of fame speeches,mint row, words of wisdom), and vent at us,Minot at home.
Meet your quit bros and txt eachother.
Quit on!